Buffy…a Winchester
Written By immortalwizardpirateelf-fan

Disclaimer: I do not own the copyright for Buffy, Supernatural or any recognizable celebrity or fictional personality, not of my creation, depicted in the movie or this fic. They belong to either their inventors or themselves. I do not own the settings, and any songs used belong to their original artist.

Author's Note: To let you know I love reviews. And I'd appreciate having anyone and everyone review. Any comments, questions, suggestions, requests, and constructive criticism (If I wrote something wrong or got something in the canon wrong, let me know and tell me how I can fix it) are welcome. Remember the more you review, the more I write.

Notes on the story-

This is set around the time in Season 4 when the Scoobies kicked Adam's ass. And is pre-pilot on Supernatural.

If anyone has any complaints about the fact that the boys from Supernatural know about Buffy type vamps and demons, forget about it. This is an AU fic anyway, as are all crossovers

For those of you who liked Riley…… sorry, but I never liked the guy...at all. He was way to clingy, over-protective, and had that "I'm a man so I have to be better and stronger than my woman" vibe. He never got that Buffy and the Slayer weren't two halves to a whole, so I will have to get rid of him. I think that by Season 4 Buffy and the Slayer side of her had merged. The only guys who were even close to understanding that were Angel and Spike, and there were times when Spike was even closer than Angel was. I truly think that had his soul been bound Angel might've stayed in Sunnydale and with Buffy, regardless of Joyce's preferences.



Lawrence, Kansas: January 18, 1981

"I can't believe it, John. Our beautiful little girl," a young woman with light brown, almost blonde hair, said as she looked into the window of the nursery at the hospital at their newborn daughter.

John Winchester smiled at his wife, Mary. He stood next to her, holding their two year old son Dean. Mary was right; their daughter was beautiful and was definitely going to be a looker once she grew up. He looked down t his son, who had laid his head on his father's shoulder and was sucking on his fingers. "So, whatcha think Dean? Is your sister pretty?" he asked.

Dean looked from his father down at the baby and then back to his dad and smiled, "Racha preey, daddy."

John and Mary chuckled. Dean, and now little Rachel Elizabeth, were the pride and joy of their lives. As the young family continued watching the young infant, they didn't notice the nurse come up.

"I'm sorry folks, but visiting hours are over," she announced.

John and Mary looked at one another and John sighed. "Dean and I'll be here to pick you and little Rachel up tomorrow at nine all right," he told her.

Mary nodded. "Go and put this trouble maker to bed," she said with a smile as she grabbed Dean from his father and tickled his stomach. Dean laughed and as soon as it started, the tickling stopped and he was back in his father's arms. "I love you little man," she said placing a kiss to his chubby toddler cheek, then pressed a loving and gentle kiss to her husband's lips, "I love you too John. I'll see you in the morning."

John nodded and watched as his wife walked back to her room in the maternity ward. He hefted Dean onto his shoulders, holding each hand in one of his, and made his way back to their 1967 Impala.

Neither of the new parents noticed a man wearing a trench coat and Dick Tracey style hat was watching them with a sad look. "God I hate this part of my job," he muttered. However, as long as the Council of Watchers didn't get their hands on this little girl, it was all good. The Powers were royally pissed at how much the Council had FUBAR'd in the way they treated the Slayer line.

Making sure that no one was watching the balance demon known as Whistler walked into the nursery and smiled gently at baby Rachel. "Hello sweetness, aren't you just a precious little girl," he cooed, wait a sec…a demon cooing at a baby, he shook his head.

