Being There Part III (Mature audience)

"Speech! Speech! Speech!"

Lorelai smiled widely as she stepped up in front of the room full of people. Everyone started to applaud loudly, and she pushed her hands downward in order to quiet them. Silence slowly fell over the room, and Lorelai clasped her hands together.

"Will the driver of the - -" The room erupted in laughter. "Okay, okay," she began, satisfied at her spontaneous comedy bit. "On a more serious note, it is an honor to have all of Stars Hollow out here at the newly refurbished Dragonfly Inn." Everyone clapped loudly. Lorelai continued once the noise died down again. "It's a little weird to see something that you've been dreaming of for two decades come alive and go from being a dream to a reality." She looked over at Sookie and Rory who stood off to the side of her. "Everyone has been extremely supportive in dealing with all of the renovations and, well, me." A bout of laughter filled the room. "I know I haven't been the most pleasant person to deal over the last few months…" Sookie and Rory looked at one another and smiled in agreement. "…but," Lorelai said loudly, having caught the look. She laughed. "…I just wanted to let all of you know that I am very happy with the company that I keep. I love all of you so much, and without you all, this would still just be a notion." She looked at Rory as she said this before allowing her eyes to roam around the room. Everyone, even Taylor, stood smiling up at her. "Your words of support, your undying belief and faith in both my and Sookie's ability to pull this off…Being there, even when you couldn't be there…" She took a deep breath, breaking out in a smile. "This town rocks," she said, causing an instant explosion of cheers. She walked over and hugged Sookie and Rory.

She tried to push Sookie to say something, but Sookie resisted and said loudly, "What she said!" before falling back into the crowd of people.

The weeks that followed the opening were ones that Lorelai would never forget. The Dragonfly seemed to grow in popularity with each passing day. People from all over came to stay, finding charm and tranquility in the small town. The constant capacity caused for long hours which Lorelai and Sookie were more than happy to put in.

A new manager and chef had taken their place at the Independence, but they both would stop in on occasion to visit the old staff, at least the ones that had not followed them over to their new business. Lorelai found little difficulty in being able to go back to the old Inn. She figured that this was due in large part to the fact that her own career life had catapulted so far off of the ground.

Though she could still visit that part of her past without any sadness, walking past or even within the vicinity of what used to be Luke's diner, was nearly impossible. It was inevitable, she knew. Every business in town was on the same block, so trying to avoid it would have been like trying to avoid a vicious wind- unfeasible, unless you wanted to just remain indoors.

It had yet to be rented out, and Lorelai wondered why that was. It seemed to her like it would be a businessman's dream location. She didn't know that Luke had received many offers to rent out the restaurant, but unable to convince him of a longer lease, every interested party had gone elsewhere. She also didn't know that with each decline in lease agreement, Luke rested a little easier. He felt like with someone else's name on the diner's window, it would really substantiate the whole ordeal and would be the final nail.

The month was now October. Lorelai had been dating a guy who she had met at one of the Inn's meet and greets. They had been on three dates, and she, as she sat staring across the table at him on their fourth, wondered how she would break the news that she was not interested in anything beyond friendship. He sat talking, and she stared at his face, wondering what had really attracted her to him in the first place. He was attractive, but more in an awww, yes you are… kind of way. They had shared their first kiss on the doorsteps of her home two dates ago, and Lorelai had known every since then that she was really not in the mindset to be dating. She knew that it was getting to that time when the poor schmuck would be expecting to get invited inside, and she was not about to let that happen. So she continued to listen to him. And she continued to think…about how to drop him without hurting him. He was a nice guy after all. A thought flew across her mind reminding her to pick up some Mallo-Mars from Doose's. This elicited her first real smile of the night.


Luke looked around at the place he had called home for the past eight months. A tear made its way down his face, and his being alone didn't stop the urgency at wiping it away. He sat down, exhausted and in desperate need of a shower and some sleep. He had been at the hospital for the past 30 hours, and the rest of his family had just left the house.

He slid down onto the couch and caught sight of his great aunt's walker as it lay in the same spot that it had fallen. He closed his eyes and rubbed a tired hand over his face. He couldn't help but think of the last thing Aunt Mae had said to him. The way it had come out, it sounded so final, and Luke had focused more on that fact than the words that had actually come out of her mouth. He had held her hand down to the last second when the heart monitor sang out the song of eternal stillness.

