

After 3 years of thinking Sasuke has finally admitted he cares about his 'Family' in Konoha. Sasuke returns but the villagers hate him. How will he prove to the whole of konoha that he has changed. Time is ticking... SasuSaku

I don't own Naruto. Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.


Chapter 20: The End

Tsunade sat back in her chair facing her wood desk which once again was stacked with paperwork. She couldn't help but sigh at the amount of work that always seemed to occupy and pile her desk space. Running a hand through her long blonde hair, she turned her chair to face the window.

A soft knock was heard on the door soon afterward.

"Come in" came the drained voice of the hokage.

The faint click of the door moving out of place was heard which was soon accompanied with the shuffling of feet. Judging from the sound only one person had entered the room.

"What is it?"

"Sasuke has returned on his own accord" came the reply.

Tsunade let out a breath she didn't think she was holding in. Closing her eyes she let the words sink in. That would have turned out messy...

"..although.." continued the ANBU, hesitant on whether to continue.

At this Tsunade turned around to face the messenger, placing her hands on the desk and raising an eye brow.

"..although...?" waiting for the explanation.

"..well." the ANBU scratched their head.

"..Sakura won't part with him" she finished.

Tsunade figured this would be a problem and she had already predicted Sakura's behaviour.

"Let her stay with him, she's probably the reason he came back.." she said, stating the undeniable truth.

The kunoichi nodded and left, gently closing the door behind her.

Tsunade then readied herself for the trail but this time the execution was surely going to happen. Although she didn't particularly agree with these methods, the village wanted him dead so she had to comply. Life was harsh and she knew it.

The Trail..

The seats were filled with numerous amounts of people, each wanting so see the last Uchicha executed. The sound of chattering voices filled the location. The only unoccupied chairs left were the lords, ladies and elders of konoha who were yet to enter.

Tsunade scanned the crowd and saw many familiar faces like Neji and his cousin Hinata. Her eyes however came to rest on Uzumaki Naruto, his colour completely drained from his face. Her eyes slightly widening at how frightfully pale his usually tanned face was. She scanned the room and found some medics but thought against the idea.

After the lords and ladies had taken their place the chattering gradually softened till it was completely silent. Tsunade stood up to the podium and addressed the people.

"Today we are called here to sentence Uchicha Sasuke" she read from the scroll.

"I thought he was sentenced to death already!" roared a citizen. The crowd burst into chatter once again. Amongst the chatter there seemed to be the same conversation going one witch Tsunade could easily pick up.

So he's going to die then...?

Serves him right. The bastard.

What about that Sakura girl?

Who cares.

Tsunade's eye brow twitched slightly as her teeth were clenched together.

"Silence" she wasn't heard.

Again she tried, "Silence".

"SILENCE!" she roared and immediately the chatter ceased.

Tsunade couldn't believe what she was hearing... At that moment the village elders. The crowd was silenced when a chilling gust of wind blew through the air. Hokage tower was crowded with numerous people, as the trail of Uchicha Sasuke began...

Sasuke was seated on a wooden bench inside the hokages main room, his gaze firmly set on the outside atmosphere. A cloudy sky met his eyes which seemed fit for his mood. Sakura sat beside him; she hadn't left his side during this whole ordeal which somehow made him feel better in this grim situation.

She silently slipped her hand into his and weaved her fingers with his. Sighing she let her head lean against his broad shoulder. Sasuke turned his head to face her and instantly met her eyes; all he could see was sadness.

"Sakura, you're not making this easier" he stated, sighing.

"It isn't supposed to be..." she replied, giving him an uncertain look.

Sasuke knew this but he didn't think the idea of her staying with him would make it any easier. Although he did enjoy her company during this lonely time before the trail. His mind however travelled back to moment when she found him after leaving the hospital..

Sasuke was standing at the main entrance to Konoha, the same bench where he had left her that night plainly in view. Taking a seat he pondered the situation he was in, should he run? Or was it even worth trying to? Questions floated around his head which he couldn't answer. He was certain though that running away wasn't going to help.

