AN: Hello lovely readers.
First, let me just state that this is a raw chapter. My beta has not yet gotten back to me, but I wanted to give you guys the go-ahead to read it, so excuse any mistakes you find until I can re-post. Thank you!
Second, I'm back again. Yay! Again, I got some great reviews and was inspired to start writing right away. The first section I wrote I pumped out eight pages in two hours! It felt so good, so I have high hopes for this chapter!
I know that you guys have been aching for some Inuyasha/Kagome interaction, and I'm sorry that I've been holding back on you, but that just makes it all the more sweeter when you finally get to it, right? Right? Well I hope you enjoy this Inuyasha/Kagome-entirely-filled chapter! XD Lots of interaction, I promise!
I was excited to get to this part, because it was so much fun to write in the original Pretty Kagome fanfic, and I got to take it and make it better (way better!) than it was.
Oh! And don't forget to check out the poll I have up on my authors' page! Let me know what you think, okay?
Dedication: This chapter is dedicated to: Scarlet Witch Extreme, who left a lovely, lengthy review for chapter 7. Thank you so much, Scarlet, reading your review really got me re-inspired to finish this chapter.
Chapter Written To: Prelude for Time Feelers by Eluvium.
Chapter 08: Disregarded Opportunity
Kagome sat in the Kobun gardens; at the same exact spot she had meet Inuyasha face-to-face for the first time. The pearl-painted metal chair was cold beneath her bottom, but the sun shone down across the large acres of grass, glistened like glass fragments off the small lake, and warmed her face.
She had gone up to see Inuyasha with Miroku, but he hadn't been in his office at all. They'd searched everywhere but his bedroom, which Miroku had muttered was probably his hiding place. He'd contemplated knocking, but then decided against it, although Kagome didn't understand why. Inuyasha had seemed nice enough to her… after he'd realized he wasn't this 'Kikyou' character, anyway.
So Miroku had excused himself to take care of a few things and Kagome, figuring that she wasn't needed anywhere, decide to go back into the gardens, the place where Inuyasha had practically informed her that he was saving her butt by giving her such a well-paying job.
She could slowly feel herself relaxing, months of built-up worry and stress melting away. …And she'd only been here a couple of days.
It was strange, not having to worry about things like rent, where her next meal would come from, or if the person she lived with was getting high with their survival money or not. In fact, she didn't have to worry about much anymore, except for her brother. …Oh, and the dinner party tonight. That was worrisome.
Her brother was already slightly taken care of. Inuyasha had, after all, promised that he would help her with getting him out of the orphanage, and the thought that she might finally get to see him again after all these years had adrenaline rushing through her. She could barely contain herself.
Yes, her brother would be taken care of, but the dinner party was not such an easy fix. Sure, she'd had the few lesions from Miroku – who had informed her that she was a quick learner and had nothing to worry about – but she wasn't comfortable with the way she was supposed to walk, or the way she was supposed to talk.
And she was definitely not comfortable pretending to be in love with someone she barely knew.
Kagome scrunched her eyebrows together and thought hard about her situation. How far would she have to go to convince these people that they were head-over-heels for each other? What would she have to do in order to prove to his father's colleagues that they were serious? Would he hold her hand? Lay his arm around her waist? Her shoulder? Would he flirt with her? Call her pet names? …Kiss her?
Her face flushed red instantly. Oh Gods. Kissing him was too much. She only met the guy. Sure, he was attractive. Beyond attractive, actually, but he was her savior, her employer, not someone to lust after like a simpering schoolgirl.
She imagined kissing him again, but shook her head to rid such ridiculous thoughts. Because if anything like that was introduced into the picture, what else would she be but a high-classed prostitute?
"Oh…" Her voice cracked, and tears came to her eyes. She blinked them back, but couldn't catch the first couple that escaped and trickled their way down her skin. She captured them at her chin and wiped them on her shirt, er, the shirt she was borrowing.
It was painful, thinking of what she had almost become, what had almost happened to her. She remembered her relief when Dr. Hojou had informed her that she was still… intact, that she hadn't been forced to have sex.
Once more, her mind wandered to the night she'd been attacked, and once again, it all went fuzzy, and after that she remembered nothing. She did, however, remember coming-to and seeing that someone had literally beaten the crap out of her attackers.
Angels did exist, it seemed.
Her tears had broken through her leashed defenses again, and this time she picked up the bottom hem of her shirt and wiped her eyes dry. No more crying for her. The past was passed, and her new job was not high-classed prostitution. She doubted Inuyasha would want it from her anyway. From what she'd read in the papers, he had a reputation dating models.
Kagome Higurashi was no model.
With that thought, she began to relax again, closing her eyes and focusing on the rays of sunshine that bathed across her face. It felt wonderful.
"Hey Kagome," Sango laughed. "Oh, sorry, did I wake you?"
She must have dozed off. The sun had moved towards the West, and now the sky was a beautiful dusk of pink and purple and blue.
"Hey Sango." Kagome stretched her arms high above her head, her shoulder joints popping, "it's okay." She stood and turned to smile at her new friend. "I didn't mean to fall asleep, did I miss anything important?"
