A/N: Hello again! Wow I think I forgot to write all this in the first chapter, but it was three in the morning and I was starting to forget how to spell 'Envy'...
Anyways, if you couldn't tell by the first chapter, you HAVE stumbled (or clicked) on another High School AU... (sigh) I'm so un-original it's sad... I'd like to mention, If I skip out some classes, it's because I don't feel like writing them or nothing happened of interest. Yeah, and I'm sorry for mentioning any of this crap last chappie. It completely slipped my mind...
I based the school Edo attends to the one I attend. So the weather will be the way it is now in Australia... I'm doing what 'SexySpoonsWillRuleUsAll' is doing for her wonderful fic, because I'm too lazy to find out how schools work elsewhere...
That's right! A disclaimer! (ahem) I own nothing! Nothing! Not Edo, not Envy, not my high school!
Okay. Let's begin...
Chapter 2
--- --- --- ---
Tuesday- Morning- Elric house
My legs are so bloody sore! I could hardly walk home, then I had to climb UP stairs to get to my room. And, that's where I stayed for the afternoon. Al didn't bother me either. But he's bothering me now...
"Come on, Ed!"
Yeah I have school. Thank god it's third term. One semester left! Summer holidays! Freedom! I wonder what Envy does on his holidays...
"Yeah! I hear ya'!"
--- --- --- ---
"Brother, were you alright yesterday? You went to your room... and didn't even come down for dinner!" Al made a face at me, genuine worry. So he was pointing out how much I eat... I like food! Sue me! "And this morning, I notice, you're walking funny..." He raised an eyebrow at me. What's he getting at... "Is there a boyfriend I don't know about? Hm? And you snuck him in yesterday and last night y--"
"Woah! Wait! Hold it!" What on earth? I coughed a little chocking on my coffee. "Where'd you pull that from?!"
I eyed him wearily as he took a sip from his tea. I have a fancy little brother... "I just figured... it's the first time you've acted like that..."
"Couldn't you come up with something else?!"
"I'm sorry brother!"
"Ugh. The truth is, I had to lap the gym for an hour yesterday. Mrs Curtis was pissed."
Al laughed lightly, "A fire in the staff room, perhaps?"
"Yeah. It put her in a worse mood than she's normally in..." We laughed a little. She was the reason, that in year 8 (Al's first year of high school), Al never wanted to attend again...
"Say, Brother." I look at him, "Why don't you call her Izumi while we're here?"
"You never know, Al." I look around the room, "She could be anywhere... I try to avoid her wrath..."
Alphonse laughed.
--- --- --- ---
Tuesday- Period 1- English
I stopped outside the english room, 'late note' in hand. Al and I were talking so much this morning, something we haven't done in ages. But anyways, I was late. To Miss Hawkeye's class. I really didn't want to go in. But, if she finds out I skipped class... I think it's better for my well-being to go in now...
...why are there no normal teachers at this school?
I take in a deep breath and open the door. Everyone is talking, loudly. I look over at the teacher's desk and I see some blonde guy sitting in Miss Hawkeye's chair. I walk over.
"Hi! You must be, Edward. I'm a substitute. Mr Block." (A/N: I'm gonna call him this. You know the guy I'm talking about right? Ed's male bodyguard-.-0)
I hand him the 'late note', "Where's Miss Hawkeye?"
"Apparently she saved a dog from the side of the road or something... I dunno."
"Uh-huh..." I turned and headed for my seat. Everyone's here.
--- --- --- ---
I slide my bag off my shoulder and sit down.
"Edo!" Envy squealed. Wow that was odd. He then hugged me around my shoulders. "I thought I was going to be all alone!" Wow. He's hugging me. As much as I like it, it's kinda awkward. Envy's little squeal caught the entire class's attention.
"I'm sorry to have worried you, Envy." He pouted up at me, then looked at Winry, before looking at me and smirking. I hear Winry clear her throat.
"Uh, good morning Winry." Envy finally let go of me. "And Russell. Say, do you know why Miss Hawkeye's away?"
