IMPORTANT A/N!!!!!!!!!!

Hey everybody, I thought you should know that my partner, Lady, has reached a block in her story. I, with her continued input about the plot, will be continuing the story for her. IF this poses any complaints or problems with anyone, please leave it in a review, or in a personal message. Thank you!

Leading, from LeadingLadies9394


CHAPTER 3: Accepting Draco

"Malfoy, this is a little hard to take all in, but I believe you, I believe every word," Then she started laughing weakly, "And I don't even know why... Other than the veritaserum, I mean.."

I shrugged, I had a witty comeback on the tip of my tongue, but I figured that right now wasn't the time for utter brilliance.

Hermione stood up abruptly; I watched her. She brushed off the imaginary dust that had settled on her very tight, very bum-hugging jeans, curses, I thought in my brain.

Curses! Anyways, she had walked over to her desk drawer and pulled out a spare bit of parchment. I could see her brow furrow as she bit her lip, trying to choose the right words to say. She pondered for a few minutes before standing up, muttering a quick "screw it," and grabbed my arm. Before I knew it, I was coughing up ashes in the one fireplace I had hoped that I would never, ever have to be in. –someone scoffs indignantly in the background-

-Potter! Stop ruining my story!! Scarhead…-

Anyways, as I was saying, there I was. I was standing alone, well, except for the fact that Hermione was standing right next to me of course. I was standing mostly alone, covered in soot, with a rather bad headache, in the middle of Potter's fireplace. I know, the ultimate low point in my life right? –Sighs- So utterly traumatic,

-Ouch! She just hit me over the head for getting off topic again! Bloody infuriating woman, alright! Alright! I'm getting back to the story now!-

ANYWAYS, as I looked around I noticed that nobody was in sight. Odd, I thought. Hermione thought nothing of it and continued to pull me up the stairs.

"Well, well well, I know you love me darling, but I'm a wee bit tired, not in the mood tonight, such a tight grip you have there though," I couldn't help myself. What? Malfoys are programmed to have a bit of wit! It's in the code!

-Hey! I heard that Weasley! And no, it's not perverted jerk-ism, it's wit!- As I was saying, she glared at me, of course.

"Hah, hah, hah Malfoy, never knew you had a funny streak in you!" She snapped sarcastically.

"And for your information, we're going to see Harry!"

"Eurgh, not my cup of tea, love, I've never been one to bat for both teams, if you catch my drift?" I waggled my eyebrows at her, I thought it was cute, she slapped me. It hurt.

"Get that nasty mind out of the proverbial gutter Draco! This is serious business! If the rest of the order doesn't accept you, no-one will! You'll have to go back to Snape! Don't you see? This is the only way for you to be safe and alive!" She sounded close to tears,

I hate it when women cry.

"Alright! Alright! Just, don't cry ok?!"

"I wasn't going to cry!" She cried indignantly.

"Ok! Ok, let's just go see Scarhead and Freckle-Face, or else Voldemort won't get the chance to kill me because you already will have done the honors!" I turned her around, gave her a little shove and she continued to lead me down the long corridor.

"Are we there yet?" I asked, no, ok I admit it, I whined.

"No," she paused for a moment, "Now we are." She stopped in front of an intricately carved, ancient, beautiful oak door, she sighed, "I always want to cry when I look at this door, it's so beautiful," She sighed again. I rolled my eyes, bore! I thought. She turned to me, at first I thought that she was going to bombard me with this lecture about how this is the first step, and how I shouldn't feel alone, because they'd learn to accept me in the future, or some worthless drabble like that. Instead she studied my face with a quizzical look on hers, and then she slowly licked her fingers and ran her hands through my hair, trying to smooth it back. At first I shied away from her; she rolled her eyes, "oh don't be silly!" She reprimanded, I pulled forward again with a glower on my face. She finished my hair, wiped the smudge of ash off of my face, and jerked my tie to make it straighter.

"Perfect," she muttered. I raised one elegantly arched eyebrow,

"Perfect man for a perfect lady," I whispered coquettishly, she blushed. That blush made me week in the knees. Or maybe it was the fact that she had just kicked me where it hurts; I whimpered and shut my eyes in pain.

"Bloody hell woman! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" I roared, surprisingly she wasn't even phased by my yelling,

"For being an arrogant prick, now quit your whining and let's go!" She marched forward, with me glaring daggers at her back the entire way.

We entered the dimly lit room, at first I heard a low buzzing that I realized to be people talking in hushed tones. They gave words of greeting to Hermione, and then, realizing that I was there, did the usual 'oh-no-a-malfoy's-here-I'm-going-to-whip-out-my-wand-and-curse-his-member-off-for-being-so-evil' bit that they do, yawn! When Hermione screamed out, "STOP!" Everyone froze, and turned to look at her.

"Look, everybody, please try to approach this rationally. Let me explain, Draco is a death-eater refugee! He doesn't want to be one anymore; he wishes to be on our side. Snape sent him here, knowing that he would be safe, please! He needs our help!" She pleaded.

"Hah hah that's very funny Hermione, but it's a little early for April Fools'! Now let's get him!" Potter roared,

Hermione jumped in front of me, I could feel my own heart pounding.

"Harry no!"

"Hermione get out of the way! He's evil Hermione! EVIL!!"

"Harry! HE'S HARMLESS!" She cried exasperatedly,

"HEY!" I cried indignantly, what? I could be very VERY persuasive, and I'm not harmless!

-Yes Ginny! I could TOO hurt a fly if I wanted!!!!-

Everyone looked at me,
"SHUT UP!" they all screamed. Of course I thought, I rolled my eyes and busied myself with watching Hermione defend my honor.

"HARRY JAMES POTTER! RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY!" I whipped around, that was the scariest voice I had ever heard, and believe me, I'd heard plenty of nasty voices in my day.


"And if you can't learn to accept Draco for who he is, and not what he's done, then you were not the men that I thought you were." With that, they had no choice but to accept me.

"Alright Hermione! Alright, listen Malfoy, you can stay here. I'll owl Dumbledore, and hopefully Snape will have already owled McGonnagall and the other Order leaders, but I'm warning you," Potter leaned in, his eyes narrowing, "Any funny business Malfoy, and you'll be out of here so fast, with as many broken bones as possible that you won't even be able to crawl the way back to Daddy, you hear me?"

"Yes Potter, but what I hear more is that nasty breath of yours, have you not ever heard of a breath mint? That is utterly disgusting, no wonder you can't get a girl,"

Potter glared at me, then he glared at Hermione,
"Any funny business Hermione, Any at all!" He huffed,

"We got it Harry," She complied.

"Jerk." Ronald muttered,

"Freak." I shot back.

Hermione just sighed, for some reason I think she got the impression that this was going to be a long first week.

"Hermione, I'm hungry!" I complained,

"Alright Draco, let's go find you something to eat…."

A/N hey guys! Hoped you like my first chapter of It's My Time, I kept Lady's original first two chapter because I thought they were good, please read and review, me and Lady would greatly appreciate it!

Luvs, Leading from LeadingLAdies9394