Harry Potter and Sanity's Requiem

Harry Potter and Sanity's Requiem

AN: Don't own Harry Potter



Thoughts or dreams.



/Moony or Phoenix/


Chapter 17: SOS

The two werewolf escorts jumped from their chairs to block Lenmir from Alaina's sight. The woman merely rolled her eyes.

"Sit down. I didn't actually kill anyone." The two men stared at her like they didn't believe her in the least.

"Sit down." The escorts stared at Lenmir confused. "Sit." They did as they were told, but very reluctantly. "You didn't kill anyone but you were sent to Azkaban?"

Alaina nodded her head. No need to tell him about the people after escaping.

/It was their own faults./

Thank you.

/For what?/ Phoenix cocked her head to the side in confusion.

Lenmir eyeballed Alaina before nodding. "Very well." He relaxed in his seat. "If I may, how is Remus Lupin?"

Alaina stiffened slightly, her eyes narrowing.

Lenmir, sensing the danger of a female protecting her mate, spoke slowly and calmly. "My pack and I had sensed what had happened, by the time we arrived it was too late to aid him. But we did bring gifts."

"Gifts?" Alaina quirked an eyebrow.

Lenmir nodded and gestured to his escorts. One rose and left the room, he returned moments later, with two more werewolves, leading what looked to be three of the Serpents Remus had taken down.

Alaina sat forward in her chair and her grip tightened on the arms, her knuckles turning white. "Are they who I think they are?"

Lenmir smirked and nodded. "I thought you might appreciate the ones who we had managed to catch."

Alaina nodded stiffly and Fawkes, sensing the woman's need, appeared on her shoulder. "Fawkes, retrieve Severus and Lucius immediately."

The Serpents, hearing the names of their past betrayers, scowled and squirmed uselessly in their magical bonds.

Fawkes trilled and disappeared in a burst of flame.

Lenmir had watched the entire exchange in interest.

Lucius and Severus burst into Alaina's office within moments of the phoenix's disappearance. Spotting the Serpents, they froze and glared before turning their attention to Anna.

Lucius gripped the top of his cane and straightened up. "Are these the rabble who have been calling themselves Serpent's Fang and attacked Remus?"

One of the men sneered and straightened proudly. Lucius hit him in the calf with his cane, sending the man toppling to the floor.

Severus smirked and straightened his robes. "Imbecile." Seeing Alaina's look he quirked an eyebrow. "Why did you summon us Headmistress?"

Alaina sat back in her chair and steepled her fingers, her expression dark. "Take these three 'guests' to an unused part of the dungeons and lock them up. Don't let a word of this leak to the others till we've had a chance to chat."

All of the other occupants of the room shivered at the cold fury that radiated off the woman, who was intent on getting her revenge for her lover.

Lenmir gestured and his escorts moved out of the way as Lucius and Severus stunned the former Death Eaters and used Alaina's fireplace to floo to Severus' office and walk from there.

Lenmir studied Alaina. "Why don't you want the others to know?"

Alaina smirked dangerously. "Because they would try to stop me."

(Page Break)

Remus sat up in bed, propped up on pillows and watched the muggle television that, from combined efforts from Hermione and Harry, was charmed to work within Hogwarts.

The TV was currently picking up a channel from America, which even Hermione had been unable to figure out why, and was showing the football game.

Remus, who was secretly a sports fanatic, cheered on the winning team. He was glad he could do this without much interference because he was in his own room.

Alaina stepped quietly into the room and shook her head at her lover's antics. She stepped up next Remus, after closing the door, and leaned close to his eye. "So who's winning?"

The werewolf about shot out of his skin, he whipped his around to face Alaina. "Merlin's beard!"

Alaina smiled and shook her head. "Nope. I shaved."

Remus blinked before laughing and kissing his lover's cheek. "How did things go?"

The semi-vampire perched on the end of Remus' bed. "They went well. Lenmir and his escorts will be staying in a cottage near the Forbidden Forest and far enough away from wandering students. He will come to the castle every other day for lessons until he is able to transform of his freewill."

Remus grinned and draped an arm around Alaina, the game forgotten for the time being. "So they'll stay neutral."

Alaina shook her head and Remus frowned. "They're going to ally with us." Remus grinned and kissed the woman.

"That's great!"

Alaina smiled and nodded. "Those of his escorts that would like to learn will be taught after he learns. After you are better, and the werewolves who traveled here have learned, we will travel to their encampment and we will teach the rest who wish to learn."

Remus nodded. "And what of Serpent's Fang?"

Alaina sighed. "We'll deal with that as it comes along for now." He doesn't need to know about the three in the dungeons.

/What if he smells them? / Phoenix eyeballed her other half.

We've got charms up for just about every normal way of detection you can think of.

/Remus and Moony aren't normal. /

Alaina paused to consider the point. This is true.

/I don't know if either of them would appreciate that we agree on that point. / Phoenix grinned, baring her fangs, and Alaina smirked.

Alaina rose and dusted off her robes. "Enjoy the rest of the game and get some rest. I have some things I must attend to. I shall be back once I am finished." Alaina placed a gentle kiss on Remus' lips.

Remus smiled and nodded. "Don't take too long. I'm feeling much better." Remus wiggled his eyebrows and grinned wickedly.

Alaina blushed and shook her head. "Men."

Remus' laughter followed her out of the Hospital Wing. Alaina closed the doors behind her and summoned the shadows to her aide; they transported to the door of the cell that the three Serpents were in.

She waited calmly for Severus and Lucius to reappear from retrieving some supplies from Severus' rooms.

Alaina looked at the two of them with a fierceness that sent shivers down their spines. "Are the two of you ready?"

They both nodded and Severus cocked his head to the side. "Are you sure this is what you wish to do? It won't change what happened."

Alaina smirked. "But it will send a message."

Lucius quirked a brow. "And what message would that be my dear?"

Alaina gestured for the door and Severus opened it and the three walked through. "I and mine are not to be trifled with."

They closed the door behind them and darkness surrounded them. Alaina walked to the back wall and tapped on what seemed to be a random pattern of bricks and the folded away, forming an entrance to where the three unlucky Serpents sat chained to the walls.

The three were awake and aware. Severus stepped around Alaina and went from Serpent to Serpent forcing potions down each of their throats.

They hissed and scowled but could do nothing in retaliation.

Alaina gestured and the entrance folded closed. "So gentlemen. Which of our three guests should we start with?" She grinned maliciously and Phoenix's presence shone through.

/Perhaps we should reflect what Remus suffered back on them?/

One hundredfold.

/I like the way you think./


And yes I've finally posted another story. Please review.