Part 6: Millennium
Yugi didn't always like to mention the fact that…well, he had crushes on guys. He got picked on enough without having to worry about what an admission like that would bring down upon him. Most people already thought he and Jounouchi were dating, since Anzu seemed far less inclined to look for romance and that she was spending more working as the class president and doing what she could for the school, as well as trying to find a good job.
So he was quite happy when they got a new transfer student in, a white-haired boy with a kind smile and a soft-spoken, polite way of speaking, who said his name was Bakura Ryo. He ended up sitting next to Jounouchi, though most of the girls complained about Jounouchi being a 'rotten apple' who'd just give Bakura a bad impression of the class.
Jounouchi let the words roll off her and instead smiled at Bakura and helped him out, introducing him to Yugi, Anzu, Honda and Miho during class break.
"It's a pleasure to meet all of you." Bakura smiled at Yugi as they chatted, perking up as he heard information about Yugi. "Oh, your family owns a game store?"
"Yeah. Do you like games?"
"I'm mostly partial to Monster World," Bakura said, letting Yugi explain it was a table-top RPG that pitted the DM (in this case, "Dark Master") against the other players. Often, the game and the enjoyment hinged on how well the different groups did the role-playing, as well as how well the DM was at telling a story. The more skilled or larger the board, the more likely a longer game would be played or that a game would become more advanced.
Bakura smiled as he listened to Yugi explain it, his eyes amazed and also, almost excited at how excited Yugi was. "You know a great deal about games, Yugi."
Yugi felt himself blush as he smiled sheepishly. "My grandpa lets me show off a lot of different games. Monster World is just a bit harder to show off 'cause it requires a lot of people." He didn't want to mention that, up until recently, Yugi hadn't had any friends to play these games with. Jounouchi seemed to pick up on his distress and said, "Oh, hey, why don't we go over to someone's house and play a game or two? It sounds fun!"
Bakura suddenly appeared quite nervous, shifting a bit before saying, "um…yeah…that…that sounds fun."
The next recess had Miho and Honda talking to one side, and Jounouchi mostly herding the sudden fangirls that Bakura had away, muttering about 'bossy women' as Yugi sat with Bakura.
"You don't want us to play?" Yugi asked, confused. He was also worried, understanding how secrets and problems could make you worried or even less likely to talk to others. He was lucky to have friends like Jounouchi and Anzu to help him, and to try and keep him sane, especially after what happened to Kaiba. He knew Jounouchi's father had more news about it, but luckily Sansone Jounouchi didn't talk to Yugi much, and didn't mention what had happened or if anything bad had come of it. Even if Jounouchi and Layla said nothing had, Yugi still worried that they were just telling him that so he wouldn't despair.
"Well…" Bakura shifted before saying, "Um…I was meaning to ask, Yugi, about your pendent."
Yugi blinked at the change of subject, but smiled after a bit. He knew the reasoning for it, and nodded as he reached to hold it. "It's actually a puzzle I finished making…the Millennium Puzzle. It was found in Egypt."
Bakura looked it over, taking hold of it briefly and looking fascinated by it. "It's nice. It looks just l-." He suddenly gasped and winced, letting go of the Puzzle and reaching to hold his chest.
"It's ok. Just…maybe I should go to the nurse?"
Yugi motioned to one of the girls, who happily came over to gush over Bakura before she heard he might have heart-trouble, instead instantly going into 'nurse' mode and helping him leave, apparently fine with Jounouchi stopping the gaggle of girls from following. Jounouchi frowned and looked back over at Yugi, who looked down at the Puzzle with confusion while questions danced around his head. What had happened? Had the Puzzle hurt Bakura?
Most Millennium Items are like tombs of mighty, ancient souls. But…if there are keepers of those tombs, then there also have to be grave robbers…
Yugi woke with a gasp, a hand going to his chest as he shivered and tried hard to not scream at the phantom pain in his chest. He felt like something was trying to dig in claws, to tear him open. Coupled with the earlier part of the dream, which had been pleasant and quite strange.
He'd been playing a game, a really weird one that involved Jounouchi and Bakura, and some weird rule where they had to take off clothing when they lost. Then, oddly, they were lying next to him on the floor, and he was being touched everywhere before he saw something, like from another person's mind, and hearing it taunting him, about lost friends, and games…and wishes. Then there'd been a sharp pain in his chest before he'd heard the speech and woke, shivering and trying not to scream. He could feel the weird motion of the shadows around him, and while he feared his other side, he wasn't as afraid of the odd shadowy power and movement that came with him. He supposed it was, in part, because of how they'd helped him find Jounouchi, as well as later, when he'd been trapped by the Dragon Cards.
Yugi slowly lay back down, hugging himself and trying to sleep. On the table nearby, the puzzle's odd eye, which Yugi had learned was called a Wadjet eye, looked back at him blankly.
Please let Bakura be ok. Please…
Bakura wasn't at school the next day, and talk was up about the fact that one of the teachers, a gym teacher known for picking on Jounouchi, Yugi, and Anzu, as well as having been seen picking on Bakura yesterday, was now in a coma.
Honda had waved it off, saying it was just a coincidence and they should be happy that the assistant was nicer than Mr. Karita. Miho seemed happier that they weren't having the sadist teaching them. A lot of students had complained about Karita's harassment of them, especially with concern to their hairstyles and physical abilities. His assistant was a much nicer person, and few were upset about whatever had happened to Karita.
Jounouchi moved over to sit next to Yugi during break, looking obviously worried. "You think something happened?"
"I know it wasn't me, but…" Yugi shifted, looking almost fearful, "I had a bad dream, and…Bakura looked like he wanted to talk about something that happened, when he saw my Millennium Puzzle. If he has something like mine…maybe…"
"You're worried something happened to him? Like what happens to you?"
Yugi swallowed and nodded, Anzu sitting and looking just as worried before saying, "We could go and check on him."
Yugi shivered as he felt his other side listening, shaking his head. "No. That would be dangerous."