"No. I haven't heard anything." Winry looked to the ceiling, "Why? Did the substitute say something?"
"Hmm... possibly."
"Anyway Ed, what happened this morning?" I blinked dumbly at her. "I saw Al run passed before you came in. You two are never late, especially Al."
Great. Now if I tell her, she'll probably blame me..."He he, we were talking, and uh..."
"Don't tell me you fought! Ed-"
"No! We didn't! We actually had something to say to each other! We talked too much! Why are so concerned?" Yay! I didn't get blamed! Damn Al and his innocence.
"I'm worried something bad will happen." Winry sure is acting strange... I guess I'll never know what goes through her head. "Why won't you move back in with me?" Envy, who had been looking at his desk this whole time, suddenly jolted up. Scared the crap out of me too... "I don't like you two in that big house all alone..."
I reach over and put a hand on her shoulder. "Winry, it's okay, we can take care of ourselves. Please. Trust me. Stop worrying, It's not healthy."
She smiled and started talking to Russell. He was awfully quiet... "Hey, Edo..?" I turned to Envy, he looked... sad.
"I didn't know you lived with her."
"I used to, after my mother died... why?"
Envy and I were silent for the rest of the period.
--- --- --- ---
Tuesday- Period 2- Science
Envy and I (oh, how I love thinking that...) walked to Science the long way. I don't think either of us were looking forward to seeing Roy. We didn't talk. Envy had his arm linked with mine the whole way, though.
The silence is awkward..." Hey, Envy?"
"Do you think Roy was the one who set the staff room on fire yesterday?"
"Hn, probably... do you think Izumi hit him?" What's the 'hn' thing?
"I hope so..." And that's where the conversation died. Envy really didn't seem in the mood. He was fine in English.
--- --- --- ---
Envy and I walked into a noisy class room. No surprise there. I wonder, How the hell did Roy become a teacher?! I looked up at the front of the classroom, where Roy should've been, but wasn't.
Well, he has an office next door. he's possibly in there...
"Envy." he didn't answer me. So I tap him on the shoulder, "Envy."
"Hm? Oh, Edo! I can't hear..." I don't blame him. How could a class of, what, 28 students make this much friggen noise?
"I'm going to find Roy." I say it slower than I normally would. Just so he could understand.
"Okay, I'll come too!" He jumped up from his seat and latched onto my arm again. We headed to the front of the room and behind Roy's desk was the door to his office. I knocked on it before opening the door.
--- --- --- ---
"Uh, Roy it's just me and Envy..." He turned in his swiveling chair and...
... Envy and I burst out laughing. He was wearing a really large eye-patch! It was funny! Really!
"Shut up, shorty." What. Did. He. Say?
"I'm. Not. Short. Bastard." I hissed. Well not that short... I did have a growth spurt! Honest! Envy was still laughing. I don't know what at though. Roy or me. Either way, Roy noticed.
"Palm-tree, you shut up too." Envy twitched. Violently twitched. I swear he did. So I grabbed his arm.
Let's get off the subject of Envy's hair... "S-so, Roy. Going for the pirate look or something?"
"Ha ha, very funny. I actually got beaten up by some crazy woman with dreads..." Sweat-drop. Geeze. Mrs Curtis actually beat him up. I pity him. Slightly.
"Wow. So she did get ya'? I sort of pity you." That was Envy, voicing my thoughts. "She's our gym teacher, one scary bitch." I could picture Mrs Curtis jumping through the window and strangling Envy. I wonder exactly how badly she got him?
"Roy?" I asked, "Can I see?" Both he and Envy looked at me funny. What? I think it's a perfectly normal question...
"I dunno, Ed. Maybe you can..." I could see where this was headed.
"What, Roy?" I grumbled.
"Give me a kiss, then you can see." Like he hasn't said that to me before... Envy just choked. On, what, I have no idea...(sweatdrop)
"Wh-what?!" he spluttered at us.
