Hey guys this is my first HSM fanfic so i hope you like it please let me know what you think i'd really appreciate it!! It's a Ryan and Kelsi fic cuz i think they'd make a sweet couple lol.

Disclaimer: I don't own HSM or any of the characters

Ryan's POV

Why do I even bother getting up in the morning? No one is going to notice if I'm there or not. There not going to say where's Ryan. To them I don't exist, and if I did they would think of me as Sharpays accessory. I do love my sister, she's my twin and the only person who was ever there for me. She always helps me with my problems, gives me advice and just there when I need her. I'm a person when I'm with her, an individual! But as soon as we step through the doors of East High, I become nothing. A shadow. No one looks at me. No one talks to me. I'm just someone they pass in the hall way, someone who doesn't deserve a second glance. Especially when I'm around my sister. People may call her the Ice Queen but they still like her, accept her, they talk to her she has friends. I'm just me, alone. I don't expect anything else anymore, the days just pass like minutes nothing particularly interesting happens. I just hope one day someone can look at me. I mean really look at me and like me for who I am. But who am I kidding that's never going to happen. I'm just the geeky drama kid who just happens to be Sharpays brother and that's who I'll always be.

Kelsi POV

Grrr!! Why were alarms ever invented. I don't need one. I don't have a reason to get up in the morning, well except to compose musicals but I bet I could get replaced easily. No one would notice if I was there or not. No one would ask where Kelsi was, they'd probably say why isn't there any music?? No one would care if I went under the covers right now and never emerged from them ever again. No one would care. Everywhere I look in school people seem to have something meaningful in their lives. Friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, sports, hobbies, something!! And me I have none of the above. Yeah I helped composed the musical but once it was over no one gave me a second glance, I became invisible. Again. Not even Jason seemed to notice me. I really thought he liked me when he helped me make that free throw after the game, but I should have guessed he didn't. I just got caught up in the moment, well I guess I don't have to worry about that again. No one even looks at me. Maybe one day someone will see me, all of me and like me for who I am. But for now I'll continue to be the shy composer who hides underneath hats and lives through her music.