Shine On

Chapter 4 – Get your dancing shoes on…

Disclaimer - Inuyasha is not mine. However, this story is. So, take it... and you'll be sorry. Neither is the song "I Want You", "Never Let you Go" or "Semi-Charmed Kind of Life" by Third Eye Blind.


It was the night of the ball and everything had been going just as planned. I had asked Miroku to go with me and Inuyasha had asked Sango to go with him. Both said yes and we were totally on a roll. It was about four and the dance started at eight. I sighed as my eyeliner was smudged again. I was dressing up as a mermaid. It was a great dress, too. It was long and very constricting, flowing down to my ankles where it poofed out a tiny bit. It was a sleeveless dress and the very top, which covered my boobs, was all sequined up. Altogether, the dress was a light teal color. I had my hair down and some light teal eye shadow. I had been hoping to wear darker teal eyeliner with the eye shadow, but that just was not working for me. So, I sighed and used green. Who cares, right? It'll all be in the dark anyway.

Once I finished my make up, I heard the doorbell ring as if on cue. I smiled and ran to the door to find Miroku waiting. His purple Toyota sat in my driveway with Inuyasha in the backseat. Inuyasha was dressed in a vampire costume. I guess it was easiest considering he already had fangs. Miroku was dressed as a… um…

"Miroku, what are you?" I asked him. Miroku's mouth fell open and he let out a scoff.

"I'm a warlock!" He said gesturing to his purple cape. That was all his costume included, though. I rolled my eyes and followed him to the car. Inuyasha smiled once I got in.

"Don't you look nice, Kagome… what are you? A hooker for today?" He asked laughing. I shook my head.

"Well at least I'm not count DOGula." I said smirking. Inuyasha shut up and Miroku picked up the laughter where Inuyasha left off.

"Count Dogula… ooh… how funny." He said as we backed up and began to ride to Sango's.

"So… Inuyasha… you're goin with Sango?" Miroku asked eye him through the rear-view mirror. Inuyasha nodded.

"Yea… we basically just thought since we were both friends and she and Tohru just broke up, it'd be alright." Miroku nearly slammed on the brake. I smiled at his facial expression.

"They broke up?" He asked, hitting the gas again. Inuyasha nodded.

"Yesterday, Sango told him she just wasn't the girl for him and left him. I found it funny." Miroku was silent the rest of the ride to her house.


We pulled up into her driveway and Inuyasha got out to go to her door. Miroku just turned to me and I smiled at him.

"Wow, so… now you can make your move, huh?" I said. "Pretty cool that we're all double dating." I smiled. Miroku nodded.

"Why do I feel like you two had something to do with this?" He asked as Sango and Inuyasha came running back to the car.

"Hey, Miroku!" Sango said getting in. Miroku's face was completely mixed up. He seemed happy yet very suspicious. Sango was dressed up as a very sexy witch… just without a hat. It seemed to be very suiting considering Miroku was a warlock for the night… I giggled at my own thoughts.

"Alright." Inuyasha said. "Let's roll" As he shut his door, Miroku pulled out and we began on our way to the dance.


Once we arrived, the dance was well underway. Guess our clocks were a bit off. I grabbed Miroku's hand and walked to the front of the dance floor, right next to the band playing covers of Third Eye Blind's songs.

"Now you hold me,
and we're broken.
Still it's all that I want to do.
Feel myself with a head made of the ground,
I'm scared but I'm not coming down.
And I won't run for my life,
She's got her jaws just locked now in smile
but nothing is all right,
All right, I want something else,
To get me through this,
Semi-charmed kind of life,
I want something else,
I'm not listening when you say,

"Alright, alright! How y'all doing tonight?" The band shouted as we all cheered. Inuyasha and Sango had finally caught up to us and Miroku could not tear his eyes off them. I gave a half smile and turned back to the band.

"This one's for all you girl's out there who've been dying for a sappy love song. Because this isn't it!" They shouted. We all laughed.

"Theres every good reason for letting you go
Shes sneaky and smoked out
And its starting to show"

I sighed and made my way over to Inuyasha. "This isn't working…" I souted as Sango walked away. Inuyasha smiled.

"I know how we can make it work." I gave him a weird look as he made his way over to the band and filled out a "request sheet".

"Alright… all set." He said patting me on the back.

"What did you request?" I asked him.

"Their song." He said smiling. I smirked.

"Good idea." We both turned around to see Miroku and Sango talking to each other. I sighed complacently. Inuyasha just looked at me strangely.

"What's got you all giddy?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I just love the idea of love." I said looking up at him. "Even if I've never experienced it… it's one of those things I can't wait to find." His eyes changed slightly. They softened as he looked down at me. The music was playing louder in the background than it was before.

"I never let you turn around our back on each other
Thats a good idea break a promise to your mother
Turn around lets turn on each other
Good idea break a promise to your mother"

I felt a strange flutter in my chest and it almost kind of seemed like one of those… 'amost' moments. We were just gazing at eachother… of course I was probably imagining it. I shook myself from the daze, blushing like a mad woman and quickly turned away from him.