"If we don't, we could get in trouble anyway," Jounouchi pointed out, letting out a breath as the two looked over at her. "I heard about something like what was going on with the gym teacher. Originally it was just some asshole kids or other going into comas, or dying suddenly, but then…well, then it became kids from Bakura's school who hung out with him. A lot of people grew afraid, and one person tried to hurt him, and ended up getting badly hurt physically. Bakura was too, but the kid claimed that Bakura…changed…and beat him up. Bakura had no memory of it, and he was really worried about his friends and didn't seem to know what was happening either. He finally just changed schools."
"You think he might have something like what Yugi does?"
Jounouchi shrugged. "It's possible. We know there was a puzzle in a tomb, what if there are other things from that same tomb? Isn't there supposed to be a ton of stuff in them?"
"It's dangerous, Jounouchi. These…the games, the ones that my other side creates and plays, they're dangerous and scary."
She gave him a smile, looking a bit confused. "Yugi, we just went through a game called 'Death-T', and nearly died various times. Not to mention getting threatened before that. I know it's dangerous, but that's why I'm going to try and help. Bakura is a friend, and you two have a lot to talk about. I'd rather be in danger and help him, than just hide and do nothing."
Yugi was silent a long moment before Anzu added, "Your other side will defeat him, Yugi. And I know you'll be able to keep it from hurt the real Bakura."
It was bad luck that meant Layla got wind of their idea. She was obviously not going to let them get into trouble, and certainly not when Jounouchi and the group had nearly died a couple of times during Death-T. However, Jounouchi wasn't sure if she wanted her friend to come with them into something this dangerous.
Not because of the danger part, but more because...well, Layla was scary. If they freaked the other side of Bakura out, things could get dangerous.
The apparent compromise was Dad coming along, Sansone asking Yugi something briefly before saying he could take a day off and bond with his daughter in, hopefully, a way that was less full of death, or at least that didn't involve her nearly being killed by an axe-murderer while he tried to get to her.
Jounouchi just hoped that Dad realized how embarassing it was that they were both asking about the RPG thing. It turned out Anzu's other hobby, besides dance and secretly working, was RPGs and that she had at least two high-level characters on long-running campaigns with old friends. Yugi...he lived in a game store, he knew all the basics of all RPGs and easily explained the pros and cons as Bakura led them inside and let them create character sheets for the miniatures he'd made.
Which was not creepy at all, and apparently this other side was less inclined to try and hide as Bakura. I'm beginning to think the only one with any sense of self-preservation is Yugi's other side, she thought as her dad teased her about picking the 'fairy' class and deciding on being a Human Male Warrior. Anzu muttered darkly about being the only female character (with undertones of 'again') before choosing an Elf Magician. Yugi went with a half-Elf Male Beast Master, and Dad, being the guy who'd first given Honda his old airgun, went with a Human Male Gunner.
The information put into a laptop and the board ready, they started the adventure.
Which started out weird because Karita was there. Seriously, I'm beginning to think the other Bakura believes we're just idiots. Her dad knew about Karita's problems, but...well, Dad wanted to make sure she was ok. Also he didn't like Karita - had a problem with a guy who yelled at girls and guys for being kids and running around like idiots - so he wasn't very sympathetic to his plight.
The information about Zorc gathered, the group headed towards the castle, and Jounouchi's character (Joe) killed his first monster. Everyone cheered and otherwise was fine with the game, though something itched at the back of Jounouchi's mind. If they were playing a Shadow Game, it was either going to wait for them to cheat, or it was going to get them when they rolled a fumble with the ten-sided die.
Said moment didn't take long, as the 'unknown man' they came across who took them into the forest turned out to be Zorc, and Bakura put Anzu into the game.
Which Jounouchi was pissed at, so she took her turn ahead of time, fumbled, and ended up in her own miniature.
Great, she thought as Dad picked up the dice, ready to fight as Bakura smirked at him, asking if Sansone wasn't just afraid. "After all," the other Bakura said with a smirk, "in this game, you are your character."
Jounouchi saw her dad tighten his grip before saying, "I'm not afraid," and throwing the dice.
He then cursed at them in English for landing on a 94, right before he ended up inhabiting his figurine as well. "CRAP! I wasn't afraid you asshole!"
Yugi swallowed above them as he looked down at the board, than back up before saying, "Before I roll…send me down to board! Put me in my character!"
Bakura blinked. "Y-you want to go down? Then who will…" he paused, then smirked. "No matter. Who am I to deny you a request?" He motioned, Yugi stiffening briefly before his own tin self came to life. Bakura was laughing a bit before he suddenly said, "Wh-who are…"
"Well, isn't it my turn?"
To be fair, compared to before Bakura got to the whole 'hey, lookit, you're in a Shadow Game!' part of this fiasco, they'd been doing fairly alright. Now, as they dealt with Zorc and his monsters and slowly made their way to the castle, Yugi was glad that they were at least doing better than earlier. Sansone Jounouchi had noticed when Bakura was cheating, and had smirked when Yugi cheated right back, and with the same technique.
"You can do that with dice?" Anzu asked, getting both Jounouchis to nod.
"It depends on the die and how things are going," Sansone told her, considering, "Ten-sided are easier to spin like a top, and considering how heavy those are, you can easily spin them and get them to hit the other. It's not that hard."
"Plus we're dealing with a guy who's kinda obviously a cheater."
Bakura glared at them for that as the game continued, Yugi playing for each and rolling as they reached Zorc's castle. The group slowly looked around, being careful to not to walk further then the main room. There were a few suspicious areas, and at least one that was an obvious trap, but Bakura was being a bastard and not letting them find Zorc.
The four looked at the entrance then back to each other. They really didn't have a choice in the matter.
"I am never playing these games again," Jounouchi muttered, her dad agreeing as they got in, she and Yugi in front while Anzu and Dad went behind. The spiked thing that dropped on their heads hurt too, while the other Yugi was rolling to try and match up to the number that would raise up the trap.
Of course, Bakura chose that time to drag out Zorc, but he also seemed to be having his own problems, moving the computer away from his left hand and screaming out whenever it rolled die or something when he didn't want it to. The other Yugi got them out and they managed to do some damage to the bastard, but not a lot.
