Mariam woke up to the sun shining brightly through Hilary's living room window. Mariam rubbed her tired eyes and then looked toward the couch, only to see that Hilary was already up and about. Mariam sighed, and pushed her still tired form off the love seat. The TV she had been watching last night was now shut off. Mariam walked around the edge of the table, and toward the stairs.

"Hilary?" Mariam called softly. "Hilary are you up there?" Mariam called again, taking a few slow paces up the carpeted steps, looking at the photos on the walls at the same time. Mariam saw one with what looked to be a young Hilary, held by the shoulders caring by her father, and a woman with brown hair that looked like Hilary's. Mariam scanned the picture up and down.'That must be her mother...' Mariam looked forward again, and continued her walk. "Hey, Hil?" Mariam said, a little louder. Mariam was just about at the top of the stairs now. Only one more to go.

"Good morning! Were you looking for me???" Mariam gave a squeak of surprise, and fell backwards down the stairs. Hilary flinched as she heard the thumping of what was probably Mariam's head finding it's way to the bottom of the staircase. When it finally stopped, Hilary heard an exasperated moan."Aha, hey Mariam, you alive down there?" Hilary asked nervously, taking a step down the stairs. Hilary smiled when Mariam's form appeared to continue the walk back up the stairs. Mariam smiled jokingly.

"You scared the shit out of me!" She exclaimed funnily. Hilary giggled.

"Come on up to my room." And with that, Hilary turned on her heels and jogged back towards the end of the upstairs corridor, Mariam tagging behind a little slower. When they reached Hilary's room, Mariam collapsed on the bed, back first, arms splayed out around her. Hilary was flipping through some papers while leaning on her dresser.

"So, it's almost twelve. I guess we should head back over to my place and get the guys?" Hilary looked up cheerily and nodded.

"Why didn't you bring them with you last night? Wouldn't you be scared Ozuma or Dunga or even Joseph would let them out or something? Remember what happened the last time Ray got out?" Hilary said between giggles. Mariam giggled back.

"I wouldn't worry. No one's going to bother them." Mariam said, bringing her fingers to her lips.

"How can you be so sure?" Hilary said, tapping the papers on the desk to straighten them out.

"I locked them in my closet."

"What???!!!" Hilary said, exploding into laughter. Mariam soon joined in.

"I had no where else to put them!" Mariam said, now holding her stomach in a fit of laughing. Both girls finally stopped laughing, and Hilary returned her eyes to the papers again.

"Here, I have something to show you." Hilary walked over and took a seat on the bed next to Mariam.

Man, I am so going to kill Mariam! Max said, sitting in the corner of Mariam's closet, sulking. Kai said nothing, just sat and waited patiently. The guinea pig thought he was going to die of starvation. And the cat? Well, he was just annoyed. Actually, a little more than a little annoyed. He was ready to technically claw Mariam's eyes out. Ray let out a hiss at the abrupt opening of the closet door. The 4 of them didn't even wait to see who it was, they just darted out of that closet faster than a normal person would expect an animal to go. Mariam and Hilary giggled.

"Heyya guys!! Ready to get transformed back into humans??" Hilary said enthusiastically. Even Kai squeaked. Hilary giggled, and gathered the bunch into her arms. Mariam walked back out from the closet, with her guitar case on her shoulder. The girls smiled at eachother, and they ran out of Mariam's room and out the door. While running,

"Hey, Mariam?"


"Have you been feeding Kenny's cats?" Mariam stopped.

"Well, Hilary, about that..."

Kenny walked through his house doors, smiling as his two cats ran to meet him, then placed his suitcases on the ground. Kenny was almost run over when Mariam and Hilary stampeded into the house.

"Woah woah woah! I missed you guys a lot too!" The girls dropped the boys, and spun around.

"Geeze Kenny we didn't even see you there!" Hilary said. She and Mariam ran right over, and... Smothered Kenny with kisses on his cheeks. Max barked rudely. Tyson looked irritated. Kai was getting a kick out of the whole thing. Ray was doing some bonding with Kenny's female cat. Kenny's other cat... Was eyeing Tyson in a way no animal deserves to be eyed.

"Anyway Chief, we have an issue." Mariam said, crossing her arms over her black tank top. Kenny raised a brow at her. Mariam shrugged toward Hilary as she came back to Kenny, carrying Tyson.