She knew she did at Sango's slight wince. "You didn't do anything wrong, before you ask," she said with a roll of her eyes, "but be prepared to get an earful, the prince is having a fit."
"The price?" Kagome asked.
"Inuyasha." Sango replied, and then added, under her breath, "the big baby…"
Kagome cocked her head and followed Sango inside. "Inuyasha is having a fit? Uh, does that usually happen?"
"On the record? No."
"And off it?"
"All the freaking time."
This struck Kagome as odd. He hadn't seemed like the type to throw tantrums. "Really? But he seemed so nice… Other than when he almost choked me to death, that is." She added.
"Ah, yeah, well Kikyou is kind of a sore subject around here. I'll give you a hint: If you want to stay, don't mention her name. To anyone. The walls have ears."
Kagome glanced a suspicious look at the wall as they walked down the hallway.
Sango caught her glance and rolled her eyes again. "Not literally, Kagome. I meant you never know who might be listening, so it's best never to talk about her, period."
"Why is she such a sore subject?"
"Didn't you ever hear the story of how curiosity killed the cat?"
Kagome blushed. "Well, yes, but-"
"But nothing!" Sango insisted. "Don't mention her period. You don't need to know about her, it's not like you'll ever see her around."
Kagome let it drop, but placed the conversation away for safekeeping. Maybe someone else would be willing to give her more information on this mysterious Kikyou person, whoever she was.
She didn't have time to dwell much on it, however, because they'd turned the corner and walked up a flight of stairs, and now she could hear Inuyasha's fit.
"-don't fucking care if you wake him up, get him on the fucking phone or I'll cram your fucking balls down your own fucking throat!"
Kagome froze in her tracks, eyes wide in disbelief. He really was having a fit.
"Don't tell me what time it is in Australia! I don't give a damn! Who the hell do you think you're talking to?"
Sango had taken a few steps ahead before she realized that Kagome wasn't following anymore. She turned to look back, then sighed and went to grab onto Kagome's wrist, pulling her along.
"Common." She said, gritting her teeth. "Better to get it over with now."
"Get what over with?" Kagome squeaked, fully intimidated.
Sango didn't reply, just shoved open the doors and walked right into Inuyasha Kobun's office, dragging a renitent Kagome behind her.
Inuyasha didn't notice them right away; he was busy shouting into the phone. Miroku, however, saw them enter and gave Sango a look, letting her know they were really in for it.
"-said it alright, and I'll say it again! You're a bastard, and you're fired!" He paused. "Well, when I get ahold of your boss you will be! Don't you fucking know who you're talking to?" Kagome watched as his already-blotchy face turned almost purple, and he slammed the phone down onto the holder, crushing it to pieces. Gods, he was strong. But she knew that already, and resisted rubbing at her neck as she remembered his fingers there.
"God-fucking-dammit!!" He seethed, standing up rather abruptly and pacing back and forth behind his desk. "Fucking retards don't know what the hell they're talking about! Miroku!" He snapped.
Miroku didn't move very much, but Kagome could see his eyes snap right to attention. "Yes?"
"Get your fuckin' ass out of here, I'm sick of lookin' at yah!" He shouted. Kagome winced. Miroku did not.
Instead, he merely raised his eyebrow and shrugged. "Fine," was all he said, before turning and leaving the room.
Kagome watched him go, her eyes wide, her body trembling. How could she have thought Inuyasha was ever nice? Miroku was the nice one, the one that helped her with almost everything around here, and now he was leaving her in here with him.
She wanted to cry out to him – don't go! – but he was gone, and now the only thing between her and this… this youkai was a girl no bigger than herself.
She snapped her head around, and felt like a caged animal with nowhere to go.
"Where the hell have you been?!" He raged.
"Inuyasha…" Sango warned.
"You shut the hell up."
Sango's eyes narrowed, but she didn't talk back. Snorting in satisfaction, Inuyasha stomped over to Kagome, brushing Sango aside, who didn't resist and merely grunted in annoyance.
"I've been trying to find you for hours. Where the fuck were you?"
His eyes glowered, and she shrank back, worried he might take her by the throat again. She was beginning to think taking this job was a terrible, terrible idea.
"I-I'm sorry. I fell asleep out by the-"
"I don't fucking pay you to fall asleep whenever you like!" He spat. "Didn't Miroku inform you earlier that I needed to talk to the both of you?"
A ping of annoyance shot through her. "Well, yes but we couldn't find you, so-"
"So you decided to go off and fall asleep in a place no one would think of looking for you?"
"It wasn't a place that-"
"You're slacking off on the job already, bitch!"
"I was in-"
"I don't fucking care where you were, I just care that you're where you need to be when I need you to be there! That's it!"
He wouldn't let her finish a sentence, it was getting ridiculous, as were the names he kept calling her. She grit her teeth together and balled her hands into fists.
"I didn't-"
"You're right, you didn't! You did nothing but piss me off, wench."
Kagome cleared her throat. "Excuse me."
"You think you can come in here and-"
She tried again, a bit louder. "Excuse me."
"-trying to sneak off and sleep while I-"
The entire room froze. Kagome watched in anger as Inuyasha's mouth went slack, his eyes wide, like hers, although from shock rather than fear.
