Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura were all sitting around Sasuke's small table. Of course, now their food was cold because Sakura had wanted to examine every inch of Sasuke's house. Sasuke was also ready to hang Naruto- not to mention Sakura- by the throat from his ceiling. Naruto could swear that the brunette didn't stop glaring once throughout the entire dinner, and he also said nothing. However, Sakura was not fazed, though Naruto might have been a bit.

"Ya know, this is the first time I've ever been in Sasuke's house." Sakura said, looking around once again, as if to absorb everything in this one visit.

"Really? Mine too," Naruto said. He thought he heard Sasuke mumble some smart-ass comment under his breath, but he pretended that his comrade had said nothing.

"Wow, isn't that a coincidence?" Sakura said. "Oh, you have a lovely home, by the way," she said, the comment directed at Sasuke.

"Hn." Of course, Sasuke was too rude to even give a simple "thank you" to the obsessive- and possessive- girl.

A very tense, very pregnant silence then fell upon the three. Sasuke had hardly touched his food, Sakura probably knew that she would be shooed as soon as she finished eating, and so she ate painfully slow, and Naruto acted normal: engulfing his food like a vacuum cleaner. The blonde also felt terrible for completely ruining Sasuke's dinner, and Sasuke's whole night, and Sasuke's entire day. But he didn't say anything. He was keeping busy on his food, which actually was delicious, not that he had had any doubt that it would be in the first place.

"This is really great, you guys," Sakura finally said, popping the silence that had been similar to a balloon held over a needle.

"Sasuke did it all. I just nearly burned down the whole place. Sasuke had to save me."

Sasuke smirked. It sounded mild when Naruto put it that way- a lot less dramatic and a lot less harmful.

"Oh, well, it's really excellent," Sakura said, looking right at Sasuke, waiting for him to respond.

"I know," the arrogant bastard finally responded after a long time of being stared at by both Sakura and Naruto. Naruto wanted to burst with anger. At least Sakura was putting in some effort. The very minimum that Sasuke could do was try to not be a stupid, pompous jerk and give her a real, polite answer. However, knowing that the situation was awkward even for Sasuke, he said nothing, just reminding himself that he had invited the girl, so it was his job to keep her satisfied and happy for as long as she stayed, which- hopefully- wouldn't be too long.

Sasuke set down his silverware and picked up his glass of water, which was when Sakura noticed the bandages. She was instantly at Sasuke's side, using the excuse to hold his hand.

"Oh, my God, Sasuke, are you okay?!" she shrieked in her horridly girly voice that made both boys flinch. Now Naruto really felt bad for Sasuke. Not only was he being forced against his will to eat his supper with the one girl he absolutely despised, but she was holding his hand and being just plain annoying. He felt that he needed to intervene, but didn't dare for fear of making Sasuke even more pissed off- if possible.

"I'm fine," Sasuke ground out irritably.


"I'm fine."

"But Sasuke-"

"Sakura! I'm fine, okay? Just, for God's sake, sit down and finish your meal."

Damn. That outburst would have made Naruto shit himself if he had been Sakura. But, expectedly, Sakura being Sakura, her eyes welled up and tears started gathering at the corners of her eyes. Naruto would have felt bad and instantly apologized, but not Sasuke. In fact, he was so pissed off, that he shoved his chair out and stood.

"Please excuse me," he said, his manners kicking in just a tad too late. But no one would have objected had he not said anything at all.

"Thanks for inviting me, Naruto, but I have to go home now. My parents will be worried." And with that said, Sakura poofed away right as her first sob reached Naruto's ears.

"Well, didn't that turn out nicely?" Naruto said sarcastically to himself as he stood and began picking up. He put Sasuke's plate in the fridge for later, seeing as he hardly touched it, along with the other leftovers. Scraping his and Sakura's plates, he thought back on the whole meal, wondering if it was truly his fault, or if Sasuke was just that much of a bastard. Naruto decided that it was definitely his fault as he began rinsing the plates and putting them into the sink to be washed later.

