Disclaimer: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin or the characters. Such a BIG disappointment!!!!!!!



The midnight air was cool and humid. However, in the city it was not a silent weekend night. Everyone was busy getting involved in the nightlife and mingling with others. Right now, Misao would surely be among that crowd with her new boyfriend, Shinamori Aoshi.

The raven-haired girl frowned at the thought of Aoshi. There was something distinct about him that she did not like. Perhaps it was cold exterior, which turned most girls off. But Kaoru knew that some are attracted to such a mysterious look. One of that many girls is Misao. How she had hooked the stoic man, Kaoru had no clue.

Kaoru sighed sadly and curled up on the couch. It was not like she didn't like that sort of nightlife. In fact, a year back she was a part of it. She enjoyed drowning some alcohol and letting herself loose with different partners. Kaoru had never stuck to one man. She had refused a proper date since she was 14. Since her betrothed broke up their engagement for a young lady his age.

This year...it was not a lucky year for young Kaoru. Young she is. After all, the young lady who has a great potential to be a counselor is just 23 years old. Her long hair was tied in a loose bun allowing stray strands to float about. Her oversized t-shirt covered her petite form and she wore an old drawstring pants. Kaoru sipped a bit of wine before throwing her gaze outside the window of her condominium. The large beautiful house was an illusion to others. For Kaoru...it was just a fancy prison.


"Moshi moshi!"


Kaoru smiled at the receiver. She felt happy as she heard the voice of the man she had missed so much. They have not met for a year and the only way Kaoru could talk to him was through the phone.

"Hajime-niisan, it is a pleasant to hear from you! How are you, onii-san?" Kaoru asked a big smile on her face. From the other end, Saito Hajime felt his spirits lift a little at the sound of his sister's happy voice. But he knew by now not to be deceived by it. Kaoru was not that good an actress.

"I'm fine. So are the rest of us. Yahiko...the brat is still like before. Sulking and blaming himself for all that has happened. Even I..."

"Iie. You are all not involved in this. Please do not blame yourselves for this misfortune. Onii-san, tell me. How is Onee-san and chibi-chan?" Kaoru asked stirring the topic away from rocky hills.

Saito sighed at the receiver. His sister is really avoiding the topic. "Tokio and Kyuichiro are just fine. Tokio is expecting our second child. The doctor says there is a possibility it could be twins," he said glancing at the silent form of his wife knitting at the sofa.

"How wonderful! To have twins! Congratulations, onii-san. Convey my regards to nee-san, okay?" Kaoru said, genuinely happy for them. Yet in her heart, she felt a light tug reminding her that she could not have the pleasures her brother has. Saito Hajime might be Yahiko and Kaoru's stepbrother but he was a responsible and reliable one. Others might think they are an odd lot. One was stone cold and finds others suffering enjoyable, the other kind but very violent and the youngest, arrogant but with a big heart. Her family.

"How are you, tanuki?" Saito asked adding Kaoru's most hated nickname for affect. He was not disappointed. "TANUKI! Onii-san stop calling me that! If I was there..."

"That's the problem, isn't it? You are not here. What can we do to repair this damage Kaoru?" Saito asked. To others, he might be a sadistic policeman but his family knows just how much the ember-eyed man loves the family he has. Right now, he was trying hard not to show the helplessness he felt at not being able to protect the woman he had loved and taken care off since a mere baby.

Kaoru glanced at the bruise on her wrist. Her sigh was loud enough for Saito to her and he drew in a deep breath. "I'm fine, onii-san. Don't worry..." Kaoru was about to continue when she heard the doorbell ring. Her face paled. "Kaoru.."

"Gomen. I need to go. Oyasumi." Kaoru hung up quickly and rushed to the door. She had to be quick and efficient or things might get ugly. The door swung open and Kaoru bowed in greeting.

"Okerinasai, Enishi."

The white-haired man glared at the woman in front of him. He took in her messy and breathless appearance and growled. Kaoru felt her body numb with fear. Her husband was capable of anything.

Enishi walked in briskly and sat down on the couch. Kaoru immediately kneeled down and removed his shoes and socks. She took his bag and placed it in the study before bringing a glass of wine. Personally, she felt water would be better since he smelled like he had drank too much but Kaoru remembered clearly how he beat her for 'thinking'.