Aunt Mae was buried on a Tuesday morning.


Lorelai rushed in the house and struggled with getting her umbrella to close. Stars Hollow had had no rain for weeks, and it seemed as if the residents were now paying for all of those dry weeks tenfold. Rain fell heavily outside.

"I'm sorry, Babies," Lorelai said to her Blahniks. "Mommy is so sorry. I swear I will make it up to you." She dropped her things by the door. "You remember that Gualtier you two were eyeing? Well, it's yours." She started up the stairs. "I know it was love at first sight, and I will go back and buy it. I promise. Sale or no sale." She stripped off her clothes as soon as she was in her bedroom and headed for the shower. "Stupid weatherman. Bright and sunny with 30 percent chance of rain, my ass," she mumbled.

She finished her shower and put on some pajamas before heading down the stairs. She went straight into the kitchen and pulled out a box of pizza rolls. Before she had a chance to dump them in the pan, the doorbell sounded.

"Coming!" She yelled. Not wanting to wait any longer than she had to for her food, she quickly poured them sloppily in a pan and threw them in the oven. She ran to the door. "Three seconds," she yelled. "Two seconds! One more second," she finished grabbing for the door. She yanked it open.

"Hey Babette. Taking another one of your nature showers?" She looked the woman up and down as water dripped from her high yellow raincoat.

"Ha!" She sung out. "You're funny, Doll," she said genuinely.

"Come on in," she said waving her in.

"Naw, I don't wanna mess up your nice floor." Her voice rose in octaves. "I'm drippin' water everywhere!"

"Okay," Lorelai said leaning against the open door. "Then what can I do you for?" She asked smiling.

"Have you heard about Luke?"

Her smile faded. "No, what happened? Is he hurt?"

"No, he's back, Honey!"

Lorelai's brows wrinkled. "What?"

"He's here. In the diner."

"He-he's in his diner? In Stars Hollow? Now?"

"Yes, yes, and yeah. I figured ya probably didn't know, ya know, with your fancy new job takin up all your time and all."

"When'd he come back? Is he visiting? Thanksgiving is weeks away. Why's he here so soon?"

"Honey, calm down." She leaned on one leg and started to gesticulate. "Now, my sources told me he came back a couple hours ago. Apparently something happened because he took down the "for lease" sign in the window of the diner. He moved some of the tables too! They were five inches from the wall. Now, they're fifteen!"

"What, you think he's back for good?"

"I don't know, but all signs point to 'yes'. I mean you don't just come back to move tables, ya know?" She paused. "He didn't tell ya anything in those letters he sends ya?"

Lorelai's shocked expression dropped as she lowered her eyes to glare at Babbette. "How did you know about my letters?"

She waved her hands. "Enh, ya throw a couple bucks to a guy, he'll give ya a peak in anyplace."

"Good to know the US postal service is on its job," Lorelai replied. She got lost in her own head for a moment before responding. "No, I haven't gotten a letter in a while, so I, uh, didn't know." She started biting her nail. "And he's there now?"

"Sexy as eva's my guess."

"Okay. Okay," Lorealai backed away from the doorway slowly as she looked around for shoes. "I have to go. I have to go and see- -where the hell's my shoes when I need them?!" She twirled around quickly as she scanned the floor. "Oh, forget it," she said, moving past Babbette. "Turn off the stove for me, Babbette!" She yelled as she took off running down the steps.

"Suga, put something on your feet!" Babbette yelled to her rapidly disappearing frame. She shook her head and stepped inside of the house. "Well, betta go ahead and lock up for the night. Doubt she'll be back," she said loudly to herself.

Lorelai ran quickly through the rain, unable to feel a drop of it as it pounded her body. Her rapid pace caused an even greater assault on her skin, but it affected her none as she moved swiftly toward the diner. For the first time in almost a year, she was looking forward to seeing it.


Lorelai stood outside of the diner looking up at the second floor window. A light shined through, and she could see a shadow of someone moving around. She closed her eyes and looked up toward the sky as if in silent prayer. She had started to shake from both the weather and from anticipation of what she'd find when she arrived at the diner.

