Mature Content Throughout

Not again the tall man thought to himself, this was quickly becoming a routine. For a full two weeks now, he had woken long before the sun rise. Cold and tired Goku slowly rose from his bed trying carefully not to waken his wife. He slowly crept down the hall to the kitchen, making sure he did not disturb his sleeping family as he did. He poured himself a glass of water and quickly drank the contents, unable to understand why he could not sleep as of late.

Ever since he had defeated Buu he had felt like a part of him was missing. Goku had tried to do what he had always done in the past which was shrug it off and move on with his next challenge. However, that was now the problem; there was nothing left to challenge him. He had just defeated what was considered the most powerful evil force that the universe had ever seen. The closest person he had to a challenge was Vegeta, but even their sparing matches had become repetitive and pointless to him now; a fact he was sure the Prince was aware of. Goku gave a smug grin, the frustration he had seen in Vegeta's face was rather amusing, however at the same time he could not help but feel guilty that he was not giving the prince his full attention, but in his current state of mind it could not be helped. He knew Vegeta would be on his doorstep bright and early again today demanding that they train like he now did every day. For the first time in his life, (that he was aware of anyway) Goku could not care less about training, all he wanted was to get some good old fashioned sleep. Even the most powerful of Saiyans need their beauty sleep, and a lack of it for two weeks straight can take its toll on anyone.

Goku was shook from his thoughts by the sound of a door opening and footsteps walking towards him.

"Oh, Gohan I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you." he said to his eldest son.

"It's ok dad I was awake anyway." Gohan replied

Goku was surprised by this, he had been as careful as possible to be quiet, his wife was an angry woman at the best of times, and if she was woken before her time, the rest of the family knew to stay out of her way for the remainder of the day.

Gohan walked over and sat down beside his father at the kitchen table. "Well, you look like you could do with a bit of company." he said.

"You should go back to bed son, is Videl not coming over later today?"

Gohan put his head on his hands and said, "Your right, I had completely forgotten about that."

Goku giggled, his son as bright as he may be, had always had an issue with remembering the important social details. "Well you're going to need all the sleep you can get son; I'll see you in the morning."

Gohan looked up at him and smiled "I'm glad you're home Dad, I missed you while you were gone."

Goku places his hand on his son's shoulder. "I missed you too son, but don't worry, I don't intend on going anywhere soon."

"Goodnight dad." he replied as he walked off towards his bedroom.

Goku stood from the table and walked over into the living area and lay down of the couch. He started to think as to how he was going to manage through the day with the little to no energy he had left. He was completely exhausted, it was such an alien feeling to him. As he lay there he thought of the old days, when every day brought him a new adventure, how himself, Krillin and Bulma would get themselves into all kinds of trouble. He also remembered how happy he was when Gohan was born, apart from himself he had never known such a happy child, always with a smile on his face, always playful and ready for adventure. All that felt lost to him now, was he to stay at home with his family and grow old for the rest of his days? The very thought made him feel ill. No matter how much he loved his family he could not change the fact the he was a Saiyan. Nothing was going to change that, and nothing was going to change that he always was going to have the burn for battle and challenge.

As the hours past and darkness slowly turned to daylight Goku could hear the birds staring to sing, soon his wife would be up, rustling about in the kitchen and chasing Goten about the house trying to get him clothed and washed. Goku decided he would go for a fly around the mountains to get some of the cold air to shake his tiredness before his family woke.

He went to the washroom and lifted yesterday's clothes and put them on, he would only be gone for a short time, no need to worry about getting a new outfit. As he walked outside Goku closed his eyes and took in a deep breath of the early morning air, cool and refreshing he felt slightly better already, the smell of morning dew was all around. The birds sang their songs, telling the world it was time to wake. Goku did not want that moment to end, but it would not last long…


Goku fell to the ground in shock as a harsh voice in front of him shouted his Saiyan name.

"Get up you clown." Vegeta ordered.

"Vegeta!" Goku yelped "What in the name of Kami are you doing here at this time of day?"

"We have business Kakarot! You have not been taking our training seriously; did you believe I would not notice? I will not stand for it any further." Vegeta declared in his normal angry tone.

Goku gave a heavy-hearted sigh and stared at the man before him. Not once did the prince blink or take his eyes off the lower class Saiyan. Goku could see the anger and frustration in Vegeta's face and he knew he would not be able to talk his way out of this one, however for his body's sake he had to try.

"Listen Vegeta, every good warrior knows that a rest day is important to help maintain strength, let's do this tomorrow?" Goku said calmly trying to sound like his usual chipper self.

"Nonsense, you're a Saiyan!" Vegeta snapped.

Goku stood, rubbing his bruised rear. He looked at Vegeta once more who still had not shifted his cold stare. Realizing that nothing on earth was going to calm Vegeta, especially when he was in such an aggravated mood, Goku sighed then gave a nod to Vegeta to signal that he agreed to train.

"Humph" Vegeta snorted as he raised his Ki and took to the sky.

Goku followed a few seconds later, barely able to keep up with the older Saiyan. Goku was getting increasingly annoyed at himself for his lack of strength, as his frustration rose the only thing to match it was Vegeta's temper as he noticed that Goku was slacking behind. He stopped in mid-air and waited for Kakarot.

"If you're fighting skills are as good as your flying is today Kakarot, then you may as well go home now." Vegeta said in a smug laughter.

This only annoyed Goku further "Last time I checked you're the one who has trouble keeping up with me Vegeta!"

What came next Goku was totally unprepared for, even though he should have seen it coming a mile away.

"How dare you Kakarot! I've had enough of your insolence!" Vegeta roared.