Enishi did not like it when anyone thought he was wrong. He was always right.

"Did you go out?"

Kaoru looked up, shocked. "No."

A small, cruel smile lit up his face and he turned to look at her. Kaoru felt herself backing up slowly until he back was at the wall. Enishi trapped her with his hands and leaned near her ear.

"Liar." He whispered. He tilted his wine glass and poured the rest of its contents on Kaoru. Enishi leaned in and sniffed. "Fear. I smell fear. Haven't you gotten used to me yet, Kaoru?" He touched her cheek gently and traced a wine drop to her neck. Kaoru shuddered frightfully. He frowned.

Instantly, she felt his lips on hers, ravaging her. His lips roughly assaulted hers, his tongue forcing entrance. Kaoru gasped and he took his opportunity. His hands violently tore her clothes and he pushed her hard against the wall. Kaoru screamed in pain. Her head started spinning and she felt awfully dizzy. Enishi grabbed a handful of her hair and dragged her to the room. Kaoru screamed.

"Onegai, Enishi! It hurts!" she screamed as he dragged he and threw her on the bed. Kaoru felt tears pricking at the sides of her eyes. "Onegai!" she begged hoping that at least that night, she would not have to endure his rough 'handling'. Enishi snared. "You should have thought of that before you left. I told you ...You are not to leave this place!"

"I didn't!" Kaoru cried out and screamed when Enishi bit the top of her breasts. Pain filled her entire body when he assaulted her, hitting her to submission. Kaoru closed her eyes, her mind already giving up. Her spirit had long since broken. She knew before dawn, she would be supporting new bruises.

"It was so great!" Misao said enthusiastically as she waved her hands about telling Kaoru about her date with 'Aoshi-sama'. "We danced so romantically with each other. He placed non-existent kisses on my hair and shoulders. Thank you for telling me to wear the red top, Kaoru! He couldn't take his eyes off me..." Misao continued her rambling and Kaoru listened politely, smiling at her friend.

Thank goodness kimonos are long-sleeved and high necked. Kaoru was glad that all her bruises were safely covered from prying eyes. Especially Misao's and Tae's. They were her closest friends but she was scared how much trouble their 'helping' might get her into. Right now, she was happy to sit beside her bubbly friend and listen to her. Misao had not noticed anything off with Kaoru's behavior thanks to the mask she had put on.

"Kaoru," Tae called out. "Table three for two!"

"Sorry, Mi-chan. Gotta go." Kaoru rushed out, a smile plastered on her small face. She walked quickly to table three, a personal table which was hidden from view. She could hear two voices talking and interrupted softly only to taken back.

"Sumimasen. Are you gentlemen ready to order?" Kaoru asked and bowed in greeting.

Both men fell silent and stared at her before one hesitantly opened his mouth.


Kaoru looked up to see two very familiar looking men. One had a hair that stood up. His cinnamon eyes looked at her in surprise. He was tall. Taller than her and his companion.

His companion had fiery red hair and amethyst eyes to match. He was slight in form and build. He too stared in shock at Kaoru.

Kaoru could barely form proper words when she saw the two men. Sagara Sanosuke and Himura Kenshin. The second guy...well he was the ex-fiancé she had managed to avoid since their broken engagement.

"Isn't this a pleasant surprise?" Kaoru forced the words out and a fake smile graced her lips. "Aa. I was just wondering the other day how were you doing, jou-chan." Sano smiled happily at the young woman. And quite a woman she had become he noticed. Apparently, Sano smirked, so had Kenshin.

Amethyst eyes darkened as they took in the lithe form of Kamiya Kaoru. Her raven-haired was tied in a bun and her kimono hugged her body, showing all the curves she had. She had grown up quite nicely, he realised. Her obi was tied tightly allowing him to see her chest pressed at the fabric of her kimono. Her pink lips were practically beckoning him to kiss her. Her sapphire gems glittered in curiosity and he found himself drowning in their depths. What a change she had gone through during the near ten years of their separation.

Kaoru saw Kenshin assessing her and felt a slow blush making its way up her cheeks. She quickly turned away and gave a small stressed chuckle. "Sano, you have not changed one bit. Finally going out with kitsune?" Kaoru inquired with a smile. She refused to look directly at Kenshin, darting her eyes when he tried to catch hers. Sanosuke choked and then forced a laughed, rubbing his hair nervously. "Well, I ah...am...ah...trying to get my proposal lines correct, actually." Kaoru's tense smile remained. "We really have not seen you since schooling days, Jou-chan. Since both your engagement ended that is."

