
1. I had never ever had these many reviews before.

2. I like the idea of Ryomi and Akutsu being friends, MayokoUraine; I'll take it.

3. If anyone would like to put any good ideas, that'd be great, I'm running out of it.


1. Fuji Creepy Tensai

2. Eiji Neko-chan

3. Tezuka Sensei

4. Momo Momoshiri

5. Kaidoh Nice Mamushi

6. Inui Data Freak

7. Kawamura Yin & Yang

8. Oishi – Oka-san

Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis.

"Hello" – talk

'Hello' – thoughts

Hello – telepathy

"Hello" – speaking English

It was Saturday today; Ryomi woke up and saw it was 7:30.

I thought I had the alarm ready on 6:30 (Note: She is a morning person)

Ryomi then had a feeling who it was that turned it off but was not sure. She does sometime forget to do things she wants to do. She carefully goes over to Karupin and pokes him. Karupin slowly rises and stretch then greets his owner's sister.


Ryomi holds the alarm clock in front of Karupin and points at it.

Karupin, do you know who turn my alarm clock off?

Since Karupin is a smart cat and he completely understand what Ryomi meant; he meows and his tail points at his little owner sleeping on the ground with a sleeping bag. Ryomi was fill with rage.

So it WAS Onii-san!

Ryomi tries to calm her anger down so then she won't burn anything near to her. She walks over to her brother and leans over to prod his head.

Onii-san…you've done something…unforgivable

Ryoma quickly wakes up and backs away from his demented little sister. He has no idea what's gotten into her. Wait, he remembered last night that he turned off the alarm clock. 'Shimata!' Ryoma regrets that he did such a thing.


"G-gomen, Ryomi, I didn't know" said Ryoma. Ryomi sighed in frustration. She'll just have to skip the mistake her big brother made and went on to the main point why she wanted to wake up in 6:30.

Onii-san, I'd like to go to the mall

"That's why you woke me up?" Ryoma asked.

Third part of it Ryomi says it in an angered voice. Ryoma notes to himself 'Never touch the alarm clock again'

Ne! Onii-san!!

"Alright, alright" said Ryoma as he gets up and went to get ready. Ryomi gave herself a satisfied smile as she went to get ready too. After they got ready, they went downstairs and eat breakfast.

"Good morning, Ryomi, Ryoma! I made your favorite breakfast today! Oba-san had an emergency meeting, she had to leave early today" said Nanako as she placed their food in front of them and the twins start eating.

"So what are you two going to do today, hm?" Nanako asked as she went to finish cooking. "We're going to do the mall today," said Ryoma. Ryomi wanted to speak but she couldn't and that's what hurts her. Ryoma could feel her pain, which made him sad too. After all, they are twins and just because they share telepathy don't mean that they don't have a strong bond with each other. "That's so nice! A brother and sister time! Hey, how about Onii-san and I come too? By the way, where is he?" Nanako asked.

They glanced around and saw Aoshi with Nanjiroh reading the newspaper. Ryoma and Ryomi gave uninterested looks or like saying are-you-stupid? Nanako, who knew the idea of the newspaper, she went over to make sure if it was what she thought and what do you know it is.

"OOOH! Onii-san! Oji-san!" shouted Nanako as she grabbed the magazine. "Eh! Nanako! Give it back!" shouted Nanjiroh. "Why Nanako? Why?" Aoshi asked so sadly. The twins were done with their breakfast and decided to leave the fiasco but they brought their racquets with them just in case. (Remember? Aoshi from the first chapter of this story?)

Ryoma and Ryomi were having a mental conversation with each other, Ryoma decided to talk telepathically, it'll be easier even though he'll loose concentration to where he's going. Just as they passed through the Tennis Store, Inui was right across the street, right in front of a bookstore when suddenly he saw the Echizen Twins. They have their racquets with them! Are they going to play tennis? Inui quickly calls Eiji.

"Nya, moshi-moshi!"

"Eiji, would you to come with me and take notes on Echizen and his sister, Ryomi?" Inui asked. Eiji got excited. He's gonna see her again! "Nya! Where are you?" Eiji asked as he ran through an alley. "In front of the book…" Inui stopped as he saw Eiji came out of the alley. Eiji saw him. Then there was a moment of silence.

"Well…that was fast" said Inui. Eiji then spotted Ryoma and Ryomi walking with each other. "Nya! That's so cute! Brothers and sisters! Kawaii! Kawaii!" shouted Eiji. Inui noticed that Ryoma or Ryomi did not hear Eiji's shouts. "Hmm…85 percent they're telepathically talking," said Inui. Eiji just forgot that the Echizen twins have telepathy. "Nya! I forgot! Nya! They're gonna play tennis! Nya, I wanna watch!" said Eiji.

Therefore, the two scouts went ahead, following the twins, which lead to another bookstore. "Nya, why didn't they just went to the book store you were in, Inui?" Eiji asked. "Hmm, interesting…" said Inui.

They sneakily go over to watch what they were doing. Ryoma and Ryomi were checking at an address book. They were finding something and then Ryomi looked happy. It seems she found what she's been looking for. Ryoma nodded and went to the employee on the cash register to ask him something. Inui and Eiji could not hear since they're outside. They watched the employee nod and hands Ryoma a paper and a pen. Ryomi comes up and points at the following address at the address book. Ryoma starts writing down the address, after that, hands the pen back to the employee and said thanks. The twins left the bookstore and continue.