"S…sorry…" I stuttered. "I think I'll go get some punch." I said darting away from him. The music was all she could hear at this point as she made her way to the punch bowl.

"Turn around your back on each other
Thats a good idea break a promise to your mother
Turn around your back on each other
What a good idea
I remember the stupid things the mood rings the bracelets and the beads
Nickels and dimes yours and mine did you cash in all your dreams
You dont dream for me no goodbye goodbye you dont dream for me no
But I still feel you pulse like sonar from the days in the waves"

"Hey." I heard a rough voice shout from behind me. I turned around to see Kouga dressed up as a clown stating at me.

"You went with the mutt?" He asked me. I smiled.

"Yes, I did." I said proudly. Kouga just scoffed and turned around. I shook my heads and muttered while I poured myself some punch. Inuyasha came up behind me this time and tapped my shoulder. I set the punch down and turned around to face him.

"Yea…" I was cut off as his lips slammed against mine. What on earth was this? I couldn't help but be completely confused. As much as I wanted the kiss, I was very very lost. I mean… just a second ago we had that almost moment… but now… we were… I felt my train of thought completely leave me as I kissed him back. My eyes began to shut and I moved my hand up to his cheek. His arms around me tightened and we stood there, kissing for no real reason next to the punch bowl as "Never Let You Go" ended. How sybolic. Inuyasha pulled away with a dreamy gaze.

"Sorry, I just felt like that was a little necessary…" He said shaking off the gaze. "…don't think anything of it…" He had to add to make sure I knew he was still the ass hole everyone thought he was. I smiled and blushed, looking at my feet. "I won't." I said we walked back to our spot where Sango and Miroku were sorting out their issues with each other, completely disreguarding my punch. I didn't seem to care, though.

"Alright, this one was a request from Miroku for his true love of all time, Sango." The band said pulling out the papre Inuyasha had filled out. Miroku looked completely lost and Sango just stared at him.

"The suckers loose themselves
In the games they learn to play
Children love to sing but
Then their voices slowly fade away
People always take a step away
From what is true
That's why I like you around
I want you"

"What…" She asked him. Miroku grabbed her hands and said something to her that Inuyasha and I couldn't hear. Next thing we knew, she nodded and was kissing him passionately. I was kind of cute. Miroku got Sango back. I turned to Inuyasha and he gave me a smile.

"Oh you do you do...
You make me want you
An open invitation to the dance
Happenstance set the vibe that we are in
No apology because my urge is genuine
And the mystery of your rhythm is so feminine
Here I am and I want to take a hit
Of your scent cause it bit so deep into my soul
I want you"

"Look's like our work here is done." He said, patting my back. I nodded and turned back to the reunited couple.

"If only I could have that…" I said outloud completely on accident.

"Yeah, you do you do...
You make me want you
Oh you do you do...
Send me all your vampires
I want you
And I can't get enough, oh I can't get enough
And I can't get enough"

"What?" Inuyasha asked, yelling over the music. I shook myself out of my daze.

"The village church yard is filled with
Bones weeping in the grave
The silver lining of clouds
Shines on people Jesus couldn't save
You want to know how deeply my soul goes
Deeper than bones
Deeper than bones"

"Uhh… I said I'll be right back!" I yelled rushing out of the gym. I could still hear the music playing as I sat down on a stair.

"And I can't get enough
Oh, I can't get enough
Oh, I can't get enough
Oh, I can't get enough
After we did it by the window sill
Smoke rings drift into the midnight sky
Presently in the quilt that your mother made "

Inuyasha followed me out. "What's going on?" He asked me sitting down next to me. I sighed and shook my head.

"I dunno… I'm just a little exhausted, I guess. It's too crowded to dance in there." I said looking at him. Inuyasha stood up and extended his hand to me.

"Well, we can still hear the music in here…" I took his hand and stood up. Inuyasha wrapped his arms around my waist and began swaying back and forth. I looked at him questioningly before wrapping my arms around his neck and swayed as well.

"A candle burns to fight off the gloom
I said to live in this way is not for the meek
And like a jazz DJ you talk me into sleep"

I stepped on his foot for the fourth time and Inuyasha chuckled.

"You're a pretty lousy dancer, Kagome." He said. I stomped on his foot again and sighed.

"I know…" I said blushing. He smiled and pulled me in closer to him.

"It's alright, though." He whispered as we danced to the rest of the song.

"I said there'll be no regrets when the worms come
And they will surely come
You do you do...
Make me want you
Send me all your vampires
Yeah you do...
Make me want you
Send me all your vampires
I want you
Send me all your vampires
I want you
Send me all your vampires
Send me all your vampires
There will be no regrets when the worms come
Send me all your vampires"

I'm so so so sorry it took me so long to update. I've been having some issues with that whole "life" thing. So, yes, sorry. I'll update a lot from now on. I promise. Inuyasha is acting weird. By the way… this is not normal, I'll explain it in the next chapter… which will come soon. I promise.

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Love- Jess