Hey folks, Ciel is back! I'm placing this in the General/Humor category, because it has most genres in this, but humor is a bit more prevalent than the others. I'm not the best humor-wise, so bear with me, 'kay?

Anyway, this story takes place after Triple Shadows: Remix, but before any of my other stories. This is just the various misadventures of Shadow and his brothers. I hope you all enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Shadow, Rouge and all those guys, they are Sega's. I don't own Playstation as a company thing either. I do own, however, Gemini, Ciel, and all other stuffage. Joy.

It was a normal day in Station Square. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, the people were…well, today, a lot of the people were staring. At what, you ask? Well, the center of their attention was Shadow the Hedgehog. The Ultimate Lifeform, for one thing, never showed his face much around the area, especially not in the day. Secondly, he was carrying in one hand a suitcase, which was an oddly bright purple. In the other hand was a small slip of paper, which the hedgehog's bloody-red eyes were fixed on. No one got in his way, fearing he would pull out his trusty pet gun and shoot them. However, they didn't know he wouldn't have noticed anyway, for his eyes were glued to whatever was written on the paper slip.

"I wouldn't think an apartment complex would be so hard to find," he muttered darkly, "but no, it has to be at the busiest place in the whole god-damned city! At least there could be a sign or something!" At this point, the ever observant hedgehog walked straight into a rather large sign that read, "Station Square Apartments," with a blue arrow pointing off to the right.

After a bit of cursing, Shadow marched over to the large group of houses, eyes glued to the paper in his hands. Address 219, third floor. Making sure not to trip as he walked up the flight of stairs, a small flyer tacked to the wall caught his eye. The words "Club Rouge" were written in bold at the top, instantly reminding Shadow as to why he had come in the first place.

You see, Rouge the Bat, who happened to be Shadow's best friend (and perhaps more, not that he'd say) had ask him a question. It was, she claimed, quite important. Of course, Shadow had agreed to hear what it was (because if he didn't this wouldn't even be mentioned), and this is what had happened.

"Now Shadow, this is a very important question," the bat explained, "so you have to listen closely."

"I'm all ears," he had replied coolly. She grinned, blushing a little, and said,

"Well, I've been having a bit of trouble at Club Rouge, and I'm going to have to pilfer some extra jewelry. And…I was wondering if you could, you know…help."

"Help? How would I do that?" Shadow asked. He then noticed her eyeing the Chaos Emerald he had found last week, with that thieving stare she got when she wanted something, and then stared at her, eyes widened. "You aren't going to sell MY emerald, are you?"

"Oh, was I looking at the emerald again? Must have spaced off…but no, I'm not thieving your emerald. Yet." Rouge answered, Shadow sighing in relief (He had apparently not heard that last bit). "I was thinking you could become my thieving apprentice, and help me get more loot!" The black hedgehog stared at her like she was crazy.

"That's it?" He asked, as if he had just been asked to do some incredibly easy task, like shoot something to his heart's content. "Learn to steal a few gems? That's easy!" Rouge grinned mischievously at this.

"Good then, we'll meet at your place for the first lesson! See you then!" With that, Rouge had flown off, and Shadow froze.

"My place?" He muttered. In truth, he hadn't really lived anywhere. At the time, he had been keeping his stuff over at the Ark for safe keeping, but that was about it. No way Rouge would meet him there! What was he to do?

So, that was why he was here. He wasn't getting a lousy apartment of his own, surely! Instead, he had gotten convinced to move in with his brothers, Gemini and Ciel, who already had an apartment. It was easy, not too expensive, and they had been fine with letting him move in. They probably wouldn't be much of a bother anyway.

"213, 215, 217…ah, here it is!" The Ultimate Lifeform stopped in front of the apartment, the number 219 on the side. Much to his surprise, there were two pieces of paper stuck to the door.

