Disclaimer: If you think I own any of this, I'll be very flattered, but it's still not true.


They were studying the animagus transformation in Trasfiguration, and everyone was excited. Danny smiled slightly as he glanced around. The Gryffindor trio were chatting happily a few seats away, obviously looking forward to finding out if they had the ability to become an animal.

Danny briefly listened in, and had to smother a grin. Hermione was talking about all of the 'fascinating' details of the research, and Harry and Ron were both trying to figure out what their animal forms might be.

Danny glanced up as Professor McGonagall walked in, Professor Snape not far behind her. With them were the potions the Gryffindors had prepared in Potions. They were supposed to reveal the animal form of the person who drank it.

Potions was one of Danny's best subjects, to the surprise of his classmates, so he knew that his potion had been made perfectly. The fact that Snape hadn't found anything to criticize about it said a lot.

McGonagall and Snape calmly passed out each potion to the appropriate people, making sure each person got their own potion. One drawback to the potion had been that only the person who brewed it could use it, or it wouldn't work. Or at least, it wouldn't work as it was supposed to.

When it came time for Danny to take his potion, he quickly downed it and waited for a long moment. Just as he was beginning to wonder if it would work after all, an image formed in his head.

Those sitting around the black-haired boy stared as he began to beat his head on the desk. Mutters of "Kill Vlad for this" and "all his fault" were heard, along with quieter tones that no one could hear.

Snape frowned as he saw one of his most promising students—Gryffindor or not—beating his head against his desk. "Is there some reason you are trying to kill brain cells, Mr. Fenton?"

Danny looked up and gave the teacher a sour look, which made Snape raise an eyebrow. "Yeah, I just found out what my form is." He ducked his head and Snape's other eyebrow raised as he distinctly heard, "I'm gonna kill Vlad for this."

Each student had been called into a separate room to tell McGonagall what their form—if they had one—was, which was why Snape had stayed. It wouldn't do to leave them unsupervised, after all. Just then Danny was called. He got up, a sour look still on his face, and calmly walked into the room, which another student was leaving.

McGonagall looked up and saw her only transfer student, Danny Fenton, walking in with a sour look on his face. "Mr. Fenton? Is there something wrong? Do you know what your animagus form is?"

Danny sighed. "No, Professor, there's nothing wrong, and yes I know it." He took a deep breath. "It's a badger."


AN: For those of you wondering, no this is in no way a part of Hidden Phantom. The joke was just too good not to write down. And if I actually did this, Danny would probably hunt me down for it.