His Ki burst into flames around his body as he surged towards his target; in that moment Goku's body was sent hurdling down to the plains over which they hovered as Vegeta's powerful fist collided with the taller Saiyan's stomach. Vegeta stopped and watched in amazement as Goku helplessly flew into the side of a mountain at speeds faster than light. If it could have, Vegeta's jaw would have hit the ground as Goku collided with the earth.

Kakarot has never made such an amateur mistake, he never lets his guard down; usually a head on attack is futile.

The prince hovered waiting for his opponent to rise…several seconds past and still no sign of movement amongst the dust and rubble. Vegeta closed his eyes and searched the immediate area with his mind, expecting to sense Kakarot closing on his position with a sneak attack…there was no such attack. He opened his eyes and gasped once more as he seen a bruised and bloody Goku at the base of the mountain struggling to get on his feet.

IMPOSSIBLE! he thought to himself. "That attack was nowhere near powerful enough to do that level of damage to him."

Vegeta clenched his fist in rage and flew towards the younger Saiyan.


Goku coughed and spluttered some nasty contents from his empty stomach as he tried to speak, but he was cut off as Vegeta continued his rant.


Goku managed to look into the eyes of his angry opponent and very weakly murmured:

"Just leave me alone Vegeta, I'm not going to fight with you anymore."

Goku's attempt at standing failed as he fell back to the hard-hitting ground. His breathing heavy as he struggled to remain conscious.

"What are you playing at clown? Enough of this! Get up!" Vegeta demanded.

It took another couple of seconds for Vegeta to realize that something was indeed wrong with Goku, he had never seen the lower class Saiyan look so defeated. In all their years of battling with or together; even when all hope seemed lost Goku had never given up.

Could this be it? Have I done it? Have I finally broken Kakarot's resolve? Is now the time?

Watching the broken man struggling to get up Vegeta snorts "Must I do everything myself?"

I have, I have done it. It is complete.

He approached the fallen man lifting him and carrying him to a nearby stream, laying him down again by the water side splashing water over his face, rubbing away the dirt and blood that covered it. The cold water was refreshing to Goku's pained face, through blurry eyes he could see Vegeta supporting his neck with his arm and cleaning the dirt out of his wounds with the other.

"Ve…Vegeta" Goku whispered.

"Hush Kakarot, rest now." The prince ordered in his usual firm but somewhat softer tone.

Goku thought he was dreaming; he could not believe it was the same man. Was this his rival of 12 years now being gentle and tending to his injuries? Two minutes earlier he was ready to punch the life from him. Goku's vision was blurred, his muscles ached, and his head felt like there was a small badger inside it burrowing its way through his brain. However, all the pain felt insignificant. This totally uncharacteristic change in character on Vegeta's part had him stunned, Goku had only ever seen this side of him once before; just before he died at the hands of Frieza when he had poured his heart to him. Goku never thought he would see it again, let alone have the prince tend to him in such a way. None of it made sense but all he cared about in that moment was that Vegeta's soft gentle touch was enough to keep him there forever.

"You understand now Kakarot?"

Goku managed to open his eyes to look at the Prince, only to see Vegeta staring back down at him with intense eyes. Goku mustered all his strength to raise his hand and hold it to Vegeta's face; unsure what had possessed him to do such a thing, but it felt right. To his surprise Vegeta did not recoil from his touch, he did not do anything.

"Understand what?"

Inside Goku's head there was a fierce battle going on, one side of him screaming for answers as to what was happening, the other using every ounce of strength to remain conscious.

Something had changed in the last few moments, their relationship though simple had always been that of a physical nature; beat the life from each other and trade occasional threats or insults, nothing like this. Goku could not understand it; but what he did understand was that something unspoken had changed, something Saiyan. He had never felt this before, but it felt natural. In that moment something panged in his chest and fizzled throughout his body evenly in all directions like warm needles being traced on his skin. A pressure forming in his groin he had not felt since his return to earth.

What was that? Do I…want him? Goku questioned himself though the haze.

He did, he wanted Vegeta and he wanted him now. At least, that is what it felt like, and from what he could tell, the prince felt the same way, though he could not be certain. Get physical now and ask the questions later, that is what their relationship had always been right? It was almost as if somebody else was in control of his body and emotions, he had never imagined ever having urges like this towards another man, let alone for Vegeta, and yet now it felt like he had always had these feelings for him. Then again, he could be delirious. He had taken many beatings in his life, some of them from Vegeta so he was fairly certain this wasn't a strange symptom of that.

Goku tried to shift his weight so he could sit up however, his body protested painfully.

Ouch. Nope, that is not happening.

"Rest Kakarot, you're no good to me in this state."

What did he mean by that? Goku tried to respond, but before he could Vegeta let go of him and jumped to his feet sensing somebody coming their direction.

"Your son is here Kakarot, he will take care of you now." Vegeta said, his cold and heartless manor returning before he took to the sky once more and was gone.

As Goku watched the prince fly away he wanted to scream NO come back, do not leave me, but he could barely move never mind chase after him. The weeks of sleepless nights had finally taken over, fatigue and tiredness now claiming Goku's body while his mind started the difficult task of trying to understand what exactly had just happened between himself and Vegeta.

"Oh My God, Dad what happened to you?" Gohan gasped in shock as he seen his father in a heap by the water side.

"I've got you now, common let's go." lifting his father gently, Gohan heading in the direction of home.

For the short journey back Goku's mind was in a completely different place altogether. His thoughts on what had just happened, and why it had to end so quickly. Or did he even want it to happen again? That question did not take long to answer. Goku had to experience it again, he had to experience more, and this was to be his next challenge.

To be continued…