Disclaimer: Unfortunately I don't own Charmed or any characters you recognize.

Warning: I have meddled with some of the event's that took place in the show. In this story Phoebe was (and still is) with Coop when Paige left. Paige met Kyle Brody in L.A.

Summary: When the Angel of Destiny offered the Charmed Ones the chance to become mortal again, they accepted. They are now living perfectly normal lives, however there's just one problem……they haven't seen Paige in 8 years. Having her sister's outvote her on the decision, she was forced to reassess her life and what she wants from it. Deciding she needed time away from her sisters and their now magic–less way of life, she left for L.A and hasn't been seen since. But when someone interferes, will the Halliwell sister's finally be reunited?

Snapping the suitcase shut seemed symbolically fitting for the occasion. She was about to close the door on a part of her life, that had been both amazing and tiring. Hopefully the ending of an era meant the beginning of a new one. Letting her gaze roam wearily over her now empty bedroom, Paige sighed and allowed the events of the past few day's catch up with her.

Ever since she had been outvoted on whether to leave their magical duties behind, Paige had immersed herself in a life outside the manor. She could now proudly say that she knew every path through Golden Gate Park. Her feet seemed to know exactly where she wanted to go, leading her down the winding paths and through the thick shade of the forest trees. There was one place she always ended up at though. Prue's grave. The disillusionment that her eldest sister was present had an oddly comforting feel about it.

When she did return to the manor, Paige found herself at a loss. She avoided the worried glances Piper sent her and ignored the concerned smiles and questions thrown at her by Phoebe. At first she had given excuses as to why she didn't want to eat with them, now she didn't even bother. She didn't even say anything, when Piper would slip into the room after supper and place a food laden plate on her desk. She just turned her back and pretended to sleep.

She wasn't trying to be ignorant; she just didn't know what to say. It felt as though, now their magic had been taken away so had their bond as sisters. The emotions that had assaulted her when they had first entered her life, resurfaced. The inferiority complex had returned. She didn't know how to act around them anymore.

It was the power of three that had given Paige that sense of a bond with her sisters. Now that magic was gone, so was the connection. She felt as though a barrier had been built between them; her on one side and Piper and Phoebe on the other. And as hard as her sisters fought, Paige's barrier didn't even crack.

Shaking herself rid of the thoughts that had tormented her for the past few days, Paige gathered the belongings she had packed and carefully brought them through the manor before packing them into her car. After three trips she was finished, but just as she as went to open the door she faltered.

Paige allowed her feet to carry her up the familiar steps of the manor and into the kitchen, once there she reached for the notepad that sat idly on the kitchen table. She scribbled quickly and placed it in the middle, where it would inevitably be found.

Taking one last glance around, she hurried from the kitchen. Her determined strides came to a halt as reached the hall, the photos scattered across the walls and tables catching her eye. One picture in particular had caught her attention.

A dry choking laugh escaped her, at the irony. It was of the three of them, just after Wyatt had been born. The infant was swaddled in blankets, Piper cradling him against her chest. All three of them were watching him in awe, their arms wrapped around each other, in a comforting sisterly gesture that seemed foreign to her now.

Brushing at the tears that had started to form, Paige allowed her full red lips to curve into a bittersweet smile. Slowly she turned and took one last momentary look at what had come to be her home.

Stepping out into the cold night air, she turned and closed the door softly behind her, muttering the words that she had scribbled on the note in the kitchen.

"Love you"


Eight years later……

"Warren, don't hit your sister"

"But mom, Sinead..."

"I don't care what Sinead did"

The six year old sighed dramatically before resting his head on his arms on the kitchen table. Out of the corner of his eye he could see his twin grinning, her sparkling blue eyes awash in triumph at his scolding. Catching his attention she stuck her tongue out at him, just as her mother turned back towards the table.

"Put that tongue away missus"

Nudging her daughter away from the table she pushed her in the direction of the stairs.

"Go tell daddy it's time for dinner"

Without hesitation the child raced up the stairs in search of her father. Paige turned back to her eldest son, who was still at the table pouting. Rolling her eyes she knelt in front of him and took his face in her hands.

"You know, you're not as cute when you sulk"

Kissing every part of his face she could reach, she smiled when he erupted in childish giggles. Lifting him up off the chair, she placed him on the ground, ruffling his mop of dark hair as she pushed him towards the stairs after his sister.

