Chapter Fourteen: Epilogue – Return to Reality

Title: LoZ: The Time Keeper

Chapter: 14

Author: Hikari no Vikki

Genre: Romance

Parings: Link x Zelda / OC x Shadow

Disclaimer: I don't own this and I will never own this even if I'm reincarnated. Twice.

Description: Previously known as Divine Impurity. Following the events of Ocarina of Time, a girl with a legacy she knows nothing about joins the fight against Ganon. She falls in love with the Hero's shadow, and finds herself caught up in a war that seems impossible to win.

Author's Notes-

Finally. The last chapter of my story. Can you believe it's been almost two and a half years since I started this thing? Now I have other fics to finish… which ones to do, huh? The song at the end is from Never, Ever, & Forever.

Victoria's clean, slender hand wrote swiftly on the paper, pouring out her ideas and thoughts, not of the battle that had occurred no less than half a day ago, but of spells and construction. The kingdom had to be rebuilt, that was a simple fact, and though there was good cause to celebrate for the freedom they now had, she had other things to work on.

For starters, there was Ganondorf. He wasn't going to stay sealed forever, she knew. Zelda still insisted that he couldn't break free, that the seal was too strong, but she had managed to contact Rauru and confirmed her fears.

"Your fears are well placed," he said, looking down at the something other than the magical mirror they were using to speak to one another.

"So then, he will break free." Rauru sighed. "Most likely. And I'm afraid we cannot give you an estimate either, but please child, do not push yourself so much. I know you love Hyrule and your sense of duty tells you that you must play a part in its preservation, but there are others that can do the work. You cannot do everything."

Scowling and closing the link, she knew that he was right.

Victoria paused, at a roadblock in her thoughts, the words not coming as fluidly as before. It was long past daybreak and she had had a good night's rest, but something was still bothering her.

Shadow had not yet awoken.

He was still alive, his brain was still active, but he hadn't even stirred from the guest bed her father had put him in. He had to wake up soon…

"Are you still worried?" She jumped, and fell off her chair, grasping the side of the table to break most of her fall. The table, a beautiful piece of carved work, creaked only slightly. Her father laughed. "Be careful now. And you know, I made that, so don't go breaking it."

Arthur had cleaned up some. His hair was a little shorter, only to his shoulder blades now when he let it down, and he kept it in a nice ponytail. His face was clean-shaven, and he now wore a similar outfit to the one he'd worn yesterday, though it was dark purple and had a Sheikah weeping eye on the back of it.

"I get it, I get it… I'm just worried about Shadow… and the kingdom. There's so much to do, Father, and I-" He held a finger to her lips. "Shadow will live. He's just recovering. That attack took a lot out of him and even with the fairy some of his wounds were rather serious. Now, did you eat lunch yet?"

She sighed sarcastically, rolling her eyes in his direction. "Yes, father I did. Now is there anything else?" Arthur nodded. "Darunia needs the plans for the rebuilding of Hyrule Castle. However, I need them first so that I can discuss renovations with him and the Princess." She tilted her head. "Darunia? I thought he stayed in the Sacred Realm?" Arthur shook his head. "Only Rauru has to stay. The others came back. Link is outside talking with Saria right now." She nodded thoughtfully. "Well that's nice… not to mention convenient." She thought for a moment.

Then Victoria smiled and held up a piece of paper. "Here's some good ideas. I'll go fetch the plans; you said you put them in my old room, yes?" Arthur nodded. "Yes. And you might want to put that bed in the attic and get a proper one so you don't hurt yourself and the couch."

It took only a few moments to find them. She brought them back, along with the blueprints of the town.

"I found these in there with them. I thought you might want them back." Arthur smiled. "Yes! These are good, too. Blueprints of the town are very, very good. It'll help rebuild it faster… but perhaps some renovations can be done there as well…" He turned with the blueprints and the papers with her ideas, and was about to leave before he turned back and said, "Oh, and thank you! Don't forget about replacing that bed!" Victoria laughed to herself as he closed the door and left her alone in the house with a sleeping Shadow in the guest room to her left.