Sakura had left the hospital immediately after Sasuke had vanished, fearing the worst she ran to the gates. Having a gut feeling he was going to run away, she followed her instinct and indeed he was sitting there, on that bench which held many memories.

Taking a seat beside him she gently placed her hand in his and smiled in spite of the miserable times, this smile could lighten his day even if she didn't know it. Which it did..

"I'm sorry things turned out this way.." came his saddened voice.

"No Sasuke, I'm sorry" came her immediate reply. He looked up startled.

"Why are you sorry..?"

"I couldn't protect you, I trained to bring you back and now I'm weak again" she replied with all honesty.

Sasuke just felt a faint smile tug his lips as he pulled her into an embrace.

"Thank you"

Sasuke stood up with Sakura by his side, it was all he needed. He held his chin high for the pride of his clan, one of the last Uchicha's to walk these halls. The last to be slaughtered by Konoha for wanting power to avenge his family, the last time he would see her beautiful emerald eyes and at that instant he knew how much he would miss her.

Soon he stepped through the doors leading onto the hokage tower roof and was greeted by a weary silence as he walked to his place in front of the hokage. He could feel the looks that people were sending his way, the looks of hate and some of sorrow. He spotted familiar faces which offered looks of sadness and regret. What did catch him of guard however was Sakura glaring fiercely back at anyone who dared to look their way. Her presence lifted his downtrodden spirits and hope.

Once they were all seated and Sasuke restrained with some guards, the trial began...

Danzo a village elder spoke first and addressed the crowd.

"I represent the view of the elders..." he spoke with authority and power.

How much Sasuke wanted to take that from him only Tsunade and Sakura could tell.

"...since his return nothing but trouble has occurred. Take the earlier incident as an example, Konoha villagers were slaughtered by his brother's hand in an attempt to bring Sasuke back onto the path of revenge. These villagers didn't deserve a cruel fate like the one handed to them so we must avenge them by killing the source of that hate. We will also safely assume that once Sasuke is gone Itachi will stop playing games with our village.." he continued with his spitting of lies and falsehoods.

Naruto could only grit his teeth as the words washed over him and his determination now stronger than ever. I will stop this Sasuke-teme, even to give up my dream... He was about to jump into the empty space when a familiar voice spoke.

"Foolish little brother..." the crowd went into a state of panic; shinobi tried to move but were stuck under a strange technique which restricted their movement.

"..I honestly thought your hatred would lead to you killing me but I was wrong. You will not die to the hands of this pathetic village my brother but to the man you have been striving to kill"

"..Itachi.." cursed Sasuke.

The said man appeared on the stage with the blankest of faces..

"GUARDS!!" roared Tsunade, while the elders cowered in fear of their lives.

A flurry of ANBU appeared on stage, their coats flapping with the harsh winds. Each drew their weapon ready for combat but an ear piercing cry was heard instead. All ninja fell onto the floor writhing in pain.

"The standards have dropped here.." Itachi plainly stated.


Sasuke broke all restraining measures on him and charged at his older brother while Naruto also joined the fray. Sasuke saw the blonde join the battle and acknowledged him with a sharp nod.

"The killing blow is mine Naruto.." he yelled before running back into hand to hand combat.

"SASUKE!" cried Sakura, running straight after him.

Tsunade broke free of the state of panic and quickly ordered the evacuation of all villagers and elders. Meanwhile Sasuke and Itachi had engaged in a ninjutsu battle one off the fiercest fights Tsunade had ever witnessed. The sheer power of each blow seemed to reinforce the killing intent of each of the brothers. Naruto had his signature shadow clones out while they threw rasengans around as Sakura stood back and assisted when needed.

Sakura watched on in horror as her man fought against everything that caused him to entangle himself in this mess, with that in mind she rushed into the fray of exchanging blows. Three against one, the odds seemed good but their synchronisation was off.