Not until Yugi got a plan and used his summon hands to pull out a high-level White Wizard from Zorc.
"I'm Bakura," the wizard said, managing a smile. "Thank you for helping me."
"Katsuye, your friends are weird."
"I know, Dad."
Getting them back into their bodies was easy enough after the other Yugi (Dad said to call him Yami, because having two Yugi's running around was damned confusing) had returned Bakura to his own body and helped get the Millennium Ring off him. The thing appeared to be stuck in his chest, or at least the spines had, and Dad did what he could to triage the wounds as Yami, who apparently was still in charge, asked how Bakura had gotten the Ring.
"My father's an archeologist," Bakura told him, wincing at the antiseptic that Jounouchi and her father were applying before wrapping up his chest, "He's not around a lot, and sends me things from his journeys. A little while ago, he said he'd gotten that from some odd man."
Yami frowned and looked at the Ring, putting it down again before saying, "I doubt the spirit in it is fully defeated. You need to be careful, Bakura."
Anzu looked over at him before asking, "Do you know a lot about your own past?"
Yami looked at her and finally shook his head, leaning against the table. "Not much, beyond what is known about the origins. I know I come from a much more distant time, and I know there are more than one Millennium Item, but I couldn't name them all, or say that more than just the Puzzle and the Ring had spirits within. The main problem is what they mean."
Bakura blinked as Yami said, "Thought the spirits within are…great, I suppose could be the word, or at least powerful enough to retain some memories, there's not enough for a definite set of memories, not easily accessible. And even if they are, our time with the one who becomes attached to us," he motioned to Bakura's now-tended wounds, "means we'll change as well. I've changed since Yugi finished the puzzle, and I have no doubt that the spirit of the Ring will change as well, or try to focus on one thing or another, since we've become known to each other."
"Will it be fine if I…just don't wear it?"
"It's claimed you as the rightful owner. You couldn't throw it away, not unless a person with a better power over the Shadows came along and fully subdued the spirit. I will warn you, that such a thing could result in your death." Bakura swallowed and Yami looked back at the Ring.
"So Bakura's stuck with a potential psycho in his head?" Sansone muttered, getting Yami's attention.
"For now, Bakura will be himself – the spirit is dormant. However, that won't last. The more he touches or uses the Ring, the more the Spirit will slowly awaken. He can work on understanding the power of the Ring, and the Shadows. That will, ultimately, be a defense. Not the best, but it will help."
They were silent before Jounouchi asked, "Yugi said he…use the Shadows before, to find me when I was in trouble."
Yami looked over at her and slowly nodded. "He knew you better, and while I do have better control and use of the Shadows, they are called that for a reason. This is old magic. It requires balance, and if you abuse the Shadows too much, you'll pay for it later."
"Return to get you three-fold type thing?" Sansone asked, clearing the medical stuff from the nearby table. "Ok. So why tell us?"
"You're Yugi's friends. And…I fear that more danger is coming. The spirit in this Ring is a danger, a grave-robber, but that isn't the worse. As I said, neither I nor he would know how many of the items there are, or what they can do. The puzzle has powers, more so then possibly the others, but that doesn't mean they can or should be exploited." He glanced at the table and motioned, a small bit of darkness flowing over it before disappearing. "I released the souls from their prisons. All were complete, so your friends and those that hurt you should be waking soon."
Bakura swallowed and gave a small nod. "Thank you." He sighed. "My dad said he got it from a place near a thieves' town, Kul Edna. It's one of the many that grew up near the tombs, but this one is…odd. There are signs of a massacre that we have no record of."
Yami was silent a moment before Yugi appeared, shaking his head and frowning. "I…that was weird."
"Did you see the other guy?" Sansone asked him. Yugi shook his head, and Sansone sighed. "Ok, so we have Egypt and some thieves' town that probably got killed off. Doesn't sound good."
Anzu huffed. "The whole 'we could possibly get killed' hasn't sounded good. First Kaiba and his tech, now magic?"
Yugi looked panicked as Sansone pointed out, "Magic or not, there's going to be trouble. We know a bit more about the items, and about where they were possibly made. Whatever happened at Kul Edna is probably something that either there's a vague memory of, or something so bad that no one wants to talk about it."
"Like what Layla was talking about earlier?" Jounouchi said, trying to remember the word.
"A Zeitgeist? Not quite."
"A what?" both Bakura and Anzu looked confused.
"It's a 'time-memory', or 'time-event'," Sansone said, "Layla points out that certain things become popular or start to get focus around the same time. There's a lot of different ideas about it, but she said that it's stuff like…a sudden uprising in a religion, or in people who are religious, or a type of era where all these important things are made or happen. Unless Kul Edna was part of a larger thing, I don't think it was a zeitgeist."
"So…what would it be?" Jounouchi asked, considering.
"Possibly it's a tragedy, or loss. I know we're saying certain things happen and remain for a long, long time, but not always. So like a pyrrhic victory…few people know about what the battle or guy was, but they have an idea it's a victor that'll cost you. Or the Meian era – anyone outside of Japan doesn't know what's so important about it…"
Bakura picked up on it. "So the town could have had something happen that was big when the spirits were alive, but that fell away over time?"
"He said that there was magic involved. Sometimes the creation of it is a good thing, and sometimes it's not. Nature doesn't come with a standard ethics code."
The group fell silent before there was a loud pounding on the door, followed by, "Sansone! Katsuye! Anzu! Yugi! You'd better all be fine or so help me I will end that Ryo fellow!"
"We're alright, Lay—how did you know where we were!?" Sansone went to deal with an obviously pissed Layla, who later apologized for threatening Bakura, and frowned at the sight of the Ring but, otherwise, was at least happy to see them all alright.
Two weeks later, Bakura was better and showing them an advertisement for an Egyptian exhibit his dad and a friend had helped out with. "Archeology isn't cheap, and this is one of the few that was privately funded." He shifted a bit and scratched at where the scars from the Ring were. "I personally don't like the person who funded this run. He doesn't seem to really…well, understand the importance of leaving the items to the country of origin, or even that the exhibitions are to just show off before you return the items." Bakura shifts and looks a bit embarrassed. "I shouldn't really say that."
