Disclaimer: I do not own the rights Naruto or any of it's characters


That god damned saying.

What the hell is wrong with people.

I wanted to kill Sakura as she agreed.

It doesn't matter that she was hurting too.

So what if she had tears streaming down her face.

How could she nod and be comforted by such lies?

In fact, how the hell could that stupid bastard who didn't even know Naruto say that.

"It's how he would have wan't to go."


I'm not stupid enough to fall for those empty words.

I'm not stupid like him.


Damn dobe.

Why the hell didn't he just wait.

Even just a few more seconds.

Fuckin' hell!

If there was any way he should have... gone...

It would have been as Hokage, protecting the village.

The ones he loved.

Protecting... the ones he loved...

If I had done my job.

If I had protected the ones I loved I wouldn't be here.

I wouldn't be sitting next to his body just staring.

I have somehow convinced myself he will wake up any moment now.

I know it's impossible.

I even checked for a heart beat myself.

I listened for a full ten minutes.

I'm still not quite convinced that there isn't one.

But no... I'm not gong to allow my insane mind tell me to check again.

Damn it.

I just want to grab his shoulders and shake him.

Yell in his ears to wake up.

To tell him he's pissing me off.

I know he won't though.

I don't know why I'm so shocked by this.

Why I haven't accepted this yet.

I mean.

It's not like shinobi have a very high life expectency rate.

It comes with the teritory.

But I'm still in denial.

As long as I wait few more minutes, I'll see him open his eyes sleepily with a huge grin on his face and say "So... Did I kick their ass, or did I kick there ass?"

I know that's what he'd say if he would just wake up.

He said something a long those lines last time he came to in hospital.

The minutes turn into hours.

I wish people would stop coming in to check on me.

I'm fine.

Completely fine.

One less idiot in the world right?


"I'm sorry, you're not an idiot. Well you ar-were, but... you were my idiot."

He can't even hear me.

I didn't need to say sorry.

This would be so much more real,

So much easier to believe, if he actually looked dead.

Right now he just looks like he did this morning as I gently removed myself from his arms.

It's ironic.

I tried so hard not to wake him, now all I wish is that I could.

I always loved to watch him sleep.


The door quietly scraped the floor as Kakashi slowly edged it open.

"You really should get something to eat."

"I know."

"You should go home and have a shower."

"I know."

"This isn't healthy."

"I know... I know already so could you just stop... Just stop."

"Why won't just go get something to eat at least. Please?"

"I don't want to leave him."

"Everyone's worri-"

"I don't want him to wake up and not see me."

Kakashi made his way around and squatted in front of Sasuke. There were tears running down his cheeks, but he didn't even seem to notice. Kakashi gently held his hands in his, trying to comfort the boy, but not knowing how.

"That idiot was so worried when he woke up last time and I wasn't here. He thought something had happened to me."

He chuckled lightly at the memory.

Those were all he had left.

"He's not waking up this time." He wasn't saying that to be cruel, just to get him to understand.

"I know, it's just... He looks like he's sleeping."