She found her quill, still in the inkbottle, and dipped bits of excess ink on the side until it was just right. Then she began writing again, the words flowing just as they had before.

Another thing that had to be done was, of course, the rebuilding of Hyrule Castle and the Castle Town. Her ideas for the town and been to instead meld it with the castle, and create a sort of square setting with a round marketplace in the middle where events could be held. Why, she'd even drawn a few quick sketches, which she had made sure her father also had.

And there could still be gates, three of them in fact, and fortified stone walls. Perhaps that might help in the case of an invasion. It was certainly a very appealing, if not time consuming to build, idea that would certainly benefit the kingdom, the town, and its inhabitants.

Also, new roads would have to be constructed to regulate trade and other things, because the roads in Hyrule Field just weren't enough. And the weather and changing landscape of Hyrule itself would have to be taken into account, as the desert was growing farther and farther away somehow from the land, and creating space between it and Lake Hylia.

"Several bridges will also have to be constructed… at least two big ones, one for the lake, another for Kakariko's gorge…" She muttered, writing faster as the ideas spun the wheels in her mind ever more than before.

This was part of the exciting but arduous task of reconstruction of Ganondorf's destruction. Returning to reality wasn't a pretty thing, but it had to be done.

Finally, Victoria stopped, realizing her hand was getting tired. She'd write some more later.

She also had this crazy idea about creating her own spell that would help protect her own mind and help her fight with her mind better than she did now. She realized that if she kept on trying to specialize in any one element, she would have a clear weakness that could be exploited. While of course, her first and foremost weakness was water because her inner element was fire, if she got stronger she could build a resistance and really do some damage instead of the petty magic she was using now.

But, again, it was a crazy idea though probably worth it in the long run.

Victoria walked slowly over to the door of the guest room where Shadow was resting. The sky blue skirts of her dress sashayed softly as she walked over to the chair by the side of the bed. She sat down gracefully, something she had recently acquired but didn't realize she had, and slipped her right hand into Shadow's warm left. Occasionally a finger would twitch, and she'd get glimpses of nightmares or dreams in his sleep by brushing her thoughts against his, but nothing more.

She sighed. "Wake up soon," she whispered.


It was the same time the next day that she ran into a peculiar figure along Zora's river.

It was a woman about her height and age, with blue hair and ice blue eyes, but unlike her mother's, these were soft and not as sharp. They walked along the river side by side, until the young woman asked what she was doing there.

"I'm not entirely sure," Victoria answered, "I was going to see the Zora Princess about something; she sent for me." The woman smiled. "Really? But you chose to walk here? Most just run, or jog; they don't stop and speak to me, that is, if they can see me."

The peculiar comment struck Victoria as odd, and when she took a really good look at the young woman, she seemed to be not entirely solid. She was solid looking, so much that if you weren't looking closely you would mistake her as such. But she was looking closely and you could very much see the slightly transparent air she had hanging about her.

"What are you?" she asked skeptically, "I mean, if you don't mind me asking… you aren't entirely… human." The woman smiled bitterly, but softly, as if she didn't really care anymore. She had a similar grace like Victoria's, the grace that you notice in others but not in yourself.

"I'm a spirit of this river. I watch over it, and when I'm feeling a little down, I talk to others that pass by. There are quite a few more people now than there were before, and usually at least one person if not a few others, are able to see and talk to me. Like you."

Victoria was sympathetic of the spirit. "You must be lonely. How long have you been a spirit?" The woman shrugged. "The others say I've been a spirit for about ten years, but I can't remember hardly any of them. It's like I never really lived them. But, then again, I am I strange one, they say. I… age. I used to look younger, a lot younger. I'm rambling, though, don't, don't listen to me."

Victoria laughed. "No, no you're quite interesting to listen to. My name is Victoria, by the way, I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier."

The spirit tilted her head. "Really? Victoria?"

