The get-away

Author. soDEEliicious

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Except .. never mind, I own nothing.

Chapter One; The get-away

Sharpay walked out into the front lawn at the sight of the mail-man walking past the Evans' mail-box.

"Good morning." Sharpay said sweetly with a smile.

"Howdy." Mr. Rogers said with a thick Texan accent. "There's a mail for you, Miss Sharpay Evans, eh?"

"Thank you Mr. Rogers." Sharpay, took her letters and went back inside.

It was a Saturday morning, and a bright sunny one at that, and Sharpay was stuck here at her two storey home by herself. Her mom had gone out with her friends, her dad had some business to attend to overseas. Sharpay begged him to take her with her, but after a long day of discussion, her parents had decided and said a firm no to Sharpay. Maybe next time, they had said, when she was older. Her brother, who knew where he was? Ever since those clique groups disappeared into the thin air, Ryan was drifting further and further away from Sharpay and getting closer and closer to the gang. Especially Gabriella.

"Eugh," She muttered to herself at the thought of Gabriella.

She had everything she wanted and she was newer to East High then Sharpay. She had the brains, the money, the boy, the fame and the musical. And to tell the truth, Musicals were the only things that kept Sharpay going. She loved performing, but that was also short-lived since Gabriella started auditioning for every single musicals, acting all sweet and friendly to everyone, especially Sharpay feeding her all these lies about wanting to become her friend. No, well Sharpay certainly did not want to be friends with such a fake person, and yes, Sharpay found Gabriella's personality a little too fake and overwhelming.

Sharpay plonked down on to the couch and started reading the letter intended for her. She couldn't help but scoff, once she read how it started off. As she continued to read she couldn't help but laugh out loud to herself. Of course, the empty house, echoed her laughter, freaking the hell out of her, but she regained composure and pressed her back, further into the couch. It was comfortable that way.

Oh sure, Sharpay had changed. But it could have been for the worst. She was meaner, much much more meaner. Before, her parents could just easily talk to her without having to book appointments, but now they had to go through the bother of having to book when they wanted to speak to her. Even Ryan didn't get through to her. Not Zeke, not Troy, not anyone could get to her. It was as if she had hardened her heart. Anyone would have hardened their heart if they went through the same thing as Sharpay. She was only nice to strangers, like the mail man.

Sharpay was fine last year. Well not fine. But after their clique groups disappeared, everyone started losing interest in her. No matter what she did, it was either, Gabriella this or Troy that and Sharpay just about had enough of it all. So she hardened her heart so that no body would get to her, so that she wouldn't have to experience the same hurt again.

"What? They want me to join them in their little camp?" Sharpay asked herself, rolling her eyes in sarcasm. She laid the letter or the invitation, if you will, aside and brought her legs to her chest. "Love Gabriella?" Sharpay scoffed and pressed her back harder into the couch. "Love my ass."

Just as she was about to trash the letter, the Evans' door bell chimed throughout the two-storey house.

Sharpay grabbed the invitation, shoved it deep down the trash can before proceeding to open the door. But when she opened the door, she received a disgusting surprise. It was Troy and his little gang and Ryan was part of it, much to her shame.

"Wait!" Troy called, withholding the door so that Sharpay wouldn't be able to slam it shut in their faces.

"What do you lot want?" Sharpay asked, thoroughly annoyed.

"Did you get my, I mean, our invitation?" Gabriella piped up from next to her boyfriend.

"What that piteous thing you call an invitation?" Sharpay scoffed, "Yes, it was a little hard to miss."

"Are you not coming?" Troy asked.

"Hell no, now get off the Evans' property, or else..." Sharpay threatened.

"Or else what Ice Princess?" Chad asked. He and Taylor were the ones that did not want to give Sharpay a chance. They thought that she was just to cold to be melted.

"Chad!" Troy exclaimed and gave him a smack, no a punch, in the stomach.

"Oof. What?"

"Or else, I'll call the police!" Sharpay shouted, slamming the door shut in their faces.

"Wait guys, I'll get her to soften up." Ryan said, opening the door with his keys.

Ryan entered the grand house and walked upstairs, where he found Sharpay sauntering to her room. He ran in front of her room door so that she wouldn't be able to enter her own room.

"Sharpay, come on! Try and loosen up, they are actually great people you know!" Ryan said softly, trying to change his sister's mind.

"Get out of my way!" Sharpay growled, her teeth gritted.

"I will, if you promise that you'll come." Ryan held out his pinky, and Sharpay looked at it with a scowl on her face.

"Promises .." Sharpay scoffed, "Don't mean anything, now move."

"Mine do!" Ryan said.

Ah, what the heck. What hurt would it do if Sharpay was to go out with a bunch of losers for a while. Ryan would leave her alone and hopefully the others would to. Sharpay decided to elaborated the promise.

"Dickhead, will you leave me alone for good and promise to never pester me again to come to these lameass things, then will you and the other really leave me along for good?" Sharpay asked, with malice.

"Deal!" Ryan said with out a moments hesitation, noticing how much his sister had changed. For the worst.

"Good." Sharpay said, "Well get out of my way so that I could pack!"

"Oh, right." Ryan said with a sheepish grin.

Ryan trotted back downstairs, to see his group of friends seated on the couch and the floor, scattered everywhere in the little seating area. He gave the group two thumbs up sign and a large smile. "It's a yes. But we only have a week, and I promised her something more than we, as a team came up."

"What?" Ryan's friends asked, perplexed.

"It's not anything stupid, is it?" Troy asked.

"No!" Ryan said, a little offended. "I promised her that we would leave her alone after this, that's why we only have a short time."

"That is a short time..." Gabriella muttered.

"How are we supposed to change her in seven days?" Taylor asked in ridicule.

"Seven and a half days, Taylor dear." Ryan said sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"Whatever." Taylor rolled her eyes.

"I have a plan, huddle guys!" Ryan whispered and motioned for the group to huddle. "Now here is the plan..."

Author's Note: Hullos people.: My name is DEE, and yush, a newb. Here is my first story. R&R please. Cookies to everyone who does/pointless bribe. Constructive critisicm and some loving appreciated. : I'll be out then, Merry Christmas y'all!