Chapter 14: Leaving and Returning

There were merely fifteen minutes left until departure. Sitting in the train, Shinichi was currently watching Ran – who, in turn, was staring out onto the platform, waiting for a sign of Heiji and Kazuha, sighing as the minutes ticked by.

Shinichi had long given up on talking to her in her current mood and he was quite sure the rest of their trip would be a living hell if their friends wouldn't soon show up. Who was he kidding, if they didn't get there in time- reconciled- he'd be doomed.

He was just settling back, trying to think of a way to lift Ran's mood, when she jumped up, squealing "Heiji," and sprinted towards the doors. Glancing outside, Shinichi also spotted the familiar cap in the commotion of people hurrying towards the soon leaving train and he followed Ran quickly.

"Where's Kazuha?" he heard Ran's question when he joined them on the platform.

"She needed some time," Heiji told her quietly and when Ran started to say something he added, "Alone."

Shinichi practically felt the piercing evil glance his girlfriend shot him at that.

"Hattori, I'm really sorry," he started uncomfortably, but Heiji just waved him off.

"You were right, Kudo, you just wanted to protect Kazuha. Heck, I'd probably have kicked your ass the minute the thought you might play Ran-chan in any way had crossed my mind, had our positions been reversed."

Shinichi stared at Heiji for a moment. He was probably right, he would have hit Shinichi without even asking beforehand. That's just how fiercely protective Heiji could be. In hindsight, Shinichi didn't understand how he could ever believe his friend would sleep with Kazuha just to win a bet. That wouldn't have been the right-seeking person they knew.

"It's going to be alright, Ran-chan, don't be angry with Shinichi," Heiji continued, "he meant well. And it's obviously my fault for agreeing to the bet, anyway. The two of you should head on and enjoy your first trip together. Don't give Kudo a hard time."

The obvious fact that Heiji had somehow grown up since that distant phone call all those weeks ago made the whole mess even more aggravating.

"Thanks, pal," Shinichi told him, patting Heiji's arm in a friendly way, who nodded in return.

"But you seem so down, Heiji!" Ran stated the obvious and Heiji shot her his trademark smirk, if not as bright as normally.

"Don't worry, I'll win Kazuha over again. That Ahou can't stay mad at me for long, ya know. You know how she is; I just need a brilliant idea to woo her. So, can I talk to you for a minute, Ran-chan?" As Ran nodded, Heiji shot Shinichi a half questioning, half dismissive look and the detective immediately knew what that meant.

"I'll go on to the train and wait for you inside, Ran. Don't take too long, the train will leave in about five minutes," Shinichi agreed, and Ran shot a glance that showed him she was still a little annoyed with him. Nodding to Heiji one last time, Shinichi started making his way back to the train. From the window, he watched Heiji and Ran talk, her back to him. They were discussing something and Shinichi could see Ran nodding and glancing around, before returning her attention to Hattori.

What exactly were they talking about, he wondered. And why had Ran just turned and stared in his direction?

They soon broke apart when an announcement declared the nearing departure of the train, Ran hugging Heiji goodbye and re-joining Shinichi quickly.

"What did he want to talk about?" Shinichi asked casually when they started rolling and Ran merely shrugged.

"Just brainstorming how to win Kazuha back," she said, shrugging, "and he also reminded me how much I love you and that I really shouldn't punish you for what happened."

"And won't you?" The detective questioned, making Ran smile for what seemed the first time in hours.

"Maybe a little bit. But sometimes you don't even mind me punishing you." With that she settled back, picking out her book again like she had on their way to Osaka, leaving Shinichi alone with his thoughts again.

"Maybe they'll already be back together when we stop over on our way back home," he noted absentmindedly after some minutes, really hoping he had not destroyed his friends' relationship.

If Shinichi hadn't been so immersed in his own thoughts he might have recognised a small smile crossing Ran's lips when she answered with an affirmative mumble.

On the platform, Heiji watched the train starting to leave, slow at first. Waving one last time at Ran, he waited until the train took a turn left and went out of sight.

Unstressed he then turned around himself, strolling towards the far end of the platform where a little Café was built onto it. He stretched. A coffee would be great after that day.

Sitting down at a little table he frowned.

"Yuck- this table is all sticky with something. Couldn't you find a clean one, Ahou?" he asked the young woman sitting opposite him, who merely rolled her eyes.

"Don't push ya luck, Ahou!" Kazuha answered, handing him the menu.

"So, did everything go according to plan?" she wondered, taking a sip from her cup.

"Of course, it did," he told her, waving to the waitress, "Kudo thinks you're still mad. I told Ran that – after I told you the whole story and how much I love you- you believed me and that we have a better plan to make Kudo suffer for what he did than her being mad at him and destroying their vacation. I just hope Kudo didn't notice anything when Ran nearly dislocated her neck to look for you sitting here."

"First, let's make one thing clear: It's YOUR petty little plan, not mine. I merely agreed because I really want to see the outcome," she told him, grinning, and Heiji smirked in return.

"That's my girl," he mumbled as he bent over the table, catching her lips in a soft kiss.

"And second?" he inquired when they broke apart and she looked at him, confusion visible in her slightly dazed eyes, which made Heiji chuckle with pride.

"W-what?" she mumbled, making him laugh.

"You said 'First', Ahou, which normally means there's a 'Second' to follow!"

She sat back and thought about it for a moment, as Heiji finally told the waitress what he wanted.

"I don't remember," Kazuha then stated, shrugging her shoulders, "I merely hope they enjoy their holiday."