"It's ok to be unhappy with someone," Yugi said, smiling at Bakura to reassure him. Bakura had managed to get out of class for a few days because of the wounds the Millennium Ring had given him, and now spent time with Yugi, talking about how to try to stay awake or know himself better for when the spirit of the Ring tried to take over again. They both agreed that the Ring's spirit was far more devious then the Puzzle's, and there was every chance that some of their techniques wouldn't work. Still, it was worth a try, and it helped that they were both becoming good friends.
The two fell into a comfortable silence before Bakura said, "Do you want to go and look at the Items? I know the other archeologist mentioned the Millennium Item Dad found…but…well…"
Yugi understood the fear. The Millennium Ring was probably really dangerous to everyone, and he got a feeling that few people survived wearing it, if the attitude of the spirit in it, as well as the spirit in his Puzzle, said anything. "If you want…it would be safer, at least." He didn't want to mention that not having the Puzzle had given him headaches, or that he could never really be away from the Puzzle for long.
Bakura smiled a bit. "Thank you. Professor Yoshimori doesn't know a lot about it…he and dad argue about how old they are. Yoshimori thinks that they're from the Old Kingdom, about 5,000 years ago, but a few think it might be from the Middle Kingdom, 3,000 years ago. Since so few have been found, and that one in a really dangerous tomb…" Bakura shifted in his chair, looking sad. "Sorry."
"It's alright," Yugi said, smiling, "we can go there on Sunday."
"Go where?" Jounouchi asked, walking over to sit as Anzu, Honda, and Miho joined them.
Bakura explained about the Egyptian exhibit and how his father knew the professor in charge, which got Anzu, Honda, and Miho excited about the exhibit and going with the two. Jounouchi smiled and looked excited about going, up until she heard about the mummy that would be on display as well.
"It doesn't happen often," Bakura tried to reassure her, Anzu still looking a bit like this was the funniest thing. Yugi knew it wasn't – Jounouchi had shown able to work around her fear of ghosts and the like, but not easily and not without help. Yugi quickly said that Layla could come along, since her dad had been called in for Sunday to help out with a new project that the construction team he was part of had been given, and she seemed to slowly calm down.
Sunday came around quickly, and they all gathered outside of the museum, Bakura introducing them to Professor Yoshimori and the investor for the dig, Mr. Kanekura. Kanekura seemed a bit too interested in the Puzzle, but Yugi saw no problem with lending it out for the day, especially since he'd be near the museum and, thus, it for a long while. It also stopped the two from asking Bakura about the Millennium Ring.
The whole of the area was full of the various wonders from the tomb they found, Layla saying it looked like it wasn't a king but more likely an important person.
Yoshimori smiled and nodded, admitting they'd found a tomb of an advisor it looked, since the tomb was small and, luckily, hadn't been noticed by grave robbers. Layla quickly got drawn to two game boards in the area, smiling and saying they were two types of games that were popular in Egypt and that, unluckily, had no written directions. "It's horrible," Layla admitted to them, Professor Yoshimori looking happy at her enthusiasm, "a lot of wall respites and writings talk about games of senent and other games. A lot were two-person, but at least one could have up to six players. Still, we only have the idea of what Senet meant or was played, since there aren't any surviving works detailing all of the rules, just pieces and boards we find from tombs like this."
Anzu was drawn to a piece from the Book of the Dead, depicting Anubis and the Weighing of the Heart. Honda and Miho both said the man sounded like King Enma, while the rest were drawn to various artifacts.
"Not all are from that tomb, of course," Professor Yoshimori said, "a good deal are, but others are things we find often in tombs, both of high-ranking and lower-ranking members of society. I'll show you all where some of the pieces we found in the tomb are, as well as a representation of the mummy we found."
Jounouchi looked worried as Layla put an arm around her. "It's just a visual and the coffin, Katsuye. No curses, promise."
"I'm trusting you on this," Jounouchi muttered as they went, though she wouldn't get near the case. Yugi did, his curiosity getting the better of him as he looked at the picture. The Professor took the others further along as Layla and Yugi stayed, Layla letting out a breath as they looked at it. "Funny how so many think mummies are all cursed or Egyptian. Kinda like how all people think the Japanese have sushi or wear funny hats."
Yugi chuckled a bit, looking over at her. "Layla, why is she scared? Jounouchi, I mean."
"Jounouchi's family is kinda sensitive to spirits and stuff. Or at least, they have a few in their family who are, on both sides. Her spirit is strong, but she's been scared of some things. As to why, I'm not sure. Her dad never knew why, and she never gave me a straight answer." The two paused and looked over at another man nearby, who was crying. The man was wearing a turban with an odd feather in it, and carrying some odd scales.
"Are you ok?" Yugi asked, "Why are you crying?"
The man seemed surprised by the question, and Layla seemed annoyed as he answered, his Japanese accented and stilted, "These are not my tears. In this rotted state, he looks like a doll of dust. However, the pharaoh is eternal, and his soul will live on with his name…"
"Egyptians thought there were five parts to a soul," Layla told Yugi, getting the man's attention at her annoyance and anger, "the name was one, the body was another. That, as well as most European countries being assholes with the artifacts, lead to Egypt passing laws in 1922 that Professor Yoshimori was talking about. America also passed such laws in the late 18th century, after a Scandenavian man took off with multiple Native American artifacts. Many Mayan and other artifacts are located in Spanish museums, and a great number of Egyptian ones from before the law have a place in the British and French museums. Plus, as I pointed out, this man wasn't a Pharaoh. He might have known one, but he was not one himself. Not all who were buried in tombs of grand looks were such. King Tut himself was located in a tomb that had been built for one of his men – it was one of the reasons why it hadn't been looted before." She gave Yugi a tight smile. "Thieves always go on the 'bigger the better' ideas, and enough worked on the tombs to know the entrances and exits."
The Egyptian man seemed angry at her interruption and apparent insinuation that he didn't know anything, leaving in a huff as Layla shook her head and muttered, "Stereotype. I swear, he's worse than those girls who blink at foreign otaku and make giggly noises."