Sano bit back a yelp when he felt Kenshin kick his leg, hard. He saw his friend glare at him and gulped. "Ugh...well...uhh...you look very different, Jou-chan." Kaoru laughed. "I am, aren't I? Well, dad thought it was high time I learned how to be a proper lady. However he failed in the cooking area. I suck at it," she said easily. These were not the people she had to please anymore. She need not feel inferior to them. Sano laughed. Suddenly, both men noticed one thing.

"Jou-chan, are you married?" Sano asked as he took her hand. Kaoru paled and faked a laugh as she quickly pulled her hand back.

"Yes, yes I have. Anoo, what are you going to order?"

Kenshin felt his heart break at the sight of her ring. It showed the fact that he had lost a very special person. How had he been blind all those years ago is a mystery now to him as he saw the beautiful woman Kaoru had become. Until he saw something that puzzled and worried him.

A bruise.

When Kaoru pulled her hand back hurriedly, the sleeve of her kimono pulled back a little for a moment revealing a bruise at her wrist. If he had not been a trained swordsman and was once a bodyguard for the government, he would not have noticed it. It was properly covered and hidden from view.

Kaoru noticed Kenshin's eyes lingering on her wrist and her heartbeat raced in expectation. Had he noticed her bruise? She wondered as she left to submit their orders. She hoped not. She did not need her ex barging into her life and causing utter chaos.

As she walked away and continued her job, Enishi left the coffee shop opposite the restaurant in angrily. He knew who the men were and wondered what Kaoru was doing with them. He would have to take care of her when she reached home.

"You seem in deep thought, Kenshin. Anything the matter?"

Kenshin looked out the window as Sano drove the car into a long driveway. His mind had not left the thought of Kaoru alone. Sometimes about how she had grown and other times about the bruise. Something was not right and he felt it was his duty to investigate.

"Kaoru huh?" Sano suddenly said making Kenshin turn to face his childhood friend immediately. "Knew her name would get your attention." Sano smirked knowingly. A thought crossed his mind and he laughed. Kenshin shook his head.

"What's so funny?" he asked as they got out and walked to the door of the large mansion.

"Wait till kitsune hears this!" Sano said as they entered the house. Kenshin stopped still before glaring at his friend. Sano laughed.

"Jou-chan is hot isn't she? Man, I never knew she would grow to be such a beauty. And she had long legs too. Bet you noticed them through the slit, huh Kenshin?" Sano teased as he walked pass his friend.

"Who has such long legs, tori-atama?"

Sano gulped and Kenshin who was about to lunge at his friend stopped with a smile. The lady is here.

"Megumi! Sano was just complimenting the woman that served our lunch. Looks like you are losing your touch since he noticed her, right?" Kenshin said with an evil gleam in his eyes. If Sano feared anyone, it was Megumi.

"Really? Who is this woman, tori-atama?" Megumi advanced menacingly. It was not helping that she just came out from the kitchen with a knife. Sano gulped nervously.

"It wasn't me. I swear. I was just teasing Kenshin!" Sano yelled as he backed away carefully. Megumi was unconvinced.

"Ken-san? Whom could you tease him with?" Megumi replied clearly showing that she did not believe Sano seeing that Kenshin was not into women since he lost Tomoe to Akira.

"Kaoru! She was the woman serving us!" Sano let out a breath of relief when he notices Megumi's interested expression.

Kenshin swore under his breath. He was trapped when he wanted to trap Sano. Megumi would surely want details. But he needed to see Aoshi now.

"Kaoru? As in Kamiya Kaoru, your ex-fiancée? That violent girl is the woman with beautiful legs?" Megumi asked in disbelief. Kenshin struggled to bite back a growl. He was surprised at the protectiveness he felt for Kaoru. He never felt that way for her. Then again, before she was a growing 14 year old teen and he was a 19 year old in high school. He never even thought of the shorthaired wild teen as attractive. Now...