Victoria frowned, surprised and confused at the spirit's reaction to her name. "What? Is something wrong?" The spirit looked a little lost, and then had this strange look of realization.

"Victoria…?" She stopped, and Victoria stopped too. The spirit stared at her for the longest time, until Victoria reminded her that she really did have somewhere to be. "But…" said the spirit, "I think I've seen you somewhere before. Usually people's names don't have that affect on me, really, it's just…" She paused, looking down at the ground, her head tilted to the left.

"My living name was… Sapphire."

For Victoria, it took only moments to set in. And when she realized just exactly whom she had been talking to for he past half hour, her jaw dropped.

"No bloody way…"

She pinched her eyebrows, squinted, and tilted her face, looking closer. Then she stepped back, clearly surprised. "Sapphire?"

Sapphire looked up. "Why? Am I someone you know?" Victoria just laughed, completely sad and giddy at the same time. "You don't… you don't remember?" she said breathlessly, "You really and truly don't remember?"

She tried to grab Sapphire's hand, but couldn't. Sapphire, a little dazed and confused at Victoria's actions, realized what she wanted to do, and solidified it enough so that Victoria could grasp it and hold it in her hands. "Sapphire, don't you remember the day of the picnic, when we were sitting by Mother and Father and, and our little brother, Nathan, and he fell off the waterfall's edge but you went after him to try and save his life?"

She was breathless, but kept on going. "And do you remember how Father chased after you to save you both, but I was faster and nearly grasped your hand but…" she stopped, her emotions taking a sharp left turn on this strange ride they were on and forcing her to a stop.

But now Sapphire knew just exactly who was holding her hand, who she was to her, and why she felt so strongly about her.

"… but you missed, and when Father came to look for Nat and I, we were farther down, too far for him to see." Victoria, who had let go of Sapphire's hand and was brushing away a few stray tears into the river, looked up in surprise and quiet joy. "So… you do remember… little sister."

Sapphire smiled sarcastically, but closed her eyes and shook her head. "I was your twin, if you don't remember. Thank you for helping me jog my memory, it's been so long since I've been able to remember anything, much less my life before this." Victoria, having regained her composure, was now curious. "I still have to many questions, though, like why have you been able to age? Most spirits stay the age that they died at, but you look the same age as me!"

Sapphire raised a quizzical eyebrow. "And that age might be? Forgive me, but since I cannot leave the boundaries of this river, and I have not been able to keep up with recent events very well."

Victoria laughed softly. "Well then, there is much to tell you. I am seventeen, by the way. I wonder, though, why haven't I seen you before? My cottage is just down the river…" Sapphire shrugged. "I usually stay upriver, because when people are tired from the climb upriver, they are more likely to be able to see me when they don't have magical training."

Victoria blinked. "Oh. That must also be why… I didn't acquire any magical ability until just recently…"

Sapphire smiled knowingly. "Now that you've triggered my memory, there is much that I know and remember. Please, do come back as soon as possible, so we can talk properly." Victoria nodded. "Yes, I will! I promise!" And she ran off for Zora's Domain.


"You're late!" Ruto said, putting her hands on her hips, her face twisted in an odd playful anger.

Victoria laughed softly.

"Forgive me, I was delayed. I met one of the spirits that lives in the river and we were engaged in a very interesting conversation…" Ruto gasped, forgetting about her lateness entirely. "Really? A river spirit? What was it like? I've never actually met one!"

"She was actually the spirit of my twin sister who died in the river ten years ago, I'm assuming that my brother is still alive… perhaps she died getting him to safety." Victoria shrugged. "I promised her I would try to go back and look for her so we can catch up on a few things."

Ruto nodded animatedly. "Well, isn't that interesting? Although I really do have to talk to you about something… it's kind of important." Victoria was curious. As Ruto was dragging her, she tried to get her to leak out some of the details of this thing that was so important to Ruto. "Well," she said casually, "it's really just stuff I think you should know. Perhaps Link, too, if I can ever get him to talk to me…"

They arrived at a small but lavish set of rooms that Victoria could assume was Ruto's private quarters.

