Chapter One: Don't Act Stupid, Inuyasha!

Sesshomaru was staring at the darkened sky, standing guard over his ward and his servant. Jaken had a snot bubble blowing from his nostrils and Rin was fast asleep against Ah-Un, the dragon. He was emotionless and still, and alert for any danger that might slink nearby.

The wind brushed against his nose, bringing with it the scent of the unwanted: Naraku. The few other scents on the breeze were his half-brother's, his half-brother's wench, the demon slayer, the monk, and the fox cub.

Sesshomaru wanted to kill Naraku, but he couldn't just leave his ward here; she might be attacked. So he wondered if it was a good idea to wake Ah-Un up and tell him to protect Rin. He decided that must be the most reasonable decision, and so tapped Ah-Un on the head.

One demonic eye opened and stared at Sesshomaru. "You are to protect Rin, do you understand? Make sure no harm comes to her," Sesshomaru said. "I will be gone for a while."

To show that he understood instructions, Ah-Un nodded and gazed fondly at the little human girl. Sesshomaru took to the air, speeding out of sight. Ah-Un watched him go with a look of pride.


Naraku smirked as he watched Inuyasha attack him. "How foolish of you," he said.

"Shut up, Naraku!" Inuyasha snarled, poising the Tetsusaiga over his head. "I'm going to kill you! Wind Scar!" Yellow streaks of destruction shot towards Naraku. The baboon-pelt wearing demon dodged.

"Now, now, can't you do better than that, Inuyasha?" Naraku taunted. "Or shall I be the one to destroy you? I think that's a good idea." Before Inuyasha could blink, Naraku had swept forward and grabbed Kagome's wrist.

She screamed as he grabbed her and disappeared from Inuyasha's view. Inuyasha shouted, "KAGOME!!!!!!!!!!" The cloud of miasma dissipated, leaving Inuyasha and the rest of the group staring at the empty space before them. "No!" Inuyasha collapsed to his knees and clawed at the dirt.

Sango was even angrier at Naraku for kidnapping her sister-like friend. "Naraku, you're going to pay when I find you and your sorry gang!" Sango practically yelled to nobody. Miroku was also mad at Naraku and vowed to get Kagome back from the clutches of the wicked demon.

Suddenly Inuyasha smelled his half-brother approaching and felt even worse. "What do you want, Sesshomaru?" he growled, looking at the ground. The white-clad figure of the demon lord emerged from the trees.

"Where is Naraku?" he said in a cold voice.

Inuyasha said harshly, "How the hell would I know? For all you care, he disappeared back to his castle." Sesshomaru stayed for only a while longer. He silently walked away.

"Sesshomaru! Get back here! You're going to die!" Inuyasha snarled.

"Don't act stupid, Inuyasha," was his brother's icy reply. Sesshomaru disappeared.


Kagome woke with a headache. "Where am I?" she mumbled. She felt horrible, although she was laying something soft and silky.

She froze when she felt Naraku's dark aura enter the room. "You're awake, my little pet," Naraku's cool voice said, as he neared the bed. "How are you feeling?"

Kagome chose to stay silent. She hoped that Naraku didn't have any plans to kill her or worse…rape her. Naraku chuckled and sat on the edge of the bed. "If you won't talk…I'll kill your friends," he said, tracing Kagome's face with a slender finger.

"Just make me," she spat. "You won't kill my friends! And I won't talk!" She fell silent once more, glaring at him.

"Kukuku, interesting. You're a hard one to break, aren't you, my little miko? In that case, I hope you enjoy your stay here." He got up and swept out of the room. Kagome's face hardened as she watched him go.

Go to hell, Naraku, she thought, turning over and staring at the wall. Did he really mean it? Is he going to kill my friends? Tear slid down her cheek and she paid no attention to it.


Bankotsu, Jakotsu, Suikotsu, and Renkotsu were eating ravenously in a cave. Bankotsu had just caught a deer and Suikotsu cooked it. Jakotsu turned to Bankotsu and asked, "When are we going to see Inuyasha again, aniki?"

Bankotsu finished his portion and set the plate down. "Tomorrow, we'll rise bright and early to pay 'em a visit! How's that, Jakotsu?"

Jakotsu grinned. "Sounds good, aniki," he replied.


"Inuyasha? Come on, you stubborn dog, you have to eat if we're going to rescue Kagome!" Sango insisted. Inuyasha gave no reply. He was blank and gaunt.

"Kagome…" he muttered.

"Inuyasha!" Miroku yelled. "If you don't eat, we'll force you to!"

"Go away," Inuyasha said.

"Inuyasha, eat, my love, and we'll kill Naraku together," said a familiar voice. Kikyo came forth, carrying her bow and arrows and her long hair tied behind her.

"Kikyo?" Inuyasha asked in confusion. "W-what are you doing here?" He leaped down to face her. She caressed his cheek.

"I'm here to have you help me destroy that vile half-demon Naraku," she said.

Inuyasha's face brightened somewhat. "If I help you, Kikyo, will you help me rescue Kagome?" he inquired.

"Why rescue that bitch, when you have the real thing?" Kikyo said coldly. "She's a whore and you know it. Right now, she could very well be rutting with Naraku, your enemy."

"Kagome's not like that, you bitch!" Sango screamed. Kikyo glanced her way and gave her a glare that said "Shut the hell up, bitch".

"You're the slut, you're the whore, you're the bitch, you're the wench, Kikyo!" Sango declared.

Inuyasha was shocked. "Sango, how dare you insult Kikyo! Okay, Kikyo, I'll help you and yeah, you're right, Kagome's stupid." To show that he meant it, he kissed Kikyo right in front of everybody.

Shippo, Sango, and Miroku were shocked. "Y…you horrible traitor!" Sango yelled, forgetting Kikyo for a moment. "How dare you! After everything Kagome's done for you! I wish you will die with that whore!"

Inuyasha shrugged his shoulders and picked up Kikyo bridal-style. Kikyo placed her arms around his neck as he leaped through the trees. Sango was fuming with rage. "That asshole!" she raged. "That stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid dog is going to kill himself!"


Naraku watched and heard everything through Kanna's mirror. He smirked. Excellent, I think that will break the miko's heart entirely. He brought Kanna to Kagome's room and said, "My miko pet, have a look."

Kagome turned so she saw Kanna's mirror and Kanna relived everything that happened right then. Kagome's eyes widened in horror. Inuyasha, how could you betray me for some clay pot?

"Seen enough?" Naraku asked, making the images disappear.

"Naraku, even though I hate you, I'm going to help you kill Inuyasha and Kikyo," Kagome said quietly, mud-brown eyes turning black and cold.


Hey, just to let any of you know, I edited this chapter so that it's easier to understand! I hope u R&R!