"Are you allowed to say that?"
"I like my air of mystery about where I'm from," she told him with a wink of her honey-colored eyes, "let's not ruin it. But, I will say I am from somewhere else, and that I personally dislike people like that man."
"I got that. Just…"
"You were very cute and nice. He didn't have to try to make the whole 'I am crying because the one in front of me is a pharaoh' speech. I could've thrown in an Incan mummy and he'd be crying all over it and saying, 'Oh, my pharaoh'. Please."
"What do you know about Egypt?"
"It's complicated," Layla told him as they got to where the Millennium Puzzle was being displayed, "They've got a long, rich history, but like Iraq they also have been somewhat cheated and forced into bad situations, invaded multiple times, and while they can trace back to one of the earliest western civilizations in Eurasia and Africa, they also have had multiple problems when Europe decided to do that whole Imperialism thing. Japan is one of the lucky ones that avoided most of the problems other areas had from 1492 onward."
"I'm getting the feeling you don't like that part of history."
"Compared to now, that part of history is filled with racist, sexist bigots who can do various bad things to themselves with the poles Vlad Dracul was using to impale Turks and his own people with. Granted, those were the men who could read, and most of them were in the Church, which has a worse track record."
"I can hear you talking politics and history from here," Jounouchi yelled as they came up, "stop it."
"I haven't done my rant at Yugi, and he's too polite to make me stop, unlike you and Sansone," Layla argued back, though she smiled at the display and ruffled Yugi's hair, then Jounouchi's during the photos they took in front of it. Near the end of closing, the group slowly headed out, Honda and Miho to their homes, Anzu to work, and Jounouchi and Layla off to get some dinner. Bakura went with Yoshimori to the university to pick up some letters from his father and talk a bit more while Yugi waited for the time when he could go and pick up the Puzzle. He was happy to note he hadn't had a headache all day.
Shadii had been surprised to see the boy again from the museum, the one with the rude female friend, and was even more surprised when he described the Millennium Puzzle and said it was his.
This boy figured out a puzzle that had been lost and unsolved for 3000 years?
He knew the Puzzle had been solved – the pull of the Shadows had been stronger, as the Puzzle was the strongest of the Millennium Items – but he hadn't realized it was in Japan until some of his operatives had disappeared. Granted, they had been working through that Pegasus man, and not Shadii himself, but their disappearance and the pull of the Shadows to Japan meant that more and more were focusing on this area. It meant at least two if not more foreigners were able to hold the power of the Millennium Items, and it made Shadii a bit angry.
Bad enough that the Mighty One, the only one with the Name that would open the mystery door, had escaped them for so long, or that the tombkeepers on the western side of the Valley of the Dead had cut off all ties and hidden themselves, making it so they had to wait for their brat children to break tradition. But now they had a child like this one solving the impossible Puzzle?
It was hardly any real stretch to enter the child's mind, frowning as he looked at the two doors. He'd seen many Soul Rooms while punishing those that had defiled the Valley and Egypt, but none had been so split. He frowned, looking into the open one and seeing only light and toys before looking at the other, darker one.
The door opened and a man, similar to the child, looked out with almost demonic eyes. "A visitor? How interesting. Come in, if you dare…the game is already set up."
To say Yami (he liked the name, ok?) was annoyed at the presence of someone like this Egyptian man is a bit of an understatement. He worked with the Shadows and knew that the Kanekura man was corrupt and would, ultimately, fall to a sad fate.
He had not expected someone to barge in, use the Scales (he'd known they were connected to the Puzzle as quickly as he'd known the Ring was, which was right when it began to use its powers) and that he had some other power. It felt wrong.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely, the modern saying came to mind, and he could see how such a saying would become not only popular, but how true it was.
The man answered when questioned about how he got into the room, something Yami was at least a bit grateful for, though he found the man's assurance of his own abilities grating. He could see why that Layla woman had decided to pick on him earlier.
But Yami also wasn't happy with the easy way in which the man threatened to rearrange his Room. Yami knew little of himself, besides his connection to the Shadows and the Puzzle. Pieces of memories were harder to come by, and all he had in his mind was general knowledge. What the man had said about the Millennium Items was untrue – they had been created, but for another reason, and nowhere were they in the Book of the Dead. His life would've been easier if they were.
He also knew that wielding two was dangerous and could easily be corruptive. This man was showing it already, by so boldly entering their Souls and threatening Yami to rearrange the Room in the hopes of finding the 'True Room'.
Not that he would be able to. Even here, my power is stronger. The threat was more towards Yugi.
I don't like it either.
Shhh, he muttered to the other Soul. When he'd felt the man's invasion of their mind, he'd pulled Yugi in, and now allowed him to watch over the proceedings of this Shadow Game, one that he felt no moral problem with rigging. If the man was going to feed the greedy to Ammut without any thought to the repercussions on those left behind, he could rot in the maze.
You were doing that earlier.
I left them alive. Bullies are lower than low, and that's what he is. Holding two Items for long periods of time is dangerous, especially if you turn self-righteous. I was in danger of that earlier. I no longer am now.
Yugi was silent as they sat in the trapped room, considering. Is that why you left the Ring with Bakura?
That and I know that being kept away from the Puzzle, or any Item, can be harmful. As far as I can tell, the Ring and Puzzle are the only two with Souls within them. The Ankh…Key, and the Scales do not have ones, or this idiot would be overwhelmed already. He considered a long moment, what he said was untrue as well. I think there was a great problem, considering how dangerous the Shadows are and what they have been used for.
What do you mean?
Despite everything, Bakura's other self didn't attack random strangers – he went after friends and enemies. When I released the souls, the friendly ones were in well-loved pieces, ones kept safe. The enemies were in the lesser-liked ones, the…NPCs, I suppose.
Yugi was silent a longer time as Yami continued, I can only punish those that hurt you, that make you angry or sad. I seem to recall you getting quite good as pushing those feelings away…a dangerous way of dealing with things. He sat back as Yugi walked over to where he was, You hate that you can't protect yourself, that's why you're learning to, at least, defend yourself physically. And mentally, you've grown as well. For all the Kaiba brothers made jokes, you are quite capable of taking them on.
