"The secrets of Uzumaki"

(A/N): Konichiwa,minna-san! Daijo bu deska?... Haha, look at me, making myself type as if I know Japanese fluently… I wish!

Anyways, here's another fanfic written by yours truly . … I have had this in my mind for a few days now, and even though I am so not in the mood to do a multi chapter, I couldn't resist… I like the plot I came up with, and I hope you guys appreciate it as well.

This is dedicated to myself, for being energetic enough to actually type down another fanfic… Haha… Just kidding!

This is actually dedicated to all you readers and reviewers out there, you guys rock! And if you're out there somewhere, -scans area-, this is mostly dedicated to you liou-san (don't know how to spell that...) since you write so well,you have motivated me into trying to write better! Thankies! .

Disclaimer: ……………….-silence-……………………… no.

Genre: Drama/Humor/ Romance… (not in order)…

Rating: T. mostly for language.

Summary: I don't know why, but sometimes summaries wreck the whole thing… like it gives you the whole story laid down straight. You don't want that do you? No, so be a good girl/boy and read on while having no idea what this story is all about…


Chapter 1

"Put myself in the dobe's shoes"

Sasuke's POV

Hmph! How could that Hokage do this to me?!?!? I mean, sure I'm not that secure right now… I understand that, but send the whole team except me on a mission? That's going a bit too far isn't it? What does she think I'm supposed to do in two months while they are gone?

Heh, you must have guessed it by now… I, Uchiha Sasuke has returned to Konoha. You may be asking yourselves how, am I right?

Well, it really is quite simple… I got tired of being used by that snake freak, Orochimaru, so I simply waited for the day my loud blonde friend would come and fulfill his promise. And much to my surprise, not long after my decision, the dobe came and without resistance, I joined him to return back to my home… of course, AFTER I left the sound-nin a farewell gift.

So here I am, after a few months of my return, cursing to the skies at what that Hokage of a lady has done. Dammit! I wanted to go on a mission! I've been bored for three months! Doing nothing but being interviewed by some people I have no idea who they are, and being glared at from some people in the village who still think of me as a betrayer…I don't blame them though… heh… I can't.

So as I sighed deeply on a tree somewhere in the forest, (in Konoha) I try to think of some things that would keep me from dying of boredom throughout a couple (or should I say a triple) of months.

Hmm, which reminds me, that dobe… how does he survive in this village? I mean, everywhere he goes, snickers and unpleasant glares emit from those around.

Does he really not see them, or is he just so used to ignoring their snide remarks?

Wait! That gives me an idea! Since I want I find out what's behind all the rude things the villagers say to the blonde, I should just put myself in his shoes…

Hehe, leave it to me to think of such a good idea…


Out of POV

She smiled at her cousin as he watched him train his heart out. He really was a hard worker. He would do anything, just anything to be strong. She wanted so much to be like that, to be like her closest friend, Hyuuga Neji. (of course, asides from her wanting to be like Naruto)

Yes, they didn't have a very good relationship a few years ago, but after that little fight the Hyuuga had with the blonde boy, he actually changed. Not drastically, but he DID change his attitude towards most people, especially to his cousin, Hyuuga Hinata.

So now, at the age of fifteen, Hinata walks through Konoha, proud to be Neji's closest friend.

"Hinata-sama, you should go have that walk now…" The calm Hyuuga smirked out, still training, his eyes never leaving the target.

"Hmm, you're right, Neji-niisan… I'll see you later! Take care!"

The dark haired girl replied happily, quickly running off while waving back to her older cousin.

You might have realized it already by now, but just as a reminder, Hinata HAS stopped stuttering, but ONLY to some people, which obviously, the calm Neji is from them. But either than that, nothing much has changed in the quiet girl.

And most importantly, she STILL loves the blonde shinobi very much. It must sound ironic huh? Years of loving one single person without having your heart to falter any other way. But that's just the way the Hyuuga heiress was, and still is.

And although she has had her heart constantly stabbed by countless people, she still manages to stand up and smile, hoping that someday, she will be able to have her own special moment like everyone else.

Haruno Sakura… A name that rings in her mind and heart nonstop… Yes, that Uzumaki STILL loved her… wondering why? Go figure…

She walked silently through the streets of Konoha, her eyes fixed to the ground. The only expression visible on her face was…calmness. Not the "Neji" type calmness. Not even the "Sasuke" type calmness. No, it was her very own, a type which would make you smile the moment you see her.

I'm not lying… When Hinata looks calm like this, her eyes fixed to the ground, she looks sincere and serene, how a person would look like when they had not a problem in the world. But we all know that this is not the case. Hinata had more than just one problem… she had many …and I bet most of you out there will be able to count them with me.

"Aaaah…" The lavender eyed girl sighed out happily, closing her eyes while letting the soft breeze ruffle her long hair.

Hyuuga Hinata, the girl we all know for having what you might call… "unrequited love" (A/N: spelling?)


Sasuke's POV

Put myself in that blonde's shoes huh? This should be a piece of cake… And anyways, all I want to do is to find out why the hell all those villagers have a grudge on him. I mean, even I don't do the things THEY do to the Uzumaki.

I just hope nothing happens, like… like… Yeah! Exactly! What could possibly happen?

So I lifted my hands and did a couple of seals… shouting out "henge!" (A/N: spelling yet again?) as soon as I finished the pattern.

No longer am I standing in front of the mirror in the same dark blue shirt and white shorts… Hehe, let alone my dark hair covering my eyes. OR even my own body.

The reflection I see now has yellow hair, ocean blue eyes, and three scratch marks on each side of the cheeks…

Goodness, I'm pretty good at this… Say hello to Uzukami Naruto… wait, understatement… It's say hello to Naruto with Sasuke inside, or the other way around… Sasuke with Naruto's body… X.x

Either way, I look at myself… (Well not really, but you get the point)… and smirk proudly… No one will ever be able to tell the difference…

May Hyuuga: Hmm, was that a bit too long? Tell me so that I can try better in the next chapter. Well, how was it? Not much said now, but just you wait… I hope it'll get better.

For those who think Sasuke is OOC, I agree… but it's like a whole new character that I own. Why and how? Well, let's just say that he's point of view is like his inner self. And as we all know, in the anime, he does not have an inner self. So technically speaking he's not OOC, but has an inner self in the hands of a wicked person such as I.

I hope this piece of work didn't bore you, and if it did I truly apologize, I wrote this on the weekday and may I state out that that isn't the smartest thin to do?

Thank you for reading, and if you wish, review… they are always accepted, no matter what they are. But not always liked… hehe… (flames)

Tell me if I should continue… Take care!