Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING

Well it has been a long time... A VERY LONG TIME.... but I think I am ready to come back and finish this story. Here is the list so far as we know it...

Top Ten Reasons Why Weddings Should be Avoided

By: Charlie Weasley

1: You have to find a date.

2: Youl have to find a DECENT date.

3: The date must be approved by mum and the rest of the bloody family.

4: You first have to persuade your date to go with you.

5: You have to repay your date in some way for making her go with you.

6: The time that is spent making up a believeable story to tell your parents.

7: You may get into uncomfortable situations with your date that might be unavoidable.

8: Your famliy may become extremely attached to your date.

9: You may find yourself mentally, emotionally... and physically attracted to your date.

I figured it would be a good refresher for you and for me!

I know in my heart that man is good. That what is right will always eventually triumph. And there's purpose and worth to each and every life.

Ronald Reagan

Top Ten Reasons Why Weddings Should be Avoided

Chapter 16

The next day Charlie had packed his bags and the taxi was already coming for him to take him back to the airport. Charlie felt defeated. He attempted to talk to Elinor about the situation last night but she refused to come to her door and talk to him. He felt helpless and numb. As he waited for the taxi Elinors brother Andy. They stood there next to each other in uncomfortable silence. Charlie hardly noticed because he was to busy thinking about how much of a git he was.

"So....," Andy said trying to break the silence.

Charlie looked at him clearly annoyed by Andy breaking his train of thought. "So," said Charlie flatly.

"This has been quite the trip hasn't it?" Andy said comically. "You come with my sister, have fun with my sister, make out with some other girl in front of my sister, and today is the wedding. Talk about drama!" Andy was trying to make Charlie smile but he was failing.

Charlie looked at him. "I did not make out with that girl! She kissed me! I wanted nothing to do with her! This is so...."

"Okay, okay," said Andy putting his hands up in defeat. "I get it you didn't kiss her. Cloe is a slut and I know!" Andy smiled to himself obviously reminiscing in a memory. "But you do realize you hurt Elinor a lot right?" Charlie glared back at Andy. "Okay so maybe you do know. Listen, I know that you two are completely different people from completely two different worlds. I know that you have a reputation as a heartbreaker while my sister has hardly dated at all. I know that in the beginning this was just some deal that you guys made but it seems to me that after last night you two might have some.... feelings for each other. I have never seen Elinor so upset with anyone in my entire life than she is with you right now. Which proves to me that she really must.... like you. And from you being so.... grumpy this morning it seems to me that maybe you might like her too."

Charlie thought about it for a moment. Yeah he did admit to himself he liked Elinor and was attracted to her but did he really like her more than any other woman out there? He never saw himself as one to be in a serious relationship. He liked his flings and he liked the non-attachment. But after all of this he couldn't help but think and feel that Elinor was different. She was everything he disliked in women. She was stubborn, serious, and she challenged him. But he loved that about her. The first woman to ever contradict him and for some reason he wanted that now more than anything.

"Yeah I may be a bit... attached." Said Charlie.

Andy looked suspicious. "Attached? Really? That's all you got?"

Charlie looked at him clearly annoyed. "What do you want me to say then?"

Andy looked at him also clearlyy annoyed by Charlie's stubborness.

Charlie rolled his eyes. "Fine, I like her ok? I like her more than any girl I've been with. Satisfied?"

Andy had a smug look on his face. "Yes I am. I knew it by the way. Don't worry I give you my blessing to date my sister but remember if you touch her I'll beat you up."

"I would like to see you try," challenged Charlie.

At that moment the taxi pulled up to the house. Andy and Charlie looked at each other not quite sure what the next step should be.

"I better get going. There is no way Elinor will talk to me right now anyways," said Charlie. Andy nodded knowing this to be true.

"And I need to get going so I will be ready for the wedding today," replied Andy.

Charlie pulled out of his a pocket a letter addressed to Elinor. "Will you give her this? I wrote it last night and I hope that maybe this will help the situation so that when she gets back to Romania she will actually look at me again."

Andy took the letter and put it in his pocket. "Safe travel Charlie."

"Nice meeting you Andy." And with that Charlie entered the taxi and was heading back home.

Elinor woke up the next day wondering if the happenings last night was just a dream. But the anger and the pain came back and it make her realize that it all happened. Watching Charlie kiss that girl, seeing that list, running to her room, and Charlie's constant pleading for her to open the door and talk to him. There was only one word to describe the way she felt and that was a fool. She was a fool to ever think that someone like Charlie would ever like someone like her. A fool to believe that he had changed and a fool for falling for him so easily. She collasped on her bed again never wanting to leave. In the midst of thinking about her misery someone knocked on her door.

"Come in," she said hoping it wasn't Charlie or her mother.

"Hey," said Andy. He walked in and closed the door behind him. He smiled, "you look awful."

"Hey... um thanks you too," Elinor said now sitting up in bed. "What are you doing up so early?"

Andy sat at the edge of the bed. "Oh you know trying to finish getting ready for the wedding and seeing Charlie off to the airport and...."

"What?" Interrupted Elinor.

Andy looked at her, "yeah Charlie left. He knew that you were really angry with him and so he thought it was best for him to leave."

"Oh... Well good I didn't want him around anyways he was just becoming a pain. Finally I no longer have him around anymore." Elinor lied.

Andy looked surprised. "Really because yesterday you were going to tell him how you felt and now you don't care anymore? That doesn't sound like the Elinor I know."

"Yes well that Elinor was completely naive. Charlie will never change and thats that."

Andy grabbed his sisters hand and placed the envelope in them. "Read this," he said. "It's from Charlie. He knew you wouldn't listen to him so instead he thought maybe a letter would be better. He is a good guy, one of a kind." Andy kissed his sisters forhead and left without another word.

After he was gone Elinor decided to open the letter.

Dear Elinor,

I know I have no right to ask for your forgiveness. What happened was awful and something that I wish I could change. Cloe completely took me by surprised when she kissed me and trust me I did not enjoy it at all. I was just so annoyed to see you with that Paul guy that I didn't realize what Cloe was doing. Trust me when I say that girls like that don't interest me anymore.

Also that peice of paper.... I started that with Corey. It was just a way to sort out the kind of person I should take with me and all the situations we get into. I'm sorry if it hurt your feelings, it was dumb. When all of this first started this was a business deal. But now it is so much more to me. Getting to know you this past week has been amazing. You are one of the most beautiful girls a know inside and out. In the beginning I didn't even care if we were friends or not but now I want to be so much more than that.

If you can find some way to forgive me that would be great but if you don't i understand. If you need me I will be at the Burrow.