Satisfaction ran through her. She'd done nothing to receive such harsh treatment from him, and she wouldn't let him treat her like trash, no matter where she'd come from.
"First of all," she seethed back at him, her fingers going numb from clenching them together so tightly, "my name is Kagome. Ka. Go. Me. Not wench, and not bitch. If you refuse to address me by my name, don't address me at all."
Inuyasha's mouth began to close, now that the initial impact had worn off. And now his demeanor was much like hers. Kagome fought the urge to back down. She felt tears welling up in her eyes. Angry, wet tears of fury.
"Second of all," she continued, "I in no way warrant an attack like this. We tried to find you, but you were holed up in your room, you big jerk. I went out into the garden and fell asleep. That's all." She paused, and breathed in a shaky breath. "Jerk." She added again, for good measure.
A low growl erupted from Inuyasha's chest. "Don't call me a jerk."
"Well, you are one!" She countered.
"And you're a bitch!"
"Well, you're an idiot!"
His eyes went wide again, only for a second, before he growled again. "Yeah? Well you're fired!" He yelled.
"You can't fire me!" She spat back, fueling her temper.
"Watch me!"
"No, you stupid Dog-For-Brains! Firing me is breach of contract! I read it! You aren't allowed to let me go!"
His face paled and he went rigid, then he abruptly turned on his heel and stomped back towards his desk, pulling open a drawer with such force that papers flew up and out around him, fluttering lightly in the air. He cursed and bent out of her eyesight to pick them up, then stood and raked his eyes over the contract.
"Oh for fucks sake…" He reached for his desk phone, but then realized that he'd crushed it earlier, so grabbed for his cell phone and placed it on speaker. "Miroku! Get your ass back up here!"
"What for?" Came Miroku's monotone reply.
"For this fucking contract, you asshole! You wrote in here that I can't fire the bitch!"
"Don't call me a-"
"And you did it in Crayon!" He continued.
"Well, it's still legal binding." Miroku insisted.
"You know what? Don't come up here, you pathetic excuse for a security guard! I'd rather not drag your body through the whole house to get your bloody pulp out into the garbage! I'll be right down. You move and you're dead! Got it? Dead!"
"Dead. Got it." He hung up.
Inuyasha glared down at the phone before cursing again and throwing it against the wall, where it promptly shattered.
Sango sighed. "I'll call DoCoMo, then."
"Everyone out! Out!!!" He shouted, enraged.
"You're an immature brat!" Kagome cried, holding her ground, plenty riled up herself. "A brat!"
"Get her out of my sight!"
Sango grabbed Kagome's arm and yanked her from the room. A gust of air swept by as the door slammed shut behind them. Both girls turned to stare at the closed door, breathing heavily. The sounds of a very angry hanyou wrecking the office on the other side of the door reached their ears.
"Gods…" Kagome breathed, slightly horrified. "I- I can't believe that anyone could act that way!"
"Yeah, well. He's usually not so terrifying." Sango breathed back. "He's gotten much worse since…" She trailed off, her brow creasing in thought.
"…Since…?" Kagome asked.
She shook her head. "He's just been stressed out lately. Can you blame the guy? He is about to be forced into a marriage that he doesn't want."
"That doesn't give him the right to treat everyone like dirt." Kagome retorted, still peeved. "I've never heard anyone use language like that so repeatedly."
"Actually, I'm surprised you were able to get him to shut up." Sango laughed dryly. "I haven't seen that look on his face in years." She giggled. "You probably scared him half to death."
Kagome felt her anger slowly melt away. The corners of her mouth turned up. "I didn't mean to yell at him, but… he was calling me names." She paused. "It's a good thing Miroku put that extra bit in there, otherwise, I'd be back out on the streets.
Sango's giggles had turned into a full-blown laugh and nodded vigorously in agreement. "And in crayon! His face was priceless when he saw that!"
Kagome smiled, then it turned into a grin, and her grin turned into light laughter as they started down the hall, leaving Inuyasha's loud tantrum behind.
"Hey," Kagome chuckled, "did I head Inuyasha call Miroku a security guard?"
Sango nodded.
"I thought he was the lawyer!"
Their laughter echoed through the hallway.
Kagome lay in bed, thinking over the events that evening. Her small-but-explosive fight with her employer left her feeling a strange mix of emotions, and she was tired from experiencing one extreme feeling and then another. Earlier that day she'd felt elated, and now she was scared, worried and nervous that her boss would find a way to kick her out despite Miroku's silly attempts to protect her.
Of course, she was also proud that she'd held her own to him, that she hadn't backed down into a quivering mess. Not that she'd expect herself to under normal circumstances, but she had never imagined she would be on the receiving end of a temper-tantrum by a fussy hanyou.
Argh! She flipped over onto her stomach and pressed her face angrily into her pillow. No wonder he had to pay her to pretend to marry him. Who the heck would do it for free?
She imagined Inuyasha at his wedding, a pretty girl at his side, demanding she pay him in front of his friends and relatives before the final 'I do's were said. The image made her giggle, the sound muffled by the pillow.
