more Selphie-fic. I cannot control my love for this character, apparently. For the khDrabble lj comm challenge of 'tomorrow'. enjoy, etc. normal disclaimer applies.
Wakka and Tidus are playing blitzball and Selphie's feeling lonely. It's not such an unusual thing anymore, now that Kairi's gone away again. Selphie gets sadangryhappy just thinking about it, but mostly it just makes her lonely. Her jump rope is limp in her hand, but it isn't that important since no one wants to fight her anymore. She bites her lip and shakes her head to clear the sadness away and promises herself tomorrow will be different.
But she's been saying that every day since Kairi left and she's watched tomorrow become today become yesterday become back then become the good old days. She doesn't doubt that these days will be old but she doesn't think they'll ever be anything but empty. Tidus falls and the sound makes Selphie turn her head and laugh prettily; no one hears her but the ocean, and she swears it's laughing at her.
A smooth stone skips across the water, eight times, Selphie notes idly (and when they were children that would have sparked a competition, but they aren't children anymore). It's stupid of her to think that throwing a rock will make the sea bring them back to her, but Selphie's desperate.
She's already forgetting her reasons for missing them.