"Yeah, we saw Jou-chan at Akabeko. It seems she still is harboring feelings for Kenshin since she did not really look at him." Sano grinned at the blush on Kenshin's face. Kenshin felt his face heat up and sighed. He would have been happy at that idea except for the feelings of disappointment and worry deep inside.

"She does not have feelings for me. She is just angry with me, I guess. After all, she is married." Megumi stared in disbelief.

"Married? Tanuki-chan is married earlier than me? What is the world coming to?" Megumi cried out as she stomped to the kitchen angrily as she cursed a certain rooster-head.

Sano and Kenshin stared at Megumi and sweat dropped. Women are so scary.

The door opened and Aoshi entered. He stopped seeing the duo before nodding at them and moving to enter his room. Kenshin immediately stopped him.

"Aoshi, can you please find out all you can about Kamiya Kaoru and her husband."

"How was work today?" Enishi asked as he held Kaoru's naked body underneath his. Kaoru turned to look at him in surprise. Since when had Enishi taken interest in her job?

"It was alright. However, I saw someone I didn't want to see." Kaoru nearly clapped her mouth in disbelief. How could she just blurt that out? She was startled when Enishi took her hand.

"Who was it?" Enishi asked as he sucked roughly on her fingers. Kaoru just allowed him to play with her hand as she gently massaged the nape of his neck in content. Something was different with Enishi today. He was even gentle when he asked her to have sex with him. He didn't bite her or even pull her hair like he usually does. Did something happen that she should know about?

"My ex-fiancé and his friend. They used to make my life a living hell in school. I shifted just to be free of them," Kaoru said and could not help but moan softly when Enishi leaned down as sucked on her nipple gently. Will he always be like this? She wondered.

"Did they talk to you?" He nudged her legs to part and she easily complied. Even though she was tired, Kaoru knew that she should not deny Enishi's request.

"Yes. They were surprised to see that I was married. Sa...Sagara examined my hand in disbelief when he saw the ring." Enishi smiled against her stomach. So, they were surprised to see that she was married. That was a good. It meant Kaoru was not cheating on him.

Kaoru wanted so much to sleep. But when Enishi decided to continue the night, she knew she had no say in it and complied quietly.

Kaoru nearly whooped for joy when as she took her bath the next morning. The medicine Misao had bought for her worked miracles on her skin. Her bruises and marks seemed like they disappeared and her skin was smooth like it once was. It was a good thing Enishi went away for a business trip and she had the house all to herself for a long week. Life was kind to her.

Kaoru slipped into a sleeveless red top and tight black jeans. She admired her slender form as she applied a light dash of make-up before leaving for work. She was in a good mood and nothing could happen to banish her happiness. At least for this one week.

"You seem happy," Misao commented when she saw her friend whistling a happy tune as she changed into her kimono. Kaoru grinned and twirled around without saying a word. She hurried in to report to Tae before picking up her tray and notepad for duty.

Lunch hour was drawing to a close when the door slid open and three men entered. Kenshin, Aoshi and Sano walked in quickly and sat at a corner table. Tae immediately asked Misao to take their orders.

Misao happily skipped to their seats and nearly hugged Aoshi. She was introduced to Kenshin and Sano and the trio quickly made friends. As she skipped to summit their order, the two men could not understand how Aoshi fell for someone as easy-going and hyper like Misao. She looked like a chatterbox to them.

The sight of the slightly tall woman caught Kenshin's eyes and he settled his gaze on her. She looked happy, he observed as he leaned back and watched her. Her face seemed more relaxed and calm. There was no anxiety or fear behind the blue orbs. Kenshin felt peaceful the moment he laid eyes on her. He could not sleep ever since he saw her. All he felt was to take he in his arms and make love to her. She was too tempting for her own good.

Kaoru seemed to feel someone looking at her and turned around until she met Kenshin's eyes. They seemed to be communicating with her but Kaoru knew that if Enishi ever found out he would hurt her. If she was going to lead a lifetime with Enishi, she better start winning his trust and affections. One night with the gentler version of him made him seem almost humane. She didn't want Kenshin to destroy that.

Kenshin's face fell in disappointment when she walked away from his sight. He knew that Kaoru was not going to accept him. She was married. What was this feeling that seemed to tell him that Kaoru belonged to him? After all once she was his fiancée.

"Kenshin, you are going to scare Jou-chan away, my friend. You better stop drooling." Kenshin turned to see Sano smirking at him and Aoshi had a small very invisible smile on his face. Darn it!