Then she imagined herself at his side. Pretending to be the blushing bride, wearing the most beautiful wedding dress she could conjure up. It was a bit over-the-top, but then again, she'd never been able to afford anything extravagant. Now that she could, it didn't feel so devastating to imagine herself in one.
Of course, once Inuyasha started repeating his vows, she imagined him insulting her instead of praising her, calling her the same names he did today. She frowned, and flipped back over onto her stomach, blinking up into the darkness. She didn't like the picture of she and Inuyasha marrying, so she closed her eyes and imagined someone else at her side. The man she conjured was tall and masculine, but had no features on his face, just blank skin. Her frown deepening, she flipped through her memory of all the males she'd met in her life. She tried Miroku's, but she chuckled and nixed it. Miroku was nice-looking, but not someone she could picture marrying. Finally she settled on Dr. Hojou's face.
This made her grin as Dr. Hojou now stood next to her, smiling that same, soft smile that he'd worn as he'd nursed her back to health. She grinned back up at him, letting herself relax in his imaginary presence, and listened as he repeated his vows. But it wasn't long before his promise of wedded bliss turned into suggestions for quick healing, and Kagome was back to square one.
Frustrated and now positive that rest would not come soon for her, she threw back her covers and sat up on the bed, facing the bay doors that led to the balcony. She watched the moonlight patterns the window doors created before finally standing, opening the doors and patting quietly in her bare feet to the edge of the balcony.
The balcony overlooked a different part of the gardens then where she had sat earlier. It was another clearing that included a fountain and a few marble benches, engraved to match. It was a peaceful view, and it calmed her heart. The flowing water made a pleasant bubbling sound, and she finally felt herself relaxing again under the bright moon.
She heard movement, a shuffling of sorts, and she immediately ducked behind the railing of the balcony, a reflex reaction, before wondering what she was hiding from. She was allowed to be here, what could possibly be down there that she had to hide from? …It seemed that she was still used to dodging the authorities and the yakuza on the streets. Satisfied that she wasn't about to get arrested or beaten to a pulp, Kagome moved to stand…
And heard a high-pitched giggling sound, followed, by a sigh, and then a baritone male voice.
"Ah, Sango."
Oh. Oh! Oh no. Kagome's face flushed a deep red color, feeling the change in temperature from the cool night air. She felt like an intruder now, like she was imposing on an extremely private moment. Sango was quickly becoming somewhat of a friend, and she didn't want anything to ruin that.
Plus, she was no pervert, and had no intention of even thinking of watching Sango make out with her mysterious man.
Mysterious man… Kagome's curiosity kicked into gear, and she wanted to know who it was Sango was being naughty with. Surely a peek wouldn't hurt, would it? Agonizingly slow, Kagome turned from her seated position to a crouching one; to her it seemed that every move she made echoed across the flowery landscape, and she held her breath, worried that it might give her away as well. Her fingers clutched at the railing, and the muscles in her legs slowly lifted her up, up, up until she could barely see over the top of her hiding spot.
"Miroku, stop it!" Sango muttered, followed by a scuffling sound and then a sharp slap.
Kagome froze, then bit her lip holding in a snort of surprise. Miroku was her midnight fling? It seemed strange, since the very few times Sango had mentioned the lawyer-turned security guard, she did so disdainfully.
"Pervert." Sango growled in the darkness. "I didn't bring you out here to feel me up, I brought you out here because you said you wanted to talk."
"And so I do." Came his humored reply. "I got quite an earful from Inuyasha after he spoke with you and Kagome. Apparently her mouth is as sharp as his."
"Sharper." Sango corrected, and Kagome's face flushed a hot color. "You should have seen her, Miroku, she called him a Dog."
"Dog-for-brains is how our employer remembers it."
"Yes, well, she didn't back down at all. It was an intimidating experience. She actually left him speechless."
"I don't believe it."
"I was there, it happened."
There was an excited edge to Miroku's voice now: "It's going to work. She's got to be the one. The only other person that ever spoke to him as such was-"
"Kikyou. I know." Sango finished.
Kikyou. There was that name again. The name Inuyasha had spat viciously into Kagome's face as he tried to choke the air from her body. The woman that Sango had said was a sore subject.
"Yes, and I think Kagome might be the one that can really do it. She'll be able to undo what Kikyou did."
What had Miroku said about Kikyou in the kitchen earlier that day? "Kikyou…." he hesitated, "Is someone who didn't work out with Inuyasha." He shrugged her question off. "She's no one of concern, not to worry." Kagome hadn't worried before, but she was worried now. What did Kikyou do to Inuyasha that Kagome could possibly undo? From their conversation it seemed that Inuyasha had his temper way before she entered his home.
"Houshi, you're treading on thin ground here. If Inuyasha finds out what you have planned for Kagome…" Her voice trailed off as Kagome's breathed hitched in the back of her throat. She didn't like the sound of that
"What I have planned for Kagome isn't important. What's important is that she never ever find out about Kikyou and-"
"Hey!" A voice yelled from the balcony above Kagome's and she shrunk back into the shadows as a curtain of platinum hair cascaded over the railing above. "I can't fuckin' sleep with all the racket you're making! Shut the fuck up and take it to the bedroom!"