He picked the baby up, and as suddenly as he had appeared, he disappeared with baby Rachel. For years, the Winchesters believing their baby girl had died from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Two years and some months later in May of 1983, Mary and John had another child, another son whom they named Samuel. Six months later, discovering a demon hovering over her son's crib, Mary fought to save her child, only to be thrown and held against the ceiling of her son's nursery, as her belly was sliced open. Her final thoughts as she watched John and Dean take Sam and get to safety, were that she hadn't failed in saving Sam as she had Rachel.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Los Angeles, CA: January 18, 1981

Joyce Summers sat in the rocking chair she had bought six months earlier, when she found out she was pregnant. She had been so excited. She immediately began decorating a nursery for her unborn child, a daughter she had been assured by the doctors. She continued rocking in the chair, softly crying as he remembered it was only five months earlier that she had had a miscarriage and lost the baby.

Unknown to her, Whistler, with the youngest of the Winchester clan had arrived at the Summers household. Knowing it was necessary he sent a telepathic message to the Powers and had asked them to conjure memories for Joyce of her being pregnant, and giving birth and having a daughter she had named Buffy Anne. In a flash of light, the deed was done, and Buffy Anne Summers, formerly Rachel Elizabeth Winchester, was placed in her new home, with no one knowing the truth.

Nineteen Years Later… Sunnydale, CA: April, 2000

John Winchester and his sons, Sam and Dean drove into the town of Sunnydale with one thing on their mind, helping the slayer. As they drove past one of the many cemeteries in Sunnydale, the trio heard the sound of fighting and all looked at one another. If someone was fighting and they needed help, then they were going to get it.

The Impala slowed to a crawl as John entered the cemetery and suddenly pulled to a stop. John then turned to his boys, now 21, and 16 (almost 17), and said, "Load up boys."

The two nodded their heads and as one, they exited the car and went to the trunk where their weapons (stakes, sea salt, guns, silver bullets, magnesium bullets, et. were stored). As they made ready to shut the trunk, they were all startled by the sound of someone being slammed against concrete.

"Pitiful human," a strange voice said, "You're the Slayer and you can't even stop me."

"Is that what you think ugly?" a woman's voice came, "Do you think your 'mommy'" the voice dripped with sarcasm on the word mommy, "is going to save you? She's nothing but a government funded modern day Dr. Frankenstein, and you're nothing but demon, human and technology all mixed together."

The Winchester men all looked at one another in shock. The US government knew about the things that went bump in the night and were funding a doctor who performed experiments on them?

The thing laughed, "You see there you're wrong, she's already dead."

"Yeah, well I never liked her anyway," the woman replied, "her classes sucked. But she didn't deserve to die."

The Winchester clan finally got rid of their shock at hearing a woman talk like that to a demon and moved from the car to where they heard the voices. What they saw shocked them. There in front of them was a tiny woman, long dirty blonde hair, tiny, barely reaching 5' 4" and looked like she weighed 100 lbs soaking wet, and she was literally beating the shit out of demon-human-cyborg thing that was twice her height and weight, at least.

Suddenly the demon threw her back and turned to where they were standing. It grinned and suddenly Sam was being dragged by closer by some kind of telekinetic power. The demon was about to say something, when a knife blew past Sam and hit it in its neck.

Everyone turned to see the blonde woman, "Let him go Adam," she ordered, "This is between you and me and the Initiative and you know it."

The thing she called Adam looked at her for a second and then nodded, "The innocents shall be spared," he agreed, "for now. But once you are gone, they have no protection."

And suddenly before anyone could blink he took off leaving The woman standing in the cemetery with the three Winchesters.

She turned to the three men and sighed, Great, now I have to explain the Sunnydale night life to them, she thought. Yet before she could get a word in edge wise, John who had finally got a clear look at her face suddenly went pale.

"Rachel?" he whispered. He didn't know how, but her was damn near certain that this woman, the Slayer, was the daughter he had thought to be dead all these years.

The woman looked at him curiously and shook her head, "No, I'm Buffy Summers, the Slayer."

"No, sweets," another voice came out of the darkness. "That's not exactly true."

Buffy whirled around and hissed, "Whistler!" In two strides she had Whistler pinned to a mausoleum by the neck, "Start talking!"

