Mysterious occupation

The night over Los Angeles was as bright as any other. However in the shadow of the great buildings and gleaming lights, a black stretch limo pulled into a desecrated and destroyed back alley.

A man in a slick looking business suit opened the back door and stepped out into the alley, looking intently down at the opposite mouth of the alley he grimaced angrily.

"Goddamn company, goddamn business deal" he thought angrily to himself as he spotted a pair of head lights from another limo turn into the alley. "Took you long enough" he said as he motioned to his two bodyguards. Both men cocked their MP5s as they flanked the man in business suit. The men they were told they would be dealing with were black market mercenaries and wouldn't hesitate to kill. They were pissed off as well as this bunch of black market pirates had stolen a very precious commodity from the company.

The three men stood by silently and watched the back door of the second limo open. Another suit stepped out of the back door also flanked by two men carrying submachine guns.

The first suit looked at the other man with slight disdain but remembered why they had come. "Do you have the eggs?" he said in a voice that was all business. The second suit hesitated for a moment but responded "do you have the money?"

Taking a briefcase from one of his bodyguards he opened it to reveal stacks of money. As the second suit nodded in approval he closed the briefcase and handed it off to one of his bodyguards. "So where do we make the proper exchange?" the first said flatly.

"Waterfront warehouse number 216, tomorrow night" the second suit said in an equally flat voice. "The eggs will be there". Both men shook hands and turned back to their limos. Suddenly one of the guards stopped and looked around. The suited man turned to face him. "Something wrong?" he asked questioningly.

"Thought I heard something, but I guess it's nothing" the guard replied. Suddenly the guard crumpled to ground as a bullet tore through his head. The second guard fired his submachine gun in all directions but crumpled to the ground as a bullet struck him through the head.

By this time the gun fire had attracted the attention of the black marketers. The suit drew a pistol from coat while his bodyguards fired their weapons wildly trying to hit something. Suddenly there was a hug crash as a window on the left building smashed open as a man dived through it.

The three men aimed their weapons but by the time they managed to level their guns the man drew a set of silenced pistols from his coat and dived behind a dumpster. The suit had caught only a brief glimpse of the attacker but he had seen enough. The man was average height with a graying full beard and similar colored hair that hung down past his shoulders in a tangled mess.

The three men unloaded their weapons on the dumpster filling it with hot lead. When they paused to reload the man stepped out from behind the dumpster, raised his pistols and squeezed off a number of shots. All three men fell to the ground dead. The man smirked at the corpses, "that'll teach you to fire at José Contreras" he said mockingly.

José turned around just in time to see the last man dive into his limo and the driver take off. "Damn it" he cursed under his breath. He decided that he didn't care about the man who got away. After all he got what he came for. Pocketing the address that the suit had given into his leather jacket José turned and walked out of the alley to where his Harley was parked on the other side of the street.

As he fired up his Harley José thought again about his life and what he was doing. Most of all he thought about Miguel or Young Fury as he called his adopted son and the lie he had told him.

José had told Young Fury that he was going to the war in Iran as a military advisor however nothing could have been further from the truth. As he absentmindedly drove the Harley down Ocean Park he thought about the past again.

José had been struggling to make a living for himself and Miguel back in Chicago as a dockworker and had grown desperately short of cash. When this happened José decided that he could have a more lucrative job as a military advisor in Iran.

Then came that fateful day, before he could be assigned to a military unit he had been approached by two representatives of a developing bio-engineering that was having fierce competition problems. They said that were impressed with his military record which had a heavy emphasis on him being the one of the best experts in covert operations and demolition. They went on by saying that they had a very interesting and lucrative proposition for him.

Their proposition had been that if José was willing to be an espionage and corporate assassin for the company they would pay him four times more than he would make as a military advisor.

Faced with a proposition like that José had little choice but to take the job. Soon he was making more money than he had ever thought possible as he traveled the world eliminating the competition to the company. Only one part of the job bothered him however and that was the fact that he had been forced to lie to his son about it.

José had risen to become the company's most efficient and effective assassin. Because of this he was always given the most difficult and dangerous assignments. This hadn't bothered him but it bothered the younger assassins that he was 45 years old and his hair was growing gray. From this he had been given his nickname, "The Gray Killer".

José however snapped back to the present abruptly as he remembered why he was in L.A. His employer had found a new enemy in another developing company named Yutani. Sketchy that was floating around the board of directors suggested that Yutani had a very big and very secret project underway.

While the information was sketchy it was enough to make the boss nervous so he had sent José to their operations center in L.A to find out what this project was and to either steal it or terminate it.

"Wonder what this project that's got all the higher ups spooked is" José thought to himself as he pulled onto the L.A freeway and accelerated. "Well" he reasoned that was what he was here to find out and tomorrow night at the warehouse he would have his answer.

José pulled into a small apartment complex twenty minutes later, shut off the bike and walked over to one of the apartments in the back of the complex. He stepped up to the door, tapped out the code and was admitted inside.

The company assassin team sent to L.A included José and two other men, both were young assassins, very young and very cocky. However they respected José as team leader and followed him.

As he entered the nearest man, a nineteen year old sniper nicknamed "Long Shot" for his ability to pick off seemingly impossible targets, looked up from screwing a silencer onto the barrel of his sniper rifle. He was a skinny, nervous looking short guy. Even though he was only about 5' 6" in height Jose knew never to underestimate a person's strength or ferocity by how big they were.

"Hey Gray we finally gonna get some action?" Long Shot said eagerly.

"Tomorrow night we hit their warehouse, they will be armed and some serious shit WILL go down" José replied curtly.

"Guess that's something to celebrate!" Long Shot said with enthusiasm "We've been skulking around this hellhole of a city for weeks and now we finally get some action".

José didn't reply to Long Shot's last comment. He was slightly concerned about Long Shot. The kid was a little too eager to kill and got bored with surveillence quickly, Jose was surprised that. Long Shot was the youngest member of the assassins employed by their company and had seen little action. "Has Stinger called in yet?" José asked changing the subject.

"Yeah Gray he called in, said he was on his way back right before you came in". Long Shot replied hastily as he turned back, slammed a clip into the sniper rifle and cocked it.

"When he gets here I'll brief the two of you on where were going and how this operation is gonna work" José said indifferently.

"Yes Sir!" Long Shot replied with youthful enthusiasm.

Jose grinned, Long Shot reminded him of himself when he'd been that young. He had to admit, sometimes he longed to be young and foolhardy again

It was twenty minutes more before Stinger showed up. Stinger was twenty-three years old and used the shotgun as his primary weapon for assassination. He was a more experienced and hardened assassin than Long Shot but his youthful over inflated ego was still present and he was never discreet about his hits.

When he arrived and tapped out his coded signal José beckoned both of them to a small table in the kitchen area where he had laid out a map of the warehouse area that they would be raiding.

"All right listen up" José said in an authoritative voice. "This is the target building" he said indicating one of the warehouses. "Long Shot will get in position on the roof of this two story parking garage and will provide sniper cover should it become necessary for our approach and exit". Jose paused for a moment and looked up at Long Shot whose face was emotionless but eyes gleamed with excitement.

"Stinger will enter from this entrance in the rear of the warehouse, while I will approach from the side entrance, we will use a standard covert breech tactic; maintain cover as long as possible by only firing if fired upon, understood?"

"SIR YES SIR!" both men shouted in unison.

José cracked a grin "rest men, for tomorrow we KICK ASS!"

Here is my second fan fic, I will work on both of my stories, but I would like to know if you think I should continue to write this story as well as Agent of the Arbitrators.