Roy went to open his mouth, but I beat him to it, "Don't worry, he says things like this to me at least once a week..." To my surprise, Envy didn't respond. "Also, Roy. Like I said last week, I'm never going to kiss you!"
"Wait! But what if... um, I'm dying! Yeah! And I need mouth-to-mouth?"
"I'd stand as far away as possible and let someone else do it." Hell, I'd laugh too, but that's just me.
Roy put a hand to his chin in thought. "Well, if you want to see what's under the patch, you'll have to give me something..." Damn bastard, "What's that thingie you believe in? Karma? No, Equivalence? Yeah! That's the one?"
"So? What if I don't believe in that anymore?" I crossed my arms in a childish manner. I always act childish around Roy. I'm starting to think I need to stop. I think it just turns him on...
...more so.
"C'mon, Ed don't be like that.." His face took on an evil smirk, shit. "You can give me a kiss or a blo--"
"NO!" I shuddered, "Just no, no." Ewww! Why would he even suggest something like that? I'm seriously considering calling the police.
"One or the other, Ed. Make your choice."
I forgot the reason we're discussing this. Oh! The eye-patch. Well I can lead him on, pretend...
"But Roooy!" I whimpered, "That's not faiir!" I clutched my hands together in front of my chest and made my way over to him. He twitched.
"I-I'm sorry, but you, uh, have to pick one... uh" he looked up at me as he trailed off. I leaned over him and placed my left hand just above his right knee. "Wh-what are you doing..?"
I then placed my right hand on his left thigh. Not to high up though... that'd just be gross. "Can't I just see? Please Roy?" I leaned in close to face, "Just a peek?"
He growled, a faint pink tinge on his cheeks, "Fine!" He knew I was pretending, at least he's not a total dumb-ass... He raised his eye-patch and once again the small office was filled with laughter. It just looked bizarre. The area under the patch was purple-ly blue and his eye was so swollen it was barely open.
Envy and I were well aware how rude it is to laugh at other's misfortune. But this was Roy. And he has a 'special privilege' as he liked to call it.
Oh. Shit. Envy. I forgot he was there.
--- --- --- ---
Envy and I have been in our seats for a while now and, well, neither one of us has said anything. Maybe I've scarred him or something like that.
Envy raised his previously hanging head,"Soo, Edo. You screw your science teacher, huh?"
"WHAT?!?!" I whip my head around to look at him, eyes wide.
"Are you sure? You two..." he paused to snap his fingers,"...sorta, click."
"No!!!" I panic, "Roy's just a bisexual pedophile! And I don't like him!" I'm not convincing myself here. Sure, Roy's not that bad when he's acting sane. And I'll admit, he is, attractive. But he's my friggen science teacher! And he's way older than me!
"Hn." I watch as Envy lowers his head, followed by the top half of his body, as reaches for his bag. "I'll see you in Sport." As he stood up, the bell rang.
--- --- --- ---
Tuesday- Period 3- Sport
I spent my whole recess break, pondering over Envy's sudden mood change. Something was up. At first, I thought he was living up to his name's sake. But that just couldn't be it. Now I 'm wondering why I'm worrying so much.
It's none of my business... right?
He's just a crush. I like him, like girls love their favorite anime character or a celebrity or somethin'.
--- --- --- ---
"Alright! Today we- by which I mean you- will be running laps around the oval!" Izumi placed her hands on her hips.
"Stop complaining! I'm still pissed over yesterday!" The whole class stopped complaining and did as they were told. Personally, I think she should be happy, vented. She really did a number on Roy's face.
--- --- --- ---
Envy and I were running side-by-side. In silence, still. "Envy, are you okay?"
"Hn?" he looked down at me, "Yup! Why? Are you okay?"
"Yeah... I'm fine. It just looked like something was bothering you, that's all."
"Well, my family did have a fight this morning..."
I frowned. That'd do it, "Sorry to hear it."
"Hn, I'm used to it." Okay, well now I know. Beware Envy's family.