You're worried? About the Shadows that man uses? Why?
As he said, he could easily hurt you. I doubt after this, he'll give up and go home. The spirit of the Ring, while dormant, will come out and try to get me and use the power there. The Shadows have been abused and misused, seen only as weapons to punish or hurt, or tools for the same purpose. I haven't gone after a man to kill for some considered slight, nor have I attacked without letting them have every chance to win and leave the game. All the ones that got hurt were hurt because of their hubris. Silence fell between them before Yami let out a breath, feeling the man get closer to the hidden room. I am sorry for the trouble I have caused, and for getting you involved in these. Shadow Games are…hard…on the soul. It's why I feel the need to play them, even if you feel strong. You have some darkness, from anger and slights, but others will push and hurt for the sake of hurting you.
Like what happened with Imori. Yugi looked over at Yami as he nodded. While Yugi hadn't told him what happened with the Dragons, he knew that his other self hadn't been hurt. And Yugi had been able to deal with that 'Spider' character on his own as well, with the Shadows managing to help him teach the boy a lesson about playing fair and not simply stealing all the items. Yami was beginning to see how strong Yugi could be, but he also knew that the ones who held Millennium Items would take advantage and try to hurt Yugi, to the point of soul-exhaustion.
You think that something bad is going to happen if I go after him?
I think he will hurt you if you're not careful, and would rather that not happen. There was silence before Yami told his other half, who looked so young in that moment but so determined, A competing game of two Shadows means the one who initiates the Shadow Game has more control. However, it also can be used to pressure the other soul. The more power pushed into the game, the more pressure on a soul, to the point of death. It's why I worry, why I don't like the idea of you facing one with a Millennium Item.
Even after the fight with the Ring?
He looked over at Yugi, who shifted at his gaze. That wasn't really a battle. Did you feel any pressure? Any strange push that you couldn't explain? At Yugi's shake of his head, Yami continued, The main two who feel pressure are those who use the Shadows – so myself and the other spirit within Bakura. If you were to take some of that burden, it would hurt on a level you are unable to push away.
You can…because you're just a spirit, right?
Also because I exist within and work with the Shadows, Yami admitted, feeling the Egyptian's presence nearing them, I am not saying you're not strong, Yugi. Just that such things are made to destroy souls, and few can face against them and come out whole. I have been using the games to punish or to allow others to see what they cannot on their own. If a person refuses a game, I do not force them into it. I have been manipulative before, but now I do not seek them out. If the Shadows are being pulled towards the Puzzle, I'd like to know why as well, and want to protect those dear to us.
Yugi looked at him in surprise, finally smiling before moving to hide when the Egyptian opened the door and stepped in, nearly falling down. Yami had no intent on throwing him into the darkness of the Puzzle – he had enough things to deal with, without having some nosy person looking through his memories, and frowned at the Egyptian's rather clichéd half-hearted admittance of defeat.
"You shouldn't be so eager to poke around people's souls," Yami said, glaring at him, "I'd leave while I still could." The darkness was one place, but it would be easy enough to call up the Shadows to deal with this arrogant sod. However, that would require him to also hold onto the Ankh and Scales, both of which he wanted to avoid. Yami supposed he could give the two items to their friends for safe-keeping, but that would create risk, as well as there being a chance someone might try to take the item and fall prey to the darker halves of the shadows. Not all were so generous.
The Egyptian swallowed and nodded, heading out as Yugi pretended to be clueless about what happened and happy for the return of the Puzzle. The Egyptian said his name was Shadii, and quickly headed out of the museum, Yugi going a bit later before Yami whispered to him, Call the police. I have a feeling that Kanekura is not simply rethinking his life.
Jounouchi, Anzu, and Bakura were all worried and upset at the news about Kanekura's death. Bakura wanted to check on Professor Yoshimori, afraid of what might happen to him, and upset over the idea of him getting hurt. Bakura was both amazed and frightened to hear of the man with two Millennium Items, shifting and waiting until after-school to ask about the 'Game' played.
"It's not good," Yugi said, recalling all he could, "the man's power includes the ability to manipulate a soul room. He said that he could turn them into a doll…" Yugi shifted. "I'm worried that Shadii will try to hurt him, because he opened up the tomb."
Bakura considered. "The spirit of the Ring said that there were tomb keepers in some of the Items, and that some were like great tombs for spirits like himself and Yami. But…having two Items does sound dangerous, even if neither have a spirit inside." Bakura was silent a moment as they walked out of the school. "You should go and cheer Professor Yoshimori up."
Yugi was silent a longer moment before saying, "If I go there…Jounouchi and Anzu will go there too. They'll be in danger."
Bakura looked over at him, frowning. "They've been in danger before."
"Yeah, but…it's just, I'm always afraid when they're in danger. The other me comes out so quickly, and it…scares me, sometimes."
Bakura nodded in understanding before saying, "The other me scares me as well. We have to still try and do what we can."
Yugi considered a long moment before finally nodding. "I'll tell them, and warn them about the danger. We still have to go and make sure Professor Yoshimori is alright."
Jounouchi had raced off, letting the zombified Yoshimori go after her when Yugi heard Shadii speak again, and he saw Anzu's blank look.
He didn't even have to get angry to have Yami trying to face him, but for a long moment, Yugi tried to stay, to face Shadii down and accept whatever game he would have. Instead, Shadii did all he could to pull Yami out, saying he wanted to see about the Puzzle's power in reality, after being humiliated during his trespass. The threat of leaving Anzu without a voice or memories, as a 'doll', was enough to get him to accept the games, and he waited in the main room as Shadii set up the game.
"You know, you could've just ordered the Items to stop working for him," a voice said, getting Yami to look and see only a shadowy outline of someone, the strange quality of it and the shadowed outline not allowing him to see if this was a female or male person speaking to him.
"Who are you?"
"A friend," the person said, looking out of the window, "I came when I saw the Shadows at play. That man is…not a friend."
"Do you know what he and his 'family' want with the Puzzle?"