Heiji grinned. "I merely hope I can still befuddle you this much with just a kiss fifty years from now," he whispered, kissing her again.

"Well, it might be befuddling if my third husband is in the room while you do it," she teased him.

"Oh shut up, Ahou! As if you could rope three men into marrying you" he mumbled lovingly against her lips, making her smile.

"Maybe just one then..."

When Shinichi and Ran came back four weeks later, annoyingly tanned and relaxed, Ran's face lit up when she saw Kazuha and Heiji waiting on the platform, holding hands and Heiji caught the brief look of relief crossing Shinichi's features.

"You're back!" Kazuha squealed, hugging her friend, just as Ran squealed "You're together" at the same time.

Again, Heiji and Shinichi shook hands, making both girls shake their heads and laugh.

This time, Ran and Shinichi were only staying for some hours before venturing on homewards and Kazuha had decided they would go out to eat something and chat.

When they had listened to the vacation adventures, which, and Ran claimed this to be a miracle, did not include any murders or other cases, and were waiting for dessert, Shinichi spoke up.

"I'm really glad you two could work things out!" he told Kazuha, who smiled brightly, "I'm sorry I caused so much trouble."

"Oh," Kazuha started, "it wasn't that much trouble and I know you just wanted to protect me."

"Yes, actually, Kudo, I wanted to talk to you about that. Remember our bet?" Heiji interrupted, making Shinichi frown.

"I think that bet was off a long time ago, Hattori," he mumbled, but Heiji grinned.

"Well, you'd like it to be since you obviously lost it," Heiji reasoned at which Shinichi eyed him suspiciously.

"Not to dwell on what I did, but since you and Kazuha fought and broke up that day, you'd obviously have lost, Hattori!" Shinichi countered, making Ran roll her eyes and Kazuha giggle.

"Well, you see, Kudo, you'd normally be right, but," Heiji started, and Shinichi could feel a knot forming in his stomach, "first of all, we got back together right before the two of you left, I just wanted to keep you in suspense a bit more and secondly, even if you'd say the time before our argument did not count, it has been one month since the two of you left for Europe. So, since we did not specify when my monthly relationship had to start, I believe I actually won our bet."

Shinichi stared at Heiji and Kazuha for a moment.

"You were already back together when we left?" he shouted, making Kazuha flinch.

"Ran knew," she told him apologetically, at which Ran nodded enthusiastically.

"Yep, that's the only reason I wasn't mad at you when we arrived in Italy," she chimed up and Shinichi suddenly realised what Heiji and his girlfriend had been discussing at the train station.

"You wanted me to lose this bet?" he asked her reproachfully and she smiled.

"I believe a gentleman who takes a bet has to suffer the consequences. This might teach you neither to meddle in your friends' lives nor not to listen to your girlfriend when she tells you to do something." At that, Ran stuck out her tongue at Shinichi.

Years later, the friends would still laugh about the newspaper picture of Shinichi handing his friends refreshments in Osaka Castle Park, dressed up as a maid and glaring at the paparazzi while the others were laughing manically, which was framed on walls in Heiji's and Kazuha's family home, as well as Ran and Shinichi's place. Even Shinichi could laugh about it by now, even though he still tried to get rid of it every chance he got. He didn't want to answer any more funny questions about it and soon his daughter as well as their friends' twins would be old enough to start asking those.


Bonus Story:

By Tuesday morning after Ran and Shinichi had left, Heiji and Kazuha had settled into a quite impressive and natural rhythm, and he felt happier than ever. On the one hand, everything was as it always had been: They drove or walked to school together, they had shared classes as well as ones where they separated, they ate together. But at the same time, everything was so much better. This thought just crossed Heiji's mind again as he was sitting under a cherry tree next to the gym, kissing Kazuha languidly before his Kendo practice started. He sighed when her fingers skimmed the nape of his neck and he could feel Kazuha's smile against his lips.

"I have to go," she whispered and his grip tightened around her waist.

"Heiji," she whined, "Aikido!"

He growled playfully, making her giggle.

"I, too, have training now, and you don't see me rushing off!" he told her, pecking her lips once more.

"That's because you already changed into most of your Kendo gear, Ahou!" she smiled and poked him in the chest.

"I could help you change," he offered, when a high pitch shriek echoed next to them.

Kazuha's expression darkened, as they slowly stood up, facing Eliza.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry my eyes had to see this!" the girl whimpered. Ever since their meeting in the restaurant she had changed from trying to win Heiji over to exaggeratedly hating on his and Kazuha's relationship.

Heiji rolled his eyes and was just about to say something when Kazuha spoke up.

"Just shut up, Eliza," she told the girl matter-of-factly, her voice hard, "and grow up. Just because Heiji has no interest in you doesn't mean you can't pull yourself together, become a halfway decent person and find somebody who can stand you."

As Heiji watched them, he had a feeling the wide- eyed look on Eliza's face might mirror his own.

"The way you are now, it's probably not your pretty face standing in the way of a relationship, so think about that the next time you decide to act like an annoying, snobbish, stupid princess," Kazuha continued before taking Heiji's hand and stomping off.

For the rest of the year, Eliza was surprisingly timid.

And Heiji had never felt more proud of Kazuha than he did right that day.

The End (again)

Author's Notes:

So, that's it for this story, folks. A little hint into the family future of the Kudos and Hattoris, a small outtake how Kazuha handled Eliza and I think we're finished.

I hope you enjoyed my story. If I missed something tell me!

Again, I'm waiting for reviews!

Thanks for staying with this story as long as it took!

Love, Ria