"So…" she said slyly as she looked around, "these are your private rooms?"

Ruto nodded. "Yeah, these are it. My little corner of heaven. Now," she said, sitting on the water bed (A/N: Don't ask me how they work; they're magicked XD) and looking up at her with a rare smile, "please, sit."

So Victoria sat. "What is it you want me to know, Ruto?" Ruto nodded, leaned back, but then sitting up again, her hands moving in a similar animated fashion as before as she spoke. "Well, my real name is actually Rutela, but everyone just calls me Ruto, even my father. But… I'm thinking of taking it as my royal name once I assume the throne." Victoria's head tilted in confusion. "Assume the throne? But don't you have to be married for that?" Here, Ruto began to blush and Victoria proceeded to do a very good imitation of a fish.

"No…" she said, laughing a little, "you can't have a crush on someone other than Link, do you? Already?" Victoria couldn't help but burst into a fit of girlish giggles as Ruto put her hands on her hips. "Stop that now!" she said with a half real warning in her voice. Victoria did try to stop, but she couldn't help but smile.

"So… who is he?" Ruto shook her head. "No one you would know. His name is Mykai, and he's really such a gentlemen… he kept me company while most of Zora's Domain was frozen." She smiled softly at Victoria's perplexed expression. "I didn't like being in the Sacred Realm all the time, so I stayed here until I had to go back. It made me feel safe." Victoria's smile became less and less restrained as she became more used to the idea.

"So I guess I should let Link know that you're not chasing after him anymore?" Ruto nodded sharply, but softly as well. A sign of change. They had all changed, if only a little. "It would be best, though, if he could come on his own so I can tell him in person. Please let him know that." Victoria nodded. "So… may I take my leave?" Ruto looked up. "Oh, yes. Yes, you may. Don't forget to let him know, all right?" Victoria nodded.

"I promise."


Two days later, she had finally been able to get her thoughts straight and do everything that she'd promised everyone; including buying the bed her father had asked her to get, having that proper talk with her sister, and even telling Link that Ruto wanted to see him and speak to him in person.

"Please, Link, she really needs to just have you there to hear it, that's all. And be polite! She's not chasing you anymore, all right?"

Link nodded, holding his hands up defensively. "Okay, okay, I will!"

And she knew he would; he knew she had a temper that no one wanted to mess with, especially himself. She was a fire user after all, ticking them off wasn't exactly in your best interests unless you were a water user.

But Shadow still hadn't awoken.

Well, not properly, anyway. He would come out of it enough to take a few drinks or so, and once her father even got him to have a bit of soup, but usually it was when Victoria was busy and he never stayed awake for very long. "But it's a good sign," she kept telling herself, "he's recovering."

It wasn't until late that night, after coming in from a long day of making sure all the plans for reconstruction were in order, and finally giving the order to the Gorons and Hylians that had volunteered to help that they could begin construction, that she was actually there to witness one of these episodes; alone.

She had a small desk moved into his room so she could work in there after dinner, and she was setting all the construction checklists in order and looking over her copy of the shifts and praying to the Goddesses that most of the shifts actually went on and off on time. They needed this done soon so that Zelda could start putting out actual decrees and things to keep the peace while they put the pieces of their former government back together.

"Oh," she sighed, half whispering to herself, reading by the light of a single oil lamp, "there's so much to do… perhaps Rauru is right, there really is too much for just me… but who else is going to do it all? Everything needs to go the we planned for it to work…"

"Except not everything goes as planned," coughed a soft voice from behind.

She turned, and when she did, her face lit up with happiness. "Shadow!" she cried, rushing to his side. "Careful, careful," he said to her, his voice low and still not used to being used again, "I'm still in pain, you know." She smiled, her work forgotten, as she sat herself in the chair, her skirts this time a dark crimson.

"You don't know how long I've waited to see you come out of it, if only for a little while." Shadow smiled back, but looked distracted. "Where's Arthur?" he asked. "Oh, my father?" Shadow looked confused for a moment, but then remembered what had happened at the final battle.