"Most likely, they want to use it for power. There were two – one to the East, another to the West of the Valley of the Kings. Both sides have been hidden for a long while, but recently one has started to be…well, more active. You've seen the result of that activity."
Yami was silent, looking up at the clock.
"You can awaken them with your power. You needn't play this game."
"I humiliated Shadii once, when he trespassed into my mind. I'm not turning down this challenge, or the chance to deal him a blow. After this, he'll return to Egypt, and not use my friends against me."
"He doesn't need your friends to work against you, and he doesn't need to be in Japan to hurt you, either. Remember that."
Yami glared at the shadowy figure before saying, "Am I supposed to trust you on simply a few words? On the fact you say you won't work against me?"
"Of course not," the figure said, "that comes later, much like how much your little partner trusts you."
The figure disappeared as 8 o'clock came around, Yami letting out a breath and heading up to the roof, and hoping that the figure was wrong, but having a feeling they weren't.
They won't stop. This is only escalating.
Anzu stood on a platform, too far away to get in time, and four of the small ushabti tied to a board with Egyptian symbols, and a larger ushabti tied to the Ankh. Shadii smirked at him, saying, "Now, it is a time for the game. It's called, the Weighing of the Shinri."
Yami felt his own and some of Yugi's confusion, his other self watching to try and get an idea about the Shadow Games that he could also control, to a degree. The word used was odd…it could mean 'mind', but also 'truth' or 'trial'. It didn't bode well, especially for someone who was so invested in the 'truth', in ma'at.
Truth. Law. Rightfulness. It's an Egyptian concept. If all is right, ma'at is in balance. If not…
Yugi fell silent as Shadii explained that his family was all chosen to wield the power of the Millennium Item, just as the Puzzle had 'chosen' Yugi. Yami snorted inside of his mind, Yugi answering that he didn't want anything to do with the group and for Shadii to just explain the rules.
Why were you upset?
What Shadii said is both true and false. Someone with a strong enough soul can become a holder of a Millennium Item. That doesn't mean they can actually know what the item does, or the full extent of themselves.
Like me?
When you picked up the Puzzle, despite the warning, you knew you wanted friends. You wished upon the Puzzle and poured your heart into it. Even in your fear, you still fight to do what's right, and to force me to look at alternatives. We are very different, Yugi, but the Shadows wouldn't come to your command if they didn't see you as equals. These are called because the man has a strong-enough soul to not get eaten…not yet.
"You're frightened of the unknown power within your mind! Look!"
One of the ushabti began to crack, finally breaking as Shadii said that the ropes attached to the smaller ones supported the 'bridge of life', and that for each weakness shown to Shadii would result in more ropes being cut. Shadii's ushabti held the Ankh, the key to rearranging Anzu's mind.
Was…was that ushabti mine? I…I mean…
I know most of what the Puzzle can do, but not all. That, and the fact that it's power draws more people to it, is what frightens me. As well, if all of Shadii's family are like this, or they go after the spirit within Bakura…I am afraid of the power, but sometimes, it's healthy to be afraid. He perceives it as a weakness, and that is why the ushabti broke.
The two were silent as the first game began, Yami pushed Yugi back so he could only observe, not participate. The Shadows were heavier than any game he'd ever played, and Yugi shivered, despite being so far removed from them.
Hands sprouted from the ground, ghouls slowly crawling up from there as Yugi gasped before Shadii yelled out a riddle. "I crawl from the earth and cling to a pillar! What am I?"
They're illusions, right?
Y-yes, but…
Then they can't hurt you!
Normally, the illusion disappears if you kno—he stopped and focused, thinking on the riddle. If he was too afraid or uncertain of himself, another ushabti would break.
The shadowy fi…that's it!
Yugi managed to get his voice and yelled, "The true form of the illusion is my shadow!"
Yami quickly pulled Yugi away as the ghouls disappeared, the wind whipping around them and Shadii. Yugi!
I…that…sorry. But..the shadow figure. They said we were strong enough to defeat the Ankh and Scales.
They did. Even though Shadii created this Shadow Game…and staked it in his favor, or in the favor of breaking us, I could break the illusions he creates. He's weak now because he has to use one item at a time…but he has the advantage of having two. Considering how he's using them, he has enough control over both that it will be hard.
I can't help?
You sound exhausted, and all you did was speak. Yugi was silent at the reprimand. I will do what I can to not be afraid, Yugi, but the illusions, despite what he says, are dangerous, and these Shadows are not only heavy, but want to devour me. If we get the Ankh, we may be able to save Professor Yoshimori as well.
Ok…but I still want to help, if I can.
If you can. But speak to me next time, don't take over. I don't want Shadii to suspect you know anything, or that you are as strong as you are. Him underestimating us is our only advantage right now.
Jounouchi hated this. She'd managed to outrun Yoshimori, and had knocked him down a few times, luckily not hurting the older man too badly, but he appeared to have only a one-track mind and, sadly, that track was to kill her.
Jounouchi turned the corner and jumped, nearly running into the zombified professor as a large, dark shape moved out of the shadows. It was huge, as large as the lions or tigers in the zoo, and had glowing, teal-colored eyes and what looked like a human head full of razor-sharp teeth. Dark fur, black with sharp, contrasting red highlights, bristles before the being let out a screech, like some mix of a human's cry and a lion's roar, that made Jounouchi freeze in terror, her flight and fight response so trapped in fear that it could do neither while the zombified professor slowly moved towards the monster, his own voice sounding uneven and not his own. "I was right. You are here. You and your monsters are here. Come out then, Mighty One. Come out and face me!"
There was no answer, only the low growl of the monstrous half-person half-lion thing that watched the professor with a glare and slowly licked its lips, the teeth showing.
"Your little friend is losing! That girl will fall to her death! Come out and face me!"
There was a slow string of words before the voice told Jounouchi, speaking in accented English. "Go to the rooftop. Find and save Anzu. Yugi and his other self will do the rest."
"T-the professor…" she found her voice, her fear of what would happen to the man stopping her from moving. She couldn't let him die!
