One day, Deidara thinks, he will have to kill Sasori.

He will catch him out of Hiruko, one day, the scorpion without his armour, and ignite something destructive, and it will be the most beautiful thing in the world.

Deidara's one eye flutters shut with the joy of imagining it, and he doesn't care that Sasori would hate it, because it would be perfection.

Besides – Sasori would only know for a moment and it would only hurt for a moment, and perhaps in that moment he would understand

Perhaps in that moment he would feel.

Deidara would like that. He'd like Sasori to feel something on his account. He'd like even more for it to be the last thing Sasori feels before he's extinguished, brought to a glorious end ...

It would be perfect. It would be sublime.

It would be art.

It would be so magnificent that nothing, nothing he could do in his whole life, would ever be able to match it – and so he thinks he'll go out then too. There's no point, after all, in anything lasting after its peak.

Sometimes he thinks he doesn't want to do it, and it's times like that he's angry with himself for being a coward, for being sentimental, for putting anything above achieving fine art in its highest, most immaculate form – and when he thinks about it, really concentrates, the doubts are all gone; and although his one eye is slightly unfocused, and although his smile is lopsided and strange, and although he knows how Sasori would loathe, loathe to know these fantasies, Deidara's ecstasy as he imagines the explosion ripping through them both is almost tangible.

He'll do it one day. One day, when he's strong enough that Sasori won't be able to stop him.

It will be beautiful, and Deidara will never need anything else.