Hey yall, how's your first day of 2007 going? I spent all my day procrastinating… such a good way to start off the year, isn't it? LOL. Thank you jessicadanielle for my first review!

Well, I have no idea what to write now. I'll just do it as I go and hope it turns out good... oh yeah F.Y.I., in my story, Aang never kissed Katara.

Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender or any of its characters, and I am not making any profit off of this story.


Katara slowly walked back to camp, running into a few trees and tripping over a few roots as a result of her distraction.

That was Zuko that she kissed, right? Is that possible? Why didn't the world explode or something?

Even though the banished prince and his uncle had joined the group weeks ago, Zuko had never really seemed to fit in. Iroh quickly became one of the crew, but Zuko isolated himself on purpose by sleeping farther away from them, eating by himself away from the campsite, and only talking to them when necessary, despite Aang's sweet attempts to start conversations with him. He just seemed to like to be alone.

Katara often wondered if he had some sort of mental disorder. He sure acted like it. Whenever she tried to speak with him, he would merely grunt or rudely ignore her. She sometimes told herself he must be mute. Either that, or he was just plain stupid.

She had never been friendly with him, maybe they all still held resentment towards him for chasing them around the world and trying to capture them, which was completely reasonable if you asked Katara. Sokka sure did, and he certainly didn't have trouble expressing his feelings. Katara just genuinely disliked Zuko; he was rude, mean, and always in a bad mood. But when he kissed her (Did that actually happen, or had she been dreaming? Why would she dream about kissing Zuko?, she felt something other than a general disliking of him. As a matter of fact, it was the complete opposite of that, she… liked him?

"Ouch!" Katara yelped, "Why do I keep running into trees?!?"

"Aang, I think I hear Katara! This way!" Sokka yelled and pointed into the trees.

"I'm right here, Sokka. I just ran into a tree."

As Sokka ran towards Katara, she could see the frown on his face. As she looked around and actually took in her surroundings for the first time since the… well, you know… in the forest, Katara realized that it was sunrise. The sky was no longer pitch black, and the sun was peeking out over the clouds.

Uh oh. She thought. Sokka's going to kill me! How long have I been gone? Where did all the time go?

And she left our world again, daydreaming about Zuko's beautiful amber eyes.

"KATARA!! Helloooo, Earth to Katara!" Sokka yelled in her face.

"Huh? Oh sorry, what?"

"What do you mean 'what?' I said 'Where have you been?!'"

"And would you happen to know where my nephew is?" Iroh chimed in, a smirk on his face.

"Uhhm… I got lost… and Zuko's fine. He, uhh… he… he left."

"He left? Left to go where?" Iroh asked.

"Uhhm… on a walk. He said he'd be back after a while."

"You got lost? After all your talk about my bad instincts, you got lost?"

"Oh, be quiet, Sokka."

"No, no, no! There is no way that's gonna happen! I'm NEVER letting you live this down!"

She let Sokka ramble on about his oh-so-perfect instincts while Katara stared at the horizon, thinking about the kiss she shared with the man she would never expect it from.


Zuko spent about an hour or so walking through the forest and occasionally stopping to practice his bending before he returned to their campsite. There he found Katara cooking a meal for the practically-drooling Sokka beside her while his uncle made a pot of tea and conversed with Aang.

He walked over to his uncle and sat down next to them.

"Oh there you are, Zuko. Miss Katara told us you went on a walk. Would you like some tea?"

"No thank you, Uncle."

Katara gasped when she heard Zuko's voice and turned around to find him looking straight at her. She blushed and quickly turned around; stirring the pot of soup she was cooking furiously. Zuko smirked and stood up, striding towards her. He leaned around her shoulder and whispered in her ear:

"What are you cooking?"

She jumped and dropped the spoon on the ground.

"Oh! Uhhm… just some… uhh… soup! You can have some, but you'll have to wait over there with your uncle, away from here!" she nervously chattered.

"Why, don't you like me, Katara?"

"Yes! I mean no! I mean… it's just that, uhh… this is a secret recipe! And you cannot see it! So you have to go sit away from me."

Katara was so nervous around him, she couldn't think straight with him so close. She certainly couldn't cook like that. He smirked and grazed a hand across her back.

"Alright, if that's the situation I guess I can wait over there for you to finish. It just looks like it will taste so delicious…"

She jumped again as he touched her back and remembered just how delicious Zuko… err, her soup, did taste.