"He really is your father… he was the one… the servant I told you about…" She held a finger to his lips and shushed him. "Yes, yes I know. And before you ask he knows that you're a good man." She laughed softly. "And so he approves." It was far too dark too see Shadow's blush, but she knew it was there. "Um, well… is he here?" Victoria shook her head. "No, it's just me. Are you thirsty?" Shadow shook his head. "Actually, I'm hungry. I think I'm willing to try something solid for once."

Victoria laughed. "What do you think you can keep down?" Shadow gave it a few moments of thought. "Perhaps… some bread and cheese. But only if the bread is really light… nothing too heavy."

She paused at the door and nodded before fetching it. She still brought him a glass of water just in case.

"So," he said to her, "how long have to been waiting to see me awake?" She sat back, trying to remember. The last couple of days had sort of muddled together, but she could roughly remember them. "About four days, if I'm not mistaken. Counting today. Father said you started coming in and out of it around the time I left yesterday." She leaned in her chair and pushed back her bangs, which fell into the same place she'd pushed them from, like a spring, and sighed. "There's so much to do… most of the people are so helpful, even taking some of the night shifts to rebuild the castle and the town…"

Shadow smiled sleepily. He knew he was nodding out of it again, so he had to tell her. Slowly he touched the end of her sleeve and she locked eyes with him. "I'm getting tired… when Arthur gets back, I need you to remind him to change my bandages if he doesn't remember, all right?"

She nodded, picking up the tray and watching him slowly slip back into sleep.

Once the dishes were clean again and back in their proper places, then she returned to her work until her father came home and they exchanged a few words before he headed off to the guest room and she retired for the night.


The next day she stayed in the house, doing some cleaning, and some paperwork. His episodes were quickly becoming full-length periods of time where he would be awake for hours. He even was strong enough to get up and walk around for a little bit sometimes. It was just after noon when none other than Princess Zelda knocked on the door, asking to come in.

Victoria was dressed plainly, in a brown dress with an apron tied around her back, and her hair tied back in a maid-like fashion with a clean white washcloth.

"Sure, why ever did you think I wouldn't let you in?" Zelda looked troubled, and at this, her smiled faded into a reproachful line. "Is… something wrong with the construction?" As Zelda walked in and Victoria shut the door, the Princess shook her head.

"Wrong? Not the construction, but… You said we had things to talk about, yes? I only wanted to talk about them, that's all."

Victoria doubted that. As much alike as Princesses Ruto and Zelda were, Ruto was more open with others. In the few days Victoria had gotten to know Zelda, she could see that Zelda kept secrets, and often berated herself for her natural flaws. Though she did have the potential to become a strong, fearless leader, Zelda first had to bring herself out of the cycle of angst and brooding.

"Yes," Victoria said slowly, setting herself down in the sitting chair next to the couch where Zelda had taken her seat, "I suppose. They were things that my mother told me that you might want to know. My mother was married to your father, and when she had you, she realized that she couldn't love you they way your father could, and had to leave. So she faked her own death and fled to Kakariko, where she met my father, and well, you know the story form there."

She was straight, blunt, and to the point with it. No point in hiding the facts.

Zelda just sat there. After a while, she licked her lips and stroked her chin, and then looked up at Victoria and stared into her eyes.

"So, if what you say is true… that makes us sisters." Victoria nodded. "But only by half, though we are sisters nonetheless." Zelda's eyes seemed to light up a little at this, and then she looked up at the wooden clock on top of the desk across from her.

"I have… been worrying that I might not make a good ruler," Zelda said. Victoria raised an eyebrow. Where was she going with this?

"I worry about the nobles, and what they'll think of me, because I know so little. But would the people support me? Oh, Victoria, this is why I wanted to go back… I'm not ready to rule!" Zelda was looking at the table, not at Victoria, as if she were angrier with herself than the redhead. Her fists were clenched in anger, however.