" Is it wrong for me to admire Kami-sama's creation?" Kenshin asked, masking his blush by looking away. Sano and Aoshi laughed and he felt his face heat up even more. He looked longingly at Kaoru.

"That was why I introduced you to Misao," Aoshi said as he sipped his tea. "She is Kaoru's school-mate. They knew each other for sometime now. If anything, she should know about it. My resources will only give the information in another two days. Dakara, you can ask her first of any information on Kaoru-san." Kenshin and Sano stared in awe before he broke into a smile.

"Arigato gozaimasu, Aoshi," Kenshin said as he bowed lightly. He turned to see Kaoru taking orders from a nearby table and smiled softly. It doesn't matter if she is married or not, at least he wanted to clear up their past misunderstandings and start anew as friends. That way, maybe his heart would be at peace. But even Kenshin knew that Kaoru had won him over with a smile and made him fall for her with her laugh. Dakara, even he could not get her as his wife, they should at least be friends.

"Dou itashimashite. Let us meet Misao now. Her shift is over."

The men got up to leave but not before Kenshin noticed Kaoru making an exit outside. Quietly, he followed her.

The young woman sighed and massaged her back lightly as she did minor exercises. She wanted so much to be able to sit down for awhile but knew that she could not do so inside. The sound of the door closing made her turn only to hit someone square on the chest. Kaoru screamed and shut her eyes as she felt herself falling backwards.

She didn't.

Instead, she heard a low chuckle and opened her eyes to see Kenshin holding her tightly to him. She was pressed against his chest and he portrays no attentions of letting go anytime soon. Kaoru struggled slightly but Kenshin refused to move. Finally, she just gave up and he let her go.

"What are you doing here?" she asked as she checked her clothing.

"I came to see you. I thought maybe we could have a little chat."

Kaoru humped. "No way. I need to get back to work." She tried to move past him but he would not budge.

"They can do without you for a while. I just need to make sure you are alright."

Kaoru turned away. "Of course I am fine. Will you please move?" Kenshin remained where he was.

"That was not what your bruise tells me. What's going on in your life, Kaoru?" Kaoru growled angrily. "You need not to bother with my life, Himura-san. I can take care of myself."

Kaoru nearly screamed in shock when Kenshin pushed her against the wall. Instead of hitting the wall, Kaoru felt him protecting her from hard contact with his hands. Then, he trapped her by placing both arms at each side. Kenshin lowered his face near hers.

Kaoru's breath became uneven. She tilted her head to see him but immediately regretted it. His lips was too close to hers. If at the age of 14 she fell madly in love with him, her feelings have not changed much over the years although he talked badly of her then. Kaoru was afraid that her attractions to him would cause problem in the future. Now, cornered like a rat she felt helpless.

"I bother with you because you bewitched me, Kaoru. I am in love with you. For your sake, I hope you have a happy marriage or you might find yourself with me."

Kaoru glared at him.

"I would not be with you even if you are..."

" The last man on earth?" Kenshin said with a smile. "Please be more creative, Kaoru. That line is way too old."

"How would I know? I was not born back then, wasn't I?" Kaoru answered back and tried to push Kenshin away.

Kenshin's eyes darkened.

"You are right," he said as he watched Kaoru; desire clear in his eyes. He loved her and darn it if he was not allowed one kiss on her perfect pink lips.

Kaoru gasped when she felt Kenshin kiss her gently on her lips. He pressed insistently and gently rubbed the sides of Kaoru's breast. When she gasped, Kenshin took the opportunity and deepened his kiss. Kaoru moaned softly, every thread of control snapped when Kenshin massaged her lips as his hand grasped her breast.

They would have gone on if not for a distraction that came in an unexpected form...


Moshi moshi: hello

Hajime-niisan: Older brother Hajime

Iie: No

Onee-san: Older sister

Chibi-chan: little one

Tanuki: raccoon

Gomen/ Sumimasen: sorry

Oyasumi: Good night

Okerinasai: Welcome home

Onegai: Please

Jou-chan: Little missy

Aa.: yeah

Kitsune: fox

Anoo; well, um...

Tori-atama: rooster head

Kami-sama: God

Arigato gozaimasu: Thank you very much

Dou itashimashite: You're welcome