This is a one shot I just thought of Please review.


I couldn't believe it. I was in shock. Edward was going to change me. I was so happy. But as I gazed around at the rest of the Cullens, none of them looked as happy for me as they should.

"What's wrong?" I asked, glancing from one Cullen to the next. "What is it?"

"He's going to change you Bella, but not in the way you think." Carlisle replied eyes down cast. What? My mind raced. I didn't understand. Edward said he was going to change me. He promised!

"What do you mean not in the way I think? What is that supposed to mean?" I glared at Alice, searching for the answers she always gave me. But he face was impassive and hard.

"I'm sorry Bella. We're all sorry. None of us wanted it to be this way. We wanted Edward to change you the normal way but he wouldn't have it so-" Edward's grow cut her off. I glanced between the two of them, confused. Edward never growled at Alice. Ever.

"Edward?" I asked quietly.

"Come with me." Without waiting for my response, he scooped me into his arms and ran to his room. I didn't realize what had happened until he set me down on his bed. Wait. A bed? My eyes widening, I realized that there was in fact a bed in Edward's room.

"Why on earth do you have a bed in your room Edward?" I asked, confused. He sighed, his eyes downcast. I got a foreboding chill and quietly whispered,

"You're not going to change me, are you?"

"No, not the way you want." My throat closed and I gasped for air. All I ever wanted was to be with him. Why could he not except that and just change me like he said he would. I hung my head, as my silent tears began to fall. Soon I was sobbing, heart-wrenching sobs that seemed to shatter my lungs with each breath. Edward tried to take me in his arms but I refused, sliding as far away from him as I could muster.

"Bella please." He begged trying to explain.

"NO!" I screamed, hysterical by that point. I shook my head over and over. Why? WHY? I turned and ran to the door but Edward beat me there.

"Just let me explain Bella, please!" He cried his topaz eyes shifting in colour.

"Why should I? WHY? This was all I ever wanted! The only thing I ever asked of you! And you lied to me! YOU LIED!" I turned around and smacked him. I slapped him as hard as I possible could, right across the face. Then I heard a snarl. I knew that snarl. It was Edward's angry snarl. I looked up into his face and saw that his eyes had gone dark and cold. Dark and angry.

His arm went back then came forward and smacked me. I went flying into the wall. I let out a scream and it only increased when I made contact with the hard glass wall. The glass shattered and I went flying through the air and tumbled towards the Cullens back yard. Closing my eyes, I screamed as loud as I could and waited for the hard impact of the ground. But it never came.

I opened my eyes and found myself in Emmett's arms. His eyes were black as well. From Rage. He passed my off to Rosalie, who willingly took me in her arms. I was afraid of what I might find in her eyes, so I kept mine downcast. Emmett snarled as Edward silently and softly landed on the ground in front of us.

"What are you trying to do? Kill her? Change her the right way Edward! Don't put her through this! I won't LET you put HER through THIS!" He let out the fiercest howl I had ever heard in my life. I let out a whimper and Rosalie held me closer, trying in vain to give me comfort.

"I won't! This is the only way! You don't realize it! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW HARD THIS IS FOR ME!" Edward screamed. His musical voice was twisted and I hardly recognised it.

"Give her to me." He hissed at Rosalie, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Don't you DARE Rosalie!" Emmett snarled. Rosalie's arms began to shake. Why was Emmett doing this? Why was Edward doing this? Did he hate me that much? Was this the only way he could get rid of me?

I jumped down from Rosalie's arms and slowly walked towards Edward. Emmett howled and shoved me to the sided, causing a growl so fierce to emit from Edward's chest. The next thing I knew Rosalie was screaming and they were on each other. Rolling on the ground, snapping at each other. Jasper ran out of the house with Carlisle close at his heels. The both ran and grabbed Emmett and pulled him away from Edward. Emmett continued to struggle and the two were having trouble holding him.

"She deserves a choice Edward! SHE HAS A CHOICE!" Emmett erupted. He let out a bone-chilling howl and took off towards a distant part of the woods. Rosalie shivered and followed. Jasper and Carlisle slowly backed away leaving me with my one true love and at the moment, my worst fear.

He stood in front of me panting. I looked up at him and shivered when I saw his eyes had not changed. He stared at me, his jaw clenched.

"He's right," Edward said his voice almost silent. "You have a choice. I will only turn you immortal one way and that is the way I am attempting now. So you either chose to be immortal or human. Which one is it? Do you want this?" His eyes seemed to calm as he spoke. I answer truthfully, from my heart.

"Yes. This is what I want. I want to be immortal. With you." I watched his heart break in his eyes. I realized later that that was not the answer he wanted. He approached me slowly and embraced me so hard I thought my bones were going to be crushed.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. "So sorry. I'll understand if you leave afterwards. I'll always love you. Remember that."

He pulled away from me then. He grabbed my side and flung me swiftly over his shoulder. I gasped as the air was flung out of my chest and he raced back up to his room.

"I'm sorry." It was the last thing he said to me for the next three weeks but maybe it was better that way.

He threw me down on his bed and attacked. I was so terrified, I forgot how to move. My heart froze in my chest. What was he doing? He tore off my clothing until I was naked before him. I watched him rip off his own clothing, still oblivious to what was happening. It wasn't until I saw the tear drop from his left eye that I realized what he was doing.

I gasped as he entered me. My skin tore and bled. I cried out his name as he kept thrusting, going harder and deeper with each one. As he released, I screamed. My heart was breaking in my chest. I felt it as each piece cracked off and shattered. It was as battered as my own body. The tears were flowing and before I realized it, I was alone. Edward was gone. I gathered my clothes and slipped into them without making a sound. I slipped from the room and down the stairs wordlessly. I didn't know what to think. I was destroyed inside and out. Why? WHY? As I passed the kitchen, I felt eyes on me. I turned and saw all of the Cullens except one staring at me.

"Bella." Carlisle whispered, horror clearly written on his face. I lowered my head. Slipped on my shoes and ran out of the house. I saw what had scared them when I got to my car. My face and neck was covered in bruises and small cuts. I could barely see as I drove home. My tears blurred my vision. I entered my house and collapsed into my bed. Charlie came upstairs and became enraged when he saw my face. He demanded to know who did it but left as soon as I started screaming. He knew I wasn't going to answer him. I heard his door slam and I stared bawling. I never met for him to be mad at me too.


The next few weeks at school were interesting to say the least. Everyone was terrified of my bruises and I got plenty of stares. It didn't help the rumours much that all of the Cullens were absent from school. I ignored the comment and floated through the weeks that passed in a daze. Soon enough everyone new to avoid me altogether. It wasn't until the three weeks had pass that I received the news. I won't call it good new but I won't call it bad either.

My dad rushed my to the hospital when he found me at home clutching the toilet for dear life. Once at the hospital, my dad practically dragged into the hospital. I was not looking forward to seeing Carlisle again. Once inside, a nurse led us down a long hallway and into Carlisle's private office. The nurse took some blood then said that Dr. Cullen would be with us in a moment.

Carlisle walked through the door and gazed down at me sadly.

"I knew I'd be seeing you soon, but I did not expect it to be for this." My jaw tightened and I became very tense. What was that supposed to mean?

"I have your blood test results and they are very surprising." I continued to stare at him dumbfounded.

"You're pregnant Bella."


Sorry I was going to make this a one shot but nope. Don't worry the next chapter will finish it but I had to leave it on this type of cliff-hanger! Lot's of love plz review!