Then she looked up again. "But you said that you were my half sister, yes? So perhaps… you could rule? For a little while? As a regent, perhaps? You do have some claim to the throne, then…" She looked hopeless, and perhaps a little lost to Victoria's eyes. Victoria sighed. "Zelda, you underestimate yourself. You could rule, and well! Look at how you've been helping to rebuild the kingdom with such a fair hand!"

Zelda shook her head. "Most of that was you, wasn't it?" Victoria chuckled. "Perhaps. But I was obsessed with restoring the kingdom on my own; as if it were my fault it was destroyed in the first place… well, actually I kind of still am, but not as much as before. I'm coming to terms with my limits, because really, there is only so much I can do and there are others who can pick up the slack that I cannot. You, for example, could be doing the same things I am doing, but better! Zelda, please, do not ask me to take your title so lightly. You really could be a great ruler, if you only gave yourself a chance.

"Myself, on the other hand? I don't want it anyway. It's not where I belong. But I could help you, perhaps as an advisor. And when the other nobles finally get their asses out of the sand, they'll take one look at me and not approve."

She finished her speech with another chuckle and a smile.

Zelda just sat there, studying her. It was a little while before she spoke again. Finally, she said, breathless, "You… you're truly something. Thank you. And now that I think about it, I shouldn't have been so worried. That advisor idea, though… that is something. I'll give that some thought. As for the nobles, your description of them is rather… interesting."

Victoria laughed. "I'm glad you think so. So why don't you think some of that over and we'll talk later." Zelda nodded, getting up and smiling. "How does in two days sound?" Victoria nodded, but wondered why she wanted that date. "Is there any particular reason why you're so specific?" Zelda, for the first time, actually laughed. Daintily, of course, and with a hand over her mouth.

"Your sarcasm never ceases to amuse, does it? I chose that date because the people of Kakariko want to have a celebration to help relax the workers and I guess as a thank you to us as well." Victoria snorted. "Don't tell Link or his cheeks will blaze hotter than Death Mountain's lava." Again, Zelda laughed.

"I hope Shadow can make it. You both need to come." Victoria nodded, slightly anxious to get back to work. "I'll keep that in mind. Don't you have some construction to oversee?" Zelda gasped. "Oh, blast it I do! Thanks for reminding me!" She hurried towards the door, but stopped before she could close it. "Don't forget!" she called.

Victoria shook her head. "I'll try not to."

Shadow came in, slowly, and leaning against the left side of the door quite heavily, favoring his right leg to keep him up.

"I take it you heard?" Victoria asked, her eyes trailing up the wall and finally meeting his eyes. Shadow shrugged. "Some bits more than others. I was sort of still out of it when she first came in. Then I heard you talking and it got interesting." Victoria smirked and put her hands on her hips. "So which parts did you pay attention to?"

Shadow thought for a second and then said, "Most definitely the part where she asked if you would take her place. I wonder, though… why did you say no? I'm sure anyone would sell their soul just to have that question asked to them." Victoria frowned. "But I'm not one of them. I've been doing some reading, and the life of royalty isn't as luxurious as the people are led to believe. It can sometimes be a good thing, but if the nobles aren't your most favorite people in the world, it's torture."

Shadow grimaced. "I heard the part about the nobles getting their asses out of the sand, too. What is with them?" Victoria shrugged. "All I can deduce is that most, if not all, of them are plain cowards. Although we can't yet make contact with Snowpeak and Lanayru Provinces' nobles were murdered about eighteen years ago. However, before Ganondorf came and did his bit, there was a search for any possible heirs but… the trail went stone cold and no more progress was made."

Something about that comment stirred something in Shadow. "Ganondorf said something about my parents being nobility, and that Link's mother was my mother's sister. Do you think that has anything to do with it?" Victoria blinked and tilted her head. "Maybe. If what he said was true." Shadow looked down at the floor. "I'm positive he was telling the truth. After all, why would he lie to us if he thought he was going to win?"