"The one here has wiped his mind – there is nothing left. Still…Yami may be able to fix it. I will keep him here, until the end of the Shadow Game."
Jounouchi ran to the rooftop entrance, and cursed when she found it locked. Luckily, there was a window nearby, and for all she was afraid of zombies and ghosts, Jounouchi was not afraid of heights. Hell, she'd been climbing trees to deliver that newspaper to the kid and his brother for a while.
She put that thought and other memories away as she looked out the window, letting out a low curse in English when she saw Anzu on the ledge.
Yami hated how panicked the appearance of Ammut made him – to be fair, he knew what the demon could do, and that it was only called when someone wanted to have a soul devourered. Having two himself, the problem now was that Ammut could easily eat Yugi's, and his fear and worry from the time playing Dragon Cards hadn't disappeared.
He'd not thought much of Yugi until realizing the Shadows would work for him, and slowly he began to see Yugi's strengths and abilities. For all that he'd once thougth of him as a child before, Yami now saw Yugi as a partner in this, one who, while not knowing the full dangers right away, would still stand tall in the face of them. Even now, he listened and mentioned being good at Shinkei Suijaku, but not understanding the meaning of the nine tiles.
Shadii's mention that they needed to get the tile in the middle had been a tip, but with Yugi muttering in the back of his mind about the unfair rules, and Ammut ready to eat another soul, it was all Yami could do to not panic.
But if I'm too scared, Anzu will die. I have to think!
Shadii's hint had Yugi suddenly bouncing in the background. Yami kept up the appearance of thought as Yugi grew more and more worried while time dwindled.
Why haven't you said it yet?
A weakness. I like to go to the last minute.
"The answer is the mouth!"
They had a minute to go, and while he did see his partner's reasoning, he also worried this was tipping his hand too early. Shadii so far seemed to have no weaknesses, but he was in charge of the game, and hadn't really been doing much but giving Yami riddles and putting him in danger.
To be fair, I did that before. I'm beginning to see the positive aspects of not just having myself in charge, and of mellowing. I am sorry for frightening you, Yugi.
You shouldn't do that. I don't want my friends hurt again. They knew the dangers, but…but Anzu's a doll, and Jounouchi…
I know. This last test may be hard on both of us, though. Shadii's working to break us, and not giving himself an opening. We have just this last chance to break his ushabti.
Shadii taunted them about their ushabti, saying his was like a diamond and theirs was like weak alabaster. With that out of the way, he introduced their final opponent…the memory of Jounouchi, from before they were friends.
"I saw her, when I visited your mind," Shadii said as Jounouchi violently took the Puzzle away from them, "No matter how long you live, even if you manage to forget, a bad memory will remain in the mind forever. The final game…a game of death, between you and your friend!"
No! I know it's a bad memory…but…but Jounouchi wouldn't do that to us!
It's just a memory he said. Still…I'm not sure if I believe him.
They had worse memories, concerning Jounouchi, then her earlier time attacking Yugi or bullying him. At the same time, Yami didn't see the point of this game. He also knew what Shadii was trying to do, and that was the weakness to exploit.
Yugi…give into despair.
The ushabtis are ours. If you give in to your fear and sadness, one will break. The other will remain.
Yami opened up his senses enough to see what he suspected. The figure is working to help us. See where Jounouchi is?
Th…she's outside. B—she's going to get Anzu!
Shadii suspects that Jounouchi will leave because he doesn't know of our bonds. No matter what he said he saw…he doesn't know Jounouchi, or Anzu, or us. Let one break, let his true hubris and weakness show. I promise…I will do all I can to keep Anzu alive, no matter what.
The ushabti broke, and after looking worried and contemplative, Yami passed his turn, walking to the edge as Shadii taunted him. "To believe in others too much is a weakness! Trus others, and your trust will be broken like a fragile ushabti! And only fools feel the need to gather together in friendship and comfort each other!" He let out an annoyed 'tsk' as Yami felt the memory that Shadii had conjured moving forward, as it had before.
Jounouchi hated herself back then, but she wasn't about to let Yugi die. And now…now she will show you true strength.
You're wrong, Shadii. It is those who feel the need to never seek out friends, who always hide behind abrasiveness and power, that will find true strength. I know that now. I see, now, why my Item is the Puzzle, why that power is to build and see the full picture. Yugi released me when he was at his lowest, when he wasn't even sure he had frinds, and Jounouchi helped complete it by returning the last, most important piece. Since that time, we have built upon that, created a greater and better understanding. We're stronger together, as a unit, then alone.
The memory faded with a smile, Shadii screaming as it did, trying to call it back as Yami turned and picked up the Puzzle. "Friends don't just exist in a specific time, and power doesn't just come from being alone. It comes from trusting yourself…and your friends."
The board moved as Jounouchi yelled, "Anzu! I got you!"
Shadii's ushabti began to splinter, and finally broke, Anzu blinking before letting out a wail and falling to her knees.
"Will you get off the damned plank?!"
"J-Jounouchi, what are you—"
"Stop asking stupid questions and climb to the roof!"
"I'm scared!"
"I can only hold you up for so long, climb to the goddamn roof!"
Yami moved quickly to help Anzu and Jounouchi, the three climbing back over the fence as Shadii looked at them and finally bowed, heading out. Jounouchi shifted unhappily before saying, "The professor…"
They headed back down, finding the professor unconscious and still a slave to the owner of the Ankh. Shadii hadn't fixed him, but…
Yami reached forward with his own power, find the ruined Soul Room and some hints of what there once were. He could easily rebuild it from that, allowing the room to come back as it had been before leaving it alone, letting Yugi take over as the Professor woke up, looking at them in confusion.
"What happened?"
"Apparently I saw a sphinx," Jounouchi told them the next day, showing a picture of a woman speaking to a man who held a spear, "but…I don't get it. Who's working against Shadii?"
"Yami said he would…if only because of what happened, but…he's also worried. He doesn't think Shadii will be the last one to appear, and if that person who spoke to you and controlled the sphinx also talked to us, then there are others who are going to try and come after us."
Bakura let out a breath and slowly nodded, a determined look lighting his eyes. "We'll be ready. I know it."