Kakashi stood at the eastern gate about an hour before dawn. His casual slouch betrayed nothing of his whirling thoughts. Black Tiger... now that was a puzzle. Why had he come out of retirement? Was it just for this? Why for this? Most adult ninjas wanted nothing to do with Naruto, the nine-tailed foxe's carrier, so why would Black Tiger show interest? Had Iruka begged this of the man? Kakashi felt anger at such a thought but couldn't really figure why. He shrugged it off, and returned to his pensive thoughts. "I hope Sasuke is ready for this..."

Sasuke stood just outside the Uchiha mansion. "I'm not sure I want to go..." he said.
Iruka came out of the shadows and stood behind him. "I know what you mean...but do you really want Naruto to suffer? Because he will with Orochimaru."
Sasuke bit his lip. "No...not Naruto..."
Iruka put a gentle hand on his shoulder. "I understand. You care for him, right?"
Sasuke stiffened and looked at Iruka, shock in his dark eyes.
Iruka gave a gentle smile. "It's alright."
Sasuke felt a slight blush infusing his cheeks, and he looked away. "...yes."
Iruka's smile widened. "Then go." He gave Sasuke a slight push.
Sasuke stumbled forward a bit then looked back. Iruka was nowhere to be seen. Sasuke shivered then walked to the eastern gate.

"Ohayo, Kakashi-sensei." Sasuke called softly.
Kakashi looked up. "Ohayo, Sasuke-kun. You're late."
Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "No. You were early."
"Actually, you're both late." came a voice right behind Kakashi and Sasuke. Both men spun around. Stand behind them was a man dressed in black and grey ANBU armor. Two swords were strapped to his waist and a pack over his shoulder. What was most interesting was the mask. It was completely black and in the shape of a tiger's face with white stripes across it, like tiger markings. Dark brown hair could be seen framing the masked face. The man tilted his head to one side. "...Don't tell me I startled you?" the voice was completely monotone through the voice changer but amusement was still evident in the way the words were said.

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "No," he drawled, "We just spun around for the dizzy high." Kakashi raised an eyebrow at Sasuke's sarcasm, admiring the tang it had. The man laughed.
"I take it you are Black Tiger-san?" Kakashi asked.
"Wow. You really are a genius, aren't you Kakashi-kun."
Sasuke gave a whistle of admiration at the hidden barb.
Kakashi's eye narrowed. "I take that as a yes."
"Of course."
Kakashi 'hmphed' in annoyance. "We should get going."
"Of course Kakashi-kun. After you."
Sasuke shook his head at the adult's antics. They set off in the direction where Naruto disappeared, hoping that they were not too late.

Sorry that it's late. Computer problems.