Victoria could see his point. "I guess it could be a factor… hey do you want to sit down?" Shadow held up a finger and slowly limped over to the couch. Victoria, lacking anything better to do other than work, sat down next to him. "So, how about that celebration? You think you'll be able to stand properly by then?" He shrugged, and brought her close, her head resting on his chest, but lightly.

"I can try. What about you? Anything interesting happen?" She smiled knowingly. "You have no idea." He smiled down at her, and gently kissed her head.

"Do enlighten me."


It was the day of the celebration and the whole village was abuzz with excitement. Even Shadow was up earlier than usual, and actually walking with only the occasional need to lean on someone, provided he sat down often enough.

Victoria was going through the last of the records that her father had been able to save (he was only one man after all, he could only save so much) and she came across a tapestry that seemed to be well made. "Father?" she called, "You still here?" He came in, reading glasses sitting precariously at the tip of his nose and a book in his right hand. "Is there something you wanted from me?" She nodded.

"This tapestry. I wanted to see what it was of. Please, could we find a place to hang it?" Arthur walked across the room and stared through the dim light at the tapestry. He silently asked if she would move aside so he could examine it, and found an odd marking on the side.

It was a simple one, the royal phoenix, but it seemed to make all the difference to Arthur.

"All the nobles tapestries are usually hung in the Temple of Time, but they were removed during Harkanian's reign. Princess Zelda has put them back up, though one was missing. This must be it." He seemed puzzled though. "Everything is coming into place, Father, why ever are you puzzled?" He studied the mark further. "The tapestries are usually copied off of paintings of the nobles and their family… I wonder who exactly is on this one…"

Victoria wondered that too, but she had a hunch that she knew who it was.

Shadow insisted he come with them to see it be hung up. When asked why he wanted to come, he simply shrugged an replied, "No reason." Victoria knew better. He was curious, too.

Link met them in town, or what had been reconstructed of it, and asked about the tapestry. Once it had been explained to him, he stayed with them, though when he was asked about why he wanted to follow, he actually told the truth. They asked Darunia if he could spare a few Gorons to help put it up, and he said yes.

"However, since the only Goron I can spare is myself, I'll do it. Don't worry Brother, I can do it on my own." They walked into the Temple and Darunia went straight to getting it hung.

"I'm about to let it down! You ready?" They all nodded. Arthur called out to him. "Yeah, we're ready." And the tapestry fell down with a dusty WHOPF!

It took a few moments for anything to really register. Surprisingly, it was Shadow who spoke first. "I've seen those people before, in a vision. But I never… and that's…!" He never finished his sentence. Victoria wandered up to the tapestry curiously, and read the text at the bottom of the long piece of cloth.

"It says here that these are nobles of Lanayru Province from left to right; Lord Serven Starlight, Lady Fay Starlight, Daniel Starlight, Link Avalon, Lady Fye Avalon, and Lord Gabriel Avalon." She stepped back to look at each person, eventually coming back to the infant child in Lady Starlight's arms. The pattern of strange colors in the child's abundant locks looked strangely like…


Shadow nodded. "Yes, that child is me. What puzzles me though is why the women's names are so similar…" Then Victoria remembered something Shadow had mentioned to her not two days ago.

"Didn't you say that Ganondorf said something about your mother and Link's mother being sisters?" Shadow thought for a moment, then his face lit up as if a fire had just erupted into being above his head. "Yes, I remember… but, why is that relevant?" Victoria sighed. "If they're family, that would give them the excuse! And don't you see how much they look alike? They must be twins…" They did indeed look very much alike. Though one had platinum blond hair (Lady Fay) and the other had banana yellow hair (Lady Fye) their faces were shaped the same and had the same eerie red eyes. The men were obviously different, Lord Starlight having jet-black hair, dark blue eyes, and a thin set jaw, and Lord Avalon having dark blond hair and ice blue eyes, and a more square-set jaw, but the women looked like near mirror images.