"Ah, Inuyasha." Miroku called from below. "I am sorry we've awoken you, please know that we'll be as quiet as possible from now on."
"The garden isn't the best place for a rendezvous, Monk." Inuyasha snarled. "You've got a eves dropper." He lit a cigarette and must have motioned down towards Kagome's balcony, because Sango was the next person to speak.
"Kagome?" She asked, her voice wavering a little.
Caught, Kagome stood from her squatting position and waved down sheepishly to her two co-workers.
"Hello." She said, her face blazing. She wondered if Inuyasha could see how flushed she was with his too-keen eyes. "Just getting some air I'll go back inside now I'll see you tomorrow goodnight!" She said in a hurried rush, an attempt at a quick getaway.
Her boss snorted from above. "Keh. Just because you work here doesn't mean you have the right to listen to other people's conversations."
She froze in her tracks, her face flushed and her heart beating, although this time in anger rather than embarrassment. She stomped back over to the railing and leaned over, turning her neck so she could glair hateful daggers at her employer.
"You smell," she said, "like wet dog and ashtray!" And then she turned on her heel and stomped back into her room.
"Bitch!" She heard him yell at an attempt to have the last word, but she ignored him and instead returned to her bed, body fuming and mind wheeling over what just happened. It took a while for her to calm down enough to sleep, but once she did, she dreamed fitfully of a girl who had her face, a sneer on her lips and cold, hard eyes.
She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled wickedly. "Inuyasha is mine." Said her reflection. "You think you can take him from me? Train him better than I? You think you have anything over me, Kagome?"
And she answered her reflection. "Kikyou?"
The next morning was bright and sunny, warm and calm, but Kagome woke up feeling horrible. Dreams she could scarcely remember pushed at the edges of her consciousness, but her foggy memory pushed them back. She felt like she'd thrashed around in her sleep as well, her back and neck muscles ached as she forced herself from the bed and towards the steam room shower.
The warm water relaxed her enough to function, and she stayed in long enough for her fingers to turn to prunes. Turning off the shower, she mulled over the idea of drawing a bath and letting herself relax even more. She dismissed the thought, however, when she remembered the tantrum Inuyasha had thrown when she relaxed too much yesterday. Instantly riffed, she huffed and wrapped a white, fluffy towel around her torso, then left the bathroom to find another agonizingly tight outfit to wear for the day.
Sango was in her bedroom, and Kagome gave a start when she opened the bathroom door and saw her there. "Ah! Geez Sango, you scared me."
"Sorry!" She chirped brightly, a clipboard in her left hand and a pen held in her right. "I'm here to get you ready for today."
Suddenly suspicious, Kagome narrowed her eyes and grabbed at the front of her towel. "Ready for what today? What's going on?"
"We'll be out shopping for clothes that fit you, the dinner party is in two days, and we need you looking your best." She smiled, but rolled her eyes to show Kagome how ridiculous it all was.
Kagome couldn't help smiling back, feeling less scared knowing Sango would have her back.
"Now lets hurry and squeeze you into one of these cheesy outfits so we can hurry and get you clothes that fit."
Kagome nodded, biting her lip as she walked towards the closet. For a second, she lost her nerve, but then steeled herself and turned on her heel to face Sango again. "Ah, Sango, I'm… I'm sorry."
Sango looked up from her clipboard, bewildered. She clicked her pen. "Whatever for?"
"For eavesdropping on you the other night." She felt her face blush a deep scarlet. "Honestly, I was out there for a few seconds when I heard you two – er – talking, and I ducked out of sight, and then, well, I was honestly curious about who you were talking to, and I-"
"Kagome…. Kagome. It's okay." Sango chuckled at her rushed words. "It's alright, it's not a big deal." She winked. "Promise."
"Okay. Thank you. You're a good friend, Sango."
She laughed outright at that. "Oh, Kagome. I'm just so glad to have another girl around here, one that's normal and human, you know? Now hurry and get dressed."
It took a good thirty minuets for Kagome to squeeze into an outfit, then another thirty to squeeze out of it. Sango insisted that she be comfortable for the trip, and that Inuyasha would just have to deal with her wearing sweats. Another twenty minuets it took to dry her hair and make it out the front door, trailing behind Sango as she went. Inuyasha and Miroku were waiting for them, the limo parked and ready to go in the driveway. Kagome froze for a few seconds upon laying eyes on Inuyasha, prepared for him to yell at her again, but he acted as if she weren't even there. Instead he motioned towards Sango.
"Well, did it come or not?"
She sighed and stepped over to him, holding out a phone. "Here, upgraded, the newest blackberry. DoCoMo promised me it would hold out better than the last."
Inuyasha snorted. "These things are so flimsy."
"Yes, your temper has nothing to do with it." Sango rolled her eyes and promptly ignored Inuyasha's pointed glare. "We ready to go?" She asked cheerfully.
Miroku raised his hand up in the air. "One second, Sango dear. I believe we have some apologies to attend to." He elbowed Inuyasha in the ribs.
Inuyasha sighed, glared, huffed, and then finally rolled his eyes. "Fine. I'm… Sorry." He mumbled.
