Title: Momo's New Bike
Author: Darth Claire
Rating: PG
Pairing: Momo/Ryo
Disclaimer: Pot is not mine.
Summary: Momo gets a motorcycle. The title sucks, sorry.
Ryoma ran downstairs with only one arm in the sleeve of his uniform jacket and grabbed a piece of toast off the table on his way to look for his school bag. His mother grabbed him and ran a brush through his hair.
"You're not going to school looking like a slob!" Rinko said as Ryoma finished putting on his uniform and ducked away to find his bag.
"Mom, Momo will be here any minute. I'll be late!" he protested as she came back to finish fixing his hair.
"You're almost a senior in high school, when are you going to learn to wake up on time!"
Ryoma glanced at the clock. "Bye." He finished buttoning his jacket and walked out the door to wait for Momo, listening for the familiar bell of his boyfriend's bicycle. But instead of the delicate chime of the bell, he heard a loud roar from down the street. He covered his ears and turned to see what was making the racket. A red motorcycle pulled to a stop right in front of him. The driver killed the engine and took off his helmet.
"Momo-chan?!" Ryoma yelled, gawking at the motorcycle. Where the bike?
"Do you like it?" Momo asked excitedly. "You remember when my parents were trying to get me to study for my entrance exams and they said they would get me anything I wanted if I got into college? I asked them for this, they totally went for it!"
"It's loud." Ryoma said, glaring at the red monstrosity.
Momo put the spare helmet on Ryoma's head and took his hand, pulling him over to the motorcycle. "Come on, you'll love it I promise."
"Wait, Momo!"
Momo ignored Ryoma's protests and started the bike. "Hold on tight!" Ryoma circled his arms around Momo's waist and barely managed to stay on as the motorcycle jetted away. He pulled himself closer to Momo until his chest was pressed as close to Momo's back as possible, holding on for dear life. They zipped through the streets at what seemed like lightening speed. Ryoma shut his eyes tightly, not daring to look as they flew by houses and cars faster than they ever had before. Ryoma held Momo as tightly as possible, burying his face between Momo's shoulder blades and praying that he wouldn't be thrown from the red death trap on the way to school. Finally, they pulled to a stop in front of the school. The ride to school had never been long and with the motor cycle, it seemed like the blink of an eye, but for Ryoma it was the longest blink of an eye in history. Momo turned off the bike and slowly pried Ryoma's arms off of him. Ryoma stayed on the bike, shaking and gripping the seat tightly, still afraid that he might fall off.
"So?" Momo asked excitedly. "What do you think? I've always wanted one of these."
Ryoma struggled to catch his breath now that the mortal terror of the ride had subsided. He had always liked Momo's bicycle and he couldn't believe that Momo wanted to trade it for this thing. He loved their quiet rides to school with the breeze blowing gently through his hair and Momo's boisterous voice ringing out over the din of the city. He loved holding Momo gently as they rode, quietly chatting or coyly snuggling against his boyfriend's strong back. Ryoma had always looked forward to spending 10 minutes alone with Momo just enjoying the older boy's company. Now that had turned into a 3 minute thrill ride during which he was too terrified to even notice that Momo was there. "Get the bicycle back right now! I hate this thing!"
Momo smiled, remembering the feel of Ryoma's slim body pressed tightly against his. "Really?" he asked, giving Ryoma a quick kiss. "I kinda like it."
Ooo The End ooO