Just Another Day

When my computer was shut off I got bored and started writing random stories that popped in my head. I ended up writing two one-shot stories of Zac and Ashley. This one, and Realizing well… Enjoy! Remember… I own NOTHING.


This is ALL Ashley's POV:

I walked in the busy coffee shop to get my usual early morning drink before heading off to work. Today, I was really craving for a nice hot drink. It's so cold out; my hands were pretty much frozen! I stood in line, the very long line, just like every morning. I'm as tired as ever, but I managed to force myself to stay awake, not that I have a choice anyways. I'm just dying to get my hands wrapped around the warm cup of coffee right now.

Five minutes later, I was in front of the line, my turn to order my drink. I ordered my usual coffee drink—only today I got a bigger size. As soon as I paid for my drink and the worker handed me the drink, I grabbed a pack of newspaper and sat down on an empty table by myself. I still had forty-five minutes until I had to be at work. I flipped through the newspaper, reading the titles quickly. Nothing seemed to have caught my eyes, but I continued to read through it anyways. That was when I heard a familiar laugh. I looked up and found no one I knew. I figured I'm just imagining things.

Then I heard a few people scream and run over to a crowd. I looked up once again and this time, in the middle of the crowd, I saw a familiar golden brown shaggy hair. His back was facing me, but I sure do recognize that hair. As soon as I heard him speak, I knew for sure who he was. My heart literally stopped beating. I didn't know whether to leave the shop or just sit here and pretend like I didn't notice him. I decided to stay seated, and just watch him order his drink. Of course, when he turned my way, I started to get nervous again. I wanted to lift the newspapers up and cover my face, but my hands didn't have enough strength to quickly do that. My eyes soon met his ocean blue eyes. That was when Zac Efron's breathe taking smile fade away into a shocking frown.

He paused for a little bit, just staring at me. I was as shock as he was—but I wasn't THAT shock. I knew I would see him again—one day. But of course I didn't plan on it—at least not today. He walked close towards me and suddenly everything cam back to mind. Everything. Everything that happened. I tried shaking it off, but that never works.

"I don't need you in my life! Stop telling me what to do!" I shouted angrily with tears falling down my cheeks.

"Then don't listen to me, Ashley. If you don't need me then go…." He said pretty much throwing me out of his house.

"I hate you!" I cried.

"I know you do!" he shouted before slamming the door in front of my face.

That was the last time I've ever seen him. Two years ago—just about. Those were his last words to me too. Ever since then, I haven't heard from him or anything. I hadn't seen him face to face, until today anyways. Sad thing is, I know the fight was all my fault. I know Zac was just waiting for me to say sorry to him. And I wanted to say sorry, I really did, but I was too scared that he would yell at me again. I never got the courage to say that. Just because I didn't say that one word 'Sorry', years and years of close friendship went down the drain, just like that. I was the one being all-negative and I just refused to listen to him. I didn't think he had the rights to tell me who to not go out with. Even though he was right and I wished I had listened to him—I can't that take that back now anyways. I was a real jerk for giving Brad another chance, after he cheated on me. I just thought he wouldn't do it again, but I was wrong, Zac was right.

I watched Zac take the empty seat across from me. He took a sip of his coffee and cleared his throat. I sat my newspapers down and held onto my coffee cup.

"Hey," He said almost in a slight whisper.

I opened my mouth to say something, but no words came out. I did manage to give him a small smile. He returned the smile, which made my body go cold again. I felt all my blood rush up and down through my body.

"How have you bee?" Zac asked sounding so calm and relax.

How could he be so calm? I'm freaking out here!

"Good. Good. You?" I asked nodding not taking my eyes off him.

"Okay, I guess," He answered taking another sip of his coffee.

It was my turn to ask him a question. The only question that popped in my mind was:

"What are you doing here?"

I was curious to find out. I've heard that he had moved to New York. Which seemed true since I haven't seen him around here at all.

"I wanted to come back home. I've lived here my whole life. I couldn't just move to another state like that," He explained as I nodded.

I expected him to say something like: 'I didn't see why I had to leave just because of you. You should be the one to leave.'

But I knew Zac wasn't like that. Even though I had a feeling he meant to say something really similar to that.

Neither one of us said anything after that. He just picked up the newspapers I was reading and started to read it. I sat in silence wondering what would happen next. My mind was already filled with so many wonders and thoughts of how to break the long awkward silence.

"Zac…I'm sorry," I finally managed to say trying not to cry.

I didn't want to cry; I did feel like crying though. But I didn't want to look like a fool in front of him—again.

He looked up at me. I bit my bottom lip not sure of what to expect from him. I couldn't tell if he was going to forgive me or not. All he did was nod and look at me. Does that mean he forgave me?

"So… You forgive me?" I asked making sure.

"Yeah. I forgave you a long time ago. I was just hoping you would come to me and ask me that. But when you never did, I learned to take in that you really meant it. You didn't need me in your life. I'm not mad at you— I—well—Just--- I was just—hurt," Zac finished as I felt my eyes get all watery.

I felt really horrible. I didn't mean anything I said. I needed Zac in my life. He's my best friend. I haven't been exactly fine since he left! I never hated him, I could never hate him. I didn't mean ANY of it. Before I could stop myself, tears were once again running down my cheeks.

"I didn't mean it. I don't hate you Zac. I didn't mean it. I do need you. I really do," I sobbed causing everyone to stare at me.

Zac got up from his seat and walked in front of me. For a second I thought he was going to leave. Until I felt his arms wrap around me. I moved in closer to him, crying harder. I felt really awful. I didn't know what to do.

"Hey. It's okay. I'm not mad at you," He whispered into my hair.

"But I yelled at you—I—I—I hurt you. I didn't listen to you. I never apologized to you and I wrecked our friendship," I cried finally wrapping my arms around his waist.

"You were just mad. It's okay. I'm over it. It's all right, Ash. You don't need to worry about it. I'm not mad at you. I will always forgive you. I—I—," He stopped as I looked up wiping my eyes.

"Hmm?" I said wanting to know what he was going to say.

"Nothing. Never mind. I forgot." He smiled.

I decided not to question him. I couldn't believe he was just going to forgive me like this easily. Not that I'm complaining. I just didn't think he would ever forgive me.

I glanced at my phone realizing I had to go to work—now. I didn't want to go to work anymore, but I had to.

"I have to head to work," I said wiping my eyes one more time.

"Oh. Okay." Zac said giving me a quick hug.

"See you again?" I said in a questioned tone.

"I still have your number," He said giving me a kiss on the lips.

I beamed at his answer—and the kiss too. That came as a surprise, even thought it was just a quick peck…. It felt great.

(Should I kept it a one-shot or make it into a story? I felt like making it into a story, but I figured I should see what you guys think. I guess depending on if I get a lot of reviews I'll make it into a story. But if I do make it into a story, I won't update until probably after I finish Right In Front of You and More Than Just Best Friends. which should be done soon…)