this story is just about sasuke's hair. it does look like a chicken's butt rite?? if your a sasuke fan, sorri but im only making fun of his hair not him. see the diffrence?? ohk on with the story!!


One day in Konoha, Sasuke and Naruto arrived at their team's training grounds.Since Sakura is sick, she can't come training today. The boys were atleast 2 feet awa. Naruto keep on staring at Sasuke. At first, Sasuke didn't mind but Naruto was staring for too long. Sasuke had enough.

"What the heck are you looking at,dobe?" Sasuke asked with annoyance

"u-um sasuke-teme, first of all, DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME A DOBE TEME!!" yelled Naruto.

"I just did, D-O-B-E." Sasuke said in a cool, calm way

"WHY YOU...forget that i have another thing to say." naruto said." Did you notice that your hair looks like a chicken's butt?"

At first, Sasuke didn't care. Naruto moved closer to his hair. "yup" he said. "it does look like a chicken's butt."

Sasuke pretend that he didnt care but inside his head, this sentence can't seem to get out.

"your hair looks like a chicken's butt"

After hearing that horrible sentence for a 1,000th time, Sasuke had enough. Naruto was so busy laughing annd making fun of his hair that he didnt hear Sasuke cracking his knuckles. After Sasuke went closer to Naruto, he stopped laughing, he gulped and turned.

He sees Sasuke boiling with anger. His knucles were still cracking.

"e-ehehe sasuke.."naruto said with fear." I was j-ju-just playing." But Sasuke wouldnt listen. Instead he went closer to Naruto, still cracking his knuckles.

"YOU ARE SOOOOOOO DEAD NARUTO!!!!" sasuke yelled


"APOLOGY NOT ACCEPTED!" roared sasuke. He chased naruto all over their team's training grounds.



Sasuke smirked. Naruto was full of bruises and bumps. Sadly, he was also tied into a rope. poor naruto.

Just then, Kakashi arrived.

"YO" he said. At first, he didnt notice anything until..

"What happened here?" kakashi asked while scratching his head.

"nothing, nothing" sasuke said. He gave naruto a make-fun-of-my-hair-and-your-dead look. Naruto gulped and nodded yes.

"Well atleast its not Sakura." naruto mumbled. " She could be worse."

"NARUTOOOOOOO!!!" a familiar voice screamed.

"s-s-sakura!" naruto trembled in fear. "w-what's wrong? I thought you were sick?"

"NOT ANYMORE BASTARD!" sakura yelled. "IM GOING TO BEAT YOU UP RIGHT NOW SINCE YOU MAD FUN OF MY PRECIOUS HAIR OF MY SASUKE-KUN!" yelled sakura. Again, naruto got beatun up into a pulp.


After Sakura beat up naruto, (for 10 minutes) she, kakashi,and sasuke left. leaving naruto behind.

"HEY DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!" naruto yelled. but the others just ignored him.

"why me??!!" naruto yelled while crying anime-style.


Sakura got better pretty fast huh? well maybe because she just wants to see her sasuke am i right or am i right? so anywayz hope you like it! tell me what you think aiite? I LOVE YOU ALL!!