Summary: Link is miserable and heartsick when he returns home from his adventures, until he overhears a rumor about an odd mirror. Link x Midna. Contains Twilight Princess spoilers.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Legend of Zelda or any of its characters. I am not making any sort of profit from writing this story.

Warning: This story contains Twilight Princess spoilers. You have been warned.



Zelda watched the back of Link's blond head as they rode on in silence. He hadn't spoken a word since they'd left the mirror chamber deep in the western desert.

One didn't need to possess the triforce of wisdom to know he'd taken Midna's departure hard.

Hyrule castle now loomed before them on the horizon, bathed in the light of the rising moon. The Princess of Hyrule looked upon it, her soft blue eyes troubled. She didn't want to leave this mysterious boy lost in his own thoughts.

"Link," she started softly as they neared the market's western bridge. She watched him closely for a sign that he was listening. His head turned ever so slightly in her direction, though his eyes, burdened with sadness, remained forward. Epona, the boy's mare, continued to walk along, her gait unchanged.

"Midna did not mean to make you hurt this way," the princess told him, resting her gloved hand delicately on his shoulder. "She was only doing what she thought was best…for this world, and her own."

He remained silent a time, and as he halted his mare before Hyrule Castle, she began to wonder if he'd respond at all. With a sigh, she dismounted and started to walk towards the castle, and the throng of guards awaiting her.

"Shadow and light."

She paused, turning to look at Link. The words, softly and thoughtfully uttered had no doubt come from him. Patiently, she waited for him to continue.

His normally fierce blue eyes seemed to have lost their fire. They were not fixed on her, but instead stared distantly at his mare's white mane. How she wished he'd look at her with hope again, as he had when they'd first met.

"'One cannot exist without the other.' Those were your words, weren't they?"

She nodded once. "They were."

The guards were growing impatient and nervous. Some started towards the blond princess.

The hero finally rose his head a little, though he still did not look at her. His hair, dirty and matted with sweat and dirt, fell over his eyes. "Thank you for your help, your highness. Maybe we'll meet again some day."

She gasped quietly as his chestnut mare reared and neighed loudly. With a kick of Link's heel, they raced away, leaving the Princess of Light in their wake.

"Wait," she whispered uselessly. The pair had already vanished from sight, the sound of Epona's hooves fading away into the night.


The journey home took longer than necessary. Once he'd broken free of the marketplace, he allowed Epona to walk. He owed his faithful companion that much, at least.

It was a lonely trip. Some distant part of him half expected Midna to come out from his shadow and lecture him for being so slow. Of course, it wouldn't happen.

He'd probably never hear her voice again.

Tears burned at the corners of his eyes. Exhausted, hungry, and in dire need of a bath, it was harder to simply push through his feelings as he had done continuously over the past few weeks. Had he fallen in love with the imp? If it wasn't love, what else could it be?

And did this mean he'd never loved Ilia, as he'd always thought?

Shadow and light. She had been his shadow, and he her light.

A tear dropped onto his hand.

Trees, thick and powerful lined the path on either side of him. It was dawn. Yet another sleepless night had passed. The weight of the Master Sword was heavy on his back.

He was almost home, but there was something he had to do, first.


"Liiiiink! Are you home yet? Hey, c'mon!" Fado called. The young ranch hand had done this every morning since the children had returned. Just like every other day, not a sound could be heard from the empty house.

Ilia watched quietly from her place nearby, hardly daring to hope. She'd kept a steady vigilance on the trail that led out of the village, waiting for Link's return. It was very possible that he'd come back in the night…

But then, Epona was still no where to be seen.

Everyone in the village was worried. Link was the only one who had yet to return, and no one knew what had become of him. The last person to have seen him was the village swordsman, Rusl, who was also a long time friend of Link's. He had last seen the boy charging into Hyrule Castle, and judging by the state of things, something horrible must've awaited him within.

Everyone had been quiet and subdued. It just wasn't the same without him around.

She watched, her own heart aching as Fado gave up and started back towards the village.

But wait…

Ilia twisted her head around, listening closely as she watched the trail. There! The unmistakable sound of hoof beats!

With a happy cry, the pale girl shot to her feet, unable to keep herself from smiling widely. Fado paused, glancing back at her curiously, though his eyes widened when he heard the sound as well.

Epona's large form rounded a bend in the trail, her coat shining a brilliant chestnut as the sun fell over her.

"Link!" Ilia cried happily, dashing forward to meet them. The weary hero smiled softly in return. He dismounted just in time for her to plow into him and embrace him tightly.

The girl's cry seemed to echo throughout the area, and it wasn't long before Ordon's entire population was there, in Link's little corner of the village. Everyone welcomed him warmly with hugs and hearty pats on the back. He did his best to return their affection, forcing smiles and trying to sound cheerful when he spoke with them.

Despite his efforts, Link's low spirits were noticed by several, namely Ilia and Rusl. They could see it in his eyes, but both shrugged it off and assumed he was just tired and would be better after some much needed rest.



Author's Note: Dare I try again? It's been forever since I've attempted writing. Twilight Princess seems to have inspired me, and though I've still got to settle the details of this story, hopefully this one won't make an appearance on Fanfic rants, yeah?

I know it's short. Sorry.

Anyway, hope you all liked the prologue. Let me know if I should keep going, will ya? Much appreciated.

1/03/07: Moved the beginning of chapter 1 over to prologue.

8/05/07: Fixed an incorrect word.