Title: First
Ren Apple
#16. Invincible; Unrivaled
I own nothing. If I did though… Oh nevermind. Everything is owned by Masashi Kishimoto.

Summary: Always second. Never first.


Kakashi's tongue lingered on the boy bruised, swollen lips, tasting the fresh taste of mint. He pressed his lips once more against Sasuke's before standing. He was caught off guard by the slight shift in the air.

He cast a discreet, guarded look to his side, his eyes lingering on his visitor a moment in shock. Itachi stood beside him, stoic and emotionless as the day he had killed the clan. Kakashi was surprised at the ex-ANBU captain. Why would he dare to show his face here? His voice was hard when he spoke. "Itachi."


The voice that had replied was dead, causing Kakashi to wonder if he should have felt honored with his presence even being acknowledged.

The boy laid still, a white sheet barely covering his bruised hips. Bite marks and scratch marks making a crisscross of mutilation across his bare torso. His pale hands resting innocently at his sides.

The room was immersed in the smell of burnt flesh and antiseptics, and his sensitive nose twitched in response to the onslaught.

His survival instincts roared for him to move away, but he could not. Sasuke would be unguarded, left with his rapist. His fingers itched to draw out his chakra into the palm of his hand and shove Chidori through Itachi's chest. But he was not invincible, and the likelihood he would be able to pull it off was slim to none.

Itachi broke the tensed silence first, his tone emotionless and incredulously bored. "I had him first, Kakashi. Don't forget that."

The muscles in his back visibly stiffened at the statement. How had he…?

"I had him, and you will never have him the same way. I have tainted him. You may believe that he hates me, that my touch repulsed him. I made him cry, and I made him scream. I made him moan in ecstasy as I took the time to learn each of his sweet spots. And I-"

Kakashi wanted to stop him. To say something. Say anything, but his voice failed him.

"-I was the first to touch him with the hint of intimacy. The first to make his body react and quake with need under my touch." Itachi eyes were glazed, as if he was reliving his words. "I am the one he has always wanted. I made him scream…

Any cries you bring forth from his sweet mouth I will have heard first. The unrivaled pain and the pleasure. Any place you touch him I have marked with my hands and teeth first."

Kakashi looked sickened, and Itachi took a sadistic glee in that fact. Not much could break through his thickened shield of indifference, but Sasuke had always brought out the worst in him.

The words caught in Kakashi's throat along with the sickening taste of bile. "Sto-"

"He hated me, Kakashi. But his body yearned for mine. He wanted me. Now I have had him. Remember that, Kakashi, when you look at his face in the heat of climax listen to whose name escapes from his lips. You may have him now, but I had him first."