--- --- --- ---
Tuesday- Period 4- Math
I really dislike this class. It's not the teacher, Furey is a great guy. We get along well. It's just boring.
However, I'm lucky there's only a minute left.
Russell slid his chair over to my desk. "So..." he started, "You and Envy? You guys go way back or somethin'?"
I quirked an eyebrow, "Uh, no. What would give you that idea?" Here's me trying not to sound flustered.
He smirked, "I dunno. You two..." he paused to snap his fingers, "Sorta click." Why do people keep saying that to me?
I stayed silent and Russell laughed. Stupid jerk.
Thankfully, the bell rang.
--- --- --- ---
Tuesday- Lunch
Russell had charged from the math room, in favour of reaching the canteen quickly.
I sighed as I trudged from the room. Russell's too smart and observant.
I was going to go to the library, wasn't I? Yeah, sounds like a plan.
--- --- --- ---
I threw my potato chip packet in a bin as I rounded the corner.
"Hey, watch where you're going!"
I look up and sure enough, I've smacked right into someone. And not just a kind-looking someone, but a really tall, vest-wearing, scary someone. Curse my luck.
He holds my shoulders as I blink up at him.
" Yay! Greed found Edo!"
I look around this Greed guy and see Envy running towards me. "Uh, hi Envy."
He removes Greed's hands from me and latches onto my arm. Greed raises an eyebrow at us, but doesn't say anything.
"So?" Envy asks, "What're you here?"
"Um, I was on the way to the uh, library." Yeah. I'm not comfortable with the look this guy's giving us. Thankfully Envy saves me and walks me over to a really large tree with a few people under it.
"Well now you can meet my friends!" I smile half-heartedly at Envy before glancing over my shoulder to see Greed has vanished. Good. "We can make it a game! We're all named after sins. You can guess who is who!"
Wow. That's odd. Well, let's see... I point to a short, fat guy. "Uh, Gluttony?"
"Yup! Though that's obvious..."
He's talking to a tall, big breasted girl, "Lust?" I ask whilst pointing.
Envy nods, with a large grin on his face.
I spot another girl, asleep under the tree, leaning against it. "Hmm, Sloth?"
"Hey! You're good..." he pouts cutely.
I smile before pointing to a small boy, who is running around. "Wrath?"
"Yeah..." Envy glares at the boy, "Wrath."
"He looks like you."
"Never say that again, and I won't hurt you." Envy growls. Rather scary.
"Well!" he claps his hands, "You already know Greed and me! We don't have a Pride."
I nod. Who would make a good 'Pride' anyways? Wow. I can't think of anyone who could pull that off... now that I think of it, " You know, you don't seem like much of an Envy."
"Hn, really?" he puts a finger to his lips.
"Unless you count the hair. You know? Green with Envy?"
"Hey yeah!" He claps his hands together again, "I never noticed!" I wonder if he realised how silly he sounded just then?
--- --- --- ---
Tuesday- Period 5- Photography
Much to my delight, Envy and I are in this class together. I'm thinking Envy likes this too. It's good, sure. It's the teacher that ruins it. Mr. Armstrong.
--- --- --- ---
"And this is one of the photographs taken by mother! See? This is a layout passed down through the Armstrong family for generations!" Envy clung tighter to my arm. "See the balance of objects? The trees, the animals? Beautiful!"
"Uh, sir?" A boy at the back of the room raised his hand, "Will be doing our own photos in this class?"
"Why of course! We have a darkroom for your use!" He paused briefly, "That reminds me. You must all partner up! Choose a friend! You will remain partnered up with the same person for the entire class!"
Envy clung even tighter to my arm and leaned closer to me, "Can we be partners, Edo?"
"I hope you all enjoy this class!"
So far things keep getting better and better. Maybe it's exchange for all the bad things that have happened to me...
--- --- --- ---
A/N: It sucks. I know. Bite me.
Sorry for the long wait, mucho homework, lack of ideas watched movie... yeah.