Whistler chuckled weakly. "Ummm… you see the PTB knew what a royal mess the Council was making of the Slayers, so they decided to make sure you had as close to a normal childhood as possible until you were called," Buffy tightened her grip a little more, "You're not really the daughter of Hank and Joyce Summers. Your real name is Rachel Elizabeth Winchester and those guys behind you are your father and brothers."

Buffy released her tight hold on the demon, "Does mom know?" she asked. She knew better than to contradict the PTB emissary, for all he had messed up her life, he was always entirely truthful with her.

Whistler shook his head, "No kiddo. It's up to you if you want to tell her of not, but if you want to tell her, the PTB can remove the memory spell from her," he placed a hand on her shoulder, "I'll let you all talk. If you need me to remove the spell, just call Slayer."

Buffy nodded and just as soon as Whistler appeared, he was gone and she was left with her real brothers and father. She was not ready to deal with this just yet, she had to think, but she also had to make sure her family was safe so she turned back to them and said, "Look Sunnydale isn't the safest place at night, so I'll take you to a motel and we can talk in the morning, is that okay?"

John was still in shock from seeing his little girl, little Rachel, all grown up and who was the Slayer, couldn't answer. Dean, who could barely remember his younger sister replied, "Yeah, that's fine, I think dad's just in shock from finding out you're alive."

Buffy just raised an eyebrow but ignored her urge to question them on that. She walked over and helped John stand straight and the four began walking towards the Impala. Sam, who'd been quiet up till now finally spoke, "Since Dean forgot to introduce us, I'm Sam," he pointed to Dean, "that's Dean," he then gestured towards John, "and that's our dad, John Winchester."

Buffy smiled at him. So now she had a little brother and a big brother, this could be fun. "You guys don't looked so shocked at seeing a Frankenstein's monster, or of hearing about a Slayer?" she commented.

Dean had just opened the car and Sam got in the back, along with their dad, while Buffy sat in the front seat to direct them into the hotel. "Well, let's just say that we've known about the weird ever since mom was murdered," Dean told her.

A few minutes later, the Impala rolled into the hotel and Dean had checked them into a room. Buffy stayed for a few minutes helping them bring in their gear before leaving and reminding them she'd be there to talk in the morning, and warning them not to open the door to anyone at night.

As the door shut behind her, Dean and Sam let out the breath they didn't know they had held. There were a lot of questions that were going to be asked in the morning and a lot to talk about. But that would have to wait for morning, now they had to take care of their dad who looked like he'd been gob-smacked.

Neither brother could blame him; after all, he had only told them small bits and pieces about their sister. She had been born two years after Dean and it had been thought she had died from SIDS the day after she was born. To find out she was alive and well and that she was the Slayer; a hunter of the things people never want to admit are real, well it was a shock. After all, their dad had probably believed that his little girl had been spared this life.

Yes, the Winchester clan would have plenty of questions come morning.


The next morning dawned and Buffy awoke to the sound of the alarm. She groaned and was about to hit the alarm when she remembered what had happened the night before. Looking over to the other side of the room she found Willow still asleep in the other bed. Good, she could get out of the room and head back to the hotel before Willow woke up.

Using her Slayer stealth, Buffy quickly made her way to her closet and pulled out a pair of light brown leather pants, a light pink cami and her light brown leather coat, then headed to the bathroom.

An hour later, dressed, made up and hair done to perfection she looked at herself in the mirror and grinned. Now it was time to head over and finally meet her new found family properly, and not while she was out slaying.


Back at the hotel, the three Winchester men were waking up. Dean and Sam woke first followed by their father. As John looked at his boys he asked, "What happened last night?"

The tow boys looked at one another and shared a look. It was obvious their dad didn't believe what he saw last night was real. And it looked like they had to break the news to him.

"Ummm…dad," Sam began, "Last night we pulled into Sunnydale, and went to one of the local cemeteries where we found the slayer."

John's eyes lit up. They had found the slayer fast. "And?"