"What?" Kagome asked, slightly taken back by his unexpected apology.
"Woman, if you think I'll say it again-"
Miroku cleared his throat loudly from Inuyasha's right, causing him to stop short and clench his teeth together.
"I'msorry." Inuyasha breathed out in one word.
Kagome paused a few seconds, before smiling softly at his effort. It was good he was trying to make nice. "Okay, I'm sorry too, for calling you a jerk."
"Don't forget 'idiot'."
"Yes, that too." She said.
"And 'wet dog'."
Her temper flared. "You're pushing it."
"Well, you're forgiven," Inuyasha said, loosening his tie, "just don't annoy me next time."
This time Kagome's mouth snapped shut, but she swallowed her annoyance down and managed to nod. It turned out working for Inuyasha was going to be much harder than she thought.
Sango shrugged. "Alright then, can we go now? We've got a busy day ahead of us."
Miroku waved from the doorstep as the three of them boarded the limo and they set off. Immediately Inuyasha was on his blackberry, making important business phone calls, promptly ignoring both Sango and Kagome, giving them time to go over the plan for today.
"I have to run a few errands with Inuyasha while you shop," she immediately started in, "but if you just tell the sales ladies what you're looking for they'll help you pick something out. Remember, conservative and sophisticated, okay?"
"Conservative and sophisticated." Kagome nodded, trying to calm the butterflies fluttering around her stomach. "Got it."
"Alright." Sango nodded, satisfied enough with her answer. "Now, you have a limit of a little over a million yen for your dress, so you should be okay. However, if you find something that you like that's more, just wait until we meet up and we can go get it together, alright?"
Kagome gapped.
"You okay?"
"One… one million?" She repeated.
"I… why would I need a dress so… so…"
"Believe me, you'll need it."
"But that's so much!"
Sango waved her off. "For a dress, it's not bad at all, actually. "
"You're kidding."
She looked offended. "Of course I'm not! What, you think I took this job for the benefits?" She paused, looking thoughtful, then added: "Well, yes, for those too." She grinned. "But mostly for the big, fat paycheck."
Kagome didn't verbally reply, just nodded in understanding. Saying the money was good was an understatement.
The ride over to the shopping district wasn't a long one, but Kagome felt herself staring more than she liked to admit at the wonderfully extravagant estates on the way. Sango told her to close her mouth more than once as they passed by some of the most beautiful front yards she'd ever seen.
It was a wonder how only a few miles could change a neighborhood. Inuyasha's estate was only a short drive down the freeway from the slums, but the change in surroundings was obvious. Although she knew that places like this existed, she never dreamed in a million years she'd be riding around one in a fancy limousine, a million yen spending limit burning a plastic hole through her pockets.
Lucky her.
Ten minuets later they arrived at their destination. The limo pulled up to one of the biggest banks Kagome had ever laid her eyes on. The driver stepped out and around, and the doors opened. She slipped out after Sango and Inuyasha, who was still on the phone.
Sango turned to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Will you be alright by yourself?"
Truthfully, Kagome was scared out of her mind, but she grit her teeth and nodded. "I'll be fine, I can handle some shopping, I promise." She winked for good measure.
Satisfied, Sango nodded along. "Alright then, go to it. Get anything you want." She paused. "Make sure you look nice in it, okay? You need to impress the parents." With that, she turned and hurriedly followed Inuyasha into the bank.
Kagome stood rooted to the spot for a few seconds as the limo slowly pulled out into traffic and away from her, effectively cutting off her escape route. There was no hiding it now; she'd simply have to trudge forward. It all felt like some sort of dream. It had to be. Shaking her head, she finally moved forward down the street. Step after step it became easier, until finally there was a little bounce to her step. She was excited. Never before in her life was she able to spend money like she was about to. Ever.
She passed shop after shop, looking in windows, imagining that she had this or that. And then something amazing happened.
There it was.
The perfect dress.
Something Kagome would never thought she could wear in a million years, and yet… here she was, standing right at the window with a card just begging to be swiped, to be spent on something as gorgeous at that perfect dress in the window. She looked up at the sign hanging above the door. Amour Boutique. It was such a pretty name, and, even thought she felt lame and cliché, she almost cried.
It was like a dream. She was going to walk in and buy the most beautiful dress on the planet, with money that hadn't been stolen, or been earned by her body. It was real money that had been given to her, with nothing being wanted in return but a hard-days work of acting affectionate.
And she had no problem doing that.
Taking a deep breath she opened the door, hearing the tiny bells ring together as she stepped into the cool atmosphere of the fancy store. She looked around, noticing that there weren't very many people inside, only two others to be exact. She felt like she was in Beverly Hills, like a store only movie stars went to, like it was open only for her. Walking to the dress in the window, she bent over to get a closer look. Her had reached out. If she could only touch it, it would be enough. She could die happy then.
Startled, Kagome jumped back, as if she'd done something terribly wrong. Turning, she looked up wide-eyed at the stiff-looking sales lady before her. Her suit pressed and her hair pulled into a stiff bun, a cold smile graced her hard features.
"I'm sorry," she asked in a sing-song voice, "but are you lost?"
