Dear readers,
I know, another author's note. You're probably really pissed at me by now.
I'm so sorry for not updating. But I kind of felt like the story was losing plot. I look back and see a lot of chapters that don't really have much impact on the story at all. Also, I was losing the faint ideas of what each character was like. The last time I watched CBTD2 was when I was 10. BUT, luckily, someone posted it on YouTube! So I should be back to writing in no time.
I 'cleaned' my computer off before school started—got rid of all my old documents- including all the stuff! I had about half a chapter in the making, but I'll have to restart that. Oh well. Feel free to tell me what you think of the story so far. Be sure to check out some of the other fics, especially the newly updated 'You're Gonna Be'. THANKS!!
Lots of love,