She walked over and reached up to the top of the door as she felt around for Luke's old spare key. She didn't actually expect to find one, but was pleasantly surprised when her hand came in contact with a short piece of metal.


Luke looked up questioningly when he heard a knock at the door. His first thought was how someone had gotten in the building in the first place, but he also wondered who could be out in such a heavy downpour. He walked over and opened the door without asking who it was.

"Lorelai," he whispered with surprise.

A relieved look passed over her face as she dropped her head and reached out to grab the doorframe for support. She lifted her head and said in a tear-filled voice, "Hey Luke."

He took in her appearance. "Oh my- - what are you doing out here like this? You don't even have shoes on! Are you trying to die of pneumonia?! You're almost blue!" Lorelai smiled widely as she got a big dosage of one of Luke's very missed rants.

"You're back," she said softly, stating the obvious.

"Yeah, I'm back," he said still looking like he wanted to yell at her some more about her thoughtlessness in attire and appropriate cover.

She sobered up. "Are you just here for now?"

He sighed and finally dropped the worried and angry look at the possibility of her getting sick. A slow smile made its way across his lips. "I'm back, Lorelai."

She brought a hand up to her face as she wiped away rain water. "How is that possible?"

He dropped his gaze to the floor and shuffled his sock-covered feet. "My Aunt Mae passed away a few weeks ago."

Lorelai's hopeful expression became sullen. "Aw Luke. I'm so-- Can I- - Do you need- -" She sighed. "I am so sorry," she ended.

"It's okay. I'm dealing with it," he said looking up.

Lorelai looked up at him sadly as she walked fully into the apartment. When she moved, her bare, wet feet squeaked on the floor board. This snapped Luke back to the situation at hand. "I can't believe you came out with no shoes on. Oh my god, look at you! You're shaking!"

Lorelai looked down to her body and dismissed her own state quickly. "Why didn't you call me when you got back?" She asked.

Luke had started walking over toward his dresser drawer. He spoke loudly as more distance separated them. "I knew you would be at work, so I didn't want to bother you. I figured I'd just call you tomorrow."

"Bother me?" She asked dubiously.

"Yeah," he answered distractedly as he rummaged around inside the drawers.

She stared at him for a moment. "You would not have...bothered me."

He pulled out some clothing and walked back over to her, releasing a large sigh. "I'll keep that in mind next time," he said with a small wink. He reached the clothes out to her. "Now, take these, go in there," he pointed to the bathroom, "get in the shower, HEAT UP, Crazy Lady...get dressed and come back out and I'll make you some coffee."

"But Luke, it's been--"

"Lorelai," he interrupted, allowing his bass to drown out her words. "Bathroom. Now."

She couldn't help but break out in a wide grin as she shook her head. "Okay," she conceded as she moved toward the bathroom. "I'm going in the bathroom. Now."


Luke knocked on the bathroom door. "Lorelai, here's a towel and washing cloth. Sorry, I couldn't find a louffa," he replied smiling at her request for one.

Her voice shook a little as she spoke, but she spoke loud enough to be heard over the running shower. "Okay, you can come in."

Luke hesitated before asking, "You decent?"

"You can come in," she repeated with more confidence.

The bathroom door opened slowly and a towel peaked through. Luke's arm came in the room as he blindly tried to set the towel and rag on the sink's counter. His arm was about four inches shy, but he continued to wave the fluffy towel around in search of somewhere to set it. Lorelai held back laughter as she watched this take place. She said nothing.

He did this for ten seconds before sticking one leg in to allow him a greater stretching distance. He still missed the counter by inches, but he still blindly reached. Lorelai shook her head as she amusedly watched his actions.

He muttered an expletive before finally sticking his head in the door to put an end to the fumbling. As soon as his head was through the door, he caught sight of a naked Lorelai. "Oh, god! I'm sorry." He dropped the towel to the floor and tried to exit the bathroom quickly.

"Luke, wait," Lorelai said as she crossed the small bathroom space and placed a hand over his as it rested on the doorknob.

"I'm sorry," he offered again as his head remained turned away from all the...nakedness. "I thought you were in the shower." He felt his skin burning hot beneath her touch.