The terrible part was that Sasuke had made that meal himself, and because of Naruto, he hadn't even gotten to enjoy it. It was a shame, too, because it was some damn good food.

"Sasuke?" Naruto asked after tapping on the brunette's bedroom door, which he had heard slam earlier.

Hearing nothing, he tentively opened the door. He smiled to himself, though, when he saw Sasuke sprawled out on his bed, legs already tangled in the covers and face mashed into one of his pillows. Naruto didn't know what he was doing- or what he was going to do- when he started to approach the bed, though. This was an image that he had to capture for later. Sasuke's mouth was still closed, but his expression was soft, relaxed. Every now and then his brows would furrow, but his face relaxed again with a little, muffled groan.

And then, without even realizing what he had been doing, Naruto felt soft lips on his own. The amazing part was that he had kissed Sasuke. Not the other way around. Naruto couldn't even blame the bet because it was the opposite way around. He had to get a guy to kiss him. But Naruto wasn't gay… was he? He couldn't be. However, he knew differently when he thought back on everything that he had thought about his friend. He had thought everything that friends don't think about other friends- especially if that friend isn't gay. Damn.

An arm suddenly wrapped around his waste and pulled him onto the bed. Actually, it pulled him on top of the "sleeping" Uchiha.

"I-I thought you were sleeping," Naruto sputtered when he felt Sasuke's eyes on him. He couldn't see them in the dark, but he could definitely feel them.

"I was," Sasuke said in a normal I-just-woke-up voice that was slightly husky. "But I woke up when someone kissed me."

"Well, isn't that an odd way to wake up?"

"I suppose so."


Naruto was cut off with lips on his, startling him. He closed his eyes and opened his mouth, and Sasuke took over, pushing his tongue into Naruto's mouth. The blonde pulled away for air a few moments later. Looking at the clock, he saw that it was 11:56. Which meant that he had won.

"I guess this means that I win."

"I guess so," Sasuke said, not really caring at this point. He had his mouth latched onto Naruto's collarbone.

"You owe me 50 Ryo," Naruto said smirking.

"I think trading you shirts, putting out the fire, and making dinner would cover the cost," the Uchiha said, stingy as ever.

"Maybe if I got to keep the shirt…"

"I'll buy you as many shirts as you want if you'll just shut up right now," Sasuke said. Naruto smiled. Yep, same old Sasuke- always doing something to get Naruto to shut up, whether it be trading shirts or buying him clothes. So Naruto shut up and enjoyed what he thought would be coming… Which turned out to not be very much. He and Sasuke kissed a bit, made out a lot, and then Sasuke suddenly pushed Naruto off of him so that they were lying side by side.

"I'm tired," he said. "Night, dobe."

"Night, Teme… And don't call me dobe." Naruto didn't really care, though. Sasuke didn't say anything, and somehow Naruto knew that he was already asleep. Smiling, he leaned over and placed a chaste kiss on his friend's forehead, then settled in to sleep himself.

The next morning, Naruto woke up and Sasuke was already gone. His stomach- and heart- sank with disappointment. He had at least expected to wake up next to someone, even though he had known better. He was getting his hopes up way too soon, that was all. After all, he and Sasuke were no established couple or anything, right?

He laid there for a few minutes, just trying to recall what it felt like to sleep next to someone for the first time he could remember in his entire life. It was a nice feeling, to be surrounded by the sensation of warmth and safety. It was just… amazing. Especially when he knew that he had just shared a bed with the most sought-after heartthrob in all of Konoha. That wasn't too bad of an accomplishment.

The smell of fresh food pulled Naruto out of his thoughts, out of Sasuke's bed, and straight to the kitchen, where he was not surprised to see Sasuke going at it again with the spices, pans, and utensils.

"Morning, Dobe," he said. Naruto realized that "dobe" was now officially his title, not just an offensive nickname.

"Morning, Teme." Naruto would just have to give Sasuke an offensive permanent name, then, and teme seemed to fit perfectly.

"Hungry yet?"

"Are you asking because you want to be a dick, or because you really want to know?"