"Oh, no, I'm not." Kagome replied, smiling in turn. "I'd like to try that on." She pointed at the dress, that same satisfied feeling filling her up inside.
The sales lady's voice didn't grow colder, her smile didn't change, and her words were pleasant. "I'm afraid we don't have that in your size."
Kagome's eyebrows drew together, confused. "Oh, well, do you mind if I try it on anyway? It's very pretty."
"Mmm, it is," she agreed, "and very expensive."
Oh. Now she got it. She flushed, embarrassed. This lady could see right through her. Could see that Kagome was nothing but street urchin. "I-I have the money for it…" Her voice trailed off as she held back her tears. Shameful tears.
The lady sneered down at her, as if she were dirty. "I'm afraid that I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
Kagome nodded, turned, and placed a hand on the door, ready to walk out and give up. But then something kicked in. How dare this woman treat her like this? She wasn't dirt. She wasn't garbage. She was human, and she had the money, and it didn't matter what she used to be, she was a hard working woman who earned more than THIS lady certainly did.
She shook her head and looked up, right into her eyes. "I get it. I see what's going on here." She paused, somewhat for a dramatic effect, but mostly because she was on the verge of crying, out of rage rather than feeling sorry for herself. "I'm leaving, no problem, but you'll regret it. Enjoy your job while you still have it."
Her face didn't change in it's cold expression as Kagome left. She turned and headed back towards the back, stomping out her aggression. Hot, angry tears started to fall over her lashes. She couldn't hold them in.
She hated what she'd been, where she'd come from. It didn't matter that she had money now. All everyone saw when they looked at her was someone worthless.
She wasn't watching where she was going, and while she pitied herself, she walked right into Inuyasha.
"What the-?" He grabbed onto her shoulders, steadying her. "Watch where you're going, wench!"
She let out a sob as an answer.
"Hey! Hey, what the hell's wrong with you?" He shook her. "Stop crying. Stop it now."
She hiccupped.
"Gods, wench, you're blithering all over me!" He pushed her away and folded his arms. "Of course Sango sends me out to find you by myself at a time like this, dammit," he muttered to himself before huffing at her. "Stop crying like a girl and tell me what the hell happened!"
Kagome wiped at her eyes, and looked up at him, still embarrassed, still horribly pissed off. "They wouldn't let me buy the dress."
"They told me to leave." She shook her head, her voice coming out bitter, which she hadn't wanted. "It's not going to work, Inuyasha. I can't pull it off. How can I convince your parents I'm high-class if I can't convince a woman in a dress shop?"
Inuyasha sighed and rolled his eyes. "You're more trouble than you're worth." He clutched onto her arm, right below her elbow. "They sell dresses to people who look less high-class than you all the time, even in those sweats. It's not you. What store did you go into?"
"Amour Boutique."
He huffed. "Stop crying already, my mother owns that place. Come on, let's go." He led her by the elbow towards the store.
"Wh-what are you going to do?" She asked, slightly intimidated. Where was Sango? Why had she sent Inuyasha to get her?
"I'm taking you shopping, that's what I'm doing, now shut up."
Kagome wiped at her eyes again, thankful that she had no makeup on to smear anything. She let herself be led by him. He marched her right up to the boutique and slammed the doors open, the bells jingling violently.
The two salesladies from before hurried over, the same sour expression planted on the lady Kagome had talked to before. When she saw it was Inuyasha, her mouth fell agape. "M-Mr. Kobun! Wh-what can I do for-?"
He pushed Kagome out in front of him, her cheeks bright red with embarrassment.
"Kagome, which one was it?" He growled.
She pointed to the lady with the bun. "Her."
"You." He snapped his fingers at the lady. "You're fired. Don't come back here, don't look for jobs around here, you've been blacklisted."
The woman drew in a sharp breath, her mouth hanging open. "Bu-"
"Get out. You're trespassing."
She ran down the steps and pushed past me, sobbing into her hands.
"Bitch." Inuyasha mumbled, before he turned to glare at the other woman. She stood, frozen, afraid to be next. "And do you have a problem selling my fiancé here a dress?"
"O-of course not!" She stammered, and walked right up to Kagome, taking her by the arm and leading her to the back room. "You just get undressed in here. I'll bring you the dress."
Nodding, Kagome walked into the dressing room, her mind whirling. Inuyasha had been so harsh on the sales lady. She'd only been working for him a short time, she had already seen him rage, and now she'd seen him use his power. The sales lady had been terrified of him. Was she supposed to act that way around him as well? Sango and Miroku certainly didn't, and Kagome herself hadn't been doing so at all.
She shook her head to clear it as the curtain opened slightly and a hand pushed through with the dress.
"Here you go," the new saleslady said, her voice quivering slightly, "please let me know when you have it on."
"Thank you," Kagome replied in her kindest voice possible. It would be mean to scare the poor woman anymore than she already was. Of course, she was probably only being nice now because of Inuyasha's presence, but at least she was trying. Maybe she'd learn to treat everyone with respect now, unlike her coworker had done.
