Disclaimer: nope.

A/N: For some reason I always find myself picking away at this story. Whoever's still with me on this crusade and whoever is new, welcome. I intend to finish this. Again I feel it is something that hopefully I can still do…this writing thing. Enjoy! =]


Sometimes in life you can be in the situation of a major life decision being made quite fast. You can decide that you need to go to a certain school in order to get the job you want, but with only weeks to choose if its for you. You could decide if finally you're ready to step through the door of independence, with only your whole life to choose to be your own person, or a follower behind masses of people. The choice is up to you. Not fate, not God if you believe in Him, not the universe. If you were given anything ever in your whole life it was freedom of will. Your choice. In the case that relates to the story and the characters in it; their choice. A single character could make the choice to alter the course of the story, just a couple of words to confirm the choice they made, now expressing their ideals to the world, sending energy in the universe to decide the story's fate.

In wedding plans, Sally was completely stretched in every direction to accomplish things. As a ragdoll, it is hard to keep even the smallest of infants occupied with your time, let alone full grown adults. But Sally pushed through and worked with love and care -by herself- in order to create the day she believed would be the happiest of her life. Jack was helping half-heartedly to all of the plans, barley adding any creativity or any of his pumpkin king genius that he usually adds to his events. And he was never around to help with the things she needed most. If anything, Jack was just a set of idle bones, making more work of things.

Sally stared at the most unforgiving To-Do list you or I have ever seen. The eleven o'clock rays of the pumpkin sunshine beamed at the paper as if it was some sort of medallion. Banging of loose floorboards was heard from above and she assumed Jack was finally awake.

"Good," Sally thought. "I have a couple of things he ought to do today."

But before she could even open her mouth, a whipping breeze rushed from the top of the stairs to the bottom, and then out the front door.

"Jack?" she called, but knew he had not heard her.

"Fine," Sally said to herself. "I'll just do it all myself."

Of after about half an hour of starting to complete her to do list, Sally's head was banging. "What was that noise?" She cringed, then put her head on the table. The stress was already beginning to creep inside her, she would have loved just to lay outside and let the maggots crawl through her and the vultures consume her until she was dust.


The throbbing in her head went with the steady and slow booms she was hearing. Just thinking about the noise enticed her to vomit. The booming came again but as she took a deep breath Sally realized the booms were beginning to be a much softer banging noise; it was a more shaken and rattling feeling as opposed to the steady boom. And then the bangs wittled down until she realized they were harsh knocks on the door.

"Is anyone in there?" called a man from outside.

"Oh!" exclaimed Sally as she shot up and went to the door with as much speed as her almost forgotton headache would allow. She opened the door, feeling quite out of sorts.

It was the Corpse Kid's oldest brother, Fleming. He was quite tall and thin, proportions similar to that of Jack's, except he was a tad stockier. He flashed a handsome smile as he pulled out a clipboard with a piece of paper on it. Then his large eyes shot at Sally, staring and still smiling.

"Hello Sally." Fleming beamed, trying to get her attention, and could not help but noticing how she looked a little off today.

Sally looked at Fleming for a moment and then at the clipboard sliently. Then after a while she took the sheet from his hand and began signing at the bottom, without even looking at the query above. Though if she did, she might not have grasped it fully.

As if to understand her confusion, Fleming said: "This is for the Spooky Theatre reservations. You need to check the box below if you want to be inside the theatre or outside, in the courtyard." He handed it back to Sally, careful to let her touch his hand as he passed it back.

Such an innocent sliver of warmth passed through Sally as his hand brushed against hers. Her pulse quickened for a second and she became more aware of her situation. Sally glared at Fleming and then impulsivley checked the box marked: 'For outdoor and courtyard use.' Then she handed the clipboard back to him.

"Sorry." Fleming said. "But you look stressed. Are you alright?" Those round eyes seemed to take in everything that was going on, staring away from Sally for a second, long enough for her to ask him without words to please look at her again in her desperation. And then he did, and a shower of the same warmth she felt before fell inside her.

"Me? Oh. I'm fine, I'm just…I-I'm just…" Sally struggled for words and couldn't bear to look into Fleming's face any longer. The thudding inside her head swelled began to resemble booms of thunder. Sally took a deep breath and bowed her head. Everything was spinning like a merry go round but Sally had no control. Her eyelids began to close as she started to collapse to the floor. Fleming caught her in ease, like she had glided to him.

"Lets get inside." was all he said.


A/N: I didn't want to write too much in case people don't respond as much as they have, so don't be too disappointed…if you are.