Baby Sitting

Summary: A humorous tale of Sirius and Remus baby sitting a few month old Harry.

Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns Harry Potter and all it's characters, all I own is the idea for this story.

Author note: hope you like and don't forget to review, if you don't I'll feel hurt. Read and enjoy.

Chapter 1

Sirius laid on his couch with his feet hanging over the the arm of the couch. He laid there in peace, then he saw Lily's head smiling at him from the fireplace. He silently cursed, then sat up. But as soon as he did she was gone. A few seconds later Lily walked out of the fireplace holding a few month old baby. "Can I help you?" Sirius said a little annoyed.

Lily just continued to smile. "As a matter of fact," she came over and placed the baby in Sirius arms and placed the bag that was on her shoulder down. "Thank you for for baby sitting."

"WHAT!" Sirius yelled as the baby in his arms began to cry. "I'm a bachelor. What do I know about taking care of a baby?" Lily smiled, then apparated away. "Lily!" He looked down at the baby with a frown. "Why couldn't she have gave you to Remus? And can you shut the bloody hell up!" The baby just continued to cry. Sirius groaned, then placed the baby on couch. Sirius hair fell into the baby's reach and the baby gladly grabbed it.

About half an hour later Remus walked through Sirius's front door to find a very grumpy Sirius with messy hair. A sleeping baby Harry slept next to him. Remus couldn't help himself, "Past girlfriend drop off something you forgot with her?"

Sirius looked at his friends with daggers shooting out his eyes. He was angry (1) for Harry pulling his hair and (2) for Remus comment. "Shut the bloody hell up," he said through grinned teeth. He got up from the couch and pulled Remus over to a place where he could talk without waking Harry. "What was Lily thinking giving me that," he said pointing at Harry.

"The that your talking about is your godson Harry. And I believe what she was thinking was you watching him."

"But what do I know about taking care of a baby," Sirius said looking at Harry hoping he would sleep the whole time.

Remus shook his head and smiled, "Nothing. That's why James told me to help you. When he comes back he wants his son to still be alive."

Sirius rolled his eyes, "I wont kill it." He crossed his arms and gave Remus a dull stair.

"Stop calling him it, he has a name." Remus walk over to Harry who was starting to cry.

"What's wrong now," Sirius companied dragging his feet back to the couch.

"He's hungry," Remus stated picking Harry up.

"How can you tell?" Sirius said eyeing the kid.

"Have you fed him?"

"Well," Sirius shrugged, "no."

Remus handed Harry to Sirius, who reluctantly took him. Then Remus grabbed the bag that belonged to Lily and removed a bottle of milk from it. He did a spell to warm the drink, then handed it to Sirius.

"Now what?" Sirius held Harry in one arm and the bottle in the other.

A shake of the head and a roll of eyes was what Remus gave him in reply. He took the bottle and held it for Harry to drink, but he didn't take the bottle. He just continued to cry. Remus brow wrinkled in confusion.

"Is there a button to turn it off?" Sirius really wanted the kid to shut up, but the only way of doing so was killing the kid and that wasn't the best idea given the fact the kid belonged to his best friend or at least that's what Lily made them think. "He didn't take the milk, so what does he want? And what's that smell?" Remus gave him a look. "HELL NO!" Sirius held Harry at arms length. "YOU DO IT!"

"ME! You're the ones whose post to be baby sitting him!" Remus didn't want to change the diaper anymore than Sirius did. Remus didn't mind feeding the kid, but no way did he want to change the baby.

After many minutes of arguing of who would change Harry and the sounds of Harry's cries at a very high pitch that the two adults came to the decision to work together. They placed Harry changing blanket on top of Sirius's dining table (which Sirius wasn't really liking) and placed Harry on top of it. Remus undid the diaper and both adults ran from the sight.

"How can so much stuff come out of such a small thing?" Sirius yelled over Harry's screaming. "What the bloody hell do they feed it? I thought it was just milk?"

Remus looked away from the baby. One hand on his mouth hoping he didn't through up from the sight or smell. He never thought of himself as having a weak stomach. In fact he thought he had a strong stomach given the fact he was a werewolf, but right now that didn't seem the case.

Author note: Thanks for reading my story. hope you enjoyed it. If anyone has a good stories/ idea for my story please send them to me in a review. I love hearing what people think of my story.