"I know," she said softly. She placed the other hand on his arm and pulled on it gently. Everything in him was wanting to turn and see the sight before him, but he resisted. That is, until he felt her pull on his arm. He turned his head and tried his best to remain looking in her face. "But," she continued, "I would rather have some company," she whispered.

Luke started to stumble horribly over his words. "Oh--you--you--want--okay--so--I'm--..."

As he continued to "talk", Lorelai smiled up at him and pulled him fully into the bathroom closing the door behind him. She stepped to him, eyes connected with his as she brought her fingers to his sides. He stopped rambling and got lost in her eyes for a second. She slid her hands up until they rested under his T-shirt. She stilled her hands before slowly inching her way around to his back and then back to the sides as she lifted her hands bringing his shirt higher and higher.

"Arms up," she whispered. He reached down and grabbed his shirt, pulling it over his head as if in a daze.

Lorelai allowed her hands to slide gently back down his sides. "Do you want this?" She asked him as her hands rested at the waistband of his sweatpants.

He stared into her eyes. "More than my next breath," he replied as he brought a hand up to her cheek.

"I'm with you there," she said as she closed her eyes at his touch.

He let his hand travel from her jaw to the nape of her neck, and she rolled her head slowly into his hand. "I missed you so much," he said softly.

She swallowed. "I need you," she said.

He brought his mouth to hers and whispered, "I breathe you," before bringing his lips to hers.

Lorelai moaned loudly as her hands found a new place on his lower back. Her lips parted and into her mouth slipped his tongue, soft and gentle. Luke's tongue glided over hers and he familiarized himself with a sweetness that one kiss eight months prior had left lingering in his soul.

Lorelai, with eyes closed, wished that she could press herself against him so tightly that it would allow her to slip inside and use him as an eternal blanket. Everything seemed to make sense, and life seemed to be one with so much more purpose as her mouth moved jointly with his.

She loosened her grip on his back and brought them back to his waistband as she pushed them down slowly. Luke moved from her mouth to her neck, detaching his mouth completely as she dipped down slightly to push his pants down further. She stood back up and drew in a breath as she took in the beautiful sight before her. He gave her a moment to look, taking the same moment to take in her beauty as well.

Growing impatient with the lack of contact, Luke returned his lips to her skin and lips as he stepped out of his pants. He gripped her back lightly as he moved backward toward the door, wanting to take their action onto his bed. Lorelai stopped him. She continued to kiss him with extreme passion as she gently gripped his elbows and started walking backward toward the tub. He followed her direction willingly and without question. At that point, she could have led him off of Mount Kilimanjaro, and he wouldn't have put up a fight.

She lifted her leg and stepped in as Luke bent down and removed both his socks. He followed her into the tub and under the very hot spraying water. As soon as the heated water hit their bodies, it seemed to add another level of urgency and desire to their touches and tasting.

Luke leaned into her, pressing himself against her sex. "Oh my god," she whispered as she clutched at his shoulders, vying for a firm hold on something. She bent her leg back and climbed up on the little ledge as she attached herself to his body, returning her mouth to his lips. The throbbing between her legs was almost making her dizzy.

He pressed her into the side wall and lost a little of his footing in doing so. They almost went tumbling but were both too far gone to find any humor in it.

He pushed her up on the wall and attempted to guide himself into her, but again, the traction was not there.

After another failed attempt, Lorelai pushed at his body, causing him to back up a little. She hopped down and circled his body leaning up and placing a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth. She turned her back to him and leaned against the back wall, presenting him with a view that he couldn't have conjured up in his most fulfilling dreams.

Like a moth to a flame, Luke went over and placed each of his hands on her hips as he admired her positioning. He ran his hands up and down her body slowly. He leaned down and a placed a gentle kiss on her back.

"Luke," Lorelai called out achingly.

He stood up and spread his legs as far as the bathtub's width would allow. Leaning back slightly, he slowly guided his length into her. Her tightness around his shaft caused him to release a strangled moan that grew as more and more of him was buried inside of her.

Lorelai reached a hand out and grabbed a hold on the shower curtain as she felt that any moment she would be pushed over the edge. She correlated a beautiful song of pleasure sounds that Luke used as his own inspiration and driving force.