Slipping off the sweatpants and the hoodie, Kagome looked at the dress hanging in front of her. Sliding it from the hanger, she took a deep breath before she let it fall smoothly over her head. She felt the cool satin slip over her warm skin as it fell down to her ankles and draped over her chest. She turned to glance at it from the back, where ribbons of silver criss crossed, showing off her slender backbone. The silver shone over her hips and legs, and her eyes watered at the sight, and the feel of it.
The curtains shoot slightly, bringing her from her stupor.
"Are you dressed?" The saleslady asked.
"Yes." Kagome's felt her voice crack with emotion. If only she could have this dress. It made her feel beautiful.
"Then let's see it." She said, pulling back the curtain and revealing Kagome to the world.
To Inuyasha, who stood in front of her, his face a mask. She looked up into his eyes, smiling. She could feel her eyes dance with the joy she felt. "Well?" She asked, "what do you think?"
"That dress," the saleslady said, her voice hitching, "is absolutely perfect for you."
Kagome beamed at those words, but her eyes stayed on Inuyasha. What would he think? Would he like it? Was it fit for the diner party? He said nothing, his eyes taking her in. Finally, he raised an eyebrow.
"I suppose it will do." He said, then glanced at the saleslady. "Ring it up."
She bowed to him before leaving. "Right away."
Kagome's heart pounded, so loud she felt she could hear it herself. What did he think of it? He wasn't showing her any sign that he did. When he did speak, it wasn't about his thoughts on the dress.
"You like it, then?" He asked. Kagome nodded, blushing. "Good, we're done here. Let's keep going. You'll need more clothes."
She ginned. "Okay."
"Get out of that dress, we need to keep it clean until the diner party, and you look like you're about to cry all over it, wench."
She was too elated to be angry at his harsh tone and harsh words. The dress was hers. She felt as if she could take on the world.
Souta's eyes opened.
Pain shoot swiftly through his head and he snapped his eyes shut again. He tried to bring his hand up to his head.
He couldn't move.
He couldn't move!
Panic swept over him as he screamed at himself to move.
Goddammit! he wanted to cry out. Why the hell was this all happening? Where was he? Why couldn't he move? What the hell was going on? The last thing he remembered was...
Oh Gods… that…man had… had…
He opened his eyes slower this time, and a wave of nausea hit him. This time me managed to roll over and puke over the side of the bed. After his stomach was empty he noticed the thin tube that ran from his arm up to a bag filled with liquid. Gods. Was he in a hospital?
The thought made his heart speed up in excitement, and his ears perked as the beeping noise increased again.
If he was in a hospital, then maybe someone realize what he'd been going though. Maybe the Headmistress would be arrested and he and Rin could be free. Or at least adopted.
His eyes moved to the right, trying to figure out what the beeping noise was. He couldn't see it. It was behind him. He looked straight ahead and, with a realization that was so depressing he felt as if the world itself would end, he cried.
He wasn't in a hospital.
He wasn't safe.
He was still here.
He was still HERE, Dammit!
He tried to cry out, but all that came from his mouth was a choked, strangled grunt, barely audible. Why didn't he just die? Were the Gods so cruel that they demand Souta live though all the torture? That he bare all the pain? That no matter what life-threatening situation he was in, he was doomed to live though? What a complete-
"And how are we feeling today" A sinister, cold voice asked. Souta opened his eyes again to look into the face of the Headmistress.
He wanted to scream. To curse. To kill. But he couldn't move. So he lay there and he cried.
"Well, it doesn't matter much." She said, answering her own question. She took a few steps towards Souta, an evil glare on her face.
Souta tried to wince away, knowing that it would do no good. He knew what was coming. A slap. A hard slap to let him know what a bad little boy he'd been, resisting the doctor and all his.. his… devices. If Souta were gone, the Headmistress would have only Rin and a few others to carry out her client's sick games and fantasies.
Souta waited.
And he waited.
The slap never came.
He opened his eyes, wondering what had happened.
The Headmistress wasn't by his bed anymore. She was over to his right, looking out the tainted window of the room.
But she was angry.
She was furious, and Souta could tell because she was barely able to contain it. Her knuckles were white, and her face was bright red. Her entire body shook with rage. But... Why wasn't she taking it out on him? What the hell was going on?
After a while, she spoke, her voice low and tight. Seething. "After you rest up, you'll be taken to your room, and you will pack your things.." She informed him, still not looking his way.
Pack his things?
"You'll be bought a pair of shoes and an outfit. Make sure you look... decent." She hissed the last word.
Souta couldn't understand. Clothes? Shoes? She wanted him to get an outfit?
"You.." She said, her fury starting to show more. "Are being adopted." She bit out, before she turned and left, slamming the door behind her, making Souta flinch.
AN: Ta-daaa!!! Well, what do you guys think? Yes? No?
I'm just going to say that I really enjoyed writing this chapter, especially with the song that I wrote it to, which I suggest you get your hands on and re-read this chapter again. It's a great song to go along with it. I eyes even watered a little when Kagome was trying on the dress.
Anyway, yes, it's been a rather long time, and as such I've delivered another long chapter. Twenty-four pages to be exact! I hope you've enjoyed it. Until next time!
Next Chapter: Shadowed Identity