Sam looked nervously at his father. "Dad, the Slayer, well it's Rachel. Our sister."

"What? Rachel was declared…" John began but was interrupted by the sound of knocking on the door.

Dean walked over, "Who is it?"

"It's Buffy, or if you prefer, Rachel, and I come bearing edibles," the voice on the other side replied.

John rolled his eyes at how fast Dean opened the door and admitted the girl. But he was shocked to find who entered. As Buffy walked into the room, John could have sworn twenty –five years had not passed and he was looking a younger, more blonde version of his late Mary. Damned if this wasn't his little Rachel all grown up.

He shook his head, he never told his boys this, but he had taken the only picture they had had of Rachel, taken the morning she had supposedly died and then taken it to have a professional do an age progression. He had kept the pictures he had of her at ages 2, 5, 8, 10, 15, and 18 hidden in his case along with pictures of his wife, to remind himself of the other two reasons he fought against the dark.

"Morning everyone," Buffy greeted them cheerily.

The sound of her voice brought John out of his trance as Buffy set the box of donuts and cups of coffee on the table.

Sam looked at Buffy curiously. "How can you be so cheerful with only five hours of sleep?" he wondered.

Buffy looked over at Sam and replied, "It's all got to do with being the Slayer." She hopped up and sat on the table so she was facing her new found family. "So, Sam introduced you all last night, and that balance demon, Whistler, he said that you are my dad and brothers," she began.

"Yeah," Dean replied while grabbing a coffee and donut, "I'm about two years older than you. And Sam is just over two years younger. By the way, thanks for breakfast."

Buffy shrugged. "No prob. You mentioned that you all know about the weird stuff in the world, and you even knew about the Slayer, how do you know all this?"

Sam, John and Dean all looked at one another then back at Buffy and John began to explain. "When Sam was six months old, your mother, my wife Mary, went into his nursery to check on him. She found something standing over his crib and tried to reach him. She called out for me, but by the time Dean and I got there, she had been thrown against the wall and was on the ceiling, her stomach looked like someone had sliced through it. I grabbed Sam and handed him to Dean…"

"Dad told me to take Sammy here," he said pointing to their brother, "and get him out of the house while he tried to get mom. I was only four and I did as I was told and waited out in front of the house before dad came out."

John then picked the story back up, "I tried to get Mary but it was too late, before I could reach her, she burst into flames. Knowing that there was nothing I could do, I ran out of the house to the boys. Ever since then we've been studying and fighting the supernatural. Trying to find out what killed her and why it was after our family."

As Buffy sat there in the room with her real father and brothers, (she didn't even question whether they were, the PTB maybe stuck up assholes and never gave the whole story, but they never out and out lied to her. But, Willow's influence came through; maybe it wouldn't be too bad to make sure. Better safe than sorry,) listening to the story about why they were hunting the supernatural, and learning that a demon killed her real mother, the Slayer in her raged. But she kept a tight lid reigned on the Slayer. "So in all your research, you found out about the Slayer?" she asked. "What were you able to find out?"

"That it was usually a teenage girl; she fought demons, vampires and other supernatural creatures. Oh, yeah, and that she usually died young," Sam replied. "Was there anything more?"

Buffy chuckled, she should have known that her younger brother was the brains in the family. "Well, that's most of it. I'm sure you probably know that Earth wasn't always a paradise and before humans were here, it was a playground for demons, right?" the three men nodded, "Well the Slayer was created as a way to combat the evil. However, there's a group of people located in England called the Watcher's Council. It's their duty to find, train and prepare all potential slayers, and to train and assist the Slayer in researching the big bad of the week," here she looked at her father, "even if the Powers hadn't intervened, a watcher would have taken me from you and raised me to become nothing but a supernatural killing machine. I wouldn't have been allowed to see you all, or even to have friends. I probably wouldn't even be here right now, if not for the fact that I have some loyal friends who fight with me."

