Name: Wedding Craze

Author: Beccy

Disclaimer: I don't own Standoff nor any of its characters. Anyone you don't recognize is mine!! All mine!!

Summary: We all know Matt's mum died when he was young and we all know he doesn't speak to his father anymore. So what happens when he receives and invitation…to his father's wedding?

Author's Note: This idea was rolling around in my head and it wouldn't leave me alone…so I decided to just write it down. And here's the result! Hope you like it!



A very shocked Matt stood in his living room with his mouth gaping as he stared at the piece of paper he held in his hands. His eyes were open so wide that they were starting to water. A crash from outside startled him out of his reverie and he shook his head to clear his thoughts. He took a deep breath and slowly let it out as he sat down on his couch. He kept staring at the small piece of paper, hoping it would spontaneously combust.

"I can't believe this," he whispered to himself.

He was shocked! No, scratch that, he was flabbergasted. One would never had known that a tiny piece of gold and silver paper would leave a fully grown man at a loss for words.

A knock resounded throughout the silent apartment. Matt's head turned towards the door and he dropped the source of his discomfort on the table as he got up and moved to answer the door.

"I come bearing Chinese food," Emily said with a smile as soon as Matt has opened the door wide enough for him to see her.

She gave him a kiss on the cheek as she entered his apartment. She set the bags filled with food on the coffee table and made her was into the kitchen. Matt closed the front door and sat down on the couch again. As Emily got the forks from the drawer and two bottles of water from his fridge, Matt took the food out of the plastic bags and opened the containers before setting them on the table.

"Thank god it's Friday." Emily said as she sat down. "What were you doing before I got here?"

"Just thinking," he answered as he took a forkful of fried rice and ate it.

"Don't think too much, wouldn't want to overdo it," she said laughing softly.

She turned her head when she realized that he wasn't listening. She could tell that something was bothering him but she didn't know what to do. How to get him to tell her.

'Should I ask him what's wrong?' she asked herself. 'Or should I wait until he says something? But knowing him, he wasn't going to voluntarily tell me anything. So..'

"What's up?" she finally asked him. "Matt?" she said when he didn't answer. She touched his arm hoping to get some kind of reaction out of him.

"Huh? What?" he asked, jumping slightly.

"What are you thinking about?" she asked him again.

"Nothing, its just…" he sighed. "My dad's getting remarried, and he wants me to be at the wedding."

She breathed in deeply, "Are you going to go?"

"No. Yes. I don't know. Maybe?" he said, resting his head in his hands. "I guess I'm just surprised. I mean, I haven't spoken to him in years and suddenly, out of the blue, he's going to get married and he want me to be there? And to top it all off, I know it's stupid to be thinking this but…I can't help thinking that he's just forgetting about mum. I know!" he said when he saw her opening her mouth. "My mum's been dead for a very long time and its basically a miracle that he's been single for so long but, I just can't help it."

"Oh Matt," Emily whispered as she hugged him. "It'll be ok."

"Do you think I should go?" he asked her.

She thought about it for a moment and then answered him, "Yeah, I think you should."


"Well, I think that it'd be good for you to see your dad again after so long. He's taken a big step at contacting you and he wants you to be there for him when he gets remarried. I just, I think you should try and get that father-son relationship back, because the day will come when w-you have your own kids and you might decide you want to have that same relationship with your dad…and it might be too late."

During her small rant, she didn't realize that he'd looked up and been staring at her in wonder. He couldn't believe that he'd found someone as wonderful as her. He was in awe at how beauty and brains could be wrapped up so well in one person. He was turning into a mushy, hopeless romantic but he found that he didn't care.

Once Emily had finished her small speech, she turned her head to find Matt looking at her.

"What?" she asked.

"Nothing," he said smiling, "I just can't believe how beautiful you are."

"Shut up," Emily said quietly as a reddish tinge began to make its way up her neck and blush stained her cheeks.

"Oh my god, you're blushing."

"No I'm not."

"Oh, yes you are!" he said, grinning.

"Be quiet," she said, trying to conceal her smile.

He hugged her lightly as he laughed. His laughter was contagious as Emily soon found herself laughing with him. Once the laughter had died down, Matt gave Emily a chaste kiss on the lips. They were both left smiling contently and Emily snuggled herself deep into Matt's chest and she flung her legs over so that they were resting on his lap.

"I'll go," he said.

"Good," she whispered.

And that's how sunshine greeted them the next morning.


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