Zuko's smirk was bigger than ever as he took his place next to Uncle again.


It was nighttime, and everyone was preparing for bed. Katara hadn't been thinking clearly all day, and had run into quite a few more things (such as Sokka), resulting in a bad headache. She looked around and saw that everyone was sleeping, double-checking to make sure Zuko was, and stood up to go for a walk. She made her way back to the small river and knelt down next to the edge of the water, gently moving her hand around in it for a few moments before standing up again.

Katara slowly removed her parka, leaving only her underclothes to cover her, and stepped into the clear water. She sighed as it hit her skin, closing her eyes and bending the water up her entire upper body and spiraling it like ribbons around her. Katara smiled peacefully and made steps from the water, forming a spiral staircase and walking up it, higher and higher into the sky, until she felt as if she could reach out and grab the moon if she wanted to.

When she finally looked back down at the ground Katara was completely and utterly shocked. Leaning against the very same tree where she had received her first kiss was the very last person she had expected to see here…


Why, oh why was he here? She had just begun to completely stop shaking and he just had to show up, didn't he? Now she was going to have to admit that the kiss they shared was the most amazing gift she'd ever been given. Yes, it was a gift. Something that magnificent was too good to be seen as anything lower than that.

Katara sighed and bended the water to take her down in one giant wave, landing a few feet in front of the former prince.

"Uhhm…" she began.

"Why'd you stop?" he questioned.

"Stop what?"


"Well… because you were staring at me."


"So… it's weird."

"Do it again."



"What if I don't want to?"

"Just do it."

Katara sighed yet again (How many times had she done that today?), and walked over to the edge of the river to do what Zuko had asked of her. But as soon as she raised her arms in the air he was right behind her, his hands lying atop on hers, his chest touching her back. She gasped when his skin made contact with hers, but she didn't say anything as he moved their bodies as one in a firebending move. He did it once again and this time she bended the river water like he would fire.

They stopped moving and Katara lowered her arms to her side as Zuko wrapped his around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder.

"Zuko, you know we can't do this."

"We already are, Katara."

"But we shouldn't."

"Why not?"

"Because… what would Sokka say?"

"Has that ever stopped you before?"

"Well, no… but that's not the point!"

"Then what is?"

"That we can't do this! It's wrong!"

"It's not wrong, Katara."

"Yes it is! You're from the Fire Nation and I'm from the Southern Water Tribe! It just can't work. I don't care if your against them now, you're still fire and I'm still water. We're complete opposites!"

Zuko raised his head and turned Katara around, placed his hands on her shoulders, and looked her square in the eye.

"You know what? I don't care where we came from or what the world tells us! What matters is that we're right here, right now, and that we can make our own decisions. I know what I felt when we kissed, Katara, now tell me what you felt."

She looked around nervously, avoiding his gaze and muttering something about the weather.

"Katara, tell me. Be honest."

She sighed for what seemed like the 85 billionth time and finally looked at his gorgeous eyes, not saying anything, but remembering everything.

"I felt… warm."


"Yes, warm, and nervous, very nervous." She blushed, "And… at peace, like the world could end and I'd be okay, as long as I was right there… with you."

She looked away again and swore her cheeks were hotter than they'd ever been in all her life.

"It's not wrong to feel like this, Katara. You're not betraying anyone. Please don't deny it, I don't know what I'd do if you did."

Katara looked into his golden eyes again and smiled. She pulled Zuko closer and held him tightly, resting her head on his chest.

"My prince…" she whispered, and he tilted her chin up and kissed her.

"My waterbender…" he whispered back, and she smiled.

Zuko swept Katara up bridal-style and carried her all the way back to the campsite. Once they reached it, he laid her down to sleep and tucked her in. He went over to his sleeping bag (A/N: I'm pretty sure it's not a sleeping bag, I'm really sorry I don't know the correct term, anyone wanna tell me what they sleep in?) and slipped in, closing his eyes and dreaming about things only he would ever know.

All the while, two pairs of eyes were barely open, observing the scene before them, and a small chuckle was heard only by the nocturnal animals around their little campsite.


So… whatcha think? REVIEW, I'm BEGGING YOU! And suggestions for a freaking plot for this story would be AMAZING, because I do not have one! It was supposed to be a oneshot, but now I wanna make it a story. But I need a plot to do that! Or at least suggestions for what to do in the next chapter. THANKS!