The man shaped shadow looked down through the window of it's quarry. Said quarry was just going to bed. The shadow grinned in a way resembling Naruto. He wouldn't know what hit him...

Kakashi trudged into the Hokage's office looking a little more, well, sloppy than usual. Tsunade raised an eyebrow at this. Kakashi wasn't even reading his normal Icha Icha Paradise as he would have normally.

"What happened to you?" Tsunade asked feeling curiosities tug. Kakashi looked a bit disgruntled and embarrassed at the same time.

"Someone rearranged my room..."

Tsunade snorted her curiosity fading, "A childish prank Kaka-"

"While I was asleep in it." Kakashi interrupted.

Tsunade fell silent and looked at Kakashi, unbelieving. "...Your kidding right...?"

Kakashi shook his head. "They also moved my bed...While I Was On It."

Tsunade now looked impressed. "And you didn't wake up the whole time this was happening." Tsunade looked thoughtful.

"Not even a twitch."

"I see...Here's your mission for today Kakashi. I will have some one look into this." Tsunade handed Kakashi a folder and shooed him out of her office.

"Jiraiya, I KNOW your there. Come out please." The Perverted Hermit came in Tsunade's window.

"I can't fool you anymore."

"I take it you were eavesdropping?"

"Me? Would I do tha-"


"Then yes, yes I was."

"And what do YOU make of it?"

Jiraiya grinned. "I remember something like this happening a couple of years ago."

Tsunade looked at him. "Who too?"

Jiraiya chuckled dryly. "Yours truly. I only woke up when the scamp was done moving my bed. Good thing he had quick reflexes or he probably would have been killed."

Tsunade looked very interested. "So you caught who it was? Who was it? Itachi?"

Jiraiya chuckled again. "No and that's the most amusing part you see..." Jiraiya proceeded to tell Tsunade the whole story.

Tsunade's eye were very wide by the end of the story. "No way! Not him!"

"It was him."

"...I need to speak with him about this..."

"I'll go get him if you like."

"If you please..."
"Okay then." Jiraiya walked out of Tsunade's office down to the Mission room.

Iruka was working diligently as usual, smiling at the shinobi that handed him their mission reports. Some were to tired to do much more than crack a small grin, other's were still quite fresh. Iruka looked up as he normally did when the door opened to see who was there. His eye widened as the person beckoned for him to follow. Iruka stood up from the desk and talked to Anko who grudgingly took his place with the promise of Dango after he came back. Iruka bustled out the door, trailing some paper's that he had decided to take with him. "What a surprise to see you here. For what reason did you come down to the mission room?"

"The Hokage wants to see you. Apparently Our own Hatake Kakashi got pranked last night."

"Oh my...Why is she summoning me?" Iruka looked genuinely shocked.

Jiraiya rolled his eyes at Iruka's innocent expression. "remember what happened a couple years ago, when I got on your nerves?"

"...I should know better than to repeat a prank." Iruka sighed.

Jiraiya gave a small chuckle. "Granted I am the only one who knows that you did it then."

Iruka gave a wry grin. "No, Now Tsunade-sama knows too. You are a bad liar."

"Funny, I'm supposed to be one of the best..." Jiraiya shrugged.

"Let's not keep her waiting, you first Iruka-kun."

"After you Jiraiya-ojiisan."

"..That's not funny."

Tsunade looked up from some paperwork she had been doing as Jiraiya walked in followed by Iruka. Iruka wore his usual polite smile. Jiraiya looked a bit sulky. Tsunade raised an eyebrow at his behavior but greeted Iruka smoothly, "Good to see you again Iruka-san."

Iruka bowed his head, "Glad to see you are well Hokage-sama."

Tsunade sighed. "Let's drop the formalities, please."
Iruka looked vaguely amused. "Okay Tsunade-baachan"
Tsunade's eye twitched. "Not that informally Iruka-chan."
"Oh I'm sorry. I forget your just like Jiraiya. You hate being remind of your old age. My apologies."
"...Where did this attitude come from?" Tsunade asked, quite like in this attitude Iruka had with her now.
"Here and there."
"never mind, we're getting side tracked. I suppose you know why you are here correct?"
"The great Hatake Kakashi got pranked in the middle of night, or so Jiraiya says."
"Correct. And do you know why you we're called here?"
"I was called because Jiraiya told you about the time I did the exact same prank to him and that makes you think that I did this one."
"Didn't you?"
Iruka grinned. " How could I, a lowly chuunin, do that to Kakashi, a jounin? It defies all laws."
Tsunade grinned back. "Amazing isn't it. I looked through your file and found this." Tsunade held out a piece of paper that just seemed to have random words on it. "Do you know what it means?"
Iruka took the paper and studied it. Then he looked up at Tsunade. "It tells you where the rest of my file can be found."
Tsunade frowned, "The rest of your file?"
Iruka nodded. "I am a Hunter-nin of Konoha. I am the secret Hunter-nin, ex-commander of Interrogation, Konoha secret weapon."
Tsunade blinked. Jiraiya blinked also. "Who knew?" Jiraiya asked.
"The fourth and the third."
"Can you retrieve the rest of your file?"
"Certainty." Iruka walked over to the far left corner of the Hokage's office and ran his hand down the wall and three different spots he stopped and pressed something which gave a slight click. Back at the Hokage's desk a small drawer popped open in the front. Jiraiya reached inside and withdrew some papers.
"...Interesting...You'll have to show that to me..." Tsunade said.
"Later. I have to return to the mission desk before I owe Anko a weeks worth of Dango. I'll talk to you tonight?"
"Tonight is good." Tsunade said accepting the file from Jiraiya.
Iruka started to leave the room but was stopped when Jiraiya spoke up. "Not to be nosy or anything, but, WHY did you prank Kakashi?"
Tsunade looked up from Iruka's folder in time to catch a small, kind of evil smile.
"He needed to be knocked down a peg or two."
"I see." Jiraiya said.
"That and he groped me yesterday." With that last comment Iruka was gone.
Jiraiya blinked and Tsunade looked...surprised.
"...I never would of thought..." They both said at the same time.

Later when Kakashi returned from his mission and handed in his Mission report he found a smirking Iruka, who took his report, glanced at it, and handed it back with a big red 'x' in it and the comment 'Do it over.' Shrugging, Kakashi went to ask how Tsunade was doing on finding the Prankster. Tsunade looked at him, unconcerned. "Yes. And they were taken care of." With that last bit her mouth curved into a weird smile, as if she knew something he did not. Jiraiya sniggered from the corner where he was currently writing his next book. Kakashi raised one eyebrow at him. Jiraiya ignored the silent question and asked Tsunade a question. Kakashi ducked as Jiraiya went flying out the door and into the hallway. Turning Kakashi went home to correct his report and turn it in in the morning.

The next morning Kakashi's room was back to normal and, in red permanent ink, across his chest were the words, 'Ha. Got you again.' Hatake banged his head against his mirror and groaned.

...Bwahahahah!!! Okay, this was written, edited and submited in one hour at 12 am Pacific mountain time. I am feeling very tired and spazztic right now. Good night and please read and review. You can even say you hated it.