Snow. The only thing that had ever made him give up on is harsh expressions and act like a normal teenager. During those short winter days, he would throw on his coat and gloves and run out to the deserted clearing they always met in.

He would sit and wait for his blond companion to come. Always being greeted with a pounce and a kiss. Both falling back in to the white blanket that covered the ground. To them winter and 'training' together was something they looked foward to all year. The one time they could be free. Away from all the glaring eyes and calls of "leave this village, demon" and "no one loves you".

But in the snow, they could be together and not care. He still remambered how his raven hair would be flecked with the white powder. How his hair got so covered in it, it seemed to be glowing. That was nothing new, though, to them. They both glowed around each other. They were what gave their lives meaning.

Three years had past and Naruto still went to that same clearing. He knew Sasuke wouldn't be there. He had left Konoha, to gain power. But Naruto knew Sasuke remembered him and their winter days together, rolling around in the snow together.

Naruto rolled out of his snow angel and layed next to it. He placed his hand in to the lower part of its wing and clenched a glump of snow in his hand. He did this everyday now. Just layed there, wishing Sasuke were there laying with him. He was his angel in hell and he missed him.

Deep down, Naruto knew Sasuke missed him too. He knew, where ever Sasuke was, he was thinking about those winter days