"Go get Keira; she's in her room playing"

Once he had gone, she approached the playpen that sat in the corner, away from the dangers that a kitchen held. Her dark healthy curls bounced about her shoulders as reached down and lifted her youngest out. Not best pleased at being taken away from his toys, the child wailed until his mother reached in to get the worn in teddy bear that he was longing for.

The two year old took the toy gratefully, swinging it through the air, once she had placed him safely in his high chair. Taking a step back she watched him, a soft smile gracing her delicate features.

With his sparkling blue eyes, soft dark hair and dimples, Aiden James Brody was the spitting image of his father. An easy going child, he was easy to entertain and please most of the time. Kyle insisted the young boy was just like his own father, whom he had been named after.

Keira Penelope Brody however was the miniature version of herself. With her bouncing chocolate curls, and luscious brown eyes, she had no trouble charming a person, especially her father. Her never-ending enthusiasm and optimism at the tender age of four, was something to behold.

Sinead Patricia Brody was their eldest daughter. The six year old was a perfect mixture of both parents. She had her father's china blue eyes, dimples and her mother's dark curls. Her stubborn nature and endless energy had definitely been inherited from her mother.

Warren Michael Brody was the eldest twin by three minutes and loved acting the big brother. Protecting his younger siblings seemed to be his main priority, unless it was him irritating them that is. His stubborn and defiant nature often caused him trouble, especially when his mischievous streak came out.

Sighing in content, she stroked Aiden's soft hair before turning back to the stove.

Rubbing at his eyes tenderly, Kyle sorted through the pile of envelopes that resided in his hands. On all eight of the letters, was the same address scribbled in a familiar handwriting. At the very bottom of the heap was a photo. It was faded slightly, and he instantly recognized the woman on the far left as his wife. The other two had to be her sisters.

Though, he knew of her sisters and what had happened for her to leave them behind and start a new life, Paige was very evasive when he inquired about them. At first the very idea of magic, had just confused him, and as Paige continued to insist upon it he had considered getting her a shrink.

After a few arguments, and a break up though, he had taken her word for it and accepted it as part of who she was. Though he believed his wife and trusted her completely, he still remained skeptical.

As he allowed the pads of his thumb to glide gently over the unopened letter, he wondered why it was that they had never been sent to their intended destination. He never considered his wife of being scared of anything, least of all sending a letter to her estranged sisters.

He prided himself on knowing his wife better than she knew herself and he could tell that she missed them. As much as she avoided his questions about them and ignored his curiosity, he could tell that a part of her wanted to see them, be a part of their lives again. But he also knew what a stubborn and strong minded woman she was.


The calling of his daughter broke him out of his thoughts, and he returned them to their original hiding place, in an old shoebox. Just as Sinead entered he managed to stuff it into the back of the wardrobe, reminding himself to return it to the attic later.

"There you are!"

The young girl launched herself into his arms and he caught her easily, resting her on a hip.

"Mommy says dinners ready"

He was just about to respond when he was cut off by the shrill ring of his cell phone. Kissing her temple softly before setting her on the ground he motioned for her to carry on down the stairs.




"I said no Kyle"

Reaching out he took his wife by the wrist and turned her to face him. Her soulful eyes were awash in anxiety and he felt himself soften. He allowed her wrist to fall from his hand, and instead rested them on her hips. Aiden had just been put to bed, and the older children were currently in the living room, with the latest Disney film.

"It will only be for a few day's"


"San Francisco is a big place" he paused to brush a stray curl behind her ear "What's the chance that you'll bump into them?"

She sighed and glanced away from him, but he turned her face towards him and locked eyes with her.

"The kid's are off school, I'm only going to one conference, so we can spend the rest of the time together"

Seeing him look at her with wide eyes, and pouted lips she sighed. So that's where the kids learnt it. A few days away did sound good, but there was always the chance that she would run into them. As they say, what can go wrong will go wrong, and when you have Halliwell blood, it's definitely the truth.


He smiled broadly before claiming her lips with his own. Their tongues glided over one another, in a dance that had long ago become familiar. Pulling away they rested their foreheads together gently. Paige placed a short kiss to his lips before turning and heading into the living room.

Once gone Kyle reached into the pocket of his jeans, and pulled out an envelope. Gazing down at the address scribbled across the front for a moment, he glanced back up at where his wife's retreating form.

"Prescott Street, here I come"