"I remember them," muttered Arthur, "they were the only Sheikah twins in existence. Fay married the Upper Lanayru Province Lord around the same time Fye married the Lower Province Lord. They had their children around the same time, too. But it was shortly after that when their village was attacked…"

Link was still marveling at the tapestry. "So, we're… cousins?" Shadow nodded slowly, his mind elsewhere. "I suppose." But he still didn't say much. Victoria touched his arm. "You're bothered by the name aren't you?" Shadow nodded. "It doesn't feel… me anymore. My name is Shadow now, and always will be."

Victoria, Arthur, and even Link, could accept that.


It was nearly time for the celebration. Victoria and Shadow were hanging around near the Cucco coup, watching the people finish setting up.

"I had hoped to see you here tonight," said a voice behind them.

Neither of them was surprised to hear the voice, much less see the Princess walking toward them. What they were surprised to see was her arm around Link's, his cheeks glowing fiercely in the firelight from the high torches set all around Kakariko.

Shadow grinned as he finished turning around. "Finally come to your senses?" His cheeks flushed just a shade brighter (or so it seemed) and he nodded. "Something like that," he mumbled. Victoria laughed.

Zelda didn't quite understand the exchange but she figured it was probably best if she didn't know.

"So, I heard about what you saw on the tapestry from Arthur and… I wanted to ask you if you, Shadow, would like you title restored to you. After all, it is your birthright and Lanayru Province needs a noble to govern it. The royals are for the whole of the kingdom, but the nobles oversee each section of Hyrule. Do you consent?" Shadow looked at Link.

"Have you consented? It's your right as well." Link cleared his throat and said off-hand, "I haven't said anything yet, but I've given it some thought and… well, perhaps this is my chance to have some real purpose here."

Zelda scowled. "But you saved Hyrule from Ganondorf. Isn't that enough?" Now it was his turn to scowl. "But what comes after that, Zelda? I need roots, a home; if I don't have those things, I'll become a wanderer, and if I become that… I can't be with you." He said it with a slight wistful look in his eyes and a mournful touch in his voice.

"While something tells me I wouldn't mind wandering, I can't make you happy if I go down that road." Zelda shook her head and smiled. "You don't need to do that…" Link did the same but said nothing.

Shadow was lost in thought, thinking the proposition over. He wanted to give Victoria the best chance at life that she could have. Perhaps being nobility alone wasn't the way to go, but it was a start. "I think," he said at last, "that I would like my birthright restored. After all, I'm not unfamiliar with the concepts; Ganondorf did teach me some things before his power went to his head. Perhaps it's time I did my part in helping out with the restoration."

He grinned. "After all, I was unconscious and immobile for a better part of the past week. I'm ready to start doing something!" Victoria laughed and poked him gently in the ribs.

"Perhaps once your wounds finish healing. Your chest is still sore, remember?" He rubbed it softly. "I suppose." Then he looked up. "I see the orchestra's started playing… would you care for a dance?" Victoria was dressed in a rather pretty blue satin dress, her hair tied in the back with a classic blue satin bow. The only trinket she wore was her mother's necklace. Shadow was in a suit, which had a number of blue and white combinations that made him look rather dashing with his clean wispy feather-hair and crooked smile. She smiled.

"Yes, I would like a dance."

And so they softly tapped their feet in tune with the intro of the song, and let it take them away.

I'll never let go of your hand,

I'll always be faithful, I know I can,

I'll never stop caring, I'll always be true,

I'll forever love you…

That moment would always be engraved in their hearts. It was a memory that would never fade, and become part of them forever.

Perhaps, then, this new dawning, this new beginning wasn't so bad. It might be long and grueling, but in the end, it was worth it. This return to reality was it, their revolution. This was their chance to make something of themselves, whether to redeem past deeds, or to strengthen their own selves for the better. Shadow felt that was so.

So perhaps, then, it was true. This was the end, but also the beginning. The beginning of forever.

It feels good to actually end a story. I'm a little sad, but you'll be seeing them again. There's sort of something missing that I couldn't fit into this "tiny" epilogue, but I want to wrap up something else first. I'm thinking either my Host fic or my Charlie Bone fic will be the easiest, but yeah. I hope you liked.