"Say Hi to Kenny Tyson!" Hilary said as she held the rodent an inch from Kenny's face. The boy went pale, and screamed bloody murder.

"MY EXPERIMENTS! MY PRECIOUS EXPERIMENTS!!!!" Hilary and Mariam sat on Kenny's bed while Kenny spazzed over the long-gone experiments. "But you're lucky." Both girls looked up with a start. So did the boys. Hilary had to keep Tyson in her arms and out of the reach of a hungry feline who was most definitely not Ray. Mariam had to keep Ray and Max in her arms, to stop they from trying to chase Kenny's remaining cats. "I expected this to happen. So I made an antidote while I was away." Everyone sweatdropped at Kenny's quick change of mood. "Follow me up to my room." Everyone did as they were told.

Once they had reached Kenny's room, Kenny lined Tyson, Kai, Ray and Max into a straight line on the floor, all an equal distance apart. Then, with Hilary and Mariam grasping eachother's hands in anticipation and nervousness, Kenny pulled a light pink glowing vile out of his pocket. Kenny stood in front of the 4 animals, giving each a mysterious look. The boys didn't notice however; They were deep in thought.

I can't believe it... Max thought.

This is it... Ray thought.

Now I'm going to be fat again... Tyson worried.

FINALLY! Kai's mind screamed. Then, out of what seems like no where, Kenny threw the pink serum over the BladeBreakers.

"Alakazoo, I'll make people out of YOU!"

And with a great pink BOOM!, and a mass of swirling glitter and magic, were 4 boys where 4 critters once stood.

Ray took a deep breath, and slowly ran his hands through his raven hair. He smiled his catty smile.

Max laughed childishly, and looked down at his stomach.

Kai crossed his arms, and walked over to Kenny's wall .He leant back on it. Then smiled his regular smirk.

Tyson spun around in a circle, quick as the muscle.

"Is it me? Is it really me?" Tyson hugged himself, and felt his ass. "Yeah, it's me!" He whooped. Hilary squealed in delight and ran to him, embracing him warmly. Tyson threw his arms around her nimble frame, and lifted her off the ground. Mariam smiled. And felt she too was being lifted off the ground by none other than Max. Mariam could hear his cheery laugh, and that made her smile brighter.

"Oh Max, I missed you!" She said happily, locking her arms around his neck. Max laughed cheerily.

"I missed you too!" But suddenly, Mariam saw the bright light leave from Max's eyes. "But we need to talk." Mariam looked down and nodded, in despair. But before Mariam could turn to talk to someone else, Max had her pulled close to his body once again. Mariam rested her arms on Max's shoulders. The blonde boy took Mariam's chin in his hand, and leant a little downward. Closer, closer,....

"Hey, I know, let's go celebrate!" Hilary said, taking Kai and Tyson by the arms. Max and Mariam pulled back, and blushed.

"Sure, sounds good. But Mariam, why did you bring your guitar?" Ray asked, eyeing Mariam's guitar case curiously. Mariam smirked, and turned to Hilary. The brunette winked cunningly.

"Let's go to the club. They're having karaoke night tonight!" Hilary said enthusiastically. Kai groaned, but allowed Hilary to drag him towards the door. But once Kai was nearly at the bottom of the steps, he pulled his rm from Hilary's grasp. And strangely, Hilary almost smiled. She still had Tyson to hang onto.

Kai waited for Mariam, Max and Ray to reach his standing point on the stairs before grasping Mariam's wrist. Kai loosened his grip when she flinched. Max and Ray turned around to see the commotion, and Kai just sent them a nod, telling them to go on ahead. Max knew better than to hang around when he told them to go, so with a concerned glance in Mariam's direction, he walked on ahead with Ray at his side.

"Kai?" Mariam said, looking up instead of down and at a human face for once. His cold crimson eyes had appeared to lose their frost...

"How are you?" Mariam scanned the stairwell with her eyes, pretty much anything to keep them from settling on Kai's eyes again. She sighed.

"As good as can be expected." She said, failing in her attempts to avoid eye contact. He cocked an eyebrow.

"That's not good enough." Mariam bit her lip.

"We worked it out-" But Kai cut Mariam off by walking on down the stairs. Mariam stared after him, confused. He turned around then, his white scarf shifting slightly due to the whisp of the breeze.

