"Ok." Jordan said. They were all in the court room, a few minutes after Ellimist had restored all of their sight. "Law Gamma-G: If an omnipotent being tries to frame another omnipotent being, he or she loses the galaxy."
YES. Cryak growled, chained to the bench, with Ax and Ellimist on either side of him. JUST TELL ME WHY BUCKET HEAD HERE IS BACK FROM OBLIVION!
"Now, Ellimist did not break that law." Naomi said. "Because you do not classify as an omnipotent being. Ax robbed you of that title when he defeated you on the apartment roof."
Ax smiled with his eyes.
"And Law Alpha-A," Jordan said, looking at the law book again. "Cryak and Ellimist may under no circumstances attack, threaten, kick, nuke or in any other way cause harm any other omnipotent beings. Apparently any prolonged activity of the afore said kind will initiate the destruction of the space-time continuum, and all life within it will be totally obliterated."
"You, Cryak, were attacking Ax upon the apartment roof." Jake said in a satisfied voice. He was sitting on the witness stand. "He was temporarily classified as an omnipotent being because he was, and I quote, kicking your &."
Cryak sneered. SO WHAT?
"So you attacked an omnipotent being, which is against the law." Jordan said. She slammed her gravel down. "I sentence you to an eternity in oblivion!"
Ellimist grabbed Cryak and threw him into oblivion. Cryak screams and curses slowly faded away.
THANKS FOR GETTING ME OUT OF THE SLAMMER. Ellimist said, disappearing. The court room transformed back into a decorated living room.
Jake looked at his watch. It was eight o'clock AM. "Maybe we should be heading home?"
There was no answer. Jake looked up and saw everybody already asleep. Marco was even snoring a little.
"Merry Christmas, everyone." Jake said wearily, collapsing on the sofa. Ax opened one stalk eye.
(Merry Christmas, Prince Jake.) Ax said, lying down on the carpet. (And to all a good night.)