"Both. And could you please not say 'dick'? It's vulgar," Sasuke said, plopping a perfectly cooked, sunny-side-up egg on a plate with some bacon and toast. He set the plate in front of Naruto.

"It's also vulgar to say what I'd like to do with my dick, but do you not want me to talk about that either?" Naruto replied without thinking, surprising even himself. Even more surprising than what he had said was Sasuke's reaction.

The Uchiha actually blushed. He blushed! It was ludicrous.

"I'd rather you not talk about it at the table," Sasuke said.

"So you'd prefer I talk about it elsewhere?"

"I'd prefer you not to talk about it at all."

"That's not what you just said," Naruto teased.

"Naruto, please…" Sasuke said as he sat down with his own plate. Naruto also noticed how the Uchiha was still in his pajamas.

That makes him at least semi-normal, then, Naruto thought to himself.

"Please what, Sasuke?" Naruto asked. He was slowly starting to push his chair back. Sasuke didn't notice.

"Don't be difficult."

"Who's the one being difficult?" Naruto was starting to lean across the table now.

"Are you asking because you want to be a dick, or because you really want to know," Sasuke asked.

"Both. And could you please not say 'dick'? It reminds me what I want to do to you…"

Sasuke was honestly speechless at this point. Besides, he couldn't say anything when Naruto closed the gap between them and shoved his tongue into his mouth, could he? Sasuke pushed his chair back and stood so that Naruto didn't have to totally lean over the table anymore. Naruto smiled against Sasuke's lips. The other boy really had no idea what he did to Naruto, and he never even tried.

It didn't take long for Naruto and Sasuke to completely knock everything off of the table, food and dishes clattering to the floor with a quiet, "Damnit," coming from Sasuke. Naruto was definitely the one with the control this time. He quickly managed to get Sasuke flat on his back on the table, shocking the brunette. In fact, he gasped and his eyes went wide for a moment.

"I may be smaller than you, but I'm just as able," Naruto whispered into Sasuke's ear in the most sultry voice he could.

He felt the shudder run through the body pressed beneath him. It was a truly amazing feeling. Naruto had never had so much power over anyone before in his life. He was practically drowning in it, only in a good way (assuming there's a good way to drown.) He wanted it to last forever, which meant he was not going to give Sasuke time to turn the tables.

Naruto's nimble fingers were running all over Sasuke's skin, loving the feel of the smooth expanses of unexplored territory. It was enthralling and addicting. The blonde also didn't mind the constant shudders that Sasuke was giving off. They definitely weren't bad either.

"Naruto…" Sasuke tried to say, but the busy blonde cut him off with a long, deep kiss.

"Mmm, Naruto," Sasuke attempted again.

"Shh!" Naruto hissed, using his talented tongue to swipe the shell of Sasuke's ear.

"Naruto!" Sasuke cried, finally trying to push the blonde away.

"For Christ's sake, what is it?"

"We have training in ten minutes and we have to clean up this mess."

"This whole time all you were thinking about was that damn mess?"

"No, but I was keeping track of the time. Unlike some people, I don't loose control of myself."

"I'd beg to differ."

"Good. I like it when you beg," Sasuke retorted with a smirk.

"You've never seen me beg."

"But I will," the brunette responded confidently.

"You seem pretty sure of that."

"I am sure of that. Now get off of me." Sasuke didn't wait for Naruto to comply, though, before just shoving him onto the floor and getting up.

"You start cleaning this up, and I'm going to go get dressed." And with that, Sasuke disappeared into his bedroom, leaving Naruto to clean up the mess that he hadn't entirely made…

A/N: Well, I know it wasn't much of a grand finale, but I don't write lemons, so that's as good as it's going to get.

But yay, it's over! Now I just have two others to finish up- one of which I'm going to totally redo- then I can get to work on a request that was put in a long time ago and start a new story. I'm excited.

Thank you for sticking with me through all of this. I know that the endings to my stories usually aren't the best, but I think they'll get better as I go along. Thanks again.