"Okay. I just needed to draw an explanation out of you. It was Ozuma and the rest of the SaintShields all along..." Kai trailed off, before continuing on his way down and out the door. Mariam huffed. Then smirked, adjusting the guitar strap around her shoulder and jogged to catch up with the rest.

The club was a crowded place, but not too crowded. There was enough space to move around, and on the stage; And that was all Hilary and Mariam needed. People were chatting, all sitting at a few little tables while others stood around the entrance and talked with virgin drinks in their hands.

"You guys wait here; Me and Mariam need to do something!" Hilary said, pushing Tyson to sit in a chair next to an empty booth. Mariam and Hilary giggled, before running off.

"What's with them?" Ray asked, shaking his head ruefully while taking a seat at the table also. Kai stood behind them, watching the action and observing his surroundings. Max and Kenny too had taken seats at the circular table. The boys began to chat, mostly about their experiences of the animal instinct; But all 5 of them adverted their attention to the stage when a loud, piercing, screech tore through the club. Kai flinched.

"Youch!" Tyson said, gritting his teeth and covering his ears. And Hilary came trotting back then, ducking and dodging tables and people while hastily trying to make her way back to her friends. Tyson blushed when she sat in his lap. Max giggled, and Ray just rubbed the bridge of his nose. About TIME that happened. But the light chatter of asking Hilary what the hell was going on was ruined as the MC for the club took the stage, and semi-bright spotlights shined upon him.

"Goodnight ladies and gentleman! Welcome to our karaoke night! The performer coming up next is a first timer here, so I hope you all make her feel comfortable!"

""Hey Hilary, where'd Mariam go?" Max asked, scanning the crowd with his azure eyes. Hilary giggled, and pointed towards the stage.

"Please welcome, Mariam Carey!" The MC said, and walked off the stage. Max's jaw hit the stained floor. Ray's golden eyes widened. Kai smirked.

'This is going to be good...'.

Mariam took a seat on a stool in front of the mic and put her hand to her guitar strings.

"Hello everyone. I'd like to perform a song for you tonight written by a close friend of mine, and it's dedicated to more friends of mine. I'll be singing while playing my guitar." Mariam shook her loose hair, and it fell in perfect straight lines against her emerald eyes. Mariam took a deep breath, and, feeling shocked eyes on her, began to play.

Why do all my friends now want to be your lovers?
Your family got bigger when they thought you were rich.
And now like maniacs, they scratch your back,
Even when it doesn't itch.

I want to figure it all, I want to figure it all out.
I want so save you from, save you from all that's vain.
Save you, from the things that cause us pain.

Cause it's an Animal City, it's a cannibal world;
So be obedient, don't argue,
some are ready to bite you.
It's an Animal City, it's a cannibal world;
So be obedient, don't argue,
some are ready to rip you right off.

They believe you now have everything you wanted.
And once you have become a star, you've got no right to bitch.
But someday when you fail, they'll put you on sale,
And buy you by the inch.

But you're the real deal
And real is your middle name.
you know sometimes I feel,
we've got to earn every breath we take, baby,
never mind the rules we break.

Cause it's an Animal City, it's a cannibal world;
So be obedient, don't argue,
some are ready to bite you.
It's an Animal City, it's a cannibal world;
So be obedient, don't argue,
some are ready to rip you right off.

With you I feel safe, there's nothing to fear from us.
Away from the fangs, the fangs of the world.
I may be a coward but you were brave;
And nothing seemed so dangerous.

Cause it's an Animal City, it's a cannibal world;
So be obedient, don't argue,
some are ready to bite you.
It's an Animal City, it's a cannibal world;
So be obedient, don't argue,
some are ready to rip you right off.

Cannibal world.

Cannibal world.

Cannibal world.

So be obedient, don't argue,
some are ready to bite you my love.

The crowd erupted into applause and cheer, and Mariam soothed her exhausted voice and rested her tired fingers. Tyson tightened his hold on Hilary's waist, and drew his lips to meet hers ever so lovingly. Max and Kai applauded with great joy, whooping and yelling. Ray and Kenny sat; stunned. Then, Ray smiled when Max got up to run and meet Mariam as she got off the stage.

Perhaps everyone got their fairytale after all.