At her admission, her dad and brothers looked gobsmacked, "You mean to say that these watcher's would have taken you from your mother and me had you stayed with us?" John asked.

Buffy nodded. "That's right. Lucky for me my first watcher, Merrick, and my current watcher are pretty understanding, they both understood that I like doing things my way. And that I'm not about to be pushed around."

As Buffy talked about the council it was easy for John, Dean and Sam to learn that she didn't like them very much, if at all. As John thought about what Rachel had told them about the Council raising the slayer to be perfect little demon killing machines, and then dying young because of their incompetence, it made his blood boil. However before he could speak, Dean looked at his sister and spoke first.

"Uh, sis," Dean blurted out, "what do you mean that if not for your friends, you wouldn't be here now?"

Buffy looked at Dean in shock at the fact he had called her sis, but shrugged it off. "Well, when I was first called, I fought against Lothos, a master vampire, and won because Merrick sacrificed himself to save me, and my friend Pike helped me take care of the vampires who busted up the dance. When I came to Sunnydale, I put a stop to the Harvest, and fought against the Master, who was the head of the Aurlieas Clan; he drained me, and left me to drown in a pool of water. My best friend and ex-boyfriend, Xander and Angel, both came and performed CPR on me. Hence the reason you see me alive before you now."

After pondering her statement for a moment, Sam couldn't keep his mouth shut. "You've died!" he cried out.

"Yeah, but it was only for a couple of minutes," she replied nonchalantly. "I've also fought The Three, assassins who were members of the Order of Teraka, Angelus, Spike, Drusilla, and the Judge."

John's eyes widened in both shock and admiration; as he recognized the names of the demons, she was talking about. "How'd you kill the Judge, all the lore I've found said he couldn't be killed by anything man made," he asked curiously.

Buffy's lips curved into an evil smirk as she replied, "My friend Xander, for a belated birthday present a couple years ago, went to the base nearby and stole a rocket launcher," her smirk widened into an evil grin and her eyes sparkled. "The Judge was going to kill everyone in the mall, but he caught me on the opposite side of the mall. He thought he was all tough and said how nothing forged by man could kill him. Well I just said, 'Times have changed' and fired off the rocket. He did have a shocked look on his face as he blew up."

As she finished her little monologue, Sam and Dean both cracked up. They had to admit the image was kind of funny. Buffy was about to ask them more about their lives when her cell phone rang. Pulling it out and looking at the caller ID she groaned. Of course it would be Giles, most likely needing an update on her patrol from last night. Turning to her brothers and her father, she said, "I gotta take this call." Her family nodded and she pressed answer. "Hey Giles…" she rolled her eyes, "no I am not developing precognitive powers…Hey!...Yeah, yeah I know payback for all the grief I've given you, so what did you want?...Ok, ok I get it, it's apocalypse season once again…oh yeah, we are sooo going to have to talk later today…All right, bye watcher mine."

"So that was your watcher?" John asked with practiced feigned disinterest.

Buffy looked at her dad and nodded. "Yeah. But he's more like a dad than an employer," she winced as she knew how deep the comment must've hurt him, "I'm sorry about that dad, but you need to remember, until last night I had no idea you existed. I had always thought that Joyce and Hank Summers were my parents and let's just say that Hank has never been father of the year material."

Dean and Sam who had been watching the interaction knew that it was the truth and couldn't fault her for speaking it. However, they also saw the slight hurt in their dad's eyes. "Had I know you were alive before last night, you can be damned sure I wouldn't have treated you badly Rac- Buffy," John told her as he got up and gave her a hug.

Buffy returned the hug, remembering to lessen the use of her slayer strength. As she released her father, she suddenly remembered she had class at one. "Look, I gotta to and get to class, but I want you to meet the rest of the Scooby Gang, so I'll be back around 2:30 to pick you up all right?"

The three Winchester Men nodded and after each getting a hug from Buffy, she left and headed back to campus, leaving her newly found blood family with more questions to try and figure out the tiny blonde whirlwind.