Thank you to everybody who has reviewed this so far.I was hoping you would of liked it.Such yumminess...ok this is the last chapter not as steamy as the one before this but still just as good!! again enjoy and please leave reviews.

It Must Of Been Something In The Eggnog

Chapter 3.

Tatsumi leaned against the table, annoyed with Tsuzuki.

"You like my eggnog that much, Tatsumi? Well, I'm flattered." Watari beamed.
Tatsumi puts the glass down fixing his tie.

"Tsuzuki never came with a glass," he looked at Watari.

Suddenly, his stare turned predatory at the blonde. Watari looked at Tatsumi strangely as he noticed the secretary loosen his tie with a lusty look across his face.

"Watari, did I even tell you how cute you look?" Tatsumi slowly advanced toward the bewildered blonde.

"Tatsumi! What are you...?"

Before he knew it, Tatsumi grabbed the scientist throwing him onto the table.

"Don't say another word, Watari," he whipered as he kissed the shocked man's neck.
"I just want to taste your lips." He pressed his mouth to Watari's, kissing him and pulling the blonde's body completely onto the table with him on top.


Hisoka came out of the bathroom, rubbing his aching head, trying to clear the last of the pounding in his head, only to look up in shock at the scene before him.

"Oh god! That's disgusting!" It seemed everyone, in different forms of undress,
were locked in passionate embraces.

Then he noticed Watari and Tatsumi on the dessert table.

"I thought I've seen everything!" Hisoka pounced on top of Tatsumi, pulling at the larger man.

"Tatsumi! What are you doing? What is going on!" he exclaimed.

Tatsumi tightly clenched Watari in a suffocating embrace. Hisoke shook him harder.
"Snap out of it! What's gotten into you!" he yelled.

As if coming out of a trance, Tatsumi suddenly loosened his hold on Watari. Quickly, he pulled himself upright, fumbling with his tie.

"Umm, yes. W-well. Y-yes. You see," he stammered.

They looked around the room seeing everyone get up and dust themselves off.

"Uncontrolled, huh? Whatever was in that eggnog caused this," Hisoka accused, looking pointedly at Watari.

Watari blushed.

"Okay. You found me out. I was working on a potion earlier and well. I just needed to test it." Tatsumi grabbed Watari's shirt tightly hauling the shinigami closer to him.

"What kind of potion?" the secretary demanded.

Watari bit his lip looking away.

"A potion to drop one's inhibitions," he gave Tatsumi a wink.

"I never knew you cared so much, Tatsumi!" Watari exclaimed.

Tatsumi released his hold causing the blonde to fall to the ground.

Hisoka could only laugh as Tatsumi blushed a bright red.

"Hey! Where's Tsuzuki?" the boy wondered.

Watari scrambled to his feet, dusting his suit. "Oh, he was going to deliver you two your eggnogs. But maybe he got distracted."

"If he drank that eggnog there's no telling what kind of mess he's gotten into. Let's find him," Hisoka announced.

Thus agreeing, all three searched the area.

"Let's try upstairs," Watari suggested.

Running up the staircase, they proceed to check all the rooms.

Hisoka touches one of the door's handle and immediately fell back. He stumbled and fell to his knees, clutching his head as the torrent of emotions emanating from within.

Tatsumi ran over to him.

"Hisoka! What's wrong?" he helped the youth up to his feet.

Hisoka looked up at him, sweating.

"When I touched the door...the emotions. So many sensations..."

Tatsumi nodded to Watari to open the door, but before the blonde moved, the heavy door swung open.

Muraki walked out. His shirt looked torn and tattered, his suit jacket wrinkled. The doctor calmly walked to the landing, taking a cigerette from the case in his jacket, he proceeded to light it and took a deep drag.

Tsuzuki slowly walked out. His clothes were completely torn and wrinkled, his dark hair disheveled. He looked a little dazed.

Muraki smiled at the brunette. Walking up to Tsuzuki, he pulled the shinigami close to his chest. Leaning down he whispered, "Merry Christmas, Tsuzuki-san," softly kissing the other's lips.

Tsuzuki closed his eyes, receiving the tender kiss.

Muraki gently released him. Still smiling, he turned at his heel and walked elegantly down the stairs.

The three shinigami looked back at the room and observed the large broken bed. Slowly they looked back at their friend.

Tsuzuki, blushing furiously, shrugged, grinning goofily.


Under a sakura tree, Tsuzuki lazily watched the white petals fall to the ground.

Hisoka quietly approached him, holding a package. He leaned against the tree.

"Here, this is for you," the boy held out the wrapped box.

The brunette smiled brightly, sitting up.

"A present! Oh, Hisoka you shouldn't have!"

The younger shinigami sighed.

"Baka! It's not from me!"

Puzzled, Tsuzuki shook the box, "Not you? I wonder who could it be, then?"

He tore at the wrapping. He pulled out a bottle of eggnog-flavored wine and a card.

"Tsuzuki-san, last night was Heaven. What are you doing for New Year's?"

Tsuzuki laughed as he held up the bottle.

Borellio, with a hint of eggnog flavor.

"You know, Hisoka, the funny thing is...I didn't even have any eggnog at the party."

Hisoka looked at him wide-eyed. Tsuzuki tucked the card in his pocket.

Getting up, he walked away lifting the bottle in the air.



Merry Christmas Everyone and Happy New Year!!