He reached both of his hands out and brought them to her breasts, and she brought her body up closer to his as he continued to maneuver his hips in a way that nearly caused her forget her own name.

Her face was now positioned next to his as he continued to penetrate her. "Please tell me this is real," Lorelai said hoarsely as she lifted an arm and wrapped it back around his neck. She had imagined such a connection with him for the better part of a year, and as she stood receiving thrust after blissful thrust from Luke, her body, mind, and spirit needed to know that she would not wake up and discover that it was all a dream.

He kissed her neck as he struggled with coherence. "It's real." He pushed harder against her. "It's real," he repeated until his words were drowned out by the sounds of her climactic screams. Her internal muscles tightened fiercely around him causing him to follow close behind her with his own release.

They both rested against the side of the tub as they tried to resist the urge to just slide the wall. This being the moment in past months when Lorelai would usually awaken in a sea of sweat and sometimes disappointed tears, the only thing she could think to say as Luke held her tightly in his arms was, "It's real."


Lorelai rolled off of Luke and relied on heavy breaths to allow air back into her lungs. "Oh my god, are we good at that!" She said as she kicked cover off of her damp body.

"You are amazing," Luke said as he leaned over and started to kiss all over her face. She wrapped her hands around him and pulled him on top of her as she opened her legs and wrapped them around his body. Her movements were playful, but turned serious and grew in intensity as her mouth searched out his and they resumed passion that had yet to burn out since Lorelai's arrival three hours prior.

The kiss slowed down and they just lay gazing at one another. "I can't stop touching you," Lorelai said as her hands roamed his back.

"You don't see me complaining," he replied, kissing her lightly. He attempted to lift himself off her.

"No, don't," she said holding him tighter.

"Lorelai," he began with a gentle tone, "I'm too heavy."

"You say that like that's going to convince me to let you go." He released a sigh and adjusted himself so that a little less pressure could rest on her. She continued to watch him. "Luke," she said. He looked her in the eyes. "Can you do me a favor?"

"Anything," he replied as he wondered what she was about to ask.

"It's a pretty big favor," she warned playfully.

"Anything," he repeated.

She dropped the smile that had sprung up to cover up her very serious request. Luke's intense and solemn gaze brought out the rawness of her emotions. "Can you please not leave again?"

He ran his hand through her hair. "I won't leave again, Lorelai."


"Not if I have anything to say about it," he said still with his locked gaze.

Her lip quivered, but she brought it in quickly, a genuine smile broadening her face. She nodded her head. "Good," she said softly. She moved around a bit. "Now get comfortable," she told him.

"What?" He asked looking down at her like she was insane. "I know you don't expect me to sleep like this."

"Oh, do you know that?" She asked dubiously. "What else do you think you know, Mr. Danes?"

"I know I'm not about to dive headfirst into that trap," he answered.

"Ahh, you learn quick grasshoppa," she said in an accent even she couldn't place.

"Once you've hit the same pothole 1500 times, you kind of learn to veer to the left a little."

"And then you get your eyes checked…and maybe your tires too because if you've hit- -"

"Goodnight, Lorelai."

She smiled and kissed the top of his head. "Goodnight Luke."


"She did not say that!" Lorelai said as a wide smile decorated her face.

"She did to say that," he said with a smile of his own. He joined her at his kitchen table with a plate of toast, eggs, and turkey bacon in front of him.

Lorelai's eyes went wide. "Wow."

"All you can think to say is 'wow'?"

"What do you say when someone tells you that their ex left town because of you?"

"I don't know. Something."

Okay, then…I'm flattered, I guess."

"No, you're not."

"Well, it is a little weird, Luke."

"I shouldn't have even told you," he said.

"No," she said quickly. "I'm glad you told me." She took a sip of her coffee while looking at him over the rim. "What made you tell me that?" She asked.

"I don't know." He was silent for a minute. "Last night before I fell asleep, I kind of thought about what my aunt said to me before she…" Lorelai nodded her understanding. He continued. "And then it just kind of clicked." He did a 'whatever' gesture with his eyes. "When I was making breakfast, I had like a déjà vu thing."

"A déjà vu thing?" Lorelai repeated rolling her neck.

