Thank to Vellouette, skittles324, Lady Cherri, charmedsisters, GothicTulip, rockpunk92, BestowerOfTheNameChelsery, and bledding black rose for review. Special Thanks to my girl (BestowerOfTheNameChelsery) for the idea you gave be for this chapter.

since people want it, I'm going to write the Prequel. It going to be called Labor Pain. It might be a while before I get to write it though.

I also have plans for at least two sequels, but they won't come out until after book 7 comes out.

Enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 5

Sirius drummed his fingers against the arm of the couch as he watched Harry crawling on the floor wearing only a diaper. He gave a heavy sigh.

Throwing the Daily Prophet on the ground Remus glared at his fellow marauder. "What now?"

Sirius slowing turned his head to his friend, "Are they here yet?"

Remus gave him a dry look. "No."

Ten minutes late

"Are they here yet?"

"How old are you," Remus asked eying his friend. "Last time I checked the the child here was the one on the floor with the diaper. Are you implying that you wear a diaper?"

Sirius narrowed his eyes on the floor for a moment, then, "Are James and Lily here yet?"

Remus sighed in defeat. He rubbed his forehead in irritation. He didn't know how he survived seven years at Hogwarts with Sirius. Remus picked up the paper to read again, then dropped it. "Where's Harry?" He looked around himself wondering where he disappeared in only thirty seconds.

Sirius looked away from the spot he was staring at to give Remus a dumb look. "What?"

"I really hope you never father a child." Remus stood up and scanned the room.

"I'm not that bad," Sirius said crossing his arms. But he didn't get off his butt. "By the way I'm not the only one here who is post to be baby sitting."

"Get off your fat arse and help me."

Sirius lead forward in his chair, but still didn't get up. "I don't have a fat arse."

Remus let out a breath and consecrated on finding Harry. He frowned when he spotted a pile of dirty laundry moving across the floor. Then smiled when Harry's head popped out of it. Remus went over to pick up Harry, but Harry's foot was caught on one of Sirius cloths. He frown at the cloth when he took it off Harry's foot. He placed Harry in Sirius arm so that neither one of them could get away. "I have a question for you Sirius?"

"Shoot." Sirius nodded his head as he held Harry. The whole short time Remus was looking for Harry, Sirius didn't move from his chair.

Remus took the cloths that was stuck to Harry foot and held it in front of Sirius. "What's with the blood red thong in your dirty laundry?"

Sirius' eyes went wide at the sight of the thong. "It's not mine."

Sirius said that a little to fast for Remus to be convince. "Really?"

"It's my girlfriends'."

"You don't have a girlfriend."

"I did."

"Not in a long time."

"She left it."

"Did you wear it?"

"You kidding me?"

"Did you?"

"This is stupid." If Sirius didn't have Harry in his arms he would have crossed them.

"Your avoiding the question." Remus danced the thong in front of Sirius face. "Did you wear these?" Harry laughed at the dancing underwear.


Both of Remus' eyebrows shot up in horror. That was the worst lie he has ever heard and it scared the crap out of him. Now he couldn't get the image of Sirius wearing it out of his head. Also he was scared to think that Sirius might be wearing one right now.

"There not mine," Sirius said snatching the thong and pushing it between the cushions of his chair.

Remus backed up and took a seat on the couch farthest form Sirius. His hand rested on the crack of the two cushions and he felt something. He pulled it out and found a dark purple thong. "Well I guess we don't have to worry about you having kids."

"Those are not mine. I never worn them," Sirius demanded.

Remus looked away from the thong. "So you admit wearing the red thong."

Sirius opened and closed his mouth like a fish.

The doorbell rang, so Remus went to answer it wanting to get away from the topic of the thong. He opened the door to find James and Lily there. The two of them walked through the front door after Remus let them in. "Remus what you doing here?" Lily asked with her beautiful smile.

Remus looked at James who was scratching his head and looking away. Remus smiled, then looked back at Lily who was moving over to her baby. "I came to see Sirius and saw Harry, so I decided to give give him some help."

Lily picked up Harry from Sirius, then turned back to Remus. "That was nice of you, but I'm sure he would have been fine by himself."

Sirius glared at her back in response. "If you wanted me to kill him, then sure," he whispered. When she turned around he put on a big fake smile.

"Hmm," Lily said curious of what he said.

"I didn't say anything,"Sirius said casually. Remus and James both smiled having a good guess at what their friend said.

James lead over to Remus and whimpered in his ear, "What is that in your hand?"

Realizing he was still holding the the thong, Remus through it on the floor with disgust. "It Sirius."

"It's not mind!" Sirius yelled over hearing them.

"What's not yours," Lily asked as she bounced Harry.

"Nothing," Sirius said going over to the thong and kicking it under the dresser.

James looked at the dresser, then to Sirius with a questionable look. "I don't want to know." He looked to his wife. "lets get Harry home."

"Are you sure you don't want to stay longer and talk to your friends."

"Pretty sure," and James started walking toward the door.

Lily shrugged, but followed her husband. "Thank you Sirius for baby sitting."

Sirius waved to Lily and James as they left with Harry. He and Remus were standing on the front porch watching them. "See you later." Then added to himself, "Just don't leave Harry with me ever again." Remus stopped waving and glared at him for the millionth time that day. Sirius just continued to smile in return.

The End

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