The first was written in bright red ink, in very sloppy writing. It read, No trespassing, or you shall be smacked, sliced, burned, tortured and tossed into the streets! This means YOU, all you damn salespeople and girl-scouts! This lovely note was accompanied by a picture of stick-figures in many harmful positions at the bottom. How nice, Shadow thought.

The second letter was somewhat cheerier. It was written in decent handwriting with a pencil, and was considerably less-threatening. Shadow, we're busy at the moment, so don't be annoyed if we don't answer the door. Just come right in, we won't mind. Be careful of the mess, though. –Ciel.

"What the hell am I getting into?" Shadow wondered. In fact, he wasn't even sure why he was going through this much trouble for Rouge. It was mostly the fact that he didn't want her to think lowly of him (damn pride), but a small part of him said it was because he liked her, and wanted to please her by being responsible. Of course, this idea was squandered, and was thought of no more. Shrugging it off, he opened the door hesitantly, hoping not to see any disembodied limbs on the floor.

The apartment's living room was average size, with a small kitchen area to the left, and three doors in the back. A couch was placed in front of the TV (with a Playstation 2 plugged in), and a rather large bookshelf was placed on the wall to the right. Gemini was busy cleaning up the bookshelf (which contained a large amount of magical looking tomes and objects), and Ciel was attempting to clean a large splotch off the wall (which he had been trying to do for the past twenty minutes, and the sponge was now dirtier than the spot) At the sound of the door opening, both heads turned.

"You made it!" Ciel cried, glomping the unfortunate Shadow in a hug. "We thought you weren't gonna' show up! It's great to see you!"

"Ciel…It's nice to see you too, but you can let go now…" Shadow muttered. "Now I know how Sonic feels" The overly excited hedgie let the other one go, giving the Ultimate Lifeform a chance to breathe.

"He was rather impatient for once," Gemini said, chuckling a little. "He made sure we cleaned the place up before you arrived. Tell you the truth, I'm surprised you actually decided to stay here in the first place."

"Well, I showed up, didn't I?" Shadow asked. The other two nodded in reply. Shadow looked at them, it was freaky how much they looked alike. Recently, Shadow had found out that Professor Gerald, his creator, had created two other hedgehogs at the same time he made Shadow (Shadow was, surprisingly, created after them, technically being younger, but only by a few minutes).

The "oldest" of the twins was Gemini. He shared Shadow's fur color and quills, but his stripes and eyes were a slightly darkened sky blue, as were the three locks of hair that hung over his face. Gemini preferred to wear clothes, and was wearing a gray jacket with yellow stripes, a pair of rather baggy jeans, and a pair of sunglasses that never left his face. While Shadow could control Chaos Energy, Gemini had the freak ability to control Dark Energy. He was also the one who had written the death-threat on the door, stick figures and all.

The other brother, Ciel, was also similar to Shadow. However, his stripes and eyes were bright yellow, and he sported a pair of rather large wings instead of quills on his back. Ciel's clothes were a white shirt and boots, both with dark blue designs. Unlike his brothers, Ciel was actually non-temperamental and nice, though quite childish. He also had some status that Shadow didn't fully understand, but it basically made it so Ciel technically lived off of the Life Energy of other beings (despite it's similarity to a vampire, Ciel despised being called such, instead calling himself a vamparagus).

Despite their oddness, it turned out that they were now Shadow's family, and he would be stuck with them for the rest of his immortal life (for they were technically immortal too), whether he liked it or not.

"So, want to see your room?" Ciel asked cheerfully. Grabbing his suitcase, Shadow nodded, and followed his brothers through his new home. So far, except for the note and the glomping, everything seemed alright. However, Shadow had a feeling that he was going to end up with more than he bargained for. Much more…

Well, that chapter was basically the introduction to the story, and explains a bit for the people who haven't read the prequel (more info on Ciel and Gemini on my profile). It's not that funny yet, but it will be later on (including next chapter). Oh, and I have NO CLUE where this story is going, so if you have an idea or suggestion about something, please tell me! I would love to hear from you all! Well, tell me what you think of this! See you soon!