A/N: In our school's anime club, one of the moderators challenged me to write a drabble a day for the days up to Christmas. I have written all of them for up to now, and I am only going to post a few because not all are allowed on this site. There are a variety of different fandoms, and this one just happened to be BLEACH and Orihime is plotting.

Disclaimer: BLEACH (C) Tite Kubo

by Mint Pizza Queen

Orihime smiled brightly as she hung the mistletoe in the doorway. By cleverly concealing it above the doorframe and not hanging in plain view, it would be perfect to catch Ichigo off-guard and get the perfect chance to kiss him! It was perfect, there was no way it could fail.


Another cute guy like him came along.

Renji was absolutely clueless when it came to human holidays. He was already having an odd morning as it was. Instead of being plowed over by the city bus, as he normally was, the bus driver stopped and waved, and actually gave him a ride to the school for free. Which was odd, because usually the lady would dive out the window (after plowing him over of course) and steal what little human money he had.

The second thing that was off that happened he didn't even WANT to talk about, but why the hell were there so many red and green items floating about? And why were the trees alight? Didn't that usually mean the trees were on fire?

The red-haired shinigami paused in the doorway to contemplate. "Humans are strange indeed."

"Tell me about it." Ichigo stopped in front of him for some idol chat.

Orihime's eyes widened. 'Oh no! They are both under the mistle toe!'

What she didn't realize was she had murmured this aloud and Rukia happened to be walking by. The black haired girl stopped in mid-step, trying to remember just what exactly a mistletoe was for.

Oh yeah. Now she remembered.

Damn Kon and his perverted flash cards.

"Oh, Ichigo! Renji!" She called out, grinning.

Both looked over.

She pointed with a smirk to the mistletoe.

Ichigo blanched and Renji gave a queer look.

Rukia made kissy noises.

Renji pulled his sword out faster than ever and sliced the poor plant into tiny, almost undetectable pieces. And just to make sure his job was done, he destroyed the doorway.

Orihime went to a nearby corner to mourn over the loss of her chance (and plant).