Inui and Eiji come out at the alley. "Hmm, 78 percent that they are going somewhere that's worthwhile," said Inui. "When are they going to play tennis?!" Eiji shouted. "Oi, Inui-senpai, Eiji-senpai, what are you two doing?" Momo asked who came by. "Nya! Momo! Don't you want to see Ochibi and Ryomi-chan play tennis!?" shouted Eiji. "Eh!? That'd be so cool!" said Momo. "Hmm, they will eventually play tennis, let's keep following," said Inui as he scribble on his notebook nonstop.

They follow the Echizen twins once again this time with another scout, Momo. So now, the three scouts ventured off to follow the mysterious twins. The twins stopped at this shop called, "Kage's Antiques".

"Eh? I didn't know, Echizen likes antiques!" said Momo.

"Nya! Ochibi likes antiques?" Eiji asked.

"Ii data, 95 percent that it's Ryomi's idea" said Inui.

Momo, Eiji, and Inui went into the store without being caught by the Echizen twins. They saw Ryomi astonished at a small sculpture of two dragons on the counter. A red dragon that breathes out fire and a white dragon that breathes out ice. Ryoma was also interested at the sculpture, he even smiled at it.

"Nya, Ochibi is smiling" Eiji whispered but what he really saw was Ryomi's smile.

"That's scary…yet I'm so glad" Momo whispered back.. "Ii…data" Inui murmured as he scribbles fast on his notebook.

Ryomi carefully placed her little fingers on the small sculpture, fingering the design. Ryoma does the same then check the price tag. From what Eiji could see with his perfect eye vision, he sees that the price caused 20,000 yen ( Note: In America it's almost about 400 dollars). A little sculpture like that caused that much?!

"Nya…that thing caused 20,000 yen"

"eh? You serious?" Momo asked.

"Hmm…87 percent strange why it caused so much…"

Ryoma and Ryomi then took out a pouch and check their money.

Ne Onii-san, I have…7,000 yen, what do you have?

"Just 8,000 yen, meaning we only have 15,000; not enough to pay for it," said Ryoma. Ryomi looks down. She really wanted it. It pains Eiji's little heart to see her sad. Eiji was about to go and offer some money but then a shopkeeper came by to the twins.

"Good morning, to you both, how may I help you?" the Shopkeeper asked.

"Umm, nothing, we're just about to leave" said Ryoma.

"Oh, it seems like you both wanted this small crafted dragon. I know it's in great shape but believe or not it's 2,000 years old, It was found in one of the volcanoes of Hawaii. It's said to represent the powerful of the two dragons of earth a hundred million years ago. Some people say it's just a legend but the truth is it's real" said the shopkeeper.

How'd it end up in your shop?

"How'd it end up in your shop?" Ryoma asked for Ryomi. The shopkeeper paused for a moment to remember. "Hmm, well, honestly, as I remembered when I was just a kid before I inherited this antique shop, a man came in the house and talked to my father. He looked like a well profitable man. He gave this sculpture to my father and said 'If you ever see a bundle of twins coming in to your shop with interests of this sculpture, give it to them' and with that he left" said the shopkeeper.

is it? Ryomi asked.

No…Impossible… said Ryoma.

"Well, it seems like you two must be the first bundle of twins who came into my store so…" the shopkeeper grabs the sculpture and checked it out on the register, puts it in a bag and then gives to Ryomi. Ryomi's face gleams with joy. "You're giving it to us for free?" Ryoma asked. "Yup, my father had kept his word and now I kept his word him, now have a great day!" said the shopkeeper.

"Thank you" said Ryoma and Ryomi bows to thank him. The Echizen twins both left the store. Eiji and Momo start to follow but saw Inui not following. "Oi, Inui-senpai" said Momo. "Hmm…something's not right…" said Inui as he just shrug and follows. 'I'll try to find some things here in this shop next time, something just not seem to fit right here…' Inui thought as they continue on to their journey. Mean while, the shopkeeper goes to the back and lets out his mischievous smile.

He softly cackled quietly and said to himself, "the dragons are back…the dragons are back…"

He quickly went to the phone and dialed number. After a while to wait, the phone picks up.

"What?! Who is this?! I'm busy!" shouted a female voice on the phone.

"Scorn, it's me" said the shopkeeper with a different voice this time.

"Hughes? What do you want? Like I said, I'm busy!" said Scorn.

"The dragons…I've met them"

"What?! Where are they?!"

"Calm down, calm down, you'll have your chance soon. Anyway, their names are Echizen Ryoma, you know, that tennis freshman prodigy from Seigaku?"

"Him? That runt? They haven't even begin their transformation!"

"Not yet to say the least and with him is his twin sister though…it seems like she's mute"

"Doesn't matter, I'll pay them a visit at Friday, what school was it again?"

"Seishun Academy School, I think"

"Better be, bye"

"Bye" Hughes put down the phone and laughs. "Soon…Soon…the world will belong to the seven priests and this time we'll win this…"

Voting Pairings Result:

Eiji/Ryomi – 10

Tezuka/Ryomi – 10

Fuji/Ryomi – 5

Yuuta/Ryomi – 4

Kaidoh/Ryomi – 3

Kevin/Ryomi – 2

Atobe/Ryomi – 1

No pairings – 2

Notes: Suggest any appropriate parings you want.

Please review!