This is the last chapter : ) thanks to everyone who took time to read this story.

CB & MG 4ever!


"Chandler! Chandler!" called out Monica.

She was out in the parking lot trying to find her husband. At last, she saw him hiding behind one of the cars.

"Hey you can go out now," said Monica reassuringly. "I've already taken care of Bully Billy or should I say Crybaby Billy."

"You made him cry?" asked Chandler in disbelief.

"Yup, I made him runaway crying like a helpless little boy."


"I broke his heart," said Monica plaintively sitting beside Chandler. "Apparently he's been obsessing with me for the last fourteen years. Turns out he was that jerk who tried hitting on me one time I visited Ross in College. I rejected him so then he took it out on anyone who happens or happened to be fat."

"Well now I kind of understand Bully Billy," muttered Chandler.


"Not his bullying fat people of course," explained Chandler. "I mean I could understand his obsession for you. You're a real catch you know."

Monica flushed pink with pleasure.

"Actually you're the real catch," she said reciprocating the compliment. "I mean how many guys would go through the trouble of wearing a fat suit to prove their love. By the way I'm really sorry for doubting your intentions earlier."

"Oh honey don't worry about that. You are totally forgiven." said Chandler moving closer to give Monica a kiss. "And besides you've already taken care of that. You made Bully Billy cry."

"You know what? This reminds me of my high school homecoming dance," shared Monica. "You see I was thrown out of the dance floor because they said that I was taking up too much space and so like you I went hiding in the parking lot. I was wishing for some guy to go run after me and ask me to go back and dance with him. But it never happened. I spent all night waiting in the parking lot but no one came for me. What I'm saying is, I won't let that happen to you. Chandler, would you go back inside and dance with me?"

"I would love to," said Chandler getting up and taking Monica's hand.

The two had taken a couple of steps back to the reunion hall when Monica suddenly stopped in her tracks.

"You know what? We don't need to go back inside," she said. "We can just go and dance right here."

"Yeah, that would be a good idea," agreed Chandler. "Since I'm wearing this fat suit I'll be taking up too much space in the dance floor. Let's just give the space to two thin couples."

And so Chandler and Monica started dancing right in the middle of the parking lot, oblivious to everything but to each other.

Monica snuggled herself closer to Chandler feeling the softness of the fat suit he was wearing. It was so wonderfully comforting.