Well, after two and a half years, and some nice reviews (thank you!), I finally got around to writing the second chapter. Thanks to everyone who pestered me to continue.

Remember in "Fragile Balance" the scene where Teal'c asked Jack if he was conducting a scientific experiment in his fridge? Well, that's where this came from.

Disclaimer on chapter one.


Chapter 2: Straight from the Fridge, Man!


Sam had put together a makeshift research laboratory in a matter of minutes. Jack had always thought he had nothing relating to science in his cabin, save for a first aid kit and a bottle of single malt, but Sam had made use of half the stuff he had. The "magnificent" sight now took over his porch and stretched inside through the open kitchen door.

"Carter?" he asked expectantly.


"All this," he gestured around him, "had better yield a result."

"Daniel and Teal'c are attempting to capture the creature as we speak," she said, nodding towards the small pier.


"Okay, Teal'c. You hold onto me while I scoop it up into the net," Daniel said, or pleaded, as he peered under the planks. "It's hiding behind some debris."

Teal'c let out an audible sigh before grabbing hold of Daniel's jacket as the younger man reached for the creature.

"Just a little further, Teal'c."

There was a splash of water, and an odd growling sound emanated from under the pier. Daniel yelped as he lifted up the pink "gremlin".

"Jack!" he yelled, his voice growing louder as the syllable went on. "I really need something to put him in!" he continued, eyeing the creature hanging inside the net, his arm stretched as far away as possible. "Or her, I suppose."

The gremlin fixed his gaze on his captor and glared, which made Daniel shudder.

"You wanna hold it?" he asked Teal'c.

"You appear to be fine. I will fetch O'Neill."

A few minutes later Daniel had managed to make his way to the porch as well, the creature only mildly more aggravated. Jack walked outside holding a small dog cage in his hand. Daniel regarded the creature with a weary eye before inserting it in the plastic box. It growled in protest.

"I'm gonna go wash my hands…" Daniel muttered and left.

"Doesn't look too harmful," Jack said, looking at the poor thing through the grid, the gremlin huddled at the back.

"I believed the creature was aquatic, that it lived underwater," Teal'c pondered.

"Well, he seems to be doing fine above it," Jack replied.

"I think it was just trying to find food," Sam said, walking towards them. "I need to take some samples. At least some skin cells."

Jack grimaced. This would not be fun.


Not long after Sam had finished, leaving Teal'c and Jack to keep an eye on the irate pinkish creature, now turning more and more burgundy, Daniel yelled from inside, "Eh, guys! You should really see this..."

The trio soon appeared in the kitchen where a baffled Daniel was staring at the open fridge.

"I think I know where it came from," he surmised.

Jack shrugged. "I'll be darned. Who'd've thunk?"

"Sir, I believe this time, you have gone too far," Sam said, her mouth forming a seemingly permanent grimace.

"Hey, it's not my fault we have such busy jobs that I don't have time to clean out the fridge."

Daniel shook his head in disbelief, Teal'c looming behind him.

"O'Neill, we must find a new suitable home for the creature," Teal'c said, the demand evident in his voice.

"Oih… Suggestions anyone?"


That's it then, the last chapter (or so I imagine) left to go. The zaniness shall continue a little bit longer.

Thanks for reading. Any and all comments are welcome.