Formula-One Piece

Disclaimer: I do not own ONE PIECE, nor do I own F-Zero. I do own, however, the idea to combine them. Nothing else.

KS: This is a fic I came up with one day while listening to my F-Zero soundtrack CD. For those of you who don't know, F-Zero is the single greatest racing game in the world. Just to let you know how good it is, I HATE racing games and I LOVE F-Zero. Really. Well, this fic is about the Straw hats getting transported (in a feasible way, mind you) to the future where F-Zero prevails.

I think you'll get the fic as you read. This isn't meant to be cheesy, because I have too much respect for ONE PIECE and F-Zero for that. But, it should have lots of funny goodness. Enjoy.

CHAPTER ONE: Mugiwara no Densetsu

The F-ZERO Grand Prix dates back to the 26th century.

The GP--Grand Prix--is a fantastic race that displays the most incredible machines and most skilled pilots in the known galaxies in a heart-pounding, adrenaline-rushed action race with speeds exceeding 2000 km/h. The Prix is sponsored by the wealthy elite who determine the rules and who enters, and they organized the F-ZERO Execution Project. The Grand Prix's winner receives a LARGE cash prize and high prestige...but it's not as easy as it sounds to win.

The F-ZERO machines are fine, sound barrier-breaking units. They hover inches (or feet) off of the ground using something called a "G-Diffuser System", allowing them to reach their breakneck speeds. They reach these speeds using their micro-plasma engines.

Now, let us see something interesting...


It was a fine day on the Going Merry. The wind was with them and so were the seas. Zoro and Sanji hadn't fought all day, and Usopp hadn't set himself on fire. It was peaceful.

Well, peaceful until...

"Ah...So hungry...Sanji...Neeeeeed meeeeeeaaaaat..." Luffy moaned as he lay draped over the Going Merry's figurehead.

Sanji sighed. He had known this was going to happen, that's why he had tried to spend as much time out of Luffy's sight or earshot as possible. When Luffy saw him, he thought of food, of course. And thinking of food made Luffy think of eating, and that made him hungry. Hungry for meat.

"Sanji!!" Luffy called. Sanji handed the parfait he had been working on over to Nami and gave Robin the coffee she wanted.

He tried to ignore the Rubberman's complaining by basking in Nami-san and Robin-chan's beauty.

"SANJI!!!!" Luffy said. He had come over. "What's that?" He asked, pointing to Nami's parfait. Sanji shook his head a bit, irritated.

"It's a parfait. A tangerine parfait." He replied. Luffy looked blank for a moment.

He didn't know what a parfait was; probably couldn't pronounce it, either. He continued to look blank. "Never mind." Sanji said. He walked away. Luffy leaned over Nami, looking at the dessert. "Mystery pudding..." He said as he looked at it hungrily, almost drooling.

"DON'T BOTHER NAMI-SAN!!" Sanji shouted, coming back and kicking Luffy in the face and sending him flying. He crashed into a wall.

"Then fix me some meat!!" Luffy said, pulling on his rubber face to get the footprint out of it.

Zoro opened an eye angrily and gritted his teeth. "Would you two be quiet!?!? I'm trying to sleep!!" He growled. Sanji shot him a look.

"Oi, Marimo, you sleep ALL THE TIME!!"

"I don't sleep all of the time." Zoro said.

Sanji sneered. "It's gotta be your body trying to tell you to cut back on the booze."

"Shut up!!"

"Uh...guys..." Nami said, getting up and putting her newspaper and parfait to the side.

"What is it, Nami-san?" Sanji asked, turning. Nami didn't reply, she just walked up behind him and pointed.

The bow of the ship was glowing, and as the ship was going along, the rest of the ship was starting to glow as well. Everyone looked and stopped what they were doing.

"What the...?" Zoro muttered, getting up. Luffy looked at the shimmering bow, and watched as the ship was being enveloped.

"Wow...!!!" He said with wide-eyes.

Usopp leapt up and grabbed onto the mast as the glow came toward him; but all it did was move up the mast. "Ah!! What is it!?" He cried out.

It started going faster. The glow then started to progress up the straw-hats' legs.

"Ah...!" Sanji said, watching.

"It's tingly!" Luffy smiled. Everyone started to feel weird; sick.

"I don't feel so well..." Nami moaned. Sanji reached out and put his arm around Nami's shoulder for comfort, and she didn't protest.

"It's a 'Mystery tingle'..." Luffy muttered. As soon as the entire ship and crew were engulfed, there was a brilliant but brief flash of light, and they were gone.

KS: Thanks for reading! I know it's a weird idea, but it'll be good, bear with me! Any questions or whatever, ask in reviews! Just review...I love it and I'll even reply!!!