"Must you mock everything I say?"

"Uh, yeah," she said with feigned insistence. She got serious and leaned on the table. "What did your aunt say to you?"

He paused as if in thought.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," she said quickly.

"No, it's fine. I was just…thinking." He looked up at her. "She told me not to wait."


"Yeah, she said that life is too short. 'Don't spend your time twiddling your thumbs when you can be using those same thumbs to get the ball rolling'." He smiled. "Verbatim."

Lorelai smiled. "And what was she referring to?" She asked with a soft gaze.

"Bowling?" He answered, breaking out in a wide smile.

"Luke," she whispered turning her head at an angle.

Hearing Lorelai try to keep any conversation serious almost made Luke fall off of his chair. He slowly dropped his smile, feeling a little exposed. "She meant that I needed to tell you how I felt and stop hinting at it in letters."

Lorelai leaned back in her chair and released a sigh like she'd just gotten the payoff after a long wait. She looked down to her lap. Luke continued to watch her for a reaction.

"Say something. I'm feeling a little naked here." She looked up and smiled, making all the naughty responses to his comment come off loud and clear. "Don't even say it," he said tiredly.

Lorelai bit her lip. She stood up and walked around to where he sat. She lifted her leg over his lap and placed it on the opposite side of where she stood as she got in a nice, comfortable straddling position. Luke instantly linked his fingers on her back. "How did we ever get through all those years without this?" She asked as she played with the curls at the back of his head.

He shrugged. "Maybe if you would have seduced me years ago, we wouldn't have had to."

Her mouth dropped open. "I did not seduce you!"

"Oh, you totally seduced me," he said with a grin.

"Whatever," she said turning a slight shade of pink.

"If you wouldn't have, then I would've," he said as he tried to catch her eyes, which had fallen.

She looked back up at him. "And how exactly would you have…" She swiveled her hips. "…done that?"

He stood up quickly, grabbing her back for support as he playfully dipped her toward the floor. She screamed and started to laugh. "Master of seduction," she breathed out.

"I try," he said as he placed her on her feet.


"Oh my god, it's a beautiful day!"

Sookie stared at her like she was crazy. "It's raining cats and dogs outside. What day are you referring to?"

"Oh, Sookie. Sookster. Sookalicious," she said thoughtfully as if testing each one.

"Are you high?" Sookie asked seriously as she leaned toward her.

"What?! Sookie, no!" Lorelai said with a wide grin.

She laughed at Lorelai's reaction. "Well, it's either that or you had some really good se—" Her mouth dropped open. "Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" She grew louder as Lorelai's reaction failed to deny what she was about to say.

"Will you lower your voice?" Lorelai said looking around.

"Sorry," Sookie said giggling. "So…?"

"Luke came back."

"Oh, that is so fantastic," Sookie said with seriousness. She knew how much his absence had affected Lorelai. "That is awe--. Wait, you guys had sex?"

She gave Sookie a shy smile. "I have never felt like this, Sookie," she said softly. "I feel like, I don't know, like I'm floating." She looked around the Inn. "I don't even want to be here right now. I just want to like spend every tiny second with him. I'm pathetic."

"Sweetie, it sounds like you're in love."

She released a sigh as she looked at Sookie. "I kinda figured as much," she said casually.

"So, I take it you haven't told him how you're feeling."

"Not in so many words."

Sookie reached out and nudged her shoulder. "Well, he's back now. So, you have plenty of time to do it," she encouraged.

Lorelai looked down at Sookie for a long moment before a look of determination fell over her face. "Sookie, I'm going to go out for a while. Call my cell if you need me." She headed toward the door.

"Wait, where are you going?" Sookie called after her.

Lorelai turned back to face her with a smile. "I'm going bowling, Sook." Sookie's face scrunched up in confusion. "I'll explain later," Lorelai said laughing as she rushed out the door.

---The End---

Okay, I hope that was good 'cause if I say I went off the cuff, that would be a major understatement. 1.)sex in shower, 2.)kirk staring through window 3.)running through rain 4.)tearful goodbye -were the ONLY things I had planned out. Everything else was just kind of shoved in. I'm a little nervous about this one. Please let me know your thoughts. Thank you.