"Sakura we all need to focus.." came the faint voice of Sasuke.



"Let's do this.."

Sasuke once again rushed into assault, his kunai slashing and parrying. The sound of metal clashing echoed on the now empty battlefield.

"Ah, three against one isn't fair brother.." taunted Itachi.

His eyes shifted into the mangekyou sharingan, as he laughed at the three ninja trying to defeat him. He wasn't too confident now that Naruto decided to join the battle.

Keep your mind focused..

Don't lose your cool..


Many thoughts raced through both their heads, Sakura was trying to come up with a plan but Sasuke seemed too lost in the battle to be thinking about anything at the moment. Racking her brain for answers she failed to find any. Naruto how ever seemed to be gained valuable information as his shadow clones disappeared. He altered his attacking style and so did Sasuke.

"DAMN IT!" she yelled, rushing back to aid the cornered Sasuke.

This fight was fast tipping the scales favouring Itachi, he had come prepared. Sasuke how ever had his chakra drained before this ceremony and was struggling. Sakura helped slightly even the fight but she couldn't keep this up she was trained for healing not extended fights.

I need to protect her..

I need get my revenge before I die...

With those thoughts in mind Sasuke released all his remaining chakra into one final combination. While Naruto seemed to be following his train of thoughts as the foxes cloak had reached three tails stage.

"Sakura, you remember this right" he asked over the noise of parrying.

"Yes.. but..."

"DO IT!" he yelled before leaving Itachi.

Sakura stood back and formed a few clones and rushed again at Itachi who hadn't stopped laughing at these feeble attempts to kill him. Sakura had could see her time was running out, her chakra was running dangerously low but she must pull this final combination off. With that thought in mind she pushed her boundaries past her invisible boundaries.

Another thing she had to avoid as Naruto's raging chakra blows, coming in contact with his cloak would leave her heavily burned.

However they weren't the only ones feeling the effects of this prolonged battle, Itachi having his third level sharingan active was draining even more chakra then he planned.

"Shit" he cursed, realising this could be his downfall.

A blur of pink skimmed across his vision and before he could realise he was air bound. The bone shattering blows he was receiving went unnoticed as his crow illusion vanished. Sakura now all out off chakra stood there panting. Itachi appeared before her and grabber her throat while lifting her off the ground.

"Looks like you lose.." came his emotionless voice.

"No, you do.." she spluttered.

"SAKURA-CHAN" roared Naruto.

With that Sasuke launched his chidori from his hand. Itachi hadn't seen this kind of jutsu before, this chakra had taken the shape of a spear. Before he could think Sakura grabbed his hand and broke it with no mercy. Itachi buckled at the pain and with his fall she threw him into the incoming spear which pierced his heart.

Naruto who was so enraged came finished him with one final kick.

Itachi skidded to a stop at the barrier off the tower, before he could even think Sasuke grabbed his hair and slit his throat.


All of the konoha ninja could remember was a sea of red blood before they blacked out from chakra exhaustion.


Sasuke again woke to the sterilised smell of a hospital. He looked to his left and found the bed occupied by Sakura, she was ok. The feeling of relief washed over him.

"I see your awake.." came a voice.

Sasuke startled nearly jumped out of bed but his body forbid it.

"Calm down, it's just me.." came the voice of the hokage.

Ah, it was her.

"Well how should I put this Sasuke..." she asked.

".." came his blank response.

"Well they've decided that you've done the village a favour by ridding Itachi and well majority decided to keep you alive" she concluded.

Sasuke was speechless, since when did he have such luck?

"Don't waste it" she finished as she exited the hospital room.

Again Sasuke looked to his left and found Sakura looking back smiling at him.

Finally he would be able to enjoy life for a while...


A/N: I know it's being ages since I've updated. Maybe even longer than a year? Well I've decided to finish this story as It was something I needed to do. The story "Blind" by ObsidianSickle got me thinking about writing again so I might be starting a new story. Hopefully my writing has improved since last time.

