Hey everybody...Akki here...so I read the books by Stephanie Meyer...amazing author she is...reading Twilight and New Moon compelled me to write a fanfiction based on her work...and I'm only writing this intro because one...I'm not sure how to start my story and second I'm not sure if the books have made it onto titles list and if it hasn't this will be posted on Anyhoo here is the summary for my story...

(Summary of the actual books) Isabella Swan fell head-over-heels in love with Edward Cullen, her school's then resident weirdo. Edward, against his better judgement fell in love with Bella too. Little did she know that he was weirder than everyone thought! He and his entire family were vampires. The good kind though, the ones who only drank animal blood, instead of human blood. After countless dangers and many encounters with certain death Bella convinced the Cullens to change her into a vampire as well. The only condition was that she had to marry Edward before they changed her into a vampire. She did and this is where my story comes in...

(My story's summary) When Isabella and Edward went on their honeymoon, before turning Bella into a vampire, something no one expected happened. Bella became pregnant! She remained human until the baby was born but then put the baby up for adoption and join the immortal Cullens as a vampire. Where does this leave the poor baby? You are about to find out.

I knew that I was on the path of the damned, yet I did nothing to stop it. I didn't want too. I wanted to become what I was supposed to be, not this weak, Halfling in-between living and dying. I wanted freedom, immortality, my real family...but I wanted him too. And that was not allowed. That was why I was facing certain death and not complaining. I knew I was most likely being stupid but I saw no other way out. So I closed my eyes and waited for the hunter to take his deadly bite and drain me of my tainted blood or the fearsome beast